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王珂 《学海》2003,5(1):181-186
散文诗是一种奇特的抒情文体 ,散文诗的文体形式正是审美的叙述形式。散文诗是运用了语言的审美基本功能而产生的文体形式 ,具有以抒发情感为主要创作任务的内容价值和以情感与符号 (语言 )的有机组合而形成的形式价值。即散文诗的文体特征是 :在内容上是抒情的 ;在形式上 ,特别是语言形式上是审美的  相似文献   

石井刚 《现代哲学》2017,(3):116-123
"西学东渐"这一文明转型学术潮流中,出自异域文明的知识话语与民族本位的旧思想之间形成张力,导致"传统"的发现并产生复古思潮。然而文体的复古不一定就等同于文章内容的复古,内含革命性的新知识话语不一定以同样崭新的文学形式来表达出来。相反,复古的文体往往承载着更为激进的话语内容。推动辛亥革命并率领国故运动的"有学问的革命家"章太炎喜作古奥晦涩的复古文章,遂世人称之为"国学大师"。然而,阅读其文便可知,章氏以复古文体表述了由来于西方的新思想、新知识。加上其独特的佛学诠释,他实际上为中国哲学思想话语的现代化转型做出了极大的理论贡献。章太炎承继了清代乾嘉汉学的考据学传统,企望清代汉学能够产生科学的现代话语,同时始终坚持使用复古笔法。这种看似矛盾的姿态因何而成?有何目的而为之?本文为了回答这个问题,要回到他深受影响的乾嘉汉学,特别是戴震的天文历算学著作,着眼于两者之间的某种共同性,从而探讨文章形式的复古和内容的革新性质之间看似矛盾的关系究竟含蕴着什么样的实践意义。  相似文献   

澳门妈祖阁"神山第一亭"内陆续发现的明代碑刻,表明该地建筑于万历年间的石亭是重建、而不是始建。明代前期漳州人的船队出没于香山南部沿海,应是他们最早将妈祖的香火带到澳门的港口——亚马港。澳门妈祖阁是国内保存最好的妈祖庙,庙内神像以佛教为主,另有道教、儒教的因素,这证明妈祖信仰宗教属性的多元性,它并非只属于儒教或是道教、佛教,而是一个三教合一的民间信仰。  相似文献   

澳门中西药局于晚清时期由孙中山先生在澳门开设,是粤港澳大湾区为数不多的现存的孙中山革命活动遗址。该建筑在面临拆除时,澳门文化局收到市民的告知,并开展建筑的收购和修复。目前该建筑已修复完成并向社会公开,当中采用了丰富的建筑修复技术,如在墙体使用吊针钻孔的方式截水除盐等,同时也暴露了修复工程的一些问题。在此背景下,深入研究澳门文物建筑的修复工程,对其中存在的问题进行分析并提出对策,有利于完善澳门文物建筑修复的相关工作。  相似文献   

据史料记载,明代之前,伊斯兰就进入澳门,尽管在具体时期和进入方式上还存在不同的见解,不过从历史遗留来推断,伊斯兰在澳门的进入,还是通过阿拉伯和波斯商人。他们从中东及波斯湾远道而来,在澳门落地生根。二战期间,有大量回族躲避战乱来到澳门。另外还有香港的华人穆斯林,印巴穆斯林以及其他族群的穆斯林。  相似文献   

防控慢性病迫切需要医学的转型.当代医学需要实现的转型是全面的,其中包括医学目标、医学观、医学方法学、医学服务手段和服务体制的转型;实现医学转型的关键是推进医学整合,而以临床医学的整合及临床医学与预防医学的整合最为重要和迫切.  相似文献   

1999年12月20日,中国政府恢复对澳门行使主权,中华人民共和国澳门特别行政区成立,开启了澳门基督教会与基督教全国两会主内友谊新航程。2008年10月23日,当时刚刚换届的基督教全国两会就组织访问团对澳门基督教会进行了为期两天的正式访问。走访了澳门基督教宣道堂、澳门基督教浸信会、澳门圣公会等澳门基督教机构及教会,受到了主内弟兄姊妹的热烈欢迎。  相似文献   

关于儒学传承,主要有说经之儒和著述之儒之分,这两者形成了我们传统的经学研究范围。这种认识,忽略了一类以序次为主,对早期儒家学术进行整理传承的记纂之儒。记纂之儒不对经典本身进行传注阐发,也谈不上在著述上有新义创作,而是通过整理、序次儒家文献以发挥知识传承的稳定性,继而成为一个时代共有的修养。这就涉及到儒学传承体系中的杂记类文献。杂记文献的功能在于,它作为一种公共知识具备文化构建力,与当时各种文体和文献的生成有密切的关系。  相似文献   

张梅 《美与时代》2016,(9):56-57
改革开放以来,受经济全球化的影响,社会经济得以迅猛发展,因此,中国传统山水画呈现出繁荣多元化的创作局面,人们对于传承传统文化也有了新的见解,青绿山水画再度被社会所关注,并由此进入它新的发展时期。众多艺术家们在找寻个性绘画形式的同时,都开始用不同的眼光去思量和审视心目中那片青山绿水,正是在这样的时代大背景,为青绿山水实现其自身艺术价值和提升表现形式提供了现实的可能性。  相似文献   

伴随着第三波民主化浪潮的展开以及原苏联东欧地区的政治转型,许多学者基于以往的历史经验开始关注转型国家的民主巩固问题.以Linz为代表的学者首先提出了宪制选择与民主巩固的话题,认为议会制更加有利于民主巩固,而总统制则是导致许多国家民主崩溃的制度根源.其他一些学者则对此持异议,认为与特定的制度安排相结合,总统制也能够实现民主巩固.还有一些学者则提出了总统制与议会制之外的第三方选择,即混合制.伴随着学术探讨的深入,许多学者也开始强调民主巩固的制度外因素,包括经济发展水平、政治文化、国家规模、地理位置、历史政治遗产等.民主巩固的因素是多方面的,面对着不可选择的外部因素,政治行动者更应该发挥能动性,建构一套更加有利于民主巩固的制度体系.  相似文献   

在 2 0世纪的政治哲学领域 ,列奥·斯特劳斯 (LeoStrauss)是最有影响的人物之一。他一生出版了 1 5本书和大量的文章。这些作品以深刻的哲思为核心 ,涵盖古今西方思想史 ,辐射其它多门学科 ,诸如神学、古典文献学以及中世纪学 (medievalistics)等。同时 ,斯特劳斯在他所涉足的领域中 ,又是一位最有争议的人物之一。究其主要原因 ,一方面 ,他崇尚古代希腊的风范 ,寻幽探古 ,挖掘其认识论理念 ;另一方面 ,他又追随时尚 ,关注当下话题。我们在寻访他的思想踪迹时 ,很难找到一个确切的术语来界定其思维方式。就其政治态…  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Wicklund and Gollwitzer make two claims that the distinction between public and private self-awareness/self-consciousness is “Aristotelian,” and that the distinction is fallacious For the distinction to be Aristotelian, as Wicklund and Gollwitzer use that term, requires that the distinction not be embedded in a “process” model of behavior Thus, the first claim is easily shown to be false The second claim rests on a variety of empirical and theoretical issues An examination of these issues reveals (a) that Wicklund and Gollwitzer's alternative interpretations for public self-attention effects are themselves Aristotelian—involving labels but no processes, (b) that their citation of literature relevant to their case is highly selective and misleading, and (c) that their abolition of the public-private distinction would leave an embarrassing contradiction among self-awareness effects, which Wicklund and Gollwitzer apparently are unable to address The vast preponderance of evidence thus supports the utility and the importance of the public-private self-focus distinction  相似文献   

道教科仪是进行道教仪式的规矩和程序,“科”可解作动作,在《说文》中科有程、条、本及品等仪,在《玉篇》中科亦作程,故“科”即程式。“仪”为典章制度的礼节程式、法式、礼式和仪式等。在《道藏》中将科仪分为四大类①:戒律(戒条、律文、授及传戒等)、威仪(斋醮、坛仪及法服等)、赞颂(经颂及诗歌)及表奏(榜文及奏疏等)。当中威仪、赞颂及表奏是道教斋醮仪式内容的骨干,包括了道教徒“做道场”的经典、规矩、程式和奏疏,所以也称为“道场科仪”或“斋醮科仪”。举行道场科仪是传统祭祀行为,同时,由於信众对於神仙崇拜和法事活动十分推崇,不…  相似文献   


In this study, we draw on the concept of respectable deviance to understand the journey into deviance – from her rise as an alternative health expert through to her public disgrace – of Belle Gibson, a young Australian blogger, app publisher, and alternative medicine advocate who falsely claimed to have cured cancer without reverting to science-based medicine. Through the rigorous analysis of a series of media and documentary sources where Ms Gibson provided autobiographical accounts of her life experience, the argument is presented that the promotion of one’s self as a health expert and subsequently being outed as a fraudster encourages techniques of neutralization and particular presentations of self to respond and manage negative labeling and the stigma attached.  相似文献   

《Counseling and values》2017,62(2):144-158
It is becoming common for decisions with serious consequences to be made by automation. Therefore, it is important for counselors to consider the challenges of working with clients who are affected. If a high‐consequence decision that leads to tragedy is made by a computer, does this change the counseling process? This article starts this discussion by investigating forgiveness therapy as it applies to computers. First, forgiving a human is qualitatively different from forgiving a computer. Next, examples of automated decisions are presented. Finally, the authors discuss issues that clients wishing to forgive a computer face, suggest interventions, and propose a research agenda.  相似文献   

In this paper we will report some of the findings of a study of the rise and fall of the Young Christian Worker movement in England and Wales. From its origins in the industrial north in the 1930s, the movement reached its peak in the early 1950s. Since then it has declined and yet many of the current generation of Catholic activists were strongly influenced by its ideology, ecclesiology, and inductive approach to finding Christian responses to social issues. We explore from a social movement perspective what social factors contributed to its early growth. The context for its decline in recent decades are the major post-war social and post-Vatican religious changes which have transformed English Catholicism. We argue that the two stages of the decline correspond closely to the passage through adolescence and the young adult years of two successive generations in the post-war years, the 'baby boomers' and the 'baby busters'.  相似文献   

The rapid changes that syphilis underwent after the first major outbreak that occurred in Naples in the mid-1490s are believed to constitute the first well-documented example of a human disease. The new plague was of exceptional virulence, highly contagious and causing severe ulceration at the site of infection. According to medical and other historical sources, the ‘genius epidemics’ changed some years after this onset, and a slower-progressing form of syphilis seems to have replaced the initial severe form, as do many virulent epidemic infectious diseases that appear in devastating forms in a previously uninfected population. But what exactly were the features of the disease at the moment of its appearance in Europe at the end of the fifteenth century? How many years did it take for the early, virulent form to be replaced and become endemic? What was the pace of these changes through the decades following the onset of the epidemic? In this essay, I review these issues through an analysis of a large number of chronologically-ordered primary historical sources.  相似文献   

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