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Abundant experimental evidence has demonstrated attentional selection within the visual modality. Furthermore, the consensus view is currently that two processes contribute to selection: the amplification of the target stimuli and the ignoring (or suppression) of any distractor information. However, at present it is less clear how selection is achieved within the tactile modality. In the present study, we analyze the aftereffects of ignoring tactile distractors, in a novel tactile variant of the negative priming paradigm. In the typical negative priming paradigm, repeating an ignored distractor stimulus as the target on the following trial usually leads to a cost in terms of reaction times (RTs) or error rates, thereby indicating that selection is achieved in part by the ignoring of distractors. In two experiments, we observed significant RT costs when a previously ignored vibrotactile stimulus constituted the target in the next trial. This result shows that tactile selection is in part achieved by active ignoring of distractor representations, as has been shown previously in both the visual and auditory modalities.  相似文献   

The ability of 40 college students to discriminate the number of tactile stimuli presented simultaneously was measured in two experiments. Simulation was provided by 12 solenoids fixed to points on the arms and legs. Exp. I showed a mean correct discrimination level of between 1.55 and 2.10 solenoids. Exp II compared discrimination of numerosity by a group who received immediate feedback with a no-feedback control group. Feedback produced a small increase in this ability. However, the most stimulation points correctly discriminated did not exceed three. The data are discussed in terms of the possible role of cutaneous masking.  相似文献   

Nefs HT  Kappers AM  Koenderink JJ 《Perception》2001,30(10):1263-1274
We measured discrimination thresholds for sinusoidal gratings using active dynamic touch. In the first experiment we measured the thresholds for amplitude discrimination as a function of amplitude and spatial period. Thresholds ranged between 10.8%, and 15.8% of the standard amplitude. We showed that amplitude differences as small as 2 microm can be detected. We found that Weber fractions for amplitude discrimination are constant over a range of amplitudes, but are influenced by the spatial period of the grating; discrimination improved with increasing spatial period. In the second experiment we determined the thresholds for spatial-period discrimination. We used the same design as in the first experiment. Weber fractions ranged from 6.4% to 11.8%. Amplitude was found to have no effect on the Weber fractions for spatial-period discrimination. However, the spatial period had an effect on the Weber fractions: larger spatial periods yielded lower Weber fractions.  相似文献   

Peripheral cues are thought to facilitate responses to stimuli presented at the same location because they lead to exogenous attention shifts. Facilitation has been observed in numerous studies of visual and auditory attention, but there have been only four demonstrations of tactile facilitation, all in studies with potential confounds. Three studies used a spatial (finger versus thumb) discrimination task, where the cue could have provided a spatial framework that might have assisted the discrimination of subsequent targets presented on the same side as the cue. The final study circumvented this problem by using a non-spatial discrimination; however, the cues were informative and interspersed with visual cues which may have affected the attentional effects observed. In the current study, therefore, we used a non-spatial tactile frequency discrimination task following a non-informative tactile white noise cue. When the target was presented 150 ms after the cue, we observed faster discrimination responses to targets presented on the same side compared to the opposite side as the cue; by 1000 ms, responses were significantly faster to targets presented on the opposite side to the cue. Thus, we demonstrated that tactile attentional facilitation can be observed in a non-spatial discrimination task, under unimodal conditions and with entirely non-predictive cues. Furthermore, we provide the first demonstration of significant tactile facilitation and tactile inhibition of return within a single experiment.  相似文献   

Multisensory integration of nonspatial features between vision and touch was investigated by examining the effects of redundant signals of visual and tactile inputs. In the present experiments, visual letter stimuli and/or tactile letter stimuli were presented, which participants were asked to identify as quickly as possible. The results of Experiment 1 demonstrated faster reaction times for bimodal stimuli than for unimodal stimuli (the redundant signals effect (RSE)). The RSE was due to coactivation of figural representations from the visual and tactile modalities. This coactivation did not occur for a simple stimulus detection task (Experiment 2) or for bimodal stimuli with the same semantic information but different physical stimulus features (Experiment 3). The findings suggest that the integration process might occur at a relatively early stage of object-identification prior to the decision level.  相似文献   

Children with developmental dyslexia (DD) may differ from typical readers in aspects other than reading. The notion of a general deficit in the ability to acquire and retain procedural (‘how to’) knowledge as long‐term procedural memory has been proposed. Here, we compared the ability of elementary school children, with and without reading difficulties (DD, typical readers), to improve their tactile discrimination with practice and tested the children's ability to retain the gains. Forty 10–11‐year‐olds practiced the tactile discrimination of four braille letters, presented as pairs, while blindfolded. In a trial, participants were asked to report whether the target stimuli were identical or different from each other. The structured training session consisted of six blocks of 16 trials each. Performance was re‐tested at 24 hours and two weeks post‐training. Both groups improved in speed and in accuracy. In session 1, children with DD started as significantly less accurate and were slower than the typical readers but showed rapid learning and successfully closed the gap. Only two children with DD failed to benefit from training and were not included in subsequent data analyses. At 24 hours post‐training both groups showed effective retention of the gains in speed and accuracy. Importantly, children with DD were able to retain the gains in speed and accuracy, over a two‐week interval as effectively as typical readers. Thus, children with DD were as effective in the acquisition and retention of tactile discrimination of braille letters as typical readers of the same age. The results do not support the notion of a general procedural learning disability in DD.  相似文献   

This study compared the sensory and perceptual abilities of the blind and sighted. The 32 participants were required to perform two tasks: tactile grating orientation discrimination (to determine tactile acuity) and haptic three-dimensional (3-D) shape discrimination. The results indicated that the blind outperformed their sighted counterparts (individually matched for both age and sex) on both tactile tasks. The improvements in tactile acuity that accompanied blindness occurred for all blind groups (congenital, early, and late). However, the improvements in haptic 3-D shape discrimination only occurred for the early-onset and late-onset blindness groups; the performance of the congenitally blind was no better than that of the sighted controls. The results of the present study demonstrate that blindness does lead to an enhancement of tactile abilities, but they also suggest that early visual experience may play a role in facilitating haptic 3-D shape discrimination.  相似文献   

Line gratings were used to investigate the tactual discrimination thresholds for line frequency. In Experiment 1, participants were asked to discriminate between two gratings, each with a different line frequency. We used four standard frequencies in the eightfold range from 0.5 to 4 lines/cm. Thresholds were found to be constant at about 10.6%. In this experiment, we also measured hand speed and contact force. Hand speed was roughly in the range between 0.12 and 0.44 m/sec; contact force ranged from 0.62 to 2.76 N. In Experiment 2, we determined discrimination thresholds for line frequency transitions within a single grating. We used two frequencies and three transition lengths. The transition length had no effect on the threshold. In a third experiment, line frequency was modulated periodically. Varying the standard frequency and the size of the modulation period was found to have no effect on the discrimination thresholds. We conclude three things. First, Weber fractions for line frequency discrimination decrease as a function of line frequency within the experimental range. Second, discrimination thresholds are not altered by the length of the transition between two adjacent gratings with different line frequencies. And finally, the size of a modulation period in periodically modulated gratings is of no influence on the modulation detection threshold.  相似文献   

Differential sensitivity was measured before and after smoking a cigarette by seven smokers, using six non-smokers as controls. Stimuli consisted of the tastes of sucrose, sodium chloride, citric acid, caffeine, and quinine hydrochloride; the odors of vanillin and 2-butanone; and the viscosity produced by a carrageenan gum. No significant jnds were observed between smokers and non-smokers, nor before vs after smoking. Therefore, the data supported neither longterm nor short-term influences of cigarette smoking. Practice effects were noted among the control group, as more correct responses were obtained on the second than on the first set of solutions in most of the test stimuli.  相似文献   

A device to measure two-point-discrimination and gap-discrimination thresholds is described. The apparatus is capable of controlled and reliable delivery of forces up to 42.50 g while determining point of skin contact and subsequent depth of skin indentation during threshold determination. Stimulus delivery is controlled by computer software that deactivates a solenoid, allowing a counterbalanced beam with one of two stimulus wheels mounted on its end to rise and stimulate the skin. Depth of skin indentation is recorded by hardware that monitors the output of a photocell reflecting the position of the beam. The apparatus allows complete computer control of all data acquisition and recording.  相似文献   

An inexpensive and automated method for presentation of olfactory or tactile stimuli in a two-choice task for rats was implemented with the use of a computer-controlled bidirectional motor. The motor rotated a disk that presented two stimuli of different texture for tactile discrimination, or different odor for olfactory discrimination. Because the solid olfactory stimuli were placed outside the chamber in metal pods with a mesh at front for odor sampling, "washout" of odors between trials was not necessary. To avoid differential auditory cues from motor rotation, the stimuli were arranged such that on each trial the motor always rotated exactly one quarter revolution (in 1 s), left or right, to present the next stimulus at trial start. To illustrate the use of the equipment, 2 rats were trained on tactile discrimination and 2 rats on olfactory discrimination. The rats sampled the stimulus on the disk through a port on the back wall by sniffing at it (olfactory) or touching it (tactile). The task was a go-left/go-right discrimination with the stimulus on the disk being discriminative for which lever provided reinforcement. The rats reached a stable level above 90% correct after 21 and 32 training sessions for tactile and olfactory discrimination, respectively. The article outlines how the equipment was constructed from low-cost components. Inputs from and outputs to the equipment were implemented through the parallel port of a personal computer without the use of a commercial interface board. The method of automated and low-cost presentation of olfactory or tactile stimuli should be of use for a variety of experimental situations such as matching-to-sample and cross-modal discrimination.  相似文献   

Two male quokkas (Setonix brachyurus: a herbivorous macropod marsupial) were trained to discriminate pairs of stimuli in the laboratory. Quokkas indicated their choice by pulling on 1 of 2 simultaneously presented cords. The quokkas' discrimination abilities were tested on 6 tactile and 6 visual discrimination tasks. Correct responses were rewarded with food. For both quokkas, all tactile tasks were learned to a criterion of 75% correct in up to 4 20-trial sessions. No visual task maintained criterion performance in 4 sessions. One tactile discrimination was reversed 10 times. After the 1st reversal, the error rate declined sharply and fell to a level well below the initial discrimination.  相似文献   

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