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The purpose of this study was to assess developmental and social determinants of the age at which children become aware that the social environment can be marked by categorization into religious groups and that those groups are associated with different religious beliefs. The results show that middle childhood is a critical period for this religious social categorization. Moreover, social factors play a role in the development. Religious categorization is likely to appear sooner in children attending heterogeneous schools than in those at homogeneous schools, and children from the minority religious group in the country understand religious categorization earlier than children from the majority group. However, no relation was found between the age at which religious categorization was understood and parents’ religious socialization practices. This study is of both theoretical and practical interest: It complements what is already known about gender, race, and ethnic categorization by integrating developmental and social frameworks, and it can serve as a guideline for educational programs.  相似文献   

An expectancy-value model was used to test determinants of trust in 5 Swedish organizations. Trust was conceptualized as an attitude, dependent on respondents' beliefs about and evaluations of the organization with respect to attributes of trustworthiness. A survey was sent out to a representative sample of the Swedish population ( N  = 347; response rate = 55.5%). It was found that the model was powerful in explaining trust in 3 of the 5 organizations. Values correlated more with observed trust in all organizations. It is discussed whether these findings could be explained by trust ratings based on ideologies. Since the expectancy-value approach was insufficient to account for data, a double-denial model ( Sjöberg & Montgomery, 1999 ) was needed.  相似文献   

The current article offers a brief history of research and theory related to social categorization and stereotyping. We begin by outlining research focusing on category selection, category activation, and category application. We then discuss the consequences of social categorization, noting that one of the most important and ubiquitous effects of social categorization is homogenization or assimilation. We then extend this research related to the assimilative consequences of social categorization to the realm of face memory. Specifically, we introduce the Categorization‐Individuation Model (see also Hugenberg et al., forthcoming) as a new model of the Cross‐Race Effect, or the difficulty many perceivers have in recognizing members of other racial groups. The Categorization‐Individuation Model argues that the Cross‐Race Effect is due to the tendency to categorize out‐group members but individuate in‐group members. Finally, we summarize the extant research in support of this new model of person memory and close by discussing the current state of, and potential future directions for, social categorization research.  相似文献   

Research on sexual harassment as a prevalent job stressor has focused primarily on outcomes for the direct targets of harassment; the antecedents and consequences ofindirectexposure to sexual harassment have not been explored. Ambient Sexual Harassment is proposed as an assessment of indirect exposure to sexual harassment. Ambient Sexual Harassment is defined as the general or ambient level of sexual harassment in a work group as measured by the frequency of sexually harassing behaviors experienced by others in a woman's work group. The integration of Ambient Sexual Harassment into the model of sexual harassment developed by Fitzgerald, Drasgow, Hulin, Gelfand, and Magley (1997) proposes that indirect exposure to sexual harassment will have similar antecedents and job-related, psychological, and health outcomes as direct exposure. An empirical test of the model, using samples of female employees from a public utility company (N= 455) and a food processing plant (N= 194), generally supports predictions.  相似文献   

教育神经科学:探究人类认知与学习的一条整合式途径   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
胡谊  桑标 《心理科学》2010,33(3):514
教育神经科学是第二代认知科学对人的具身认知进行认识深化的必然产物,也是不同层面研究以整合态势来研究教育情境中人的认知过程及其发展的当然结果。在认知神经科学与教育已有的良好沟通下,教育神经科学就是要通过教育学家、心理学家、神经科学家等的合力,借助多种技术(包括脑成像技术),多视角、多层面地分析人的心理活动,以求最终达到科学改进教育理论及其做法的目的。不可否认,本研究领域还存在一些问题;但这并不会就此阻止教育学、心理学、神经科学加快合作与融合的步伐。  相似文献   

In two studies, we tested the conceptualization of creative mindsets as latent classes, and examined several social and affective consequences of class membership. Business students completed a battery of questionnaires assessing creative personal identity, creative mindsets, social comparisons, pride, gratitude, anger, and sadness. Results from study 1 showed the presence of four latent classes: those holding low levels of both mindsets, those holding high levels of both mindsets, those holding high levels of a growth and low levels of a fixed mindset, and those holding medium levels of a growth and relative high levels of a fixed mindset. The latent class with low levels of both mindsets, growth and fixed, showed the lowest levels of creative personal identity. The latent class characterized by holding high levels of a fixed and growth mindset reported the highest tendency to use social comparison as a way of judging the quality of business ideas. Results from study 2 showed a similar four‐class solution. The low fixed and low growth creative mindset class showed the lowest levels of creative personal identity, higher levels of sadness and lower levels of pride and gratitude than some of the other classes.  相似文献   

This article presents an integrated family counseling approach that utilizes observation and intervention in the home setting.  相似文献   

In reviewing self‐categorization theory and the literature upon which it is based, we conclude that individuals' attempts to form social categories could lead to three kinds of self‐categorization. We label them intergroup categorization, ingroup categorization, and outgroup categorization. We review literature supporting these three types and argue that they can help to explain and organize the existing evidence. Moreover, we conclude that distinguishing these three kinds of self‐categorization lead to novel predictions regarding social identity, social cognition, and groups. We offer some of those predictions by discussing their potential causes (building from optimal distinctiveness and security seeking literatures) and implications (on topics including prototype complexity, self‐stereotyping, stereotype formation, intergroup behavior, dual identity, conformity, and the psychological implications of perceiving uncategorized collections of people). This paper offers a platform from which to build theoretical and empirical advances in social identity, social cognition, and intergroup relations.  相似文献   


Object perception occurs within a dynamic world, where the environment and the observer (both body and eyes) are continually moving, shifting and changing. We seek to characterize and quantify this process from a perspective accounting for the interconnected system of motion in the environment, the perceiver and the eye, unfolding through time. Specifically, we build a mathematical representation for object perception based off the circle map equation. We describe an interaction between the eyes’ movement and the movement in the world, in order to better understand how those work together to result in perception. Across three experiments, we show that the stability of the relationship between object perception and complex eye movements can be perturbed and will have a predictable response to said perturbations. In so doing, we provide a different context – a dynamical systems framework – under which we can begin to consider the ecological validity of visual perception models, while recognizing the degree to which the visuo-spatial world is continuously being perturbed and disrupted. In fact, we postulate that such perturbations are capitalized on by the perceptual system, contributing to accurate object and motion identification.  相似文献   

Although the term respect is widely used in society, its determinants and consequences on group‐related factors are unclear. In 4 studies (2 pilot studies, validation study, main study), we examined these issues. In the main study, high‐level rowing crew members completed measures of respect, liking, and group identification pre‐ and post‐competition; and attribution items post‐competition. Although respect and liking did not predict team success, success was associated with subsequent levels of respect, but not liking. The effect of success on group identification was mediated by respect. Moderation analyses indicated that intragroup liking, but not respect, increased the likelihood of group‐serving attributions. Results highlight the determinants of respect and its role in group processes and outcomes, and distinguish respect from liking.  相似文献   

学习不良儿童研究的社会认知取向   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
辛自强  俞国良 《心理科学》2001,24(5):544-548
用认知范式研究学习不良,可以从基本心理过程障碍和社会信息加工过程障碍这“两种认知过程障碍”来理解其学业和社会性困难的深层心理机制。根据该观点以及对学习不良的理解,提出用社会认知的范式推进学习不良儿童社会性研究的思路,以超越当前研究面临的困境。具体是从比较研究的视角探讨学习不良儿童与一般儿童在社会认知过程上的差异以及社会认知中主客体各因素之间的相互作用。  相似文献   

Social Consequences of the Internet for Adolescents: A Decade of Research   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
ABSTRACT— Adolescents are currently the defining users of the Internet. They spend more time online than adults do, and they use the Internet for social interaction more often than adults do. This article discusses the state of the literature on the consequences of online communication technologies (e.g., instant messaging) for adolescents' social connectedness and well-being. Whereas several studies in the 1990s suggested that Internet use is detrimental, recent studies tend to report opposite effects. We first explain why the results of more recent studies diverge from those of earlier studies. Then, we discuss a viable hypothesis to explain the recent findings: the Internet-enhanced self-disclosure hypothesis. Finally, we discuss some contingent factors that may deserve special attention in future research.  相似文献   

This article traces professional and personal influences that helped Virginia Satir to shape her worldview. She was an integrative humanist who included body, mind, emotional, and spiritual processes to transform systems ranging from the molecular to the cosmic. Her theories and techniques offered a wellspring of hope and possibility to individuals as well as large assemblies. The presentation of a case with young, abused children demonstrates her use of self (through physical touch) by sensitively reframing the cycle of violence as an opportunity for safe, cooperative contact.  相似文献   

The present research attempts to integrate behavioral and social science theories (e.g., theory of reasoned action, social cognitive theory, transtheoretical model) in assessing the effect and sources of social support of persons in various stages of physical exercise. Using multinomial regression to analyze the data collected via interviews from a sample of over 1,500 working adults in Jamaica, strong statistical support was found for the role of social support in initiating and maintaining exercise. The importance of various providers depends on the individual's stage of behavioral change. Health workers, relatives, and friends are important during early stages; while friends and physical trainers are important during later stages. Other results, limitations, and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Trust in Government in the Aftermath of 9/11: Determinants and Consequences   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Among the most notable changes in U.S. public opinion that occurred after 11 September 2001 was a significant increase in trust in the national government. This study extends existing research on the causes of such changes in public opinion to include the post–9/11 period. The results indicate that a shift in public focus from domestic to international concerns was an important factor in the decline in cynicism that occurred after 9/11, and that public support for expending resources to address issues such as homeland security will be greater if increased trust in government can be sustained.  相似文献   

环形模型:整合人格研究的一种取向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环形模型是一种用于描述具有系统有序的相关模式的一组变量的取向,它可作为研究思路、形成待检验的理论假设、分析方法、检验其他结构的法则网络系统,具有强有力的理论基础和明确的数学属性,是人格和社会心理学中一个重要的工具。人际环形模型对于人际特质结构的探讨,对人际相关心理结构的检验,以及对于人际行为的描述和预测,都有其独特的效力,是以五因素人格特质模型为代表的因素模型的一个重要互补且兼容的模型。本文就人际环形模型的理论与实践背景加以介绍,并用人际形容词量表(IAS-R)的实证数据来演示环形模型的分析和检验过程,从而对环形模型的数学属性及其分析检验方式加以阐释。最后论述了该模型对于传统人际评价的理解以及本土人格与社会心理研究的意义。  相似文献   

The authors argue that there is a clear link between mental and physical health issues. A wellness‐based approach to integrated health care, such as the one described in this article, may allow older clients to be empowered to make lifestyle changes that can improve the quality of their lives and reduce physical illness.  相似文献   

One argument made against affirmative action is that it is undesirable or inappropriate to treat people on the basis of their group membership. The present study attempts to evaluate college students' opinions about this type of social categorization. Two variables were manipulated: type of social group (i.e., one based on race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or college major), and the purpose of the categorization (to identify, to form a social group, to form a political group, or for affirmative action purposes). Results indicated that students were, in general, opposed to such social categorizations. The presence of interaction effects, however, suggests that opposition to affirmative action is not uniform across different target groups and is not based solely on objections to social categorization. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Gazing behavior of 10 three-month-old twin infants (five male and five female) and their mothers during play, bottle feeding, and spoon feeding activities were analyzed. Video-tape equipment was used in the home; data were gathered as naturalistically as possible. Mothers looked at infants for a greater percentage of the total time and for longer durations than infants looked at mothers. A consistency-activation personality theory in which mothers are highly motivated to gaze at infants, but infants seek visual interest by looking away from mother, is suggested to interpret the findings. Both looking and not-looking gazes and mean and median measures of central tendency were shown to be helpful and necessary for the gazing analysis.  相似文献   

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