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The availability of improved HIV treatments may prompt reduced concern about HIV and sexual risk. Gay and bisexual men (N = 554, 17% HIV-positive) completed measures of treatment attitudes, sexual risk, and assumptions regarding the infectiousness of sexual partners. A substantial minority reported reduced HIV concern related to treatment advances. Reduced HIV concern was an independent predictor of sexual risk, particularly among HIV-positive men. In response to hypothetical scenarios describing sex with an HIV-positive partner, participants rated the risk of unprotected sex to be lower if the partner was taking combination treatments and had an undetectable viral load, relative to scenarios with a seropositive partner not taking combination treatments. Prevention efforts must address attitudinal shifts prompted by recent treatment successes, stressing the continued importance of safer sex, and that an undetectable viral load does not eliminate infection risks.  相似文献   

The relations among implicit and explicit measures of sexual orientation attitudes and sexual-orientation-related behavior and beliefs among gay men (Study 1) and straight men (Studies 1 and 2) were explored. Study 1 found relations between implicit and explicit measures of sexual orientation attitudes, large differences between gay and straight men on both implicit and explicit measures, and that these measures predicted sexual-orientation-related behaviors among gay men. Also, only straight men exhibited a negative relation between their attitudes toward homosexuality and heterosexuality. Study 2 found that as straight men held more negative attitudes toward homosexuality, they more strongly endorsed the importance of heterosexual identity and of traditional masculine gender roles. These endorsements mediated the negative relation between their attitudes toward heterosexuality and homosexuality. Implications for assessing attitudes toward sexual orientation and their relations for sexual orientation identity are discussed.  相似文献   

Three hundred fifty lesbian, gay, and bisexual youths aged 14 to 21 years were questioned about suicidal thoughts and behaviors, families' reactions to youths' sexual orientation, and suicidality among relatives and friends. Results confirmed an association between sexual orientation and suicidality. Nearly half (42%) had sometimes or often thought of suicide; one third (33%) reported at least one suicide attempt. Many related suicidal ideation and suicide attempts to their sexual orientation. Most attempts followed awareness of same-sex feelings and preceded disclosure of sexual orientation to others. One quarter said a family member had made a suicide attempt, and nearly three quarters said a close friend had attempted suicide.  相似文献   

Although recent attention has focused on the likelihood that contemporary sexual minority youth (i.e., gay, lesbian, bisexual [GLB]) are "coming out" at younger ages, few studies have examined whether early sexual orientation identity development is also present in older GLB cohorts. We analyzed retrospective data on the timing of sexual orientation milestones in a sample of sexual minorities drawn from the California Quality of Life Surveys. Latent profile analysis of 1,260 GLB adults, ages 18-84 years, identified 3 trajectories of development: early (n = 951; milestones spanning ages 12-20), middle (n = 239; milestones spanning ages 18-31), and late (n = 70; milestones spanning ages 32-43). Motivated by previous research on variability in adolescent developmental trajectories, we identified 2 subgroups in post hoc analyses of the early profile group: child onset (n = 284; milestones spanning ages 8-18) and teen onset (n = 667; milestones spanning ages 14-22). Nearly all patterns of development were identity centered, with average age of self-identification as GLB preceding average age of first same-sex sexual activity. Overall, younger participants and the majority of older participants were classified to the early profile, suggesting that early development is common regardless of age cohort. The additional gender differences observed in the onset and pace of sexual orientation identity development warrant future research.  相似文献   

According to the zero-acquaintance paradigm gay men and lesbians possess the ability to identify other homosexuals accurately after only very brief interpersonal contact. Given the vulnerability gay men and lesbians face in terms of antigay violence and prejudice, perceptual accuracy provides self-protection. In an exploratory study, 123 respondents were classified as low, moderate, and high perceivers on the basis of their responses to a recognition index designed by the authors. Next, respondents rated on a series of 5-point Likert scales the helpfulness of several characteristics for identifying gay men and lesbians. Analysis supported the importance of eye contact for lesbians and gay men in identifying one another. For both lesbian and gay male participants, several other variables emerged as significantly helpful in identifying gay men: clothing style and fit, jewelry, facial expressions, posture, body type, walk or gait, and both the types and frequencies of gestures.  相似文献   

Abstract The existing literature on gay, lesbian, and bisexual (GLB) youth emphasizes unique benefits of having GLB friends, but empirical studies have shown no or only small mental health advantages of having them. To unravel this contradiction, this study tested a common assumption that GLB youth develop better relational quality with their GLB friends than with straight friends. Statistical analysis used interview data from community organization participants in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA (n = 84) and employed analysis of variance and ordinary least squares regression models. GLB youth's friendships with GLB and straight peers did not differ in contact frequency, emotional closeness, and hassles. Further, GLB and straight friends were similar in the degree to which each relational quality dimension was associated with mental health.  相似文献   

The cognitive-environmental model (CEM; M. Fishbein et al., 1991) was used to understand the unprotected sexual behaviors of 156 gay, lesbian, and bisexual youths. Unprotected anal sex among the males was associated directly with poor protection skills (e.g., incorrect use of barrier methods, such as condoms), poor intentions to use barrier methods, and poor norms by sexual partners concerning barrier methods. Furthermore, the association between low self-efficacy and increasing unprotected anal sex was attributed to poor intentions. Direct associations of unprotected oral sex with poor intentions and poor partner norms also emerged, as did an indirect relation between unprotected oral sex and low self-efficacy via poor intentions. These last 3 findings were replicated when examining unprotected oral or vaginal-digital sex among the females. Relations among the CEM factors supported some CEM-theoretical propositions.  相似文献   

Although binegativity, the stigmatization of bisexuality, is prevalent among heterosexual and lesbian and gay communities, little research has addressed how the quantity and quality of intergroup contact affect binegativity. Drawing on intergroup contact theory, this study examined contact with and attitudes toward bisexuals among heterosexual undergraduates, heterosexual adults, and lesbians and gay men. Knowing more bisexuals (quantity) predicted more positive attitudes toward and decreased intergroup anxiety with male and female bisexuals. A multilevel structural equation model indicated that contact quality simultaneously predicted higher perceived stability of female bisexuality (but not male bisexuality) and tolerance of and less intergroup anxiety with male and female bisexuals when contact quantity was controlled for. This research suggests that both quantity and quality of contact with bisexuals predicts improved intergroup attitudes. Implications for future research on reducing binegativity are discussed.  相似文献   

The Mpowerment Project is a community-level HIV prevention intervention for young gay and bisexual men ages 18–27. The program seeks to build a strong, supportive young gay and bisexual men's community where young gay and bisexual men nurture and protect each other, particularly with regard to HIV prevention. The program's theoretical framework draws from the areas of diffusion of innovations, community organizing, peer influence, and personal empowerment. The Mpowerment Project promotes a norm for safer sex through a variety of social, outreach and small group activities. The project is run by a Core Group of 12–15 young gay and bisexual men who, with volunteers, design and carry out all project activities. Implemented in 4 communities (Eugene, OR; Santa Barbara, CA; Albuquerque, NM; Austin, TX), the Mpowerment Project has proven to be effective in reducing high risk sex. This paper discusses the development and implementation of the program and various challenges encountered.  相似文献   

AIDS-related stressors were studied in relationship to suicidal ideation and suicide intent among 778 gay and bisexual men (none with AIDS). Over the previous six months, 27% (n = 212) reported suicidal ideation. Subjects who reported suicidal ideation (compared to those who did not) were more likely to report recent (last 6 months) bereavement of partner, recent ARC diagnosis, and multiple close friends with ARC. Suicide ideators were divided by a median split on a self-report scale of suicide intent into low (n = 105) and high (n = 107) intent suicide ideators. News of HIV seropositivity was specifically related to low intent suicidal ideation. High intent suicidal ideation was associated with having a partner with AIDS or ARC, or multiple close friends with AIDS, or having ARC. Generally speaking, while temporally discrete AIDS-related events were associated the report of suicidal ideation, ongoing stressors which may more greatly challenge adaptational capacities were more associated with high intent suicidal ideation.  相似文献   

This is the first study in German-speaking countries to compare the suicidality of lesbian, gay, and bisexual adults (n = 358) with matched heterosexual adults (n = 267). The former had significantly elevated incidences of current suicide ideation (28% vs. 13%) and lifetime suicide attempts defined in three ways (14% vs. 1% to 10% vs. 2%), including higher incidences for most suicidality-related risk factors. Increased psychosocial stress and vulnerability is indicated, especially with respect to a lack of family support. Controlling for risk factors in multivariate analysis diminished the association of sexual orientation with current suicide ideation.  相似文献   

The associations between stress, physical health, psychosocial resources, coping, and depressive mood were examined in a community sample of African American gay, bisexual, and heterosexual men (N=139). Data were collected from physical exams and in-person interviews. In our theoretical framework, depressive mood scores were regressed first on stressors, next on psychosocial resources, and finally on coping strategy variables. Results revealed that psychosocial resources mediate the effects of stressors, including health symptoms, hassles, and life events, on depressive mood. There were no significant differences in depressive mood associated with HIV status or sexual orientation. Results are discussed in terms of community interventions needed to provide social support as a buffer between stress and psychological distress in African American men. The research was completed at the Center for AIDS Prevention Studies, University of California at San Francisco and was supported in part by National Institute of Mental Health Grants MH44045 and MH42459. The authors express their appreciation to the participants in this study.  相似文献   

Lesbian, gay, bisexual and same-sex-attracted (LGB/SSA) individuals in conservative religions often experience stigma, shame, and psychological distress in reconciling their religious and sexual identities, yet religion can also provide existential comfort and social support. We investigated relationships among self-esteem, participation in the Mormon Church, and sexual identity acceptance among 348 LGB/SSA Mormons and ex-Mormons in 2013–2014 and found that the two groups reported similar self-esteem. By testing plausible mediators (family support, gay/SSA identity acceptance, and agreement with Mormon Church policy prohibiting same-sex behaviour) through a path model, results revealed different pathways to self-esteem. Practicing LGB/SSA Mormons reported higher family support and lower gay/SSA identity acceptance than ex-Mormons, while those self-identifying as SSA but not gay reported lower gay/SSA identity acceptance. We suggest that religiously active Mormons demonstrate low self-acceptance of their gay/SSA identity while ex-Mormons suffer loss of familial and social support, resulting in equal self-esteem across church status groups.  相似文献   


HIV/AIDS knowledge, age at onset of sexual activity, perceptions of personal risk and peer norms were explored as correlates for risky sexual behaviors among college students. Ninety-nine male and 185 female college students completed a 66-item questionnaire. A majority reported being sexually active with most in mutually monogamous relationships or not currently in a sexual relationship. Multiple regression correlation analyses showed knowledge about HIV/AIDS to be very high but that this knowledge did not independently relate to the extent of risky behaviors. Perceptions of risk were positively related to number of partners and single-time partners but not condom usage. In contrast to previous studies, perceived peer norms did not independently relate to behaviors. Instead, age at first intercourse was found to have substantial overlap with current perceptions, attitudes, and likelihood for engaging in risky behaviors. The necessity for including previous behaviors in analyses of the impact of attitudes and perceived norms on behavioral intentions is discussed.  相似文献   


The utility of a modified health belief model (Janz and Becker, 1984) for predicting the intention to use condoms was tested in a study among gay and bisexual men. The model explained a reasonable amount of variance. It was found that younger men's decision to have safe sex was guided by factors other than those that influenced older men. Among younger men, the intention to use a condom was positively related to the relative number of persons with AIDS in their social environment (cues to action) and to the perceived benefits of HIV preventive behavior. Among older men, this behavioral intention was much more determined by their perception of the prevalence of HIV and by their perception of their vulnerability to HIV infection. These findings are important because they may partly explain the recent increase in AIDS-risk behavior among young gay and bisexual men. The discussion focuses on these findings and on the implications for interventions aimed at promoting safe sex.  相似文献   

Two hundred and twenty-six heterosexual participants (115 women and 111 men) were asked to indicate their attitude toward gender-roles, their perceived similarities with gay men, and their attitude toward gay men (i.e., sexual prejudice). As expected, male participants showed more sexual prejudice than female participants, and perceived dissimilarities were related to a greater sexual prejudice. Support for gender-roles was related to sexual prejudice for male participants, but not for female participants. More interestingly, the three-way interaction suggested that perceived similarities moderated the link between gender-roles and sexual prejudice among heterosexual men, but not among heterosexual women. Attitude in favor of traditional gender-roles was related to sexual prejudice for male participants who perceived gay men as different, but not for those who perceived gay men as similar. These findings are discussed in terms of the defensive function of men's attitude toward homosexuality as a result of threat to masculinity.  相似文献   

IntroductionRoad safety is a major worldwide concern especially for developing countries where a certain feeling of helplessness predominate. Local authorities are seeking ways to change people's behaviors considered as the first causal factor of traffic accidents. Risk perception and fatalistic beliefs have been identified as important socio-cognitive functioning patterns, which can shed light on people's behaviors towards risks, for prevention purpose. But the way fatalistic beliefs are associated with risk perception and safety behaviors remains blurred in literature.ObjectiveThis article examined the relationship between fatalistic beliefs, risk perception and traffic safety-related behaviors.MethodThe study was carried out in Cameroon on a sample of 525 road users with a questionnaire made up of scales measuring fatalistic beliefs, perceived risk for dangerous traffic events and reported safe behaviors.ResultsAs expected, participants with higher levels of fatalistic beliefs perceived dangerous traffic situations as less risky and reported less safe behaviors. Perceived risk partially mediated the association between fatalistic beliefs and reported safe behaviors.ConclusionPerceiving dangerous traffic situations as risky can mitigate the magnitude of one's fatalistic beliefs on the engagement in protective behaviors. The implications for more effective prevention including both beliefs and perceptions are suggested. One can explain to people how to avoid accidents, emphasizing on their capacity to change their behavior and the gains they retrieved from that behavioral change.  相似文献   

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