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Construal level theory predicts that people will judge immoral events more harshly when these are presented in a way that elicits a higher construal level, relative to a lower construal level. Previous research supported this prediction using an Israeli sample but not a U.S. sample. This article compared Israeli and U.S. samples with respect to the interactive effect of utility and construal level on unethical behavioral intentions. We found that construal level did not affect unethical behavioral intentions in either the U.S. samples for low-utility level or the Israeli samples for low- and high-utility levels. In contrast, construal level affected unethical behavioral intentions in the U.S. sample for high-utility level: unethical behavioral intentions were higher in the low-construal level compared to the high-construal level. We discuss these findings and suggest additional factors that challenge arguments concerning the direct effect of construal level on unethical behavior.  相似文献   

亲组织不道德行为(Unethical Pro-organizational Behavior, UPB)界定的是组织员工出于维护组织的利益而做出的不道德行为。UPB在组织中难以被识别, 却可能给组织带来严重的负面影响。因兼具亲组织性和不道德性, UPB的研究引起了各界的广泛关注。因此, 有必要明确UPB的来源与界定; 亦有必要借鉴“不道德行为”的解释路径, 从理性决策和直觉判断两个解释机制对UPB前因研究取得的进展进行理论归纳梳理, 形成理论模型。在此基础上提出未来的研究方向:亲领导不道德行为和亲团队不道德行为的细分研究, 中国本土背景下企业所有制形式对UPB理论模型可能产生的调节作用, 以及角色压力对UPB的影响。  相似文献   

近年来, 员工为了企业利益而做出的违背社会价值、道德习俗、行为规范和法律等的亲组织不道德行为(Unethical pro-organizational behavior, UPB)导致的各种悲剧不断上演。然而, 现有研究主要聚焦于UPB的影响因素和积极作用方面, 对其潜在的危害性重视不足。鉴于此, 从多层次视角研究UPB的负面效应及其作用机制。首先, 考察UPB对情绪耗竭的影响及道德认同的调节作用和内疚的中介作用。其次, 创造性地提出组织UPB的概念, 并考察其对组织长期绩效的负面效应以及企业声誉的中介效应。最后, 进一步从利益相关者的视角考察企业UPB和员工UPB对顾客主动绩效的影响以及顾客企业认同的中介效应和顾客知觉到的员工组织化身的调节效应。研究成果不仅有助于丰富UPB的相关理论, 而且对遏制这种行为的进一步漫延具有重要启示。  相似文献   

Research showed that given the opportunity, people behave dishonestly only to the degree that will allow them to maintain a positive self‐concept. These experiments did not include the probability of getting caught cheating, although in everyday life, this risk always exists. If it is shown that people behave more honestly when faced with an explicit risk of getting caught, the ecological validity of these experiments may be at risk. This study showed that explicit risk, framed as the probability of getting caught or as the complementary probability of not getting caught, did not reduce participants’ dishonest behavior relative to no risk. These findings support the ecological validity of previous research on unethical behavior.  相似文献   

亲组织不道德行为(unethical pro-organizational behavior, UPB)是近10年来组织行为研究领域的热点主题。相较于已得到广泛探讨的UPB形成机理研究, 当前关于UPB的影响效应研究还相对有限, 且主要聚焦于领导UPB对员工的影响, 以及自我反馈下UPB对行为者的影响。借鉴并受到对应推论理论(correspondent inference theory)和社会认知理论(social cognitive theory)中有关观点的启发, 构建了一个同事间围绕UPB的社会互动模型。模型指出, 观察者在看到同为员工身份的行为者实施UPB后会对此进行结果预期和动机归因, 继而在观察者正直性的调节下引发相应的心理与行为反应; 进一步地, 行为者在接收到观察者对其UPB的行为反应后会对这些反馈背后的意图进行解读, 进而影响其后续行为变化。最后, 从观察者对UPB的道德判断、与UPB“不道德”属性有关的认知评价、UPB行为者行为变化的过程机理等方面提出理论模型的拓展方向。  相似文献   

陈默  梁建 《心理学报》2017,(1):94-105
通过确立较高的绩效目标以提升组织绩效被普遍认为是一项有效的管理措施。然而,学术界对它的负面影响却缺乏研究。本文提出了高绩效要求将启动员工道德推脱机制为其随后进行的亲组织不道德行为开脱,即道德推脱在高绩效要求与亲组织不道德行为之间起到了中介作用。为了检验这一观点,本研究提出两种不同效应的调节变量:感知的市场竞争正向调节变量之间的间接关系,而道德认同则负向调节这一间接关系。通过对某零售企业225名员工的两阶段调查,本研究提出的调节-中介模型获得了观察数据的支持。本研究的发现有利于进一步了解亲组织不道德行为发生的中介心理机制和边界条件,指导管理者采取恰当的管理措施,以期有效地管控亲组织不道德行为的出现。  相似文献   

Across four experimental studies, individuals who were depleted of their self-regulatory resources by an initial act of self-control were more likely to “impulsively cheat” than individuals whose self-regulatory resources were intact. Our results demonstrate that individuals depleted of self-control resources were more likely to behave dishonestly (Study 1). Depletion reduced people’s moral awareness when they faced the opportunity to cheat, which, in turn, was responsible for heightened cheating (Study 2). Individuals high in moral identity, however, did not show elevated levels of cheating when they were depleted (Study 3), supporting our hypothesis that self-control depletion increases cheating when it robs people of the executive resources necessary to identify an act as immoral or unethical. Our results also show that resisting unethical behavior both requires and depletes self-control resources (Study 4). Taken together, our findings help to explain how otherwise ethical individuals predictably engage in unethical behavior.  相似文献   

While total quality management (TQM) has emphasized organizational-level factors in achieving successful implementation, human capital theory and person-environmental fit models suggest individual difference factors may also be useful. Accordingly, the ability of organizational commitment, trust in colleagues, and higher order need strength to explain variation in TQM adoption, after inclusion of organizational-level factors, is assessed using longitudinal data from a manufacturing setting. These three individual differences collectively explain 7-19% of incremental variation in TQM adoption and are found to be relatively better predictors of TQM adoption than organizational-level factors. The findings support increased consideration of individual differences in order to implement TQM and other forms of organizational change more effectively.  相似文献   

Changes in the business environment are rapidly transforming sales practice and pressuring the integrity of key actors in sales. Given that unethical sales behavior is a social activity produced and reproduced by various actors in a complex sales task environment, we introduce a novel research perspective to the study of unethical sales behavior, namely a practice-based view. With knowledge from a systematic literature review and a practice-based view from organization research, we suggest that unethical behavior should be studied as a practice formed through socialization and interaction with relevant others. This view provides an important alternative as well as a complementary perspective to the ethical decision-making paradigm that has dominated the field for several decades. The study answers scholars’ recent calls to strengthen the theoretical foundation of sales ethics research and further extend its perspective toward the social context of sales. With a focus on dynamics, social relations, and the enactment of practices, the practice-based view produces new types of knowledge on unethical behavior and potential new means for addressing it. The article makes suggestions for future practice-based research and proposes several theories for use in studying unethical behavior in currently important sales contexts.  相似文献   

如何开展员工情绪劳动管理,避免负面行为结果,是服务行业面对的重要问题。以788名呼叫中心员工为研究对象,本文获得的结果表明:1)表层动作显著促进主动破坏行为,而深层动作的影响不显著。2)政策强度感知显著调节表层动作与主动破坏行为间关系;当政策强度感知较低时,表层动作对主动破坏行为的正向影响更为显著。3)情感社会分享显著调节深层动作与主动破坏行为间关系;当情感社会分享水平较高时,深层动作对主动破坏行为的负向影响更为显著。本研究从资源保存视角提出工作场所开展情绪劳动管理的有效策略。  相似文献   

作为一种有效的激励方式,目标设置被广泛地运用于各类组织中。然而,近年来一系列的研究发现,目标设置也会引发员工的非伦理行为。全面梳理了国外对于目标设置影响非伦理行为的相关研究,系统地介绍了两者的直接关系、边界条件及理论基础,在总结这些研究的基础上,提出未来研究应从拓展研究方法(基于真实组织情景下的调查)和研究内容(强化调节、中介及社会性视角下的研究)两方面展开。  相似文献   

Four laboratory studies show that people are more likely to accept others’ unethical behavior when ethical degradation occurs slowly rather than in one abrupt shift. Participants served in the role of watchdogs charged with catching instances of cheating. The watchdogs in our studies were less likely to criticize the actions of others when their behavior eroded gradually, over time, rather than in one abrupt shift. We refer to this phenomenon as the slippery-slope effect. Our studies also demonstrate that at least part of this effect can be attributed to implicit biases that result in a failure to notice ethical erosion when it occurs slowly. Broadly, our studies provide evidence as to when and why people accept cheating by others and examine the conditions under which the slippery-slope effect occurs.  相似文献   


This research aims at revealing how Machiavellianism correlates with the propensity to engage in unethical behavior. The mediating role of career ambition was thus investigated for this purpose. This research posits that career ambition partially mediates the relationship between Machiavellianism and unethical behavior intention. The research model was tested via Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Research data were collected from full-time hotel employees and managers in Antalya, Turkey. The findings revealed that Machiavellianism positively correlated with career ambition and unethical behavior intention. Furthermore, the mediating role of career ambition in the relationship between Machiavellianism and unethical behavior intention was verified. Specifically, Machiavellianism predicted career ambition, which in turn predicted unethical behavior intention. Finally, considering the fact that the dark sides of the antecedents and consequences of career ambition have been neglected to a significant extent in the literature, the current study makes a significant contribution to filling this gap.  相似文献   

Drawing on appraisal theories of discrete emotions, we propose and test a model in which abusive supervision directed toward oneself and toward work unit peers (coworker abusive supervision) are interactively related to generalized feelings of shame, anger, and fear. These discrete emotions, in turn, tend to precipitate distinct responses that do not directly target the supervisor. We tested our hypotheses with a three-wave, time-lagged survey of 285 full-time workers from 55 work units. Consistent with our theorizing, supervisory abuse was associated with stronger feelings of shame while at work when the abusive supervision reported by one's coworkers was lower (vs. higher), whereas abuse had a stronger association with anger when coworkers also perceived relatively high levels of abuse. The distinct action tendencies associated with shame and anger are related to employees engaging in less voice behavior and more interpersonal deviance, respectively, and fear is related to higher turnover intentions. We discuss the study's implications for theory development concerning abusive supervision.  相似文献   

亲组织非伦理行为(UPB)作为一种非利己型的非伦理行为正逐渐受到学界的关注,当前研究大多围绕UPB的前因和形成机制展开,但缺乏对UPB结果变量的探讨。本研究通过对92名主管与399名员工的数据进行跨层次分析,探讨UPB对职业发展的影响机制。研究发现:UPB显著正向影响职业发展,上下级关系在UPB与职业发展之间起着部分中介作用,伦理型领导负向调节上下级关系对UPB与职业发展关系间的中介作用。  相似文献   

In this study, the author explores the relationship between conflicting ethical expectations for lying behavior and employee attitudes. In a sample of 140 full-time employees, the findings indicated that as the difference between formal codes of ethics and supervisor expectations for lying behavior increases, intentions to turnover and expressed feelings of intrapersonal role conflict increase, and job and organizational satisfaction and affective commitment decrease. However, conflicting ethical expectations were not significantly associated with a commitment to continue in the job.  相似文献   

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