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H-reflex amplitudes were studied during the acquisition of a motor skill involving coordinated isometric plantarflexion at the ankle joints as subjects learned to trace a triangular pattern on an oscilloscope screen by controlling plantarflexion torque applied against load cells. Torque feedback was presented on a subject oscilloscope with the right foot controlling a vertical cursor and the left foot a horizontal cursor. Eleven subjects reached criterion performance. H-reflexes were recorded from the right soleus and timed to the initiation of soleus muscle activity to plantarflex the foot. Average time to complete one trial decreased from 9 sec. in the prelearning block to 4 sec. postlearning. No single learning strategy was evident as subjects varied widely in their levels of H-reflex amplitude, but during postlearning, H-reflex amplitude became consistent within subjects as tracing performance became faster and accurate.  相似文献   

It has been argued that visual search is a valid model for human foraging. However, the two tasks differ greatly in terms of the coding of space and the effort required to search. Here we describe a direct comparison between visually guided searches (as studied in visual search tasks) and foraging that is not based upon a visually distinct target, within the same context. The experiment was conducted in a novel apparatus, where search locations were indicated by an array of lights embedded in the floor. In visually guided conditions participants searched for a target defined by the presence of a feature (red target amongst green distractors) or the absence of a feature (green target amongst red and green distractors). Despite the expanded search scale and the different response requirements, these conditions followed the pattern found in conventional visual search paradigms: feature-present search latencies were not linearly related to display size, whereas feature-absent searches were longer as the number of distractors increased. In a non-visually guided foraging condition, participants searched for a target that was only visible once the switch was activated. This resulted in far longer latencies that rose markedly with display size. Compared to eye-movements in previous visual search studies, there were few revisit errors to previously inspected locations in this condition. This demonstrates the important distinction between visually guided and non-visually guided foraging processes, and shows that the visual search paradigm is an equivocal model for general search in any context. We suggest a comprehensive model of human spatial search behaviour needs to include search at a small and large scale as well as visually guided and non-visually guided search.  相似文献   

Motor learning plays an important role in the acquisition of new motor skills. In this study, we investigated whether repetition of a cognitive task promoted motor learning. Fifty-one young adults were assigned to either the early, late, or control groups. All participants completed a mouse tracking task in which they manipulated a mouse to track a moving target on a screen. The cursor was rotated 165° in the counterclockwise direction from the actual mouse position, requiring participants to learn how to use a new tool. To determine the task performance, we calculated the distance between the cursor and target position. In addition, to assess the effects of a cognitive task on the progress of motor learning, curve fitting of the learning curves was performed for the total distance. Experiments were conducted as per the following schedule: learning day 1 (L1), learning day 2 (L2: the day after learning day 1), retention day 1 (R1: 2 weeks after learning day 1), and retention day 2 (R2: 4 weeks after learning day 1). Participants underwent mouse tracking for 20 min on L1 and L2 and for 3 min on R1 and R2. As a cognitive task, we adopted the N-back task. The early or late group performed the N-back task for 20 min before performing motor tracking task on L1 or L2, respectively. The control group did not perform the N-back task. Based on curve fitting analysis, it was observed that the rate of change for motor learning in the early group was higher than that in the control group. The retention of motor learning did not differ between all groups. Our results indicate that the repetition of a cognitive task enhanced in the early phase of motor learning of the mouse tracking task.  相似文献   

The ability of healthy subjects to adopt a given value of inspiratory duration (TI) was examined in two different conditions: a knowledge condition in which subjects were informed of their performance on TI and synchronization of subjects' breathing rate to a periodic visual signal. The target value of TI was computed individually, by the same formula for all subjects in both procedures. 40 subjects were tested in a double-transfer design; each subject participated in two sessions 24 hr. apart. In addition to previous results showing better retention of the ventilatory task in subjects following the knowledge procedure after 24 hr., this study also shows better performance in this condition. No transfer could be evidenced, suggesting low similarity between the two tasks in spite of the fact that the resulting breathing patterns were nearly identical. The influence of the magnitude of the target on performance was also investigated.  相似文献   

The effects of presentation of an aversive stimulus and simultaneous failure on a bogus intelligence test upon a subject's aggressive reactions were studied. The subject's fist clenching was used as an indicator of aggression. Four conditions, generated by the combinations of two kinds of stimulus delivered to the subjects (aversive or nonaversive) and two outcomes of the task (failure or success), were investigated. 20 female and 20 male students (ages: 17-34 years) were instructed, upon the reception of an aversive or nonaversive acoustic signal, to press with the right hand a device that displayed a slide. Each slide presented an item from an intelligence test, to which the subjects were either allowed to answer successfully (success) or not (failure). Failure increased the subject's autonomic arousal, as measured by photoplethysmographic sensors, in all stimulation conditions, but only the condition with aversive stimulation increased the speed of clenching. This was interpreted as indicating subject's tendencies to aggression. These results are discussed in relation to the effects of frustration.  相似文献   

Movement planning in sequential tasks is revealed by grasping postures. We explored aspects of planning a sequential drawer opening and object manipulation task with regard to arm and torso postures. We conducted a detailed kinematic analysis of joint postures at the wrist, elbow, and shoulder for a one-grasp and a two-grasp sequence of movement. The second of the two-grasp sequence was constrained (uncomfortable). We predicted that planning for the second grasp in a two-grasp sequence would influence arm, torso, and whole-body postures at the first grasp. Participants prepared for the second grasp by adjusting the posture of the elbow and shoulder and the distance they stepped to the drawer. The joint postures at the elbow and shoulder changed in the direction of the intended object grasp. These findings show that anticipatory adjustments are revealed at postures other than the end-effector and lend insight into the mechanisms of sequential movement planning.  相似文献   

The present study addressed the development of bimanual interference in children performing a dual motor task, in which each hand executes a different task simultaneously. Forty right-handed children (aged 4, 5-6, 7-8 and 9-11years, ten in each age group) were asked to perform a bimanual task in which they had to tap with a pen using the non-preferred hand and simultaneously trace a circle or a square with a pen using the preferred hand as quickly as possible. Tapping and tracing were also performed unimanually. Differences between unimanual and bimanual performance were assessed for number of taps, length of tap trace and mean tracing velocity. It was assumed that with increasing age, better bimanual coordination would result in better performance on the dual task showing less intermanual interference. The results showed that tapping and tracing performance increased with age, unimanually as well as bimanually, consistent with developmental advancement. However, the percentage of intermanual interference due to bimanual performance was not significantly different in the four age groups. Although performing the dual task resulted in mutual intermanual interference, all groups showed a significant effect of tracing shape. More specifically, all age groups showed a larger percentage decrease in tracing velocity when performing the circle compared to the square in the dual task. The present study reveals that children as young as four years are able to coordinate both hands when tapping and tracing bimanually.  相似文献   

Two experiments examine whether people overestimate the benefits provided by tool use in motor tasks. Participants had to move different quantities of objects by hand (two at a time) or with a tool (four at a time). The tool was not within reach so participants had to get it before moving the objects. In Experiment 1, the task was performed in a real and an imagined situation. In Experiment 2, participants had to decide for each quantity, whether they preferred moving the objects by hand or with the tool. Our findings indicated that people perceive tool actions as less costly in terms of movement time than they actually are (Experiment 1) and decide to use a tool even when it objectively provides less time-based benefits than using the hands (Experiment 2). Taken together, the data suggest that people overestimate the benefits provided by tool use.  相似文献   

The level of aspiration and performance was examined for 25 male psychiatric inpatients whose mean age was 57.4 yr. and mean length of hospitalization was 23.6 yr. For a simple motor task involving flipping a plastic chip over a goal line, each patient expressed the ward and his personal pretask levels of aspiration, performed the task, and expressed his personal posttask aspiration. The expressions of both the ward and pretask levels of aspiration were less than the mean score of a nonhospitalized referent group. Both performance and posttask levels of aspiration were greater than the pretask level. More patients predicted they would perform worse than the other patients on the ward than predicted they would perform better. The patients appropriately shifted their levels of aspiration either up after success or down after failure. The results were discussed according to expectations from classical theory as well as findings with schizophrenics. Implications for further research were discussed.  相似文献   

Performance of subgroups of left-handers and right-handers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fifty-three left-handers with consistent left-hand preferences (CLH), 65 left-handers with inconsistent hand preferences (ILH), and 57 right-handers (RH) were given unimanual and bimanual performance tests involving skill, speed, and strength as well as tests of articulatory speed and verbal fluency. Contrary to claims in the current literature (Ponton, 1987), CLHs and ILHs do not differ in quality and speed of performance, but, in some tests, they do show asymmetries in opposite directions. Thus, when left-handers are treated as a combined group, the faulty impression of a lack of between-hand asymmetries arises. The results suggest that a distinction between CLHs and ILHs yields subgroups with reliably different and distinctive performance patterns which are not trivially attributable to differences in strength of lateralization. CLHs behave much like mirror image RHs, whereas ILHs show a dissociation between strength, fine manual skill, attentional asymmetries.  相似文献   

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