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多级语义量词对心理测量适合度的调查分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为研究适合心理测量使用的语义量词等级数目而进行了本实验。实验采用自编《词义理解简明量表》,通过180名士兵对多级语义量词的区间赋值和点赋值,对不同等级语义量词模糊度进行了比较性研究。结果发现:(1)区间赋值范围与点赋值95%、99%可信区间无显著差异;(2)语义量词内序列蓑系与自然语言的序列关系基本一致,但词与词赋值区间并不完全等距;(3)三级与六级、七级语义量词的模糊度差异显著,六、七级语义量词模糊度高,在一定程度上不适合用于士兵心理测量。  相似文献   

基于Barwise、Cooper、Keenan、Peters、Westerstahl和vanEijck等人的研究成果,作者提出并证明了若干事实和推论。这些事实和推论表明:(1)不同三段论之间的可化归性本质上反映了广义量词的单调性、对称性等语义性质之间的可转换性,因此,我们可以根据四个亚氏量词的语义性质之间的转换关系来验证亚氏三段论的可化归性;(2)利用广义量词的语义性质可以验证扩展三段论的不同推理模式之间的可化归关系。由于广义量词在自然语言中普遍存在,因此,本文的研究对广义量词理论的发展和自然语言的信息处理都具有积极意义。  相似文献   

在国内外最新研究成果的基础上,笔者通过对文中的定理和推论的证明,主要说明了以下几点:(1)利用广义量词的相关语义性质,比如单调性和对称性,既可以解释亚氏三段论的有效性,又可以解释带有广义量词的扩展三段论的有效性;(2)一些有效的扩展三段论仅仅表征了广义量词的左或右单调性,还有一些有效的扩展三段论同时表征了广义量词的多个语义性质;(3)利用广义量词的东南或西北或西南或东北方向的单调性可以判断一些带有限制条件的扩展三段论的有效性。此研究将有利于广义量词理论的发展,对于计算机科学中的知识表示和知识推理的研究都具有较为重要的理论价值和实践意义。  相似文献   

广义量词的相关性质研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文是笔者对S.Peters与D.Westerst(?)hl([7])的成果的拓展研究。首先介绍相关的概念。其次,笔者详细证明了类型为〈1,1〉的广义量词的对称性与单调性的关系定理。然后,笔者给出了该类量词的余对称性、余相交性和余驻留性定义,接着笔者提出并证明了关于这三个性质的四个定理,而且还详细证明了余对称性与单调性的关系定理。最后,笔者探讨了具有(余)驻留性和(余)对称性的〈1,1〉类型的广义量词的数字三角形的特点。由于〈1,1〉类型的广义量词在自然语言中普遍存在,所以,本文的研究对广义量词理论的发展具有一定的理论价值,对自然语言的计算机信息处理也具有一定的实践指导意义。  相似文献   

“多数”是自然语言中常用的一个表示事物数量的语词,对其进行精确的逻辑分析,不仅是自然语言逻辑研究的必然要求,而且有助于提高逻辑自身的表达能力。因此,本文力图结合有关的理论,对其进行探究。 一、“多数”的特性及经典一阶逻辑的局限性 “多数”与自然语言中表示事物数量的其它词,如“所有”、“有的”等,具有类似的语法性质和功能。它可以被用作代词,也可以被用作形容词。而“所有”、“有的”等词,能被经典一阶逻辑看作逻辑量词,做精确分析,那么,“多数”能否作为逻辑量词来解析呢?  相似文献   

自然语言的逻辑-哲学分析,在现代逻辑、方法论和科学哲学中占有中心地位。P.帕维辽尼斯的专著《语言的现代逻辑-哲学分析》(莫斯科《思想》出版社1983)告诉了这一问题的范围,阐述了在哲学、逻辑学和语言学的交叉点上产生的、旨在研究自然语言的语义问题的当代理论的批评性研究成果,同时说明和论证了解决自然语言语义问题的新方法。在逻辑学、语言学和语义学方面的基础研究发展过程中  相似文献   

本文主要研究了一个成功企业的心理评价指标问题.研究表明,在一个成功企业中,职工都有方向感、信任感、成就感、温暖感、舒适感、实惠感鲜明的心理感受。在本研究范围内,一个成功企业的各项心理评价指标的等级排列是,精神性的方向感、信任感属首位,物质性的实惠感相对据次之。  相似文献   

赫希的"量词变化性"概念和理论作为新兴的本体论紧缩立场成为本体论膨胀立场和紧缩立场之间争论的焦点。一些本文称之为"同类论"者的哲学家将赫希、普特南和卡尔纳普视为"量词变化性"概念上的同类,认为后两者乃至所有的紧缩立场者都会承认"量词变化性"概念,即"存在"量词具有多种不同的使用含义,但没有唯一确定的意义。由此,膨胀立场者相信只要成功反驳了赫希的"量词变化性"概念,就能驳倒所有紧缩立场。本文通过对关于卡尔纳普元本体论与"量词变化性"关系的对立观点的分析与批判,指出卡尔纳普对"量词变化性"概念的使用与赫希、普特南的使用之间的重要区别,提出了对卡尔纳普与"量词变化性"关系的新理解。据此反驳同类论,使卡尔纳普元本体论从膨胀立场对"量词变化性"概念的批判中解脱出来。  相似文献   

广义量词理论对英语中一些特定的量词句进行分析,把其中两个单态式量词合并成一个多态式量词。Keenan证明了这个多态式量词的意义不能化归为两个单态式量词的意义,即多态式量词的意义不能从两个单态式量词的标准意义推演出来。Keenan的研究是很有价值的,但本文尝试从另外的角度思考,对汉语类似的多态式量化句进行个案处理,采纳组合范畴语法针对自然语言表层结构的词汇主义方法,遵循部分表达式的意义决定整体表达式意义的组合原则,从两个单态式量词的非标准意义推演出整个多态式量词句的量化意义。  相似文献   

语言哲学家们往往将主要注意力放在语义的真假上,并将活生生的自然语言与数学般严谨的形式语言对照,最后大多走上了形式化的道路,这样做的后果是:语言哲学缺少属于自己的独特研究领域,而且总的来说偏离了方向。因为关于语义真假的研究属于各门知识的解释系统,具有个别性,而哲学应研究一般性。更充分的理由是:有比真假性更一般的问题,即笔者将在下面讨论的实伪性问题。实伪性问题基本上是一个语法问题,它研究那些被日常语言的习惯及正确的思维方式认可但尚未总结出来的内容,以确保语言、逻辑、哲学的纯洁性及其相关研究方向的正确性。  相似文献   

本研究运用模糊统计试验的方法对五组日常时间用语词进行了经验赋值 ,被试是 3 1 2名大学生。结果表明 :(1 )被试对日常时间用语词词义的理解是模糊的 ,其赋值指向较大的区间 ;(2 )被试对日常时间用语词的赋值受词自身具有的数值的影响 ,受词的下属时间单位数量的影响 ;(3 )词义相近的词赋值亦接近 ;(4)对表示人的年龄的词的赋值因对象的性别、词的熟悉性和赋值区间的封闭性的不同而不同 ;(5 )“几”在表示时间的数量时对应的赋值区间是3~ 5  相似文献   

To ensure the quality of consumers' experience and realize the maximization of economic benefits in the short term, customer satisfaction has become increasingly significant in the film industry. This study clarifies the configurational influence mechanism between consumer expectation, brand image, and five experiential values toward film consumer satisfaction. With this aim, text data were mined and a new configurational customer satisfaction index model was constructed that integrates experiential value theory based on the European Consumer Satisfaction Index model. Additionally, fuzzy‐set qualitative comparative analysis is employed to explore the influence mechanism of film consumer satisfaction from the perspective of configuration. The five configurations produced correspond to five equivalent paths, which can be further divided into four types to explain the influence mechanism of film consumer satisfaction. Regarding the antecedent conditions, the intrinsic value of a film, followed by the extrinsic value are the key factors affecting satisfaction. This study changes the passive survey questionnaire output form to active input of comment mining. Additionally, it abandons the traditional regression perspective for research; a new configurational perspective is used to explore the complexity of antecedent conditions and the equivalence of consequence of film consumer satisfaction.  相似文献   

30名男性军校学员。在两种指导语指导下,经受了一系列视动跃跃刺激(5、10、15、20、30、40、60、80、100、120度/秒),每个刺激持续20秒。用磁带机记录被试的视动性眼震信号,同时,记录被试视动性错觉出现的潜伏期和错觉量。视动性眼震信号在7T17信息处理仪上进行脱机采样处理,错觉量用模糊集途径进行量化。主要结论如下:1.视动性眼震的快相速度、慢性速度、快相幅度、慢性幅度均随刺激速度增加而增大,在60-120度/秒范围达到峰值后,基本维持稳定状态,而快慢相时间却有相反的变化趋势,其随刺激速度增加而减小,在60度/秒达到最低值,然后略有回升。2.在5-120度/秒内,视动性错觉随刺激速度的增加而增大,呈直线上升。3.视动性眼震与视动性错觉不存在因果关系。低速度视动刺激下,当视动性眼震被抑制时,错觉量明显增大,说明视动性眼震减轻了视动性错觉。  相似文献   

In the present experiment it was investigated whether the evaluation of rivals could be an unconscious process, engaged in automatically whenever a rival is present. To this end, participants were subliminally primed with words relating to rival characteristics after which they read a jealousy inducing scenario and their jealousy was assessed. It was hypothesized that for women, their self‐reported mate value would act as a moderator on the effect the rival characteristics would have on jealousy. For men, it was expected that their satisfaction with their current relationship would act as a moderator. The results confirmed the expectations: women with low mate value reported more overall jealousy, but women with high mate value were more jealous after priming with attractiveness words. Men with high relationship satisfaction reported more overall jealousy than men with low relationship satisfaction, and especially after priming with social dominance words. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

英文词、汉字词、早期文字和图画的认知加工比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张积家  王娟  刘鸣 《心理学报》2011,43(4):347-363
采用四种任务考察英文词、汉字词、甲骨文、东巴文和图画在知觉加工和语言加工中的特点, 揭示不同类型符号的认知机制。实验1采用知觉相似度判断和语义一致性判断考察符号在知觉加工和语义加工中的特点; 实验2考察符号在命名与分类中的表现。结果表明:(1)不同类型符号在知觉相似度判断和语义一致性判断中表现不同。符号相似的顺序与文字演化的顺序一致。(2)不同类型符号的命名与分类反应具有不对称性:英文词和汉字词的命名快于分类, 甲骨文、东巴文和图画的分类快于命名。(3)无论是命名还是分类, 对汉字词和图画的反应均快于对东巴文和甲骨文的反应。对英文词命名快于对甲骨文和东巴文命名, 对英文词分类慢于对东巴文分类。(4)英文词、汉字词和图画的命名与分类反应具有不对称性:对英文词、汉字词命名快于对图画命名, 对图画分类快于对英文词、汉字词分类。甲骨文和东巴文的命名与分类反应具有不对称性:对甲骨文命名快于对东巴文命名, 对东巴文分类快于对甲骨文分类。所以如此, 既与符号的外形特征和区别性特征有关, 又与符号记录语言的方式以及对符号的熟悉度有关。研究结果为确定文字发展和演变的规律及甲骨文与东巴文的性质提供了心理学依据。  相似文献   

社区心理辅导实验模型的建构及其价值   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
建立实验模型,探索社区心理辅导的路径、具体实施的方法及其价值,为居民的心理健康和社区精神文明工作提供心理学理论和实践的依据;方法:采用症状自评量表(SCL-90)评估辅导前和辅导后社区居民的心理状况并进行自身比较;结果:l、辅导前居民的心理卫生存在问题较多;2、辅导后居民的心理卫生出现显著的变化;3、与辅导前比较,辅导后的居民心理卫生有明明显进步,特别在敌对的人际关系、偏执的认知方式和焦虑、抑郁的情绪等方面改变最为突出。结论:l、开展社区心理辅导是促进精神文明建设的全新理念和有效方法。2、建立、健全社区心理辅导网络对提高居民心理素质,减少心理疾病的发生、发展具有重要而又深远的作用。3、社区心理辅导实验模型的建立为广泛开展有关工作提供了理论和实践依据。  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a decision‐aid method with interacting criteria. The fuzzy measures used to aggregate the criteria depend on the considered alternatives. Pairwise comparisons on the importance of criteria and some levels of veto (or favor) degrees, specified by the decision maker, are taken into consideration. For each alternative, we search for the fuzzy measure that makes it the best. The orness degrees of the resulting fuzzy measures are compared and the alternative associated with the minimum orness degree is selected. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Metacognition is a process of self-cognition and self-thinking based on self-reflection, control, evaluation and regulation to achieve continuous cognition of individuals. Metacognition plays a very important role in coordination and guidance in college English education. Therefore, in this paper, the characteristics and rules of college English education were studied based on the cognitive process simulation. First of all, the basic theory of metacognition and the advantages and methods applied to English teaching were expounded. Then, a mathematical model was set up for college oral English teaching, and how to improve oral pronunciation for oral learners by quantitative and effective evaluation was discussed. After that, targeted information evaluation results were provided, and the algorithm was optimized and improved. Finally, by using computer aided technology and metacognitive method, the effect of oral English teaching was simulated and tested. The results show that the results of this study provide a useful exploration for improving the effectiveness of college English education and have good application value.  相似文献   

Retrieval practice enhances long-term retention more than restudying; a phenomenon called the testing effect. The fuzzy trace explanation predicts that a testing effect will already emerge after a short interval when participants are solely provided with semantic cues in the final test. In the present study, we assessed this explanation by gradually reducing the surface features overlap between cues in the learning phase and the final recognition test. In all five experiments, participants in the control/word condition received as final test cues the same words as in the learning phase. The experimental final test cues consisted of scrambled words, words in a new context, scrambled words in a new context (Experiment 1), synonyms (Experiment 2), or images (Experiments 3, 4a, 4b). A short-term testing effect was only observed for the image final test cues. These results do not provide strong support for the fuzzy trace explanation of the testing effect.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to test the relationships between job characteristics and absence over a 6-year period. Civilian employees from a large military organization participated. The results indicated that job characteristics continued to correlate significantly with a measure of absence frequency up to 6 years after the job characteristics had been assessed. The job characteristics measures also correlated significantly with a measure of time-lost absenteeism. Regression analyses revealed that job characteristics predicted absence frequency significantly over a 6-year period and time-lost absence for up to 4 years after job characteristics were assessed. The magnitudes of these relationships remained fairly constant across time. Results from regression analyses controlling for demographic variables indicated that job characteristics predicted time-lost and absence frequency for most years. Competence and need for achievement failed to moderate the job characteristics-absence relationships.  相似文献   

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