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Examined the relations between adolescent boys' social goals of dominance, revenge, avoidance, and affiliation and (1) self-reported negative adolescent outcomes; (2) subjective sense of self-esteem; and (3) externalizing, internalizing, and prosocial behaviors, as rated by peers and teachers. Results indicated that social goal values were related to diverse aspects of self-, teacher-, and peer-reported social and behavioral functioning, with a consistent association found between a range of delinquent, substance-using, and behavioral difficulties, and endorsement of high goal values for dominance and revenge and low goal values for affiliation. Results also indicated that teacher-identified aggressive boys differed from nonaggressive boys in the value they placed on social goals, with aggressive boys placing a higher value on goals of dominance and revenge, and lower value on goals for affiliation. Finally social goal choice had a clear relation to the social problem-solving differences of aggressive and nonaggressive boys.This study was funded by a research grant for the National Institute of Mental Health (MH 39989). Acknowledgment is made for the administrative support provided by the Durham County Schools and The Durham Community Guidance Clinic of the Duke University Medical Center.  相似文献   

This research combined experimental and correlational methods to investigate the effects of social support on social problem-solving effectiveness and perceived stress. During a wait period, college students were given the opportunity to work on practice items from a mildly stressful social problem-solving task, either alone or in the company of a close friend. Participants and friends were allowed to talk about the practice items but were not required to do so, and supportive transactions were tape recorded and content analyzed. All students then completed social problem-solving and perceived stress items alone. Participants who waited with friends did not show superior problem-solving effectiveness unless companions provided particular supportive behaviors. Participants with high perceived support scores rated the experiment as less stressful than those with low scores, but perceived support was not related to companions' actual supportive behaviors. The results were discussed in terms of implications for understanding the mechanisms of social support.  相似文献   

社会性问题解决是指个体在真实的社会情境中,有效地识别日常生活中遇到的特定问题或生活境遇,积极地面对问题,分析问题,发现有效解决方案的自我导向的认知、情感和行为过程。首先分析了社会性问题解决的概念,介绍了相应的测量工具,然后着重分析了社会性问题解决的影响因素(如个性特点),最后总结了社会性问题解决的影响效果。今后的研究需进一步探讨:社会性影响因素、相关研究的拓展和社会性问题解决疗法的应用等问题。  相似文献   

The dimensional structure of the Problem Solving Inventory (PSI) was investigated using data collected from a sample of 499 Chinese university students in teacher training. While the original three-factor model provided poor fit to the data, the revised two-factor model provided more adequate fit but failed to consider a PSI construct tapped in the original PSI formulation. The newly constructed PSI scales based on the present data provided viable alternative scales reflecting constructs of self-efficacy, rational coping and dysfunctional coping. These newly developed problem-solving scales were predictive of indices of psychological adjustment in terms of depression, burnout, and perceived self-efficacy toward helping others. The use of the PSI in the Chinese context is discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined the sensitivity to change and specificity of response of the Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory-Revised (OCI-R), an 18-item self-report measure of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) severity. Seventy-seven OCD patients received cognitive-behavioral therapy incorporating exposure and response prevention (ERP). Change from pre- to posttest on the OCI-R was compared to changes as assessed by the Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS) and other measures of OCD and related symptoms. Results suggest the OCI-R is sensitive to treatment effects and that pre- to posttest change on this instrument reflects improvement in OCD and related symptoms of depression, anxiety, and global functioning. The OCI-R was not sensitive to improvement in patients’ insight into the senselessness of their OCD symptoms. The OCI-R appears suitable for use in clinical settings and naturalistic outcome studies where time and resources do not permit administration of lengthy symptom interviews.  相似文献   

This study examined psychometric characteristics of the Spanish translation of the Marital Satisfaction Inventory-Revised (MSI-R) in a community sample of 205 couples from Spain. Overall, analyses of the scales' internal consistency compared favorably with findings for both the English and Spanish versions of this instrument with U.S. samples. Confirmatory factor analyses revealed similar scale factor structures across the original measure and Spanish translation, lending further support to using the MSI-R with couples from diverse cultural backgrounds whose sole or preferred language is Spanish. Mean profile comparisons between the current Spanish sample and the original standardization sample revealed significant differences on several scales. Implications of findings for clinical applications and further research are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined psychometric properties of the Spanish translation of the Marital Satisfaction Inventory-Revised (MSI-R) in a sample of 71 Spanish-speaking couples in Mexico. Results from this sample were compared to findings obtained from 65 Mexican American couples who completed the MSI-R in Spanish. Both the internal consistency and factor structure of the Spanish MSI-R with Mexican couples were found to be comparable to findings on the Spanish MSI-R for Mexican American couples. Moreover, multivariate analysis indicated no significant mean profile differences between these two groups as a function of nationality, gender, or nationality-by-gender interaction. These findings offer initial evidence toward establishing the appropriateness of the Spanish MSI-R for use with Spanish-dominant Mexican couples.  相似文献   

This study examined the reliability and validity evidence drawn from the scores of the Spanish version of the Slovenian-developed Social Anxiety Scale for Adolescents (SASA; Puklek, 1997; Puklek & Vidmar, 2000) using a community sample (Study 1) and a clinical sample (Study 2). Confirmatory factor analysis in Study 1 replicated the 2-factor structure found by the original authors in a sample of Slovenian adolescents. Test-retest reliability was adequate. Furthermore, the SASA correlated significantly with other social anxiety scales, supporting concurrent validity evidence in Spanish adolescents. The results of Study 2 confirmed the correlations between the SASA and other social anxiety measures in a clinical sample. In addition, findings revealed that the SASA can effectively discriminate between adolescents with a clinical diagnosis of social anxiety disorder (SAD) and those without this disorder. Finally, cut-off scores for the SASA are provided for Spanish adolescents.  相似文献   

The present paper had three purposes: (a) presenting normative data for the Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale in a Spanish sample, (b) studying whether there are significant sex or age differences in self-esteem, and (c) studying whether there are significant differences between a Control group with no psychological diagnosis and a group of social phobics. Of the total sample of 266 persons, 214 belonged to the Control group and 52 to the Social Phobic group. Item-total score correlations and alpha reliabilities supported the internal consistency of the scale. There were statistically significant differences between the Control and Social Phobic groups, but not by sex or age.  相似文献   

Voluminous work has catalogued the utility of Rusbult's (1980) investment model of commitment processes in understanding why some relationships persist whereas others fail. To date this work has been conducted almost exclusively with samples of English‐speaking individuals. To facilitate testing novel hypotheses among Spanish‐speaking populations as well examining various cross‐cultural questions, we present a Spanish version of the Investment Model Scale (Rusbult, Martz, & Agnew, 1998). With a sample of Spanish‐speaking individuals from Chile, we demonstrate that our translation has the same structural properties as the English version (Study 1) and has good predictive validity (Study 2). The Spanish version of the Investment Model Scale will enable researchers to sample a larger subset of the population and allow for the examination of cultural influences on relationship processes.  相似文献   

The MacArthur-Bates Inventories are a valid and reliable method for assessing communicative and linguistic skills in infants (8-15 months) and young children (16-30 months), and have been adapted to many languages. This paper presents their adaptation to Spanish. Structure, innovations included in the Spanish version, and the standardisation process are described, and some results obtained from the analysis of a sample of 1150 children are presented. The advantages and limitations of the use of parental report inventories are highlighted. For children before three years of age, there are very few assessment tools of language and communicative development with sufficient guarantees produced and edited in Spain. The Spanish version of the MacArthur-Bates Inventories represents an important contribution for early identification of language delays or disorders, and for follow-up of these cases.  相似文献   

Sumi K 《Psychological reports》2011,109(3):976-982
To clarify the relations of the dimensions of social problem solving with those of interpersonal competence in a sample of 234 Japanese college students, Japanese versions of the Social Problem-solving Inventory-Revised and the Social Skill Scale were administered. Pearson correlations between the two sets of variables were low, but higher within each set of subscales. Cronbach's alpha was low for four subscales assessing interpersonal competence.  相似文献   

This study examined the effectiveness of a short-term training programme for improving children's interpersonal cognitive problem solving ability and social status. Subjects were twenty primary school children aged seven-to eight-years old. Children in the training condition participated in a four week programme aimed at improving their ability to think of alternative strategies to problematic social situations and recognize the consequences of interpersonal actions. Children in the intervention condition showed significant improvements in their levels of alternative solutions thinking (p <0.005) and consequential thinking (p < 0.05) but not sociometric status (p > 0.05).  相似文献   

Examined the impact of two subject variables (age and gender) and two contextual factors (antagonist age and nature of the social dilemma) on children's social problem solving (SPS). Preschoolers (N=62) were individually presented with four stories that varied the antagonist age (peer vs. adult) and social dilemma (nonsexual vs. sexual). Responses were coded for three SPS variables: number of alternative solutions, solution content, and planfulness. Younger preschoolers were less competent problem solvers in all types of unsafe situations, and, compared to girls, some aspects of boys' problem solving were compromised in sexual encounters. Results also suggest that the nature of the social dilemma, but not the age of the antagonist, affects perschoolers' SPS. Children generated fewer alternative solutions and fewer effective strategies to the sexual encounters compared to the nonsexual dilemmas. Findings are discussed in relation to research on children's SPS and child sexual abuse prevention efforts.  相似文献   

采用问卷法,对2157名中学生社会问题解决能力的特点及其与社会适应的关系进行研究。结果发现:(1)从初中到高中,中学生的社会问题解决能力出现下降的趋势;男生在计划制定上显著高于女生,在人际沟通、支持寻求上显著低于女生;班干部的社会问题解决能力显著高于非班干部;(2)中学生的社会问题解决能力可分为建设型、一般型和不良型,所占比例分别为22.9%、42.8%、34.4%,建设型中学生的社会适应状况显著好于一般型和不良型;(3)社会问题解决能力与社会适应状况显著相关,其对积极的社会适应有显著的正向预测作用,对消极的社会适应有显著的负向预测作用;在社会问题解决能力各维度中,问题趋近和问题回避的预测作用最为突出。  相似文献   

Research on the association between social anxiety and social media usage remains inconclusive: despite the preference for computer-mediated communication there is currently no clear empirical support for social anxiety being associated with longer duration of social media use. Self-report measures for social anxiety that are adapted for the context of social media could facilitate further research. The current study aimed to develop a Swedish version of the recently developed Social Anxiety Scale for Social Media Users (SAS-SMU), evaluate its psychometric properties, and explore associations between different uses of social media and social anxiety. Three factors were retained for SAS-SMU with excellent internal consistency. SAS-SMU evidenced convergent validity with measures of social anxiety, negative convergent validity with satisfaction with life, and divergent validity with measures of obsessive-compulsive disorder, depression and generalized anxiety disorder. Results indicated that higher levels of social anxiety were associated with passive and active use as well as longer duration of social media use in general, which is at odds with a previous study where passive use remained the only significant predictor for social anxiety.  相似文献   

Mothers of retarded children and nonretarded children were observed and videotaped as they interacted with their own child in a seminaturalistic situation, requiring teaching, cooperation, and free play. The child's social problem-solving abilities were assessed independently. The Vineland scale was employed to provide some convergent evidence of social problem-solving as a component of social competence. Twelve educable mentally retarded and 19 nonretarded 10-year-old children and their mothers comprised the sample. For the mentally retarded group, it was found that the higher maternal directiveness, the lower the child's social problem-solving skills. Mothers who often gave the child opportunity for decision-making and social influence had children with higher problem-solving skills. The retarded children produced significantly fewer different strategies for solving social problems, but gave a wider range of strategies than has been found in previous research. There was some support that social problem-solving skills are related to social maturity.  相似文献   

Harter's Self-perception Profile for Children was designed to assess children's domain-specific judgments of their competence (scholastic, social, athletic, physical, and behavioral), as well as global self-worth. The psychometric properties and exploratory factor analysis of the profile for two Spanish samples of children (49% boys and 51% girls; M age=11.1 yr., SD=9.7), were examined (n=23 from an after-school social care center in an economically deprived neighborhood and n=120 from a private school mainly enrolling families of medium socioeconomic status). All attending children between 9 and 12 yr. old were included. Analysis showed sex differences, with girls scoring lower than boys on Athletic Competence and higher on Behavioral Conduct. Children from the economically deprived group had higher scores on Social Acceptance and lower scores on Physical Appearance. The cross-cultural analysis showed that the Spanish control group scored significantly higher than the original American control group on Global Self-worth. A Spanish validation with 9- to 12-yr.-olds clearly replicated the five-factor structure reported by Harter in 1985 and also replicated the results obtained in other European samples, showing reliable and valid psychometric properties.  相似文献   

In view of the obvious advantages of computers for the behavioral sciences, the question is raised as to how to make more effective use of computing capabilities. One idea is to require that fledgling behavioral scientists receive brief training in flowcharting and algorithm generation rather than a full course in computing skills. Such training would be an important adjunct for those who would go on for further instruction, especially in view of current deficiencies in many computer courses. One recurrent deficiency lies in the lack of specific guidelines for conceptualizing problems for computer implementation. Such guidelines are developed here, along with other suggestions designed to attenuate the difficulty in conceptualization.  相似文献   

Research on emotions in the workplace has recently developed into a major field. The study and contribution of Emotional Intelligence (EI) to this area has been fundamental. However, EI has been predominantly studied from an individual perspective, and group level studies as well as comparisons among cultures are necessary. Thus, the development and adaptation of group measures to other languages is needed. In this study, we examine the reliability and validity of the Spanish version of the Work Group Emotional Intelligence Profile-Short version (WEIP-S) in a sample of 332 employees from 53 work groups. In summary, our Spanish version of the WEIP-S replicates the factor structure and has an adequate reliability rating, and the relations with other criterion variables were similar to those of the Australian English version. This Spanish version of the WEIP-S provides us with a good instrument to further analyze EI in groups and to promote the comparison of these variables among cultures.  相似文献   

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