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Recent experiments using a variety of techniques have suggested that speech perception involves separate auditory and phonetic levels of processing. Two models of auditory and phonetic processing appear to be consistent with existing data: (a) a strictserial model in which auditory information would be processed at one level, followed by the processing of phonetic information at a subsequent level; and (b) aparallel model in which auditory and phonetic processing could proceed simultaneously. The present experiment attempted to distinguish empirically between these two models. Ss identified either an auditory dimension (fundamental frequency) or a phonetic dimension (place of articulation of the consonant) of synthetic consonant-vowel syllables. When the two dimensions varied in a completely correlated manner, reaction times were significantly shorter than when either dimension varied alone. This “redundancy gain” could not be attributed to speed-accuracy trades, selective serial processing, or differential transfer between conditions. These results allow rejection of a completely serial model, suggesting instead that at least some portion of auditory and phonetic processing can occur in parallel.  相似文献   

This study investigated auditory discrimination as a function of ethnic group membership within the same socioeconomic status (SES). Subjects were 126 randomly selected six-year-old students attending schools in the lower SES community of southeast San Diego. Only students with no known speech or hearing defects and of normal intelligence were included. They were assigned to one of three categories: Black, Chicano, or Anglo.Subjects were administered four tests in a counterbalanced design: the Wepman, the Gross, and the Ott. The latter two were developed for use with Black dialect and Spanish-speaking youngsters, respectively. The ANOVA results indicated a reliable difference between the main effects of the groups (F=40.34,p<.001) and tests (F=72.82, p<.001), with a significant interaction between tests and groups (F=44.91, p<.001). Interaction effects were evaluated with the Dunn theorem. Significant differences were found among Anglo, Black, and Chicano students on the discrimination list for Spanish sounds (Ott) and a significant Anglo/Black difference on the discrimination test for Black dialect (Gross). Contrary to previous findings, there were no differences between the groups on the Wepman Test of Auditory Discrimination (WTAD). However, there are significant differences between groups on separate items of this test.  相似文献   

Complex periodic auditory signals, produced by the Guttman-Julesz procedure of repeating segments of random noise, were employed to address the low region of auditory periodicity. Periodicity detection and discrimination tasks were examined with a common experimental procedure and a common measure of thresholds. Typically, detection and discrimination performance suffer at extremely low periodicities, presumably because of the extremely close spacing of harmonics throughout the auditory spectrum. Interaural phase effects are extremely weak for these signals, being largely confined to threshold-detection tasks. Despite qualitative phenomenological differences for different periodicity regions, detection and discrimination functions show no sharp discontinuities over a wide range of periodicities.  相似文献   

Cortical lesions and auditory discrimination   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

A computer program capable of supporting auditory and speech perception experimentation is described. Given a continuum of acoustic stimuli, the program (Paradigm) allows the user to present those stimuli under different, well-known psychophysical paradigms (simple identification, identification with a rating scale, 2IAX, ABX, AXB, and oddity task). For discrimination tests, both high uncertainty (roving designs) and minimal psychophysical uncertainty (fixed designs) procedures are available. All the relevant time intervals can be precisely specified, and feedback is also available. Response times can be measured as well. Furthermore, the program stores subjects’ responses and provides summaries of experimental results for both individual subjects and groups. The program runs on Microsoft Windows (3.1 or 95) on personal computers equipped with any soundboard.  相似文献   

Dupoux E  de Gardelle V  Kouider S 《Cognition》2008,109(2):267-273
Current theories of consciousness assume a qualitative dissociation between conscious and unconscious processing: while subliminal stimuli only elicit a transient activity, supraliminal stimuli have long-lasting influences. Nevertheless, the existence of this qualitative distinction remains controversial, as past studies confounded awareness and stimulus strength (energy, duration). Here, we used a masked speech priming method in conjunction with a submillisecond interaural delay manipulation to contrast subliminal and supraliminal processing at constant prime, mask and target strength. This delay induced a perceptual streaming effect, with the prime popping out in the supraliminal condition. By manipulating the prime-target interval (ISI), we show a qualitatively distinct profile of priming longevity as a function of prime awareness. While subliminal priming disappeared after half a second, supraliminal priming was independent of ISI. This shows that the distinction between conscious and unconscious processing depends on high-level perceptual streaming factors rather than low-level features (energy, duration).  相似文献   

Two discrimination test apparatuses for primates   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper describes two test apparatuses developed to facilitate discrimination learning studies with primates. The semiautomated apparatus provides for presentation of stereometric stimulus materials through the illumination of lamps which make a one-way mirror transparent at the onset of a trial. The totally automated test system was developed to facilitate the collection of Transfer Index (TI) measurements, measurements intended to provide for equitable assessments of the learning-set capabilities of diverse primate genera. The TI test procedures and the system’s operations provide for criterional mastery (67% or 84% responses correct) of two-ehoice visual discrimination problems, consisting of projected patterns, then reversal of cues for the 10 test trials that are of particular significance in calculation of the TI scores.  相似文献   

People naturally move their heads when they speak, and our study shows that this rhythmic head motion conveys linguistic information. Three-dimensional head and face motion and the acoustics of a talker producing Japanese sentences were recorded and analyzed. The head movement correlated strongly with the pitch (fundamental frequency) and amplitude of the talker's voice. In a perception study, Japanese subjects viewed realistic talking-head animations based on these movement recordings in a speech-in-noise task. The animations allowed the head motion to be manipulated without changing other characteristics of the visual or acoustic speech. Subjects correctly identified more syllables when natural head motion was present in the animation than when it was eliminated or distorted. These results suggest that nonverbal gestures such as head movements play a more direct role in the perception of speech than previously known.  相似文献   

This experiment investigates an apparent discrepancy in experimental measurements of the effect of texture predictability upon reading disruption under delayed auditory feedback (DAF). By measuring relative DAF decrement in three different ways, it is shown that the previous findings can be related; Fillenbaum's hypothesis of increased disruption by DAF with an increase in predictability of the material is rejected, less disruption being obtained after practice on a particular passage. Almost identical ratios of DAF rate divided by normal rate are found irrespective of the type of reading material and stage in practice. This has not been reported previously and suggests that behaviour under DAF may be related to behaviour under normal conditions by a multiplicative constant. These results are also consistent with the notion of limited channel capacity and the partitioning of attention between two sources of information.  相似文献   

This study used electropalatography to identify articulatory drift in alveolar stops (/t/ and /d/) produced by 10 children with functional articulation and phonological disorders. Drift involves an abnormal change in place of articulation that occurs during stop closure. An index was used to measure drift, with higher values indicating greater drift. The results showed that drift was higher for children who produced undifferentiated gestures (articulations with increased tongue-palate contact). Drift is an important characteristic of articulation because it is believed to reflect impaired speech motor control. In addition, drift could explain some perceptually based speech errors that are frequently reported in functional disorders.  相似文献   

The kinds of aftereffects, indicative of cross-modal recalibration, that are observed after exposure to spatially incongruent inputs from different sensory modalities have not been demonstrated so far for identity incongruence. We show that exposure to incongruent audiovisual speech (producing the well-known McGurk effect) can recalibrate auditory speech identification. In Experiment 1, exposure to an ambiguous sound intermediate between /aba/ and /ada/ dubbed onto a video of a face articulating either /aba/ or /ada/ increased the proportion of /aba/ or /ada/ responses, respectively, during subsequent sound identification trials. Experiment 2 demonstrated the same recalibration effect or the opposite one, fewer /aba/ or /ada/ responses, revealing selective speech adaptation, depending on whether the ambiguous sound or a congruent nonambiguous one was used during exposure. In separate forced-choice identification trials, bimodal stimulus pairs producing these contrasting effects were identically categorized, which makes a role of postperceptual factors in the generation of the effects unlikely.  相似文献   

Aging and temporal discrimination of brief auditory intervals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary In a duration-discrimination experiment, young adults (mean age = 25.1), middle-aged adults (mean age = 45.5), and older adults (mean age = 64.6) were presented with two very brief auditorily marked intervals per trial, and their task was to decide which of the two was longer in duration. An adaptive psychophysical procedure was used to determine difference thresholds in relation to a constant standard interval of 50 ms. It was found that duration-discrimination performance was unaffected by age; all three age groups yielded a difference threshold of approximately 17 ms. It was concluded that the ability to discriminate durations of very brief auditory intervals appears to be based on an underlying timing mechanism that does not slow down with advancing adult age.  相似文献   

At the behavioral level one of the primary disturbances involved in congenital dyslexia concerns phonological processing. At the neuroarchitectural level autopsies have revealed ectopies, e.g., a reduced number of neurons in the upper layers of the cortex and an increased number in the lower ones. In dynamic models of interacting neuronal populations the behavioral level can be related to the neurophysiological level. In this study an attempt is made to do so at the cortical level. The first focus of this model study are the results of a Finnish experiment assessing geminate stop perception in quasi speech stimuli by 6 month old infants using a head turning paradigm and evoked potentials. The second focus of this study are the results of a Dutch experiment assessing discrimination of transients in speech stimuli, by adult dyslexics and controls and 2 month old infants. There appears to be a difference in the phonemic perceptual boundaries of children at genetic risk for dyslexia and control children as revealed in the Finnish study. Assuming a lowered neuronal density in the 'dyslexic' model, reflecting ectopies, it may be postulated that less neuronal surface is available for synaptic connections resulting in a lowered synaptic density and thus a lowered amount of available neurotransmitter. A lowered synaptic density also implies a reduced amount of membrane surface available for neurotransmitter metabolism. By assuming both, a reduced upper bound of neurotransmitter and a reduced metabolic transmitter rate in the dynamic model, the Finnish experimental results can be approximated closely. This applies both to data from behavioral head turning and that of the evoked potential study. In the Dutch study adult dyslexics show poor performance in discriminating transients in the speech signal compared to the controls. The same stimuli were used in a a study comparing infants from dyslexic families and controls. Using the same transmitter parameters as in modeling the results of the Finnish study, also in this case the experimental results for adults and infants can be approximated closely. Simulation of behavioral and pharmaceutical interventions with the model provide predictions which can be put to the test in experiments.  相似文献   

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