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This study reveals the usefulness of multiple correlation techniques in estimating the relative importance of different aspects of a tracking task in the operator's tracking behavior. The technique is applied to a compensatory tracking task with a position control.The authors wish to express their appreciation of the many persons who have so generously offered encouragement and advice. Particularly helpful were S. F. George and H. Glaser of the U. S. Naval Research Laboratory and W. J. McGill of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The authors are also deeply indebted to Miss Jean B. Henson, who performed the many long and laborious statistical computations, for which she deserves more than this footnote.  相似文献   

Several studies have suggested that worry and obsessional symptoms are systematically associated. In the present study, the relationship between worry and obsessional symptoms was confirmed. Measures included a worry content measure, a worry visual analogue scale, a modification of the everyday checking behaviours scale, and the MOCI. Worry was found to be more consistently associated with checking and doubting, than washing and slowness. It is suggested that worry and obsessional symptoms both occur in response to stress. In addition, it is suggested that worry and checking are functionally similar, and Generalised Anxiety Disorder may represent a 'cognitive' variant of obsessional checking.  相似文献   

An informational analysis of imitation as proposed by Liebert and Fernandez (1970a) is examined. Based on the Liebert and Fernandez data and statistical procedures, as well as inconsistent findings in other studies in the area, at least certain components of the informational heuristic would appear to have serious limitations. In particular, the proposal that both vicarious reward and punishment, relative to no vicarious consequences, will increase recall of the model's acts is questioned.  相似文献   

Seven locus of control scales—two designed for adults and five for children—were administered to about 200 adolescents. A content analysis revealed very little overlap between the scales which had practically no effect on the correlations between them. Correlations between the five children’s locus of control scale scores were highly significant, and nearly all greater than .50, but the two adult scales showed very little significant correlations either with each other, or any of the children’s scales. A number of demographic variables were correlated with total scale scores of which age was the most significant. The results are discussed in terms of the multidimensional nature of the concept, psychometric evaluation of locus of control beliefs in different age groups and the specificity of the concept in general.  相似文献   

Many theories of interpersonal relationships distinguish between individual-level processes and dyadic or group-level processes. This suggests that two-person relationships should be studied at the level of the dyad as well as at the level of the individual. We discuss correlational methods for dyads when each dyad contains two different types of individuals (e.g., a husband and wife, a mother and child, or an expert and a novice). In such dyadic interaction designs, the dyad members are said to be distinguishable. We present a method for computing the overall correlation for distinguishable dyads, and we discuss a model for separating the dyad-level and individual-level components of such a correlation. The computational techniques and their interpretation are described using data from 98 heterosexual couples.  相似文献   

The data of Welsh and Baucom (1977) have been reanalyzed using correlational analysis for the complete distributions in place of the analysis of variance of extreme groups. The analysis reveals a number of statistically significant correlations between composites of M-F scales and several measures of intelligence, but these are trival in size. Also the sign of the correlations depends directly on which M-F scales are selected to form composites. One can obtain a correlation between either masculinity and intelligence or femininity and intelligence depending on whether the supposed trait is measured from scales formed from the Adjective Check List or from a combination of the MMPI and the SVIB.  相似文献   

In studies of college students, normal children at three grades, and learning-disabled children, physical and nominal matching procedures were highly correlated, (range .72-.96). In each instance, expected time differences favoring physical matches were replicated. Comparable results were found with both tachistoscopic and paper-and-pencil methods. In two studies where relevant data were available, correlations were not significantly attenuated when the effects of motor speed were partialled out. The results challenge the premise that nominal and physical matching measures are empirically independent, invalidate their application as measures of independent types of information processing, and help explain inconsistent findings in hemispheric specialization research.  相似文献   

In 4 studies, the authors examined the hypothesis that the structure of the informational environment makes small samples more informative than large ones for drawing inferences about population correlations. The specific purpose of the studies was to test predictions arising from the signal detection simulations of R. B. Anderson, M. E. Doherty, N. D. Berg, and J. C. Friedrich (2005). The results of a simulation study in the present article confirmed and extended previous theoretical claims (R. B. Anderson et al., 2005) that in a yes/no correlation detection task, small-sample advantages should occur but should be restricted to particular decision conditions. In 3 behavioral studies, participants viewed larger or smaller samples of data pairs and judged whether each sample had been drawn from a population characterized by a zero correlation or from one characterized by a greater-than-zero correlation. Consistent with traditional statistical theory, accuracy tended to be greater for larger than for smaller samples, though there was a small-sample advantage in 1 experimental condition. The results are discussed in relation to alternative theoretical and behavioral paradigms such as those of Y. Kareev (e.g., 2005) and K. Fiedler and Y. Kareev (2006).  相似文献   

Since the factor problem is reduced mathematically to the expression of the obtained correlational matrix in terms of a matrix of lower rank, criteria for the determination of this lower rank are of first importance. These criteria are investigated by means of certain mathematical deductions, and brought into relation with Spearman's and Thurstone's factor theories.  相似文献   

The two experiments of this study exploited individual variation in timing ability to ask whether the production of time intervals by different motor effectors and the judgement of perceptually based time intervals all share common timing mechanisms. In one task subjects produced a series of taps, attempting to maintain constant intervals between them. Individual differences in variability of the produced intervals correlated across the effectors of finger and foot. That is, people that were ‘good timers’ with one effector tended to be ‘good timers’ with another. Besides timing motor production, the subjects also judged durations of brief perceptual events. The acuity of perceptual judgements correlate substantially with regularity of motor production. Further results involving maximum speed of motor production suggested that variability of motor timing comes from two sources, one source in common with perception, and hence called clock variability, and the other source in common with motor speed, and hence called motor implementation variability. The second experiment showed that people high in skill on the piano were better at both types of timing on the average than control subjects with no expertise.  相似文献   

J Adam  L Bateman 《Perception》1983,12(2):119-129
Correlational methods were used to investigate symmetry of effect for the arrowhead and featherhead versions of the Müller-Lyer figure. Two control figures were compared in the determination of baseline levels for measurement of the illusions: a shaft presented without any inducing context, and a shaft with vertical inducing lines attached. In addition, results based on difference-score measures of the illusions were contrasted with results obtained by partial-correlation techniques. Overall, when one considers the results for either one of the arrowhead or featherhead versions, the evidence favours a common underlying mechanism. However, results across the two versions suggest that the mechanisms for the two versions differ fundamentally. In weighting the different kinds of evidence contributing to this conclusion, methodological issues were raised. By obtaining two judgments for each stimulus figure from a large number of subjects, it was possible to demonstrate not only that conventional difference-score measures of illusions are highly unreliable, but also that they can yield biased results.  相似文献   

The Theory of Evolution has, since Darwin, been sustained by contributions from many sciences, most especially from molecular biology. Philosophers, like biologists and the man in the street, have accepted the idea that the contemporary form of evolutionary theory has arrived at a convincing and final structure. As it now stands, natural selection is thought to work through the information-handling mechanism of the DNA molecule. Variation in the genome?s constructive message is achieved through random errors of processing called mutations. How that mechanism and its revision works, and how much information it can hold are fundamental questions for the Neo-Darwinian theory to face. It is argued here that neither the operation nor the data content of the genome, as science understand them, can underpin the role Darwinism assigns to natural selection. It follows that we cannot put our confidence in the explanatory force of Darwinian reasoning, but neither is there an alternative to it.  相似文献   

The present study tested matched samples of 15 retarded and 15 normal children on the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale and the McCarthy Scales of Children's Abilities. Pearson correlations between Stanford-Binet IQs and the six McCarthy Scale Indexes for retarded subjects were lower than coefficients obtained from the normal subjects and from previous research. While the General Cognitive Index may be interchangeable with IQ in the Normal range of intellectual functioning, this relationship was not found for the retarded subjects in the present study. The "venerable" Stanford-Binet retains its position as the most broadly applicable measure of intellectual functioning. Implications of the study as well as an outline for future research were included.  相似文献   

This paper takes up a suggestion made by Floridi that the digital revolution is bringing about a profound change in our metaphysics. The paper aims to bring some older views from philosophy of mathematics to bear on this problem. The older views are concerned principally with mathematical realism—that is the claim that mathematical entities such as numbers exist. The new context for the discussion is informational realism, where the problem shifts to the question of the reality of information. Mathematical realism is perhaps a special case of informational realism. The older views concerned with mathematical realism are the various theories of World 3. The concept of World 3 was introduced by Frege, whose position was close to Plato’s original views. Popper developed the theory of World 3 in a different direction which is characterised as ‘constructive Platonism’. But how is World 3 constructed? This is explored by means of two analogies: the analogy with money, and the analogy with meaning, as explicated by the later Wittgenstein. This leads to the development of an account of informational realism as constructive Aristoteliansim. Finally, this version of informational realism is compared with the informational structural realism which Floridi develops in his 2008 and 2009 papers in Synthese. Similarities and differences between the two positions are noted.  相似文献   

An analysis of the selection and use of informational models in psychological research is undertaken. The axioms of different informational models are presented together with the deductions which have direct empirical application. The models are used to demonstrate many of the inadequacies and inaccuracies involved in the use of information theory in the psychological literature. It is also shown that certain related conceptual ambiguities are understandable in terms of confusions among various models.Most of this article was written while the senior author was summer consultant to the System Development Corporation.  相似文献   

Informational masking is broadly defined as a degradation of auditory detection or discrimination of a signal embedded ina context of other similar sounds; it is not related to energetic masking caused by physical interactions between signal and masker. In this paper, we report a systematic release from informational masking of a target tone in anine-tone rapid auditory sequence as the target is increasingly isolated in frequency or intensity from the remaieining sequence components. Improved target-tone frequency difference limens as isolation increases are interpreted as a reflection of increasingly focused auditory attention. The change from diffuse to highly focused attention is gradual over the frequency and intensity ranges examined, with each 1-dB increment in target intensity relative to the remaining components producing performance improvements equivalent to those produced by a 2% increase in frequency isolation. The results are modeled as bands of attention in the frequency and intensity domains. For attention directed by frequency isolation, there is a strong correspondence with auditory filters predicted by the power spectrum model of masking. These data also support the existence of an attention band of intensity, with a bandwidth of about 5–7 dB at the moderate levels used in this experiment.  相似文献   

We introduce a Paraconsistent Informational Logic that formalizes the idea of conjectures which are acceptable as to the quality and the variety of the information that they convey with respect to a given theory T, even if they are classically inconsistent with T. The work constitutes an extension of a previously developed Informational Logic for classical frameworks, where a new notion of logical entropy measure H on formulas and on proofs plays a central role.  相似文献   

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