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Lachmann's paper is reviewed as an essential statement of the implications of empirical infant research for psychoanalytic theory and technique, oriented by his intersubjectivist self-psychological perspective. His essay reflects the extent to which this application has come to maturity. This commentary elaborates several of his points: that infancy, basic psychopathology, and primitivity are not analogous; the emphasis on continuity in development; and the importance of social reciprocity and adaptation in early relationship and development. I note theoretical resonances to other psychoanalytic orientations, including developmental ego psychology, British object relations theory, contemporary Kleinian thinking, and, especially, the contemporary American relational movement.

Lachmann's clinical approach is then discussed as fitting into the overall relational emphasis on reciprocity and direct engagement in psychoanalysis. Within a framework of broad agreement, I wonder if Lachmann overemphasizes affirmative and idealizing selfobject relations at the expense of other transferences and mutual influence patterns. Finally, the theory of motivational systems is reviewed as an important innovation that does not go far enough in integrating dynamic systems theory.  相似文献   

In our article, “Syntactic complexity effects in sentence production” (Scontras, Badecker, Shank, Lim, & Fedorenko, 2015 ), we reported two elicited production experiments and argued that there is a cost associated with planning and uttering syntactically complex, object‐extracted structures that contain a non‐local syntactic dependency. MacDonald et al. ( 2016 ) have argued that the results of our investigation provide little new information on the topic. We disagree. Examining the production of subject versus object extractions in two constructions across two experimental paradigms—relative clauses in Experiment 1 and wh‐questions in Experiment 2—we found a strikingly similar pattern: reliable differences in latency and word durations, as well as in rates of disfluencies, signaling a greater cost associated with planning and uttering the syntactically more complex object extractions. MacDonald et al. reject that interpretation, namely that the differences we observed in the production of subject versus object extractions demonstrate asymmetric production difficulties. Here we address the concerns they raise by clarifying confusion and presenting novel experimental evidence in support of our original claims.  相似文献   

Increasing support for the relationship between road traffic violations and accident liability has led to research focusing on the motivational factors that promote these behaviors. In Study 1, a large sample of young (17–40 years) drivers were asked to complete the Driver Behavior Questionnaire (DBQ; Parker, Reason, Manstead, & Stradling, 1995). Factor analysis revealed 3 factors: errors, highway code violations, and more interpersonally aggressive violations. In Study 2, a smaller sample of drivers was recruited (17–70 years) to investigate further this distinction between different types of violation and also the role of affect in predicting behavior. Factor analysis of a modified DBQ revealed 3 types of violation. Measures of positive affect were found to be good predictors of all 3 violation types. Discussion focuses on social psychological and applied implications.  相似文献   

We examined the relationships among verbosity, syntactic complexity, and pausing in the speech of 21 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (3rd ed., rev.) (DSM-III-R) diagnosed schizophrenic participants and 19 DSM-III-R diagnosed manic participants. We found that less verbosity was associated with both less syntactic complexity and greater pausing. In addition, less syntactic complexity was associated with greater pausing. The strength of these associations did not differ significantly between the two diagnostic groups. We propose that deficits in verbosity, syntactic complexity, and pausing are all related to a disturbance in message generation. We discuss the consistency of this hypothesis with previous research linking information processing and frontal lobe deficits to disturbances in verbosity, syntactic complexity, and pausing.  相似文献   

When people violate certain social role norms, they risk false categorization into a stigmatized group. For example, heterosexual men who perform female stereotypic behaviors are often misclassified as gay. This identity misclassification is aversive because it threatens fundamental psychological needs. Findings presented here reveal that expectations of identity misclassification fuel heterosexual actors’ (N?=?216) discomfort during imagined gender role violations and that audience variables that increase the likelihood of misclassification also increase role violators’ discomfort. Moreover, expectations of misclassification strongly predict people’s discomfort during gender role violations regardless of their standing along relevant actor dimensions (e.g., attitudes and self-views). These findings suggest that people’s—and particularly heterosexual men’s—expectations of identity misclassification are powerful mechanisms that underlie adherence to traditional gender role norms.  相似文献   

Phonetic analyses were made of the articulatory errors of ten Broca's aphasics with apraxia of speech. Presentation mode, phoneme position, and phoneme frequency-of-occurrence were related to phoneme difficulty. Consonant clusters were more difficult than consonant singletons; vowels were easiest. Substitution, addition, and compound errors predominated, while distortions and omissions were much less frequent. A subphonemic feature analysis of substitution and distortion errors showed a majority of errors to be close approximations to target phonemes.  相似文献   

关系质量是影响人格判断准确性的重要因素,该研究分别在男性、女性朋友两个样本中考查了熟悉度与关系亲密度对人格判断自我—他人一致性(SOA)的影响,结果表明:(1)神经质的自我评定显著高于朋友评定,责任心的自我评定显著低于朋友评定;(2)两个样本中大五人格所有维度的SOA都达到了显著水平,尽管女性样本中外倾性、宜人性和责任心的SOA均比男性样本高,但两样本之间不存在显著差异;(3)两样本聚合的SOA中,外倾性最高(r=0.41),责任心其次(r=0.36),神经质和开放性最低(均为r=0.21);(4)除了男性样本中的外倾性,熟悉度对其他维度的SOA都没有显著调节效应;(5)两样本中关系亲密度对所有人格维度SOA的调节效应均不显著。  相似文献   

We performed three experiments in order to determine whether patients with Parkinson′s disease (PD) have a sentence comprehension impairment. In the first experiment, we found that nondemented PD patients were impaired at matching a short sentence containing a mass or count quantifier (e.g., "Point to the jar with many") with one of four pictures. Patients erred by pointing to the incorrect mass or count type of substance, but pointed correctly to the large or small amount of a substance in the picture. In the second experiment, we asked the same PD patients to judge short sentences containing mass or count nouns modified by mass or count adjectives (e.g., *"The glass contains many milk"). PD patients were significantly impaired at detecting errors in the agreement between a noun and a quantifying adjective and errors in the appropriate use of the plural associated with a noun. A sentence completion task was performed in order to determine whether patients impaired on both sentence-picture matching and sentence judgment tasks are also compromised in their expression of quantifiers. Some patients impaired on both tasks also had difficulty expressing quantifiers, and it is these patients who may have difficulty performing grammatical computations. Other patients were selectively impaired in their sentence-picture matching or their sentence judgments, suggesting a performance deficit concerned with a particular task. We conclude that sentence comprehension impairments in PD are multifactorial in nature.  相似文献   

A number of studies report that frequency is a poor predictor of acceptability, in particular at the lower end of the frequency spectrum. Because acceptability judgments provide a substantial part of the empirical foundation of dominant linguistic traditions, understanding how acceptability relates to frequency, one of the most robust predictors of human performance, is crucial. The relation between low frequency and acceptability is investigated using corpus‐ and behavioral data on the distribution of infinitival and finite that‐complements in Polish. Polish verbs exhibit substantial subordination variation and for the majority of verbs taking an infinitival complement, the that‐complement occurs with low frequency (<0.66 ipm). These low‐frequency that‐clauses, in turn, exhibit large differences in how acceptable they are to native speakers. It is argued that acceptability judgments are based on configurations of internally structured exemplars, the acceptability of which cannot reliably be assessed until sufficient evidence about the core component has accumulated.  相似文献   

Rob Foels  Landon D. Reid 《Sex roles》2010,62(9-10):684-692
The present research examined the invariance hypothesis, which predicts lower levels of social dominance orientation (SDO) for women compared to men even when accounting for other factors. Previous research shows that gender linked variables mediate the gender difference in SDO. In two studies using undergraduates in the northeastern U.S., we tested mediation by cognitive complexity, a variable linked to social status but not to gender. Study 1 (n?=?117) found that women had higher levels of attributional complexity, but not need for cognition. Study 2 (n?=?206) further found that attributional complexity mediated the relationship between gender and SDO, suggesting that higher cognitive complexity due to low social status may be involved in gender differences in SDO.  相似文献   

Zhang  Zhuo  Dang  Junhua  Li  Jiayi  He  Yongtong  Huang  Sicheng  Wang  You  Yang  Xueling 《Journal of child and family studies》2021,30(6):1599-1606
Journal of Child and Family Studies - Previous research demonstrated that childhood trauma was associated with self-control deficit from adolescence to adulthood. However, the underlying mechanism...  相似文献   

In English, two deictic space‐time metaphors are in common usage: the Moving Ego metaphor conceptualizes the ego as moving forward through time and the Moving Time metaphor conceptualizes time as moving forward toward the ego (Clark, 1973). Although earlier research investigating the psychological reality of these metaphors has typically examined spatial influences on temporal reasoning (e.g., Boroditsky & Ramscar, 2002), recent lines of research have extended beyond this, providing initial evidence that personality differences and emotional experiences may also influence how people reason about events in time (Duffy & Feist, 2014; Hauser, Carter, & Meier, 2009; Richmond, Wilson, & Zinken, 2012). In this article, we investigate whether these relationships have force in real life. Building on the effects of individual differences in self‐reported conscientiousness and procrastination found by Duffy and Feist (2014), we examined whether, in addition to self‐reported conscientiousness and procrastination, there is a relationship between conscientious and procrastinating behaviors and temporal perspective. We found that participants who adopted the Moving Time perspective were more likely to exhibit conscientious behaviors, while those who adopted the Moving Ego perspective were more likely to procrastinate, suggesting that the earlier effects reach beyond the laboratory.  相似文献   

本研究依据社会信息加工理论探讨了感知社会支持对道德敏感性的影响,并基于社会认知模型探讨了道德认同内在化和表征化在其中的中介作用。对387名中国大学生进行问卷调查分析,结果表明感知社会支持显著正向影响道德敏感性,仅道德认同内在化在感知社会支持和道德敏感性间起中介作用。这一研究结果拓展了有关道德敏感性影响因素的研究,为增强个体道德敏感性提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

Given that premenstrual distress is reported by large numbers of women, research has focused on the identification of biological and psychological factors that influence its severity. Previous research suggests that women who are high in anxiety sensitivity also report greater levels of premenstrual distress and negative affect. According to the menstrual reactivity hypothesis, women who have a tendency to self-focus and catastrophize about physical sensations are more likely to report greater levels of premenstrual distress. Cognitive schemas surrounding the menstrual cycle develop that are influenced by gender roles, cultural stereotypes, and expectations about bodily sensations. Another cognitive process, rumination, may also be linked to increased reports of premenstrual distress. Conceptually, the constructs of anxiety sensitivity and rumination share the tendency to self-focus on internal states. The goal of this study was to investigate how these two constructs relate to the prediction of premenstrual distress in a large sample of healthy undergraduate women (N = 478). Using mediational modeling, support was found for a mediational model; women who reported high levels of rumination and anxiety sensitivity reported the greatest premenstrual distress. These results are discussed within the framework of the menstrual reactivity hypothesis, a diathesis-stress model of premenstrual distress.  相似文献   

This paper presents a model describing the temporal and neurotopological structure of syntactic processes during comprehension. It postulates three distinct phases of language comprehension, two of which are primarily syntactic in nature. During the first phase the parser assigns the initial syntactic structure on the basis of word category information. These early structural processes are assumed to be subserved by the anterior parts of the left hemisphere, as event-related brain potentials show this area to be maximally activated when phrase structure violations are processed and as circumscribed lesions in this area lead to an impairment of the on-line structural assignment. During the second phase lexical-semantic and verb-argument structure information is processed. This phase is neurophysiologically manifest in a negative component in the event-related brain potential around 400 ms after stimulus onset which is distributed over the left and right temporo-parietal areas when lexical-semantic information is processed and over left anterior areas when verb-argument structure information is processed. During the third phase the parser tries to map the initial syntactic structure onto the available lexical-semantic and verb-argument structure information. In case of an unsuccessful match between the two types of information reanalyses may become necessary. These processes of structural reanalysis are correlated with a centroparietally distributed late positive component in the event-related brain potential. The different temporal and topographical patterns of the event-related brain potential. as well as some aspects of aphasics′ comprehension behavior are taken to support the view that these different processing phases are distinct and that the left anterior cortex, in particular, is responsible for the on-line assignment of syntactic structure.  相似文献   

对258名幼儿进行情绪理解能力任务测查,其母亲完成情绪调节方式问卷和应对幼儿消极情绪问卷,探讨母亲情绪调节方式、母亲对幼儿消极情绪的反应方式和幼儿情绪理解能力之间的关系。结果表明,幼儿情绪理解能力随年龄增长而提高,女孩情绪理解能力高于男孩。母亲对幼儿消极情绪更多采用情感关注和问题解决,惩罚反应最少,母亲对男孩的消极情绪表现出更多的惩罚反应,对女孩表现出更多的情感关注。母亲鼓励表达在其情绪调节方式和幼儿情绪理解能力之间有中介作用。  相似文献   

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