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从干细胞研究发展和胰腺生理病理学研究发展两个方面,横向和纵向两个角度阐述了胰腺干细胞研究的思路,用辩证认识论和普遍联系与对立统一原理分析了胰腺干细胞研究中所面临的问题和挑战,提出应对的策略和方法,并结合胰腺干细胞发展现状,展望其应用前景。  相似文献   

脑内移植是神经系统疾病的一种新的治疗措施。它适应临床实践的需要而产生,历经脑内组织移植和脑内干细胞移植两个重要发展阶段,其中脑内干细胞移植的研究主要有神经干细胞移植、胚胎干细胞移植、骨髓和脐血间充质干细胞移植。脑内干细胞移植是目前国内外医学研究的热点,具有广阔的临床应用前景,但也存在许多有待解决的问题,还需要经过一个艰难曲折的探索过程,最终使之成为治疗神经系统疾病的有效方法。它的产生和发展遵循着认识论和辩证法的客观规律,体现了科学认识的实践性、深刻性和创造性。  相似文献   

耳蜗传出神经系统在听觉活动中的功能日益受到重视,本文以耳鼻喉专业知识为基点,查阅了近年一系列有关耳蜗传出神经系统的研究成果和趋势,从哲学层面总结出一些相关思考方式,期待运用这些思考方式与实践工作形成良好互动,指导实际的科学研究,有助于提高我们的专业思考潜力。  相似文献   

随着人们对于肿瘤性疾病的发生、发展、转移机制的进一步探索,循环肿瘤细胞(CTCs)逐渐进入人们视野,其应用价值日益体现,可用于肿瘤性疾病的早期诊断及治疗效果的监测,尤其是对于早期肿瘤的诊断具有独特优势。其富集技术及检测方法也在发生着日新月异的变化。近年来,微流控分析芯片技术运用于 CTCs 的富集及检测,具有高丰度、高富集度、高活性及不需要对样本进行预处理等优点使得人们聚焦于此技术,本文对微流控分析芯片在 CTCs 检测中的运用做简要综述。  相似文献   

肿瘤干细胞理论认为,肿瘤增长是由肿瘤中具有干细胞特性的细胞分裂增殖引起的。针对性地抑制肿瘤干细胞的增殖,能显著提高肿瘤治愈率。本文用哲学的观点对肿瘤干细胞假说的提出、验证、临床应用进行分析,对于深入认识肿瘤干细胞的本质、探索其分离方法、发现抑制其增殖的有效手段将起到积极作用。  相似文献   

诱导多能干细胞(induced pluripotent stem cells,iPSCs)是通过向分化的体细胞转入特定的外源转录因子进行重编程,从而获得具有自我更新能力和多能性的细胞.iPSCs具有形成体内所有细胞类型的潜能,尤其是能以患者自身体细胞制备iPSCs,可用于特定疾病的治疗,规避了异体移植引发的免疫排斥风险以及伦理和法律冲突等问题,在基础研究和临床应用都有广阔的应用前景.目前,在重编程体细胞为iPSCs的过程中,由于细胞来源不同,所采用的基因组合以及转基因方式各不相同,获得的iPSCs具有潜在的致癌性等安全隐患,导致iPSCs的临床应用面临新的生命伦理挑战.  相似文献   

以pE1A质粒为模板,扩增E1A基因,然后将E1AcDNA片段插入前期已经构建好的真核表达载体pIRES-Rb94的MCSB的SalI与NotI之间,获得真核双基因表达质粒p1RES-Rb94-E1A,转染肺腺癌A549细胞后,采用RT—PCR和Westernblot方法检测Rb94和E1A在A549细胞中的表达,为研...  相似文献   

现代科学技术的发展已经并正在给人类展现一个相互矛盾的事实:一方面是科学技术推动人类社会的巨大进步,促进社会生活的极大提高。如核能的利用、转基因作物、转基因治疗、动物克隆、干细胞的开发与应用等等,无不让人类充分地享受到现代科技带来的种种利益和好处。另外一方面人类的生存危机前所未有的加深,环境的恶化、水资源的污染、新的疾病和变异的菌种诞生等等。怎样运用哲学的理性的思维和方法来评判现代科技对人类的影响,摆脱其发展对社会所造成的两难困境,是一个必须解决的难题。以干细胞移植研究为例,如何辩证看待干细胞移植热化问题,如何运用哲学思维来看待干细胞移植的有利性和危害性,探究科学技术的可持续发展道路。  相似文献   

在诱导各种干细胞向胰岛素分泌细胞(insulin producing cells,IPCs)分化的研究中,或多或少地存在着分化效率低、分化细胞不够成熟以及分泌产物的性质难以确定等问题,而IPCs的功能决定了其治疗糖尿病的效果,也是衡量各种诱导方案的重要指标。如何合理、科学地对IPCs进行形态与功能鉴定本文对此加以探讨。  相似文献   

胚胎干细胞研究面面观   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
人胚胎干细胞来自具有发育成一个个体潜力的人胚胎,其研究引发了一场伦理大辩论。就胚胎干细胞的概念、人胚胎干细胞研究将带给人类的巨大效益和研究所面临需要解决的技术难题,进行了重点阐述,提出了科学技术的发展是解决伦理争议的根本手段。  相似文献   

Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) represents the third leading cause of cancer-related death. Because HCC is multicentric with time, excluding the few transplanted patients, sooner or later it becomes untreatable with loco-regional therapies and, until some years ago, it was not responsive to systemic therapies. In 2005 a randomized trial indicated the efficacy of a product containing stem cell differentiation stage factors (SCDSF) taken from zebrafish embryos during the stage in which the totipotent stem cells are differentiating into the pluripotent adult stem cells. In such a trial the patients, with “intermediate” and “advanced” HCC according to Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer/American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (BCLC/AASLD) guidelines, presented benefit in terms of performance status and objective tumoral response, with some cases (2.4%) of complete response, that is, sustained disappearance of the neoplastic areas or blood supply therein, accompanied by normalization of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) levels (complete response [CR]). A second study reporting the experience of a tertiary referral center on patients with “advanced” stage confirmed the possibility to obtain CR. Out of 38 patients, 5 presented a sustained CR (13.1%). Improvement on PS was obtained in 17 patients (34.6%). No side effects occurred.  相似文献   

射频消融术(RFA )、肝动脉化疗栓塞术(TACE)及 DC-CIK 治疗等非手术方法已成为治疗小肝癌的重要手段。RFA 及 TACE 直接杀伤肿瘤细胞,DC-CIK 治疗明显改善机体免疫功能。 TACE 联合 RFA 术后序贯 DC-CIK 治疗可取长补短,提高治疗的有效性、安全性及患者的远期疗效。本文主要对 DC-CIK 治疗、TACE 、RFA 治疗现状及联合治疗前景做一综述。  相似文献   

目前心肌梗死常规治疗不能修复已死亡或者濒死的心肌,应用干细胞替代受损或死亡的心肌细胞来改善心功能,已成为近年来国内外研究的热点。骨髓间充质干细胞通过修复坏死心肌、促进血管新生等改善心梗后心功能,其移植治疗有望成为治疗心肌梗死的一个全新方法。  相似文献   

Theories of learning have historically taken, as their starting point, the assumption that learning processes have universal applicability. This position has been argued on grounds of parsimony, but has received two significant challenges: first, from the observation that some kinds of learning, such as spatial learning, seem to obey different rules from others, and second, that some kinds of learning take place in processing modules that are separate from each other. These challenges arose in the behavioural literature but have since received considerable support from neurobiological studies, particularly single neuron studies of spatial learning, confirming that there are indeed separable (albeit highly intercommunicating) processing modules in the brain, which may not always interact (within or between themselves) according to classic associative principles. On the basis of these neurobiological data, reviewed here, it is argued that rather than assuming universality of associative rules, it is more parsimonious to assume sets of locally operating rules, each specialized for a particular domain. By this view, although almost all learning is associative in one way or another, the behavioural-level characterization of the rules governing learning may vary depending on which neural modules are involved in a given behaviour. Neurobiological studies, in tandem with behavioural studies, can help reveal the nature of these modules and the local rules by which they interact.  相似文献   

The definition of episodic memory includes the concept of mental time travel: the ability to re-experience a previously experienced trajectory through continuous dimensions of space and time, and to recall specific events or stimuli along this trajectory. Lesions of the hippocampus and entorhinal cortex impair human episodic memory function and impair rat performance in tasks that could be solved by retrieval of trajectories. Recent physiological data suggests a novel model for encoding and retrieval of trajectories, and for associating specific stimuli with specific positions along the trajectory. During encoding in the model, external input drives the activity of head direction cells. Entorhinal grid cells integrate the head direction input to update an internal representation of location, and drive hippocampal place cells. Trajectories are encoded by Hebbian modification of excitatory synaptic connections between hippocampal place cells and head direction cells driven by external action. Associations are also formed between hippocampal cells and sensory stimuli. During retrieval, a sensory input cue activates hippocampal cells that drive head direction activity via previously modified synapses. Persistent spiking of head direction cells maintains the direction and speed of the action, updating the activity of entorhinal grid cells that thereby further update place cell activity. Additional cells, termed arc length cells, provide coding of trajectory segments based on the one-dimensional arc length from the context of prior actions or states, overcoming ambiguity where the overlap of trajectory segments causes multiple head directions to be associated with one place. These mechanisms allow retrieval of complex, self-crossing trajectories as continuous curves through space and time.  相似文献   

骨髓造血干细胞移植治疗自身免疫性疾病的进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自身免疫疾病发病机制复杂,目前尚缺少有效的治疗方法。近年来发现造血干细胞移植可以通过免疫重建显著缓解甚至治愈自身免疫病。笔者对近年来造血干细胞移植治疗自身免疫病进行了介绍和综述,就其在1型糖尿病这一领域的研究进展进行了述评,探讨造血干细胞移植用于治疗自身免疫病的前景和待解决的问题。  相似文献   

Deep Learning has already shown power in many application fields, and is accepted by more and more people as a better approach than the traditional machine learning models. In particular, the implementation of deep learning algorithms, especially Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), brings huge benefits to the medical field, where a huge number of images are to be processed and analyzed. This paper aims to develop a deep learning model to address the blood cell classification problem, which is one of the most challenging problems in blood diagnosis. A CNN-based framework is built to automatically classify the blood cell images into subtypes of the cells. Experiments are conducted on a dataset of 13k images of blood cells with their subtypes, and the results show that our proposed model provide better results in terms of evaluation parameters.  相似文献   

New medical imaging technologies enable the production of photos of human cells that are magnified to make them visible to the eye. Such cellular images have gained aesthetic as well as dramatic appeal, as they have moved out of the laboratories and become available for the public. At this stage, they are refashioned to reveal matters more clearly and pedagogically. Organic matter that might be confusing to the audience is removed and colours added to distinguish various aspects—but despite such manipulations, the result appears as images of real human cells, making them different from drawings and models. One example of this is the website of a Norwegian governmental organization for information on biotechnology and bioethics which displays images of egg and sperm cells related to techniques of assisted reproduction. These images represent cells as autonomous and independent of human gendered bodies. The process whereby cells culturally become detached and disassociated from human bodies is here referred to as a process of entification whereby the cells reappear as detachable, usable entities.  相似文献   

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