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In order to examine the reasons of the choice and the effectiveness of the strategies of conciliation related to the adaptation of working time, we present two empirical studies which investigate the relationships between the level of maternal separation anxiety and the choice of the duration of the schedules of work. The first study was conducted among two groups of working mothers, one of 41 mothers working at full-time, the other of 33 mothers having chosen to work part-time. The second study relates to 45 employees of mass marketing having the possibility of choosing nonstandard work schedules (early the morning, late the evening) or in day. The results confirm that, on a psychological level, the question of worked time is crucial for the active mothers. They illustrate how the new constraints related to the changes of the world of work (flexibility and precariousness) can be sometimes undergone by the women, sometimes appropriated by them in order to reconcile work and their family role.  相似文献   

Community psychology has been developed since the 1960s in North America, whereas its development is much more recent in Europe. It differs from traditional models of psychology by its conception of users and communities as collaborators. This field requires from psychologists that they extend their competencies to prevention and mental health promotion. It lays on a positive conception of the individual and of health, and seeks the investment of users in the development of local mental health models and resources. This paper aims at presenting the history of community psychology, its conceptual framework and its specificities, with regards to traditional models.  相似文献   

This study investigates men and women perceptions in the work, accros the relations between work conditions and job satisfaction. Similarity and difference are questionned about the mean dimensions of the work conditions (factor analysis) as well as the prédictive value of theses dimensions for the job satisfaction (regression analysis). In the same point of view, similarity and difference are analysed about health, importance of life domains and work-family interferences. Men and women seem to organize in the same way work conditions. Three factors are retained (Relations with superiors, Development and autonomy, Work intensity), wich the first two predict job satisfaction, for the men and the women. Nevertheless we note some differences, both about the force of the prediction and about specific item. Results and and futur works are discussed.  相似文献   

ContextAware of the difficulties caused by the COVID-19 pandemic for many families with children aged 6 or under, this study focuses on three contexts of potential vulnerability: single parenthood, children with developmental disorders, poverty.MethodA questionnaire, consisting of 69 questions, was transmitted nationally during the first lockdown (from 17 March to 10 May 2020). Among the study sample (n = 490), 36 households were single-parent, and 93 families had a child with developmental impairments. From November 2020 to June 2021, a additional qualitative approach was used to reach the most vulnerable groups (n = 23).ResultsThe methodology adopted made it possible to identify modes of experience that converge across families in the three contexts (more strengthened intrafamily relationships and investment in protection measures, for example), and others that appear more specific: pressure felt and need for information for single-parent households and those with children with developmental disorders, the burden of home schooling for single-parent households and the poorest, social isolation for single-parent households and difficulties in maintaining the previous food budget for the most precarious.ConclusionThe various pressures felt, the housing (with or without outdoor spaces) and working conditions, the fear of being sick, the negative feelings, etc. must encourage public authorities to implement psychological support mechanisms, particularly for the most vulnerable parents, in order to avoid subsequent physical and/or psychological health problems or even post-traumatic symptoms for parents and their children.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to test the predictive effect of two variables related to meritocratic ideology and possibly associated with academic stress: academic orientation related worries and apprehension of school evaluation. Differential effects of these variables on stress were also investigated regarding gender and school (middle-high and high schools). Six hundred and nine secondary students completed a questionnaire. Results show that emotional worries regarding academic orientation and apprehension of school evaluation are significant predictors of academic stress. Results reveal differential effects for middle-high school and high school students. In practice, grading and methods used to this aim should be carefully considered as well as the support offered regarding orientation project of middle-high school students especially.  相似文献   

《Psychologie Fran?aise》2021,66(4):333-343
IntroductionRelationship satisfaction is one of the most studied constructs in the field of relationship evaluation because of its impact on various aspects of daily life. It is therefore important to have an instrument in French.ObjectivesThis study aims to adapt the Relationship Assessment Scale (RAS) and validate its psychometric properties in French from its original version in English.MethodTwo studies were carried out. In the first study, 200 participants responded to the French version of the Relationship Assessment Scale (EER), the Dyadic Adjustment Scale (DAS), and the Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale (HADS) to assess the factor structure and psychometric properties of the French version (reliability, convergent validity, incremental validity). In the second study confirmatory factor analysis was used to validate the factor structure and to examine the gender invariance of the EER through a multi-factorial analysis in a population of 114 adults.ResultsThe results show that the psychometric properties of the EER are acceptable and comparable to the original version of the instrument. The EER presents a one dimensional factor structure. The positive correlations between the EER and the different scales tested support good external validity. The multi-group analysis showed that both women and men similarly understand the items and attribute the same meaning to the questions, confirming gender invariance of the EER.ConclusionThe French version of the EER is a valid and reliable assessment instrument of relationship satisfaction. The clinical and research implications of this scale are discussed.  相似文献   

《Médecine & Droit》2014,2014(124):9-22
The increasing frequency with which health scandals have come to light since the 1980s has uncovered a great deal of unlawful behavior, both in the pharmaceutical industry and the medical profession, as well as in the world of “experts” (or researchers), along with journalists and specialist media companies. These types of behavior have accumulated and combined to inhibit any reaction from government, thus preventing health policy from playing its role. The State has its share of responsibility in this failure, for having been unable to conserve the impartiality and effectiveness of its administrative actions: it must acknowledge this, which is a whole other problem. However, in the case in point, it is obvious that those texts which must have been breached to allow these health scandals to occur are almost exclusively the result of professional self-regulation, with a wide range of diverse legal values: ethics for the health professions, journalistic ethics, charters between the pharmaceutical industry and media companies, alongside scientific ethical charters. These texts are the result of regulations generated by the professions themselves, drafted to counteract conflicts of interest. The sheer number of cases highlights the failure of these self-regulatory measures, leading to legislation targeting the problem, in particular that of December 29, 2011, which strengthened monitoring in terms of conflicts of interest and penalties against those placing themselves in a conflict of interest situation. Will this legislation, in direct response to the so-called Mediator® case, be able to succeed where self-regulation failed, swept away as it was by financial considerations? The arbitrations that characterized the drafting of this legislation and the resulting complexity, which affects the decrees, seem to promise many difficulties, particularly due to the scarcity of resources the authorities have to enforce it.  相似文献   

The educators’ work in juvenile justice residential communities and their capacity of affective attunement to the adolescent's needs is essential for the creation of a protective and enriching context for the adolescent and his life trajectories. This article aims to explore the social representations of educators and young people in residential communities in Italy, through the analysis of their discourses gathered during focus groups. Our results reveal the need to compare these representations and work to narrow the gap between the caregivers and the users, in order to improve the relationship between the different protagonists of the interaction and, consequently, the possibilities of good success of interventions.  相似文献   

As reported by the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA, 2012), almost 20% of French teenagers show difficulties in reading (OCDE, 2014). What are the French language tools the practitioner or educationalist (teacher, school doctor, psychologist, and speech-language pathologist) use to assess specific reading disorders for middle school students? The tools assessing reading comprehension skills, word-level reading skills and reading-related skills are presented by distinguishing the tools developed for screening of reading difficulties (the purpose of which is to detect early disease or risk factors for disease in large numbers of apparently healthy individuals) than them developed for diagnosing of reading difficulties (the purpose of which is to establish the presence [or absence] of disease as a basis for treatment decisions in symptomatic or screen positive individuals). This synthesis allows to identify their interests and limits, and to consider new tools respecting five essential criteria: (1) the tool structure must be based on recent theoretical models specific at the middle school, (2) the tool must assess reading comprehension skills (with control of listening comprehension skills) and the mastery of two word-level reading procedures (lexical and sublexical), (3) the tool must measure a set of reading-related skills such as phonological awareness, phonological short-term memory, rapid serial naming and morphological awareness, (4) the experimental material (vocabulary control) and the standardization must be recent or updated and (5) the speed must be measured accurately.  相似文献   

This study examines the relations between the three dimensions of the burnout (emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and decrease of personal accomplishment) and their associations with stress factors as perceived by the teacher. Using a sample of 787 elementary school teachers, we put to the test a theoretical model with path analysis. We achieve with a structural model that brings to light that personal accomplishment is determined directly by personal exhaustion and indirectly through depersonalization. The latter is influenced by negative relations with parents. Except this effect, the model also shows that the others sources of stress influence directly the emotional exhaustion. This study also confirms the three-dimensional structure of the French version of the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI).  相似文献   

The study aims to develop and present the validation process of a questionnaire on emotional self-efficacy in the work context from the six steps proposed by Dussault et al. (2007). The study is based on the theories of emotional intelligence of Mayer and Salovey (1997), Petrides and Furham (2001) and the self-efficacy of Bandura (1997). Following an expert analysis and a pre-test, the Emotional Self-Efficacy at Work scale is composed of 41 items. The participants are 985 Canadian workers. The results of confirmatory factor analyzes support the seven-dimensional structure, namely the self-efficiency to perceive one's emotions and those of others at work, the self-efficiency to use emotions at work, the self-efficiency to understand one's emotions and those of others at work and finally, the self-efficiency to manage one's emotions and those of others at work. The results also indicate that the seven dimensions have satisfactory internal coherence indices. The results suggest that this questionnaire is well suited to describe emotional self-efficacy at work. The use of the questionnaire will be discussed.  相似文献   

This study examines the representation of the determining factors of patients’ states of health in therapeutic care situations. We describe the average representation of experienced hospital nurses (n=44) and the differences which they consider to exist between their own and their patients’ points of view. Taking as our starting point the purpose of the care provided and the asymmetry of the carer/patient relationship, we hypothesize, on the one hand, that nurses will have a representation of their patients’ state of health which is based on the care to be provided, with the factors determining the state of health being necessarily perceived as having a general impact on patients’ lives while still being remediable, i.e. capable of changing and being controlled by the provided care. On the other hand, we expect them to attribute a passive position and attitude to their patients, with the factors determining their state of health being necessarily perceived as being out of their own control. The results and the analysis of the representations reported as being those of the patients and their families seem to justify this perception and role of carer: the supposed representations of the latter would appear to be convergent but less focused on health problems and would tend to minimize the patient’s involvement, in particular when the state of health declines. The results are discussed with reference to the Health Belief Model and the social norm of internality as well as the professional practices observed in hospital environments.  相似文献   

The objective of this work is to study the concept of energy in case where animates and inanimates objects interact. We questioned pupils between 10 and 17 years old with regard to the existence of energy in inanimates and energy consumption by animates. Our results show that pupils use a small number of coherent conceptions dependent on the context. These conceptions develop differently for inanimate and animate objects. In the case of inanimates, some evolution is observed, while for animates the concept evolves slowly. In general, the materialist character of energy, its confusion with force and its attribution, in preference, to animates are among the naive conceptions which constrain the scientific understanding of energy.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to explore specific pattern of cognitive dysfunctions related to three schizophrenic dimensions: disorganisation, negative and psychotic, resulting from principal component analyse applied to PANSS's items. We assessed executive functions/dysfunctions in 42 schizophrenics (APA, 1994). Data suggest that principal component analyse performed on the 30 items of PANSS identify homogenous schizophrenia dimensions. Results show that disorganisation dimension was associated with low performances in selective attention (Stroop test), negative dimension were associated to low performances in cognitive flexibility (Wisconsin Card Sorting test) and in semantic verbal fluency. However, no significant correlation was found between psychotic dimension and cognitive dysfunctions. On the whole, our study contributes to the comprehension of specific patterns of cognitive disorders in the schizophrenic dimensions. Results is detailed and discussed.  相似文献   

Current views in personnel selection recognize the necessity for situational judgements tests (SJT) which are closed to the real work context of companies. The SJTs have also become a popular selection tool across Europe. SJTs are attractive because they show good validity, positive applicants reactions and can be cost effective to test large group of applicants at once. The aim of this paper is to describe a structured methodology for the elaboration of such test. Each stage is illustrated by examples and psychometrics validation issues are discussed.  相似文献   

Previous research set in both educational and sport settings has examined the relationship between, teacher's and coach's expectancies and differential behaviors issued to students and athletes. The purpose of the present study was to extend this line of research by analyzing consequences of a not much studied pre-existing expectation (i.e. non induced) — the one related to motivation — on the frequency, content, and style (i.e. controlling vs. autonomy-supportive) of interactions between PE teacher and his pupils. 144 pupils and their teachers from 7 classes were examined during physical education classes. The teacher's expectancies were assessed at the beginning of the academic cycle. Teacher-students interactions were taped and systematically coded with two instruments at 4 different occasions. Results showed that teacher's expectancies were related (1) positively to technical instruction and autonomy-supportive style, and (2) negatively to negative affective feedback and controlling style. These different dimensions could constitute important mediators of Pygmalion effect in PE.  相似文献   

The practice of psychological assessment is an important step in the evaluation of the complex problems presented by patients dealing with chronic pain. We want to discuss here the framework of intervention of the psychologist in the context, but also shed light on the contributions of this practice to the pain clinic. This will include discussing a joint assessment, combining a psychological assessment referred to as classic with a psychological evaluation specific pain.  相似文献   

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