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Event-related brain potential (ERP) measures have become increasingly popular in experimental psychology and are often employed by researchers who are not formally trained in electrophysiology. A proper application of these measures requires knowledge about the methodological principles and practical issues that are relevant to ERP measurement, analysis, and interpretation. A brief introductory survey of different aspects of ERP methodology (recording, data processing and signal extraction, statistical analysis and interpretation of ERP effects) is presented, and the contributions collected in this special issue on ERP methodology are introduced.  相似文献   

Error-monitoring abnormalities may underlie positive symptoms of schizophrenia. Response-synchronized event-related potentials during picture-word matching yielded error- and correct-response-related negativity (ERN, CRN) and positivity (Pe, Pc) and preresponse lateralized readiness potentials (LRP) from 18 schizophrenic patients and 18 controls. Both groups responded faster to matches than nonmatches, although patients were generally slower and made more errors to nonmatches. Compared with controls, patients, particularly with paranoid subtype, had smaller ERNs and larger CRNs, which were indistinguishable. LRPs showed evidence of more response conflict before errors than before correct responses in controls but not patients. Despite ERN/CRN abnormalities, post-error slowing and Pe were normal in patients, suggesting a dissociation of ERN and error awareness. Anterior cingulate and dorsolateral prefrontal cortical dysfunction in schizophrenia are implicated.  相似文献   

An event-related brain potential study of inhibition of return   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Event-related brain potentials (ERPs) were recorded during two spatial-cuing experiments using nonpredictive cues. Our primary goal was to determine the electrophysiological consequences of inhibition of return (IOR). At long (> 500 msec) cue-target intervals, subjects responded more slowly to targets that appeared at or near the cued location, relative to targets that appeared on the opposite side of fixation from the cue. This behavioral IOR effect was associated with cue-validity effects on several components of the target-elicited ERP waveforms. The earliest such effect was a smaller occipital P1 on valid-cue trials, which we interpret as a P1 reduction. The P2 component was also smaller on valid-cue trials, indicating that nonpredictive spatial cues influence multiple stages of information processing at long cue-target intervals. Both of these effects were observed when sensory interactions between cue and target were likely to be negligible, indicating that they were not caused by sensory refractoriness. A different effect of cue validity, the posterior negative difference, was found when sensory interactions were likely to be greatest, indicating that it could arise from sensory refractoriness.  相似文献   

The starting point of this study was the fact that investigations in the frame-of-reference research were mostly performed on the behavioural level. The present study aimed at studying behaviour of P300 amplitude of the event-related brain potential in a frame-of-reference investigation. Ten healthy volunteers participated in the investigation. Test material consisted of horizontal bars of different lengths presented successively on a screen. Each bar (serial stimulus) was preceded by a prestimulus (anchor) of constant length. Each serial stimulus was to be evaluated according to a 9 step rating scale. There were no significant differences in the overt length judgements of the serial stimuli depending on the 3 different anchor lengths. However, the mean P300 amplitude increased with growing dissimilarity between the length of the anchor and serial stimulus length. Thus, it is assumed that the adaptation level on the internal dimension of stimulus length, which was assumed to be influenced by the anchor stimuli, led to the different behaviour of P300 amplitude.  相似文献   

The authors used a semantic priming paradigm to investigate the distractibility phenomenon of patients with frontal lobe lesions (FLPs). They tested two distractibility categories: an inhibition category requiring inhibition of an automatic response and a distraction category caused by irrelevant, unexpected stimuli. Fifteen FLPs were compared with 2 matched control groups: 14 posterior-lesion patients and 15 normal controls. Both behavioral and event-related brain potential (ERP) measures were used. The results suggest that, although there were differences in performance between the FLP group and the control groups, there was no evidence that the FLPs had difficulty specifically with the inhibition category. The most consistent ERP result was that the FLP group had longer N100 latencies than either control group. On the basis of these results, the authors hypothesize that FLPs have difficulty focusing on and starting to process a new stimulus. The authors also discuss the unique contribution ERP evidence has made to cognitive studies.  相似文献   

Event-related brain potentials (ERPs) were recorded from subjects as they attended to one diagonal of a visual display. The task was to respond only to memory set items (targets) at the attended diagonal and to ignore stimuli at the other diagonal. The probability that the display contained either an attended or an unattended target was 0.30. The spatial separation between attended and unattended stimuli was 1.6°. The ERP elicited by stimuli at the unattended diagonal contained a sequence of phasic components. The early N170 and P250 components were elicited by the onset of the display and the later components N480 and P550 by the offset of the display. The presence of masks delayed N170 and P250. The ERPs elicited by attended non-targets, in addition, contained an increased N350 (Cz, Fz) and P410 (P3a, Pz, Cz). The ERPs elicited by attended and unattended non-targets started to differ after 200 msec. This finding suggested that selection is relatively late if selection must be based on a conjunction of features (location and orientation) and if the spatial separation between attended and unattended stimuli is small. Memory-set size affected the ERPs after 250 msec. The ERPs elicited by attended stimuli contained a broadly distributed (Fz, Cz, Pz) negative endogeneous component. The amplitude of this component was related to memory-set size. Finally, the ERPs elicited by attended targets contained a large P3b (Pz, Oz) with a peak latency around 600 msec. The ERP results suggested the existence of three processing stages: (1) orienting to the attended stimuli; (2) controlled search, and (3) target decision.  相似文献   

An event-related brain potential analysis of visual word priming effects   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Two experiments are reported that provide evidence on task-induced effects during visual lexical processing in a prime-target semantic priming paradigm. The research focuses on target expectancy effects by manipulating the proportion of semantically related and unrelated word pairs. In Experiment 1, a lexical decision task was used and reaction times (RTs) and event-related brain potentials (ERPs) were obtained. In Experiment 2, subjects silently read the stimuli, without any additional task demands, and ERPs were recorded. The RT and ERP results of Experiment 1 demonstrate that an expectancy mechanism contributed to the priming effect when a high proportion of related word pairs was presented. The ERP results of Experiment 2 show that in the absence of extraneous task requirements, an expectancy mechanism is not active. However, a standard ERP semantic priming effect was obtained in Experiment 2. The combined results show that priming effects due to relatedness proportion are induced by task demands and are not a standard aspect of online lexical processing.  相似文献   

In numerous investigations the P300-component of the event-related-brain-potential (ERP) has proved a valid indicator of memory activities. The present study explores the amplitude of the P300 in an isolated short term memory task with variant difficulties. In two experiments the reproduction of senseless memory material was examined using the categories "syllables" and "consonants". One syllable was thereby synonymous with the so-called "chunk" which represents a subjective unit arising from grouping of memory material. The results show a significant increase in P300-amplitude in a line with memory load in both categories. On the contrary there is no significant difference in the amplitude of P300 between the two categories. These results suggest that the costs for storing one syllable are comparable with those for one consonant.  相似文献   

The authors investigated effects of task and overlapping processing load on semantic processing. In 3 experiments the brain potential component N400 was elicited by synonymous and nonsynonymous spoken noun pairs that were to be classified according to semantic relatedness. The time course of the N400 component to the nouns was delayed, and its amplitude was reduced when additional tasks had to be performed. The delay increased with temporal overlap and was more pronounced for language-related than for spatial additional tasks. Delays of N400 were also caused by a compatibility manipulation in the additional tasks. Theoretical accounts of the observed interference of overlapping tasks with language perception in terms of attentional shifts were discarded. Explanations in terms of resource sharing and single channel processing are discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine whether color and shape, tied to a single object in space, (1) are identified and selected in series or in parallel, (2) are identified and selected in a dependent, self-terminating manner or in an independent and exhaustive manner, and (3) are conjoined by a feature integration process before or only after an initial stage of separate attribute analyses has finished. We measured response time and the selection negativity (SN) derived from event-related brain potentials when participants responded to a unique conjunction of color and shape in a go/no-go target detection task. The discriminability of the color and the shape of the conjunction was manipulated in three conditions. When color and shape were easy to discriminate, the SNs to color and shape started at the same time. When one attribute was less discriminable, the SN to that attribute started later, but not the SN to the complementary attribute. This suggests that color and shape are identified and selected in parallel. In all three discriminability conditions, the SNs to color and shape were initially independent but later interacted. This suggests that color and shape are initially selected independently and exhaustively, after which their conjunction is analyzed. The SN to local shape features started later than that to the conjunction of color and global shape features, which suggests that feature integration can start before the analyses of the separate attributes have finished.  相似文献   

We aimed to investigate the contributions of visual letter form and abstract letter identity to the time course of letter recognition, by manipulating the typeface (i.e. font) in which letters were presented. Twenty-six adult participants completed a modified one-back task, where letters where presented in easy-to-read typefaces (“fluent” letter stimuli) or difficult-to-read typefaces (“disfluent” letter stimuli). Task instructions necessitated that participant’s focus on letter identity not visual letter form. Electroencephalography was collected and event-related potentials (ERPs) were calculated relative to letter stimuli. It was found that typeface affected both early-mid (N1 amplitude and P2–N2 amplitude and latency) and late processing (450–600 ms), thereby including time points whereby it is theorised that abstract identity is extracted from visual letter form (that is, 300 ms post-stimulus). Visual features of the letter therefore affect its processing well beyond the currently theorised point at which abstract information is extracted; which could be explained by a feedback loop between abstract letter representations and lower-level visual form processing units, which is not included in current cognitive reading models.  相似文献   

Event-related bioelectrical brain activity plays an important role in psychophysiological investigations of mental processes. One of the so-called endogenous components of ERP, the P300, occurring in the time range from 300 ms to 800 ms after stimulus presentation accompanies the selective call on cognitive processing of stimulus information. An overview of some influencing factors and of hypotheses according functional significance of P300 is given. Although functional significance of P300 is only partly known there are interesting possibilities of application, e.g. in Neurology, Psychiatry and Occupational medicine.  相似文献   

Twenty-eight native-English speakers enrolled in beginning and intermediate university Spanish courses participated in a mixed language semantic categorization task in which critical words were presented in English (L1) and Spanish (L2) and repetitions of these words (within- and between-languages) were presented on subsequent trials (i.e., immediate repetition). Event-related potentials were recorded to all items allowing for comparisons of the N400 component to repetitions within- and between-languages as well as to words presented for the first time. Three important findings were observed in this sample of participants during relatively early stages of acquiring a second language. First, in the typical N400 window (300-500ms), between-language repetition (translation) produced a smaller reduction in N400 amplitude than did within-language repetition. Second, the time-course of between-language repetition effects tended to be more extended in time and differed as a function of language with L2-L1 repetitions producing larger priming effects early (during the typical N400 window) and L1-L2 repetitions producing larger priming effects later (during windows after the typical N400). Third, a greater negativity in the ERP waveforms was observed when the word on the directly preceding trial was from the other language. Within the time frame of the N400, this language switch effect arose only when the target word was Spanish and the preceding word English (i.e., L1-L2). The results are discussed within the framework of current models of bilingual lexical processing.  相似文献   

Most Chinese characters are composed of a semantic radical on the left and a phonetic radical on the right. The semantic radical provides the semantic information; the phonetic radical provides information concerning the pronunciation of the whole character. The pseudo‐characters in the study consisted of different sub‐lexical parts of real Chinese characters and consequently they also had the semantic radical and the phonetic radical. But they were not readable and had no actual meaning. In order to investigate the spatiotemporal cortical activation patterns underlying the orthographic, phonological and semantic processing of Chinese characters, we used event‐related brain potentials (ERPs) to explore the processing of Chinese characters and pseudo‐characters when 14 healthy Chinese college students viewed the characters passively. Results showed that both Chinese characters and pseudo‐characters elicited an evident negative potential peaking around 120 ms (N120), which appeared to reflect initial orthographic distinction and evaluation. Then, Chinese pseudo‐characters elicited a more positive ERP deflection (P220) than did Chinese characters 200–250 ms after onset of the stimuli. It was similar to the recognition potential (RP) and might reflect the integration processes of phonological and semantic processing on the basis of early orthographic information. Dipole source analysis of the difference wave (pseudo‐characters minus characters) indicated that a generator localized in the left temporal‐occipital junction contributed to this effect, which was possibly related to phonological and perceptual–semantic information integration. Between 350–450 ms, a greater negativity (N360) in pseudo‐characters as compared to characters was found over midline fronto‐central scalp regions. Dipole analysis localized the generator of N360 in the right parahippocampal cortex. Therefore, the N360 might be an N400 component and reflect the higher‐level semantic activation on the basis of orthographic, phonological and perceptual–semantic processing.  相似文献   

The P300 event related potential (ERP) was elicited from young adults at low- (LR) and high-risk (HR) for alcoholism (n = 24/risk group), with equal numbers of male and female subjects employed. The effects of stimulus modality, task difficulty, and gender were assessed with analogous auditory and visual paradigms (tone location/head rotation and tone matching/shape matching). Although task performance was generally comparable across risk groups, LR subjects produced smaller P300 amplitudes than HR subjects for the visual matching tasks. No consistent risk group P300 latency effects were obtained. Gender, task difficulty, and scalp topography differentially modulated the risk group outcomes across paradigms. These findings suggest that P300 amplitude reflects risk-for-alcoholism in male and female young adults, but the specific task conditions and electrode location affect the strength of risk group differences.  相似文献   

We tested 186 children ranging in age from 6 years, 10 months to 13 years, 7 months; 174 suffered either physical and/or sexual abuse, and 12 were nonabused children. Abused subjects were grouped in four different ways. The primary grouping was based on whether subjects satisfied the DSM III-R criteria for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Secondary groupings were based upon the three symptom clusters used to make the PTSD diagnosis (arousal, avaidance, and reexperiencing). In each of these groupings three separate subgroups were formed with approximately 25 percent in the high and low symptom count subgroups and the remaining 50 percent in the middle symptom count subgroup. Subjects listened to four different intensity levels (65, 80, 95, and 102 dB) of a 1 KHz tone, pseudo-randomly ordered, while event-related brain potentials (ERPs) were recorded. Two separate blocks were used, one with short intervals (4±1 sec) between tones and the other with longer intervals (17±2 sec). PTSD subjects presented a greater P2-N2 ERP intensity gradient (i.e., a larger increase in the P2-N2 ERP component as tone intensity increased) than did abused subjects without PTSD. Abused subjects with the highest number of reexperiencing symptoms showed a similar P2-N2 augmenting effect when compared to those with the lowest number of reexperiencing symptoms. Subjects with the highest number of arousal symptoms showed a shallower intensity gradient for the N1-P2 ERP component than did those with fewer arousal symptoms. The results are discussed in relation to previous results reported on adults with PTSD and in terms of CNS processing of stimulus intensity information.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have shown that exposure to media violence increases aggression, though the mechanisms of this effect have remained elusive. One theory posits that repeated exposure to media violence desensitizes viewers to real world violence, increasing aggression by blunting aversive reactions to violence and removing normal inhibitions against aggression. Theoretically, violence desensitization should be reflected in the amplitude of the P300 component of the event-related brain potential (ERP), which has been associated with activation of the aversive motivational system. In the current study, violent images elicited reduced P300 amplitudes among violent, as compared to nonviolent video game players. Additionally, this reduced brain response predicted increased aggressive behavior in a later task. Moreover, these effects held after controlling for individual differences in trait aggressiveness. These data are the first to link media violence exposure and aggressive behavior to brain processes hypothetically associated with desensitization.  相似文献   

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