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Recent work has sought to use the time at which the Lateralized Readiness Potential (LRP) first develops (LRP onset) as a temporal landmark to bisect experimental effects on reaction time (RT). Many studies have found experimental effects on the time between the signal and LRP onset, but few have found effects on the time between LRP onset and RT (LRP-RT interval). The primary goal of this study was to produce an effect on the LRP-RT interval. We employed precuing, a manipulation likely to influence motor-programming processes at the end of the RT interval. Subjects performed a 4-alternative choice-RT task in which a signal prompted a button-press with the index or middle finger on the left or right hand. Precues preceded the signals and were either informative, reducing the set of response alternatives from four to two, or uninformative. Besides RT and LRP, we also measured electromyographic (EMG) activity and the P300 ERP component. RT, P300 latency, and the interval between the signal and LRP onset were all shorter with informative than uninformative precues, but the timing of EMG activity relative to RT remained the same. Most importantly, precuing affected the LRP-RT interval. Implications for bisecting RT with LRPs and the identity of processes affected by precuing are discussed.  相似文献   

When participants utilize prime information to prepare some or all aspects of the forthcoming movement, reaction time (RT) costs are obtained when the imperative response signal demands an unexpected rather than an expected movement. Longer RT in trials for which primes are invalid rather than valid, i.e., the response validity effect, are taken to reflect prolonged motoric processing time. The present study was designed to test this assumption by using the lateralized readiness potential (LRP) in order to reveal influences of response validity at motoric processes, pre-motoric processes, or both. In two response priming experiments LRP onset latency was examined when valid and invalid advance information about direction (Experiment 1) or about direction and hand (Experiment 2) was provided. RT revealed large response validity effects in both experiments. Analysis of LRP onsets provided strong evidence against the common assumption of a motoric locus of the RT increase in invalid trials. Rather, the present results suggest a pre-motoric locus of the response validity effect within information processing.  相似文献   

The lateralized readiness potential (LRP) is an electrophysiological indicator of the central activation of motor responses. Procedures for deriving the LRP on the basis of event-related brain potential (ERP) waveforms obtained over the left and right motor cortices are described, and some findings are summarized that show that the LRP is likely to reflect activation processes within the motor cortex. Two experiments investigating spatial S-R compatibility effects are reported that demonstrate that, because of systematic overlaps of motor and nonmotor asymmetries, LRP waveforms derived by the double subtraction method cannot always be interpreted unequivocally in terms of response activation. Such confounds can be detected when LRP waveforms are compared with difference waveforms obtained by the double subtraction method from ERPs elicited at other lateral scalp sites.  相似文献   

Lateralized readiness potentials (LRPs) were used to determine the stage(s) of reaction time (RT) responsible for speed-accuracy trade-offs (SATs). Speeded decisions based on several types of information were examined in 3 experiments, involving, respectively, a line discrimination task, lexical decisions, and an Erikson flanker task. Three levels of SAT were obtained in each experiment by adjusting response deadlines with an adaptive tracking algorithm. Speed stress affected the duration of RT stages both before and after the start of the LRP in all experiments. The latter effect cannot be explained by guessing strategies, by variations in response force, or as an indirect consequence of the pre-LRP effect. Contrary to most models, it suggests that SAT can occur at a late postdecisional stage.  相似文献   

Negative priming (NP) refers to increased response time (RT) for a probe target that was a distractor in a preceding prime presentation (distractor-target shift, DT), compared to novel targets. The present study used the lateralized readiness potential (LRP) to investigate, in a four-choice identification task, a novel episodic-retrieval explanation of NP introduced by Rothermund, Wentura, and de Houwer (2005). This theory proposes that retrieval reactivates the prime response which interferes with selection of the correct probe response, thereby producing NP. 20 participants responded to pairs of red and blue digits, contingent on the identity of the digit presented in the target color. Behavioral NP involved RT increase by 16 ms. With shift trials (different hands used for prime and probe responses), in the DT condition LRP onset was delayed relative to control. By contrast, earlier LRP onset was observed for DT relative to control with no-shift trials (same hand used for prime and probe responses). Behavioral NP effects showed similar magnitude for shift and no-shift trials. Results support the Rothermund et al. (2005) theory of prime-response retrieval.  相似文献   

Information processing is impaired when two tasks are performed concurrently. The interference between the tasks is commonly attributed to structural bottlenecks or strategic scheduling of information processing. The present experiment investigated the effects of time pressure for the second of two responses on information processing in overlapping tasks by recording the lateralized readiness potential (LRP). Time pressure shortened the latency of the second response by diminishing the time devoted to motoric processing. In addition, task interference decreased under time pressure, which is probably due to the relatively early availability of the central bottleneck stage rather than to increased overlap of central stages. The LRP also provided direct evidence for an additional bottleneck following response selection, possibly due to supramodal refractoriness of response initiation.  相似文献   

In a binary response setting, it has been frequently observed that small numbers are reacted to faster with the left hand and large numbers with the right hand (i. e., the SNARC-effect) which reflects the spatial left-right orientation of the mental number line (Dehaene, Bossini, & Giraux, 1993). In line with the work of Keus and Schwarz (in press), we investigated the locus of the conflict in the SNARC effect in a parity judgment task with the Arabic numerals 1, 2, 8, or 9. Differences between compatible (left-hand response to 1 or 2 and right-hand response to 8 and 9) and incompatible SNARC conditions (left-hand response to 8 or 9 and right-hand response to 1 or 2) were observed in the lateralized readiness potential (LRP) but not in the peak latency of the P300. In accordance with Keus and colleagues (Keus, Jenks, & Schwarz, 2005), we argue that the locus of the conflict is situated at intermediate response-related stages. However, instead of adopting a single-route processing architecture, a dual route account is proposed as the underlying processing architecture explaining the SNARC effect.  相似文献   

Chameleons are arboreal lizards with highly independent, large amplitude eye movements. In response to an approaching threat, a chameleon on a vertical pole moves so as to keep itself away from the threat. In so doing, it shifts between monocular and binocular scanning of the threat and of the environment. We analyzed eye movements in the Common chameleon, Chamaeleo chameleon, during avoidance response for lateralization, that is, asymmetry at the functional/behavioral levels. The chameleons were exposed to a threat, approaching horizontally from clockwise or anti-clockwise directions, and that could be viewed monocularly or binocularly. Our results show three broad patterns of eye use, as determined by durations spent viewing the threat and by frequency of eye shifts. Under binocular viewing, two of the patterns were found to be both side dependent, that is, lateralized and role dependent ("leading" or "following"). However, under monocular viewing, no such lateralization was detected. We discuss these findings in light of the situation not uncommon in vertebrates, of independent eye movements and a high degree of optic nerve decussation and that lateralization may well occur in organisms that are regularly exposed to critical stimuli from all spatial directions. We point to the need of further investigating lateralization at fine behavioral levels.  相似文献   

Recent advancements in Bayesian modeling have allowed for likelihood-free posterior estimation. Such estimation techniques are crucial to the understanding of simulation-based models, whose likelihood functions may be difficult or even impossible to derive. However, current approaches are limited by their dependence on sufficient statistics and/or tolerance thresholds. In this article, we provide a new approach that requires no summary statistics, error terms, or thresholds and is generalizable to all models in psychology that can be simulated. We use our algorithm to fit a variety of cognitive models with known likelihood functions to ensure the accuracy of our approach. We then apply our method to two real-world examples to illustrate the types of complex problems our method solves. In the first example, we fit an error-correcting criterion model of signal detection, whose criterion dynamically adjusts after every trial. We then fit two models of choice response time to experimental data: the linear ballistic accumulator model, which has a known likelihood, and the leaky competing accumulator model, whose likelihood is intractable. The estimated posterior distributions of the two models allow for direct parameter interpretation and model comparison by means of conventional Bayesian statistics—a feat that was not previously possible.  相似文献   

The attention network test (ANT) is a brief computerized battery measuring three independent behavioral components of attention: Conflict resolution (ability to overcome distracting stimuli), spatial Orienting (the benefit of valid spatial pre-cues), and Alerting (the benefit of temporal pre-cues). Imaging, clinical, and behavioral evidence demonstrate hemispheric asymmetries in these attentional networks. We constructed a lateralized version of the ANT (LANT), with brief targets flashed in one or the other visual hemifield. We also modified the tests by including invalid spatial cues in order to measure the cost component of Orienting. In a series of experiments, we investigated the efficiency of the attention networks separately in each hemisphere. Participants exhibited significant estimates of all networks measured by the LANT, comparable to the ANT. The three networks were represented in each hemisphere separately and were largely comparable across the two hemispheres. We suggest that the LANT is an informative extension of the original ANT, allowing for measurement of the three attention networks in each hemisphere separately.  相似文献   

Testing the cognitive abilities of cartilaginous fishes is important in understanding the evolutionary origins of cognitive functions in higher vertebrates. We used five South American fresh water stingrays (Potamotrygon castexi) in a learning and problem-solving task. A tube test apparatus was developed to provide a simple but sophisticated procedure for testing cognitive abilities of aquatic animals. All five subjects quickly learned to use water as a tool to extract food from the testing apparatus. The experimental protocol, which gave the animals the opportunity of correcting a wrong visual cue decision, resulted in four out of five subjects correcting an error rather than making an initial right choice. One of five subjects reached 100% correct trials in the visual discrimination task. The ability to use water as an agent to extract food from the testing apparatus is a first indication of tool use in batoid fishes. Performance in the instrumental task of retrieving food from a novel testing apparatus and the rapid learning in the subsequent discrimination/error correction task shows that cartilaginous fish can be used to study the origins of cognitive functions in the vertebrate lineage.  相似文献   

The parrot appears to provide a potentially unique animal model of handedness in humans, but few (if any) observational studies of early postnatal development of postural/motor asymmetries have been published. We studied three African Grey hatchlings, raised without human physical contact, for the first 5 months of life. All three animals failed to show consistent postural and/or motor asymmetries until the end of the 4 postnatal week. These results appear to be comparable to data from prior studies with human infants. Delayed development of lateral motor and/or postural preferences may represent an evolutionarily adaptive strategy for altricial animals.  相似文献   

Pediatric research without the potential for clinical benefit is vital to improving pediatric medical care. This research also raises ethical concern and is regarded by courts and commentators as unethical. While at least 10 justifications have been proposed in response, all have fundamental limitations. This article describes and defends a new justification based on the fact that enrollment in clinical research offers children the opportunity to contribute to a valuable project. Contributing as children to valuable projects can benefit individuals in two ways. First, individuals may come to "embrace" the contributions they made as children. Second, contributing to valuable projects can lead to a better overall life. Because these potential benefits can outweigh small research risks, they provide a justification for pediatric research without the potential for clinical benefit, when it poses low risks and has the potential to benefit others in important ways.  相似文献   

How rapidly can attention move from one object to the next? Previous studies in which the dwell time paradigm was used have estimated attentional switch times of 200–500 msec, results incompatible with the search rate estimates of 25–50 msec shown in numerous visual search studies. It has been argued that dwell times are so long in the dwell time paradigm because the attentional shifts measured are unlike those used in visual search. In the present experiment, a variation of a visual search task was used, in which serial endogenous (volitional) deployments of attention were measured directly by means of a probe reaction time task. The experiment revealed a dwell time of about 250 msec, consistent with the faster estimates from other dwell time studies. This result suggests that endogenous shifts of attention may be relatively slow and that the faster attentional shifts estimated from visual search tasks may be due to the involvement of bottom-up processes.  相似文献   

Previous research on route directions largely considers the case when a knowledgeable route-giver conveys accurate information. In the real world, however, route information is sometimes inaccurate, and directions can lead navigators astray. We explored how participants respond to route directions containing ambiguities between landmarks and turn directions, forcing reliance on one or the other. In three experiments, participants read route directions (e.g., To get to the metro station, take a right at the pharmacy) and then selected from destinations on a map. Critically, in half of the trials the landmark (pharmacy) and turn (right) directions were conflicting, such that the participant had to make a decision under conditions of uncertainty; under these conditions, we measured whether participants preferentially relied upon landmark- versus direction-based strategies. Across the three experiments, participants were either provided no information regarding the source of directions (Experiment 1), or told that the source of directions was a GPS device (Experiment 2), or a human (Experiment 3). Without information regarding the source of directions, participants generally relied on landmarks or turn information under conditions of ambiguity; in contrast, with a GPS source participants relied primarily on turn information, and with a human source on landmark information. Results were robust across gender and individual differences in spatial preference. We discuss these results within the context of spatial decision-making theory and consider implications for the design and development of landmark-inclusive navigation systems.  相似文献   

A procedure independently proposed by Oyama and Lewis for treating the data of magnitude estimation is discussed in relation to the Graham-Stevens controversy on the psychophysical methods. In this procedure, the critical value of the stimulus needed to make the subject report numbers equal to or greater than each integral number is sought, instead of the median or geometrical mean of numbers reported for each level of stimulus intensity. Stevens’ magnitude estimation method has no special advantage over the other cross-modality matching methods, and the subjective magnitude of number should be estimated if one wants to know real relations between stimulus intensities and sensory magnitudes in various modalities.  相似文献   

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