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Visual stimuli are often processed more efficiently than accompanying stimuli in another modality. In line with this “visual dominance”, earlier studies on attentional switching showed a clear benefit for visual stimuli in a bimodal visual–auditory modality-switch paradigm that required spatial stimulus localization in the relevant modality. The present study aimed to examine the generality of this visual dominance effect. The modality appropriateness hypothesis proposes that stimuli in different modalities are differentially effectively processed depending on the task dimension, so that processing of visual stimuli is favored in the dimension of space, whereas processing auditory stimuli is favored in the dimension of time. In the present study, we examined this proposition by using a temporal duration judgment in a bimodal visual–auditory switching paradigm. Two experiments demonstrated that crossmodal interference (i.e., temporal stimulus congruence) was larger for visual stimuli than for auditory stimuli, suggesting auditory dominance when performing temporal judgment tasks. However, attention switch costs were larger for the auditory modality than for visual modality, indicating a dissociation of the mechanisms underlying crossmodal competition in stimulus processing and modality-specific biasing of attentional set.  相似文献   

There is evidence that automatic visual attention favors the right side. This study investigated whether this lateral asymmetry interacts with the right hemisphere dominance for visual location processing and left hemisphere dominance for visual shape processing. Volunteers were tested in a location discrimination task and a shape discrimination task. The target stimuli (S2) could occur in the left or right hemifield. They were preceded by an ipsilateral, contralateral or bilateral prime stimulus (S1). The attentional effect produced by the right S1 was larger than that produced by the left S1. This lateral asymmetry was similar between the two tasks suggesting that the hemispheric asymmetries of visual mechanisms do not contribute to it. The finding that it was basically due to a longer reaction time to the left S2 than to the right S2 for the contralateral S1 condition suggests that the inhibitory component of attention is laterally asymmetric.  相似文献   

Endogenous temporal-orienting effects were studied using a cuing paradigm in which the cue indicated the time interval during which the target was most likely to appear. Temporal-orienting effects were defined by lower reaction times (RTs) when there was a match between the temporal expectancy for a target (early or late) and the time interval during which the target actually appeared than when they mismatched. Temporal-orienting effects were found for both early and late expectancies with a detection task in Experiment 1. However, catch trials were decisive in whether temporal-orienting effects were observed in the early-expectancy condition. No temporal-orienting effects were found in the discrimination task. In Experiments 2A and 2B, temporal-orienting effects were observed in the discrimination task; however, they were larger when temporal expectancy was manipulated between blocks, rather than within blocks.  相似文献   

J Braun  D Sagi 《Perception》1991,20(4):483-500
Experiments are described in which observers attempted to perform concurrently two separate visual tasks. Two types of tasks were used: the identification of a T-shaped or L-shaped letter target, and the detection or localization of a texture element of unique orientation (texture target) within a dense texture. Combining these tasks to form various task pairs, performance as a function of stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) was established separately for each task in a pair. In addition, performance was measured when each task was carried out by itself. When paired, two identification tasks (T or L) on (two) letter targets required a significantly larger SOA than either identification task by itself. This outcome suggests the involvement of serial performance and competition for a limited resource, confirming that letter identification requires attentive fixation. However, when the identification of a central letter target was paired with the localization (upper or lower hemifield) of an eccentric texture target, performance in the pair was comparable to performance of each task by itself. This suggests parallel performance and a lack of conflict over resources. The outcome was similar when the identification of an eccentric letter target was paired with the detection (present or absent) of an eccentric texture target. These results are consistent with the possibility that localization and detection of a textural singularity do not require attentive fixation.  相似文献   

This study's main purpose was to examine the sensitivity estimates obtained from scaling and discrimination approaches for nociception assessment in healthy individuals. This investigation may inform future applications in diagnostic procedures for painful conditions. Models of psychophysical judgment based on those of Durlach and Braida (1969), Laming (1984), and Irwin and Whitehead (1991) were used as the common analytical framework. Noxious thermal contact stimuli were used. The results show that the scaling approach produced lower detection theory sensitivity estimates than did the discrimination approach. The additional judgment variance in scaling tasks could explain this lowered sensitivity. The relative judgmental variance value of 2.18 obtained in this study is lower than variance values found i n previous investigations. This discrepancy i s probably due to the relatively smaller stimulus range employed in this study. The authors propose that the theoretical framework used in this study may be used in future studies to investigate the different dimensions of pain perception.  相似文献   

Remembering and knowing are two states of awareness that reflect autonoetic and noetic consciousness. Recent extensions of signal detection theory have attempted to fitremember andknow responses, which measure these states of awareness, to a continuum of trace strength or familiarity. The model assumes there are two response criteria, a remembering criterion, which is more strict, and a recognition criterion, which is more lenient and leads to any positive recognition response. The most important prediction of this model is that bias-free estimates of memory should be the same whether derived from overall hit and false alarm rates or fromremember hit and false alarm rates. We describe evidence that disconfirms this prediction and discuss other findings that the model cannot accommodate.  相似文献   

Switching tasks and attention policies   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The determinants and costs of control were studied in 6 experiments examining the performance costs of changing stimulus dimension (digit value/number of elements) or attention strategies (speed/accuracy) on the first trial after task transition. Costs were compared for task shift and reconsideration only. Preparation ability was studied by presenting all transition information at the beginning of a 2-part block or only prior to each part. Results showed pronounced first-trial transition costs. Different factors were associated with stop-start and task-switching requirements. Transition costs were separate from those of basic task performance. Costs were sensitive to global control considerations and were larger for task dimension changes than for attention strategy shifts. Costs involving task dimension change, but not strategy shifts, were reduced with advanced preparation. These results are discussed in relation to contemporary models of control. A new distinction is proposed between activation and execution of control strategies.  相似文献   

We report a striking finding about naming and categorization of pictures and reading aloud and categorization of words. The categorization of a word before reading it aloud leads to an increase in response time as compared with the condition in which naming is not conditional on the categorization of the word. Quite differently, no cost is associated with the conditional naming of pictures. Results are discussed in terms of multiple procedures operating on pictorial and verbal stimuli to retrieve phonological forms.  相似文献   

Three experiments provide converging evidence for the view that both perceived structure and attention change during the elementary school years. Kindergarteners, second graders, and adults performed three speeded tasks: divided attention to conjunctions of features, selective attention to orthogonal dimensions and selective attention to correlated dimensions. The tasks were performed with sizes and shapes that were either spatially integrated or spatially separated. In the divided attention task, conjunctions were identified as quickly as single features with integrated stimuli at all ages, but conjunctions were identified more slowly than single features with separated stimuli by all age group. In the orthogonal dimensions task, interference was observed with integrated stimuli across ages, but the interference in adult performance was asymmetric. With separated stimuli, interference was gradually eliminated with increasing age. In correlated dimensions tasks, younger children showed a redundancy gain with integrated stimuli, but no gain was observed in the performances of the older subjects. With separated stimuli there was no redundancy gain at any age. These results were interpreted to mean that integrated stimuli are initially perceived as wholes by all subjects, but that features become more accessible with increasing age. Even so, attention remains constrained by stimulus structure. In contrast, separated stimuli are initially perceived as features at all ages, and the improvement in performance with increasing age is attributable to the increasing command of attentional resources that accompanies development. Our discussion of these findings focuses on three issues: multiple trends in perceptual development, the characteristics of an adequate theory of perceptual representation and processing, and a comparison of the separability hypothesis and other developmental accounts of perceptual development.  相似文献   


Attention is limited in terms of both capacity (i.e., amount of information attended) and selectivity (i.e., the degree to which non-attended information is nonetheless processed). One of the seminal theories in the field, load theory, predicts that these two aspects of attention interact in systematic ways. Specifically, load theory predicts that when the amount of information to attend is less than the available capacity, spare attention will naturally leak out to unattended items. While load theory has found a great deal of empirical support, the robustness of the findings has recently been called into question, in particular with respect to the extent to which the predictions are borne out across different tasks and populations. Here we report tests of perceptual load effects in two different tasks (change detection and enumeration) and in two populations (adults and 7- to 8-year-old children). Adults’ accuracies did not demonstrate the predicted interaction between the capacity and selection dimensions, whereas children’s performance, in addition to being overall worse than adults, did show the interaction. The overall lower accuracy of children was seen to be the result of a larger performance decrement in response to capacity demands, distracting information, and their interaction. Interestingly, while these results were seen at the level of the two tasks, there was no within-participants correlation across tasks. Overall, these results suggest that maturation-related changes attenuate the magnitude of distractor effects in attention, which in turn limits the evidence for interactions between capacity and selection in high-functioning populations.


Three studies examined the effects of attachment style on performance in non-attachment-related attention tasks; one study also assessed the effect of priming memories of experiences of attachment security or insecurity on attentional performance in a flanker task. In Study 1, participants performed a psychological refractory period (PRP) task assessing their ability to switch attention rapidly from one decision to another; in Studies 2 and 3 they performed a flanker task assessing their ability to resist distracters. Avoidant attachment predicted better performance on both tasks, and the effects remained even after controlling for neuroticism, general anxiety, and BIS/BAS scores. Study 3 showed that thinking in detail about a past experience of insecurity eliminated avoidant participants’ superior performance. In sum, avoidant people are generally skilled at regulating their attention, even on non-attachment-related tasks, but their performance is hampered by reminders of experiences of insecurity.  相似文献   

The classical computational conception of meaning has been challenged by the idea that symbols must be grounded on sensorimotor processes. A difficult question arises from the fact that grounding representations cannot be symbolic themselves but, in order to support compositionality, should work as primitives. This implies that they should be precisely identifiable and strictly connected with discriminable perceptual features. Ideally, each representation should correspond to a single discriminable feature. The present study was aimed at exploring whether feature discrimination is a fundamental requisite for grounding compositional symbols. We studied this problem by using Integral stimuli, composed of two interacting and not separable features. Such stimuli were selected in Experiment 1 as pictures whose component features are easily or barely discriminable (Separable or Integral) on the basis of psychological distance metrics (City-block or Euclidean) computed from similarity judgments. In Experiment 2, either each feature was associated with one word of a two-word expression, or the whole stimulus with a single word. In Experiment 3, the procedure was reversed and words or expressions were associated with whole pictures or separate features. Results support the hypothesis that single words are best grounded by Integral stimuli and composite expressions by Separable stimuli, where a strict association of single words with discriminated features is possible.  相似文献   

In the present experiment, police officers attempted to detect truths and lies told by suspects in their police interviews in three different ways: They either saw the suspects (visual condition), only heard the suspects (audio condition) or both saw and heard the suspects (control condition). Research has demonstrated that vocal and speech‐related cues are better diagnostic cues to deceit than visual cues. Therefore, we predicted that participants in the visual condition would perform worst in the lie detection task. Having access only to visual cues may encourage observers to be more reliant on stereotypical beliefs when attempting to detect truths and lies. Since these stereotypes are related to the behaviour of liars, rather than to the behaviour of truth tellers, we further predicted that being exposed only to visual cues may result in a lie bias. The findings supported these hypotheses, and the implications are discussed. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Experiment I was a yes-no recognition task with lists of one, two or four items to remember. Each item in the experiment appeared in only one list, and each list was presented only once. One group of subjects performed the task with complex pictures. Their results were incompatible with the hypothesis of exhaustive memory scanning, since the function relating “yes” response latency to list length was not parallel to but steeper than the function for “no” responses. Another group performed the task with words. Their results were consistent with exhaustive memory-scanning. Experiment II was a similar task in which the familiarity was varied of the test items to which the subjects had to respond “no”. That variation affected response latency with pictures but not with words. From these results and from a consideration of relevant neurological data, the hypothesis is advanced that familiarity discrimination and exhaustive memory-scanning are separate mechanisms.  相似文献   

Baylis and Driver (1993) proposed that the positions of object parts are coded relative to the position of the object they belong to and that parts of different objects are not directly coded relative to each other. This theory predicts that it is easier to judge a difference in height of parts belonging to a single object (one-object condition) than of parts belonging to two objects (two-object condition). This two-object cost has been reported in several articles (Baylis, 1994; Baylis & Driver, 1993, 1995). However, in all these experiments, the method that was used favored the one-object condition. In the present experiments we obtained, for the first time, evidence for the existence of two-object cost without such a bias.  相似文献   

Pigeons learned 2 concurrent simultaneous discriminations in which the pecking of left keys versus right keys was reinforced depending on a color that appeared on one of the keys. When the reinforced choice was to peck directly at the color, accuracy was very high initially, but dropped noticeably with continued training. Partial reinforcement of these choices exacerbated the dropoff, sometimes causing accuracies to fall close to zero. By contrast, when the reinforced choice was to peck the alternate-key stimulus, accuracy was very low, initially, but remained high and stable following acquisition. Lowering the reinforcement probability, even to zero, for the latter choices had little effect on their accuracy but yielded increased accuracy on color-choice trials. These results resemble the ambiguous-cue effect and suggest the process of value transfer.  相似文献   

Theoretical models for choice reaction time and discrimination under time pressure must account for Ss’ ability to trade accuracy for increased speed. The fast guess model views these tradeoffs as different mixtures of “all-or-none” strategies, while incremental models assume they reflect different degrees of thoroughness in processing the stimulus. Three experiments sought tradeoffs for difficult visual discriminations, using explicit payoffs to control and manipulate pressures for speed and accuracy. Although guessing was pervasive, the simple fast guess model could be rejected; Experiments II and III obtained tradeoffs even when fast guesses were purged from Ss’ data. Tradeoff functions fit by several formulations revealed: (1) slower rates of increase in accuracy for more similar stimuli, and (2) substantial “dead times” (80–100 msec slower than detection times) before discrimination responses could exceed chance accuracy. Errors were sometimes faster and sometimes slower than correct responses (depending on S’s speed-accuracy trade); the latter effect may reflect a ceiling on S’s achievable accuracy. A final discussion examines implications of the results for models of discrimination under time pressure; it suggests modifications in present models, focusing on the random walk model, and describes an alternative “deadline” model.  相似文献   

SLAM: a connectionist model for attention in visual selection tasks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SLAM, the SeLective Attention Model, performs visual selective attention tasks, an analysis of which shows that two processes, object and attribute selection, are both necessary and sufficient. It is based upon the McClelland and Rumelhart (1981) model for visual word recognition, with the addition of a response selection and evaluation mechanism. The responses may be correct or incorrect and, in particular conditions, SLAM may not make a response at all. Moreover, it allows for the generation of specific responses in time. SLAM's main characteristics are parallelism restricted by competition within modules, heterarchical processing in a hierarchical structure, and generation of responses as a result of relaxation given the conjoint constraints of stimulation, object, and attribute selection. The model is considered to represent an individual subject performing filtering tasks and demonstrates appropriate selective behavior. It is also tested quantitatively using a single tentative set of model parameters. The study reports simulations of four different filtering experiments, modeling response latencies, and error proportions. Specifications are made to take account of instructions, previous trials, and the effect of a barmarker cue and of asynchronies in stimulus and cue onsets. The model is then extended in order to provide simulations of a number of Stroop experiments, which can be regarded as filtering tasks with nonequivalent stimuli. The extension required for Stroop simulations is the addition of direct connections between compatible stimulus and response aspects. The direct connections do not affect the simulation of simpler filtering tasks. A variety of different experiments carried out by different authors is simulated. The model is discussed in terms of how modular architecture and the interaction of excitation and inhibition generate facilitation or inhibition of response latencies.  相似文献   

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