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In this series of papers, 17 genetic counselors describe defining moments, that is, personal experiences or events that led to a further realization of themselves as genetic counselors. These experiences, both positive and negative, describe a significant impact on the authors' professional growth and development. A call for papers was issued through the National Society of Genetic Counselors listserv and through the Journal of Genetic Counseling in 2001. This call resulted in the following 15 papers in which the authors were asked to describe the nature of a defining moment and how it affected their professional identity and practice. The authors provided an account of the experience or event, what it was about the experience that made it a defining moment, how it affected them personally and professionally, and if a defining moment was negative, how they were able to derive positive outcomes. Implications of these defining moments for other genetic counselors are discussed in a concluding paper.  相似文献   

目的:考察早期适应不良图式、负性生活事件在童年期创伤与大学生抑郁间的影响机制。方法:采用童年期创伤问卷、Young图式问卷短版中文修订版、青少年生活事件量表及90项症状自评量表对1423名大学生进行调查,结果表明:(1)童年期创伤既可以直接正向预测大学生抑郁,也可以通过早期适应不良图式中的分离和拒绝、自主性及能力受损两大图式类别间接地正向预测大学生抑郁;(2)负性生活事件调节了早期适应不良图式在童年期创伤与抑郁间的中介作用  相似文献   

为探讨儿童期虐待对公正世界信念的作用及心理机制,本研究采用问卷法对929名大学生进行了调查,并采用潜变量模型对数据进行了分析。结果发现:(1)儿童期虐待显著负向预测大学生公正世界信念;(2)控制感在儿童期虐待与公正世界信念之间起完全中介作用;(3)家庭社会经济地位调节了儿童期虐待与控制感的关系,高家庭社会经济地位放大了儿童期虐待与控制感间的负相关。研究结果表明,可以通过预防儿童虐待和增强控制感等干预措施来提升公正世界信念,并且需要对高社会经济地位家庭的儿童虐待加大关注。  相似文献   

We address this question: How do Cambodian American young adults come to know about their family’s experiences of trauma? Using a social constructivist critical ideological approach, we developed a phenomenological model describing intergenerational communication about trauma (IGCT) in Cambodian American families. We found IGCT to be an interactional process in which younger and older generations each played a role. IGCT was influenced by the availability of multiple sources of information and opportunities for learning, interpersonal connectedness between the generations, emotional distress tolerance, and having motivation to empathically learn and share. When these factors were abundant, direct interactive IGCT was more likely. When wanting, the IGCT was more disrupted and incoherent, filled with emotionally charged silence and lead to negative attributions. IGCT was a dynamic process that could change over time to accommodate developmental change. Limitations of the findings, clinical implications, and future directions are discussed.  相似文献   

The case of Peter is reflected upon in order to highlight some of the moral theorising that could be brought to bear in the process of providing palliative care for sick neonates. The situation will be discussed using the theoretical lenses of deontological and virtue ethics. Nursing practice is considered as engaged moral reasoning where the nurse brings his/her beliefs, knowledge and experience into the situation and engages in reflexivity to provide appropriate ongoing patient care. The care should be provided in culturally sensitive manner and tailored to the needs of the newborn and their family. Nurses should initiate early consultations with colleagues, medical staff and families to address concerns about patient well-being in order to enhance the well-being of patients and families and to improve the work environment making it more conducive to care.  相似文献   

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