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本研究首先考察上下文预期是否能够影响快速场景识别,进而通过比较不同空间频率的场景信息来探究上下文预期在快速场景识别不同阶段的作用。共包括3个实验:实验1采用双眼竞争范式,考察对快速呈现场景刺激的主观选择是否受到上下文预期的影响;实验2采用词汇分类与快速场景识别的双任务范式,比较预期与非预期条件下快速场景识别绩效的差异;实验3分别以低频信息(实验3a)和高频信息(实验3b)作为实验材料,探讨预期效应的作用阶段。结果发现:上下文预期可以影响快速场景识别过程中的主观选择与反应绩效;对不同空间频率的场景信息,场景刺激与预期相一致时均可以提高辨别力,但预期对反应偏好的影响只发生在对高空间频率场景信息的加工阶段。因此,上下文预期在快速场景识别不同加工阶段的作用不同,快速场景识别需要结合不同空间频率信息加工的结果。  相似文献   

A number of recent studies casts doubt on the empirical separability of processes of task preparation from the actual execution of the respective task. We report two experiments in which we separated the precueing of a task from its execution by an intervening task. In addition, for the precued task we employed imperative stimuli that in most cases were associated with a competing task, making the execution of this task dependent on an internal representation of the information provided by the precue. Under these conditions, the performance of the intervening task suffered specific interference as a function of its relation to the precued task. This suggests that the encoding of the precue resulted in specific preparation for the precued task. Furthermore, the transition between the intervening task and the precued task was associated with relatively small costs that did not vary as a function of the interval that separated the two tasks. This also suggests that a great deal of preparation for the second task already took place during the encoding of the precue. Further observations suggest that the resolution of the interference between a memory-based task representation, as well as a perceptually induced task representation, and the representation of the currently relevant task took place on the level of individual task features.  相似文献   

In the present study the effects of task requirements were investigated using a same-different paradigm with geometric configurations as stimuli. Two conditions were employed: in the first, the instructions required the subjects to focus upon all dimensions of the stimuli; in the second, instead, the instructions required the subjects to attend only to some of the dimensions. The results show that in the first condition the subjects, in order to reach their decision, used a template- matching strategy, while in the second condition an analytic strategy was employed.  相似文献   

In the course of a day, the brain undergoes large-scale changes in functional modes, from attentive wakefulness to the deepest stage of sleep. The present paper evaluates how these state changes affect the neural bases of sensory and cognitive representations. Are organized neural representations still maintained during sleep? In other words, despite the absence of conscious awareness, do neuronal signals emitted during sleep contain information and have a functional relevance? Through a critical evaluation of the animal and human literature, neural representations at different levels of integration (from the most elementary sensory level to the most cognitive one) are reviewed. Recordings of neuronal activity in animals at presentation of neutral or significant stimuli show that some analysis of the external word remains possible during sleep, allowing recognition of behaviorally relevant stimuli. Event-related brain potentials in humans confirm the preservation of some sensory integration and discriminative capacity. Behavioral and neuroimaging studies in humans substantiate the notion that memory representations are reactivated and are reorganized during post-learning sleep; these reorganisations may account for the beneficial effects of sleep on behavioral performance. Electrophysiological results showing replay of neuronal sequences in animals are presented, and their relevance as neuronal correlates of memory reactivation is discussed. The reviewed literature provides converging evidence that structured neural representations can be activated during sleep. Which reorganizations unique to sleep benefit memory representations, and to what extent the operations still efficient in processing environmental information during sleep are similar to those underlying the non-conscious, automatic processing continually at work in wakefulness, are challenging questions open to investigation.  相似文献   

Negative information processing biases have been hypothesised to serve as precursors for the development of depression. The current study examined negative self-referent information processing and depressive symptoms in a community sample of adolescents (N = 291, Mage at baseline = 12.34 ± 0.61, 53% female, 47.4% African-American, 49.5% Caucasian and 3.1% Biracial). Participants completed a computerised self-referent encoding task (SRET) and a measure of depressive symptoms at baseline and completed an additional measure of depressive symptoms nine months later. Several negative information processing biases on the SRET were associated with concurrent depressive symptoms and predicted increases in depressive symptoms at follow-up. Findings partially support the hypothesis that negative information processing biases are associated with depressive symptoms in a nonclinical sample of adolescents, and provide preliminary evidence that these biases prospectively predict increases in depressive symptoms.  相似文献   

The present study investigated whether the neural correlates of source memory vary according to study task. Subjects studied visually presented words in one of two background contexts. In each test, subjects made old/new recognition and source memory judgments. In one study test cycle, study words were subjected to animacy judgments, whereas in another cycle the study task required syllable judgments. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was employed to contrast the neural activity elicited by study words that attracted accurate source judgments on the later memory test, as opposed to words for which source judgments were incorrect or for which source information was unavailable. In both tasks, relative to words for which source memory failed, study words that were later assigned to the correct source elicited enhanced activity in ventral extrastriate cortex. In addition to these common effects of subsequent source memory, additional effects were observed that were selective for each study task. The present findings add weight to the proposal that neural activity supporting successful episodic memory encoding is a reflection of both the online processing engaged by an episode as it is experienced, and the demands imposed by the later retrieval task.  相似文献   

During rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP), the perceptual system is confronted with a rapidly changing array of sensory information demanding resolution. At rapid rates of presentation, previous studies have found an early (e.g., 150–280 ms) negativity over occipital sensors that is enhanced when emotional, as compared with neutral, pictures are viewed, suggesting facilitated perception. In the present study, we explored how picture composition and the presence of people in the image affect perceptual processing of pictures of natural scenes. Using RSVP, pictures that differed in perceptual composition (figure–ground or scenes), content (presence of people or not), and emotional content (emotionally arousing or neutral) were presented in a continuous stream for 330 ms each with no intertrial interval. In both subject and picture analyses, all three variables affected the amplitude of occipital negativity, with the greatest enhancement for figure–ground compositions (as compared with scenes), irrespective of content and emotional arousal, supporting an interpretation that ease of perceptual processing is associated with enhanced occipital negativity. Viewing emotional pictures prompted enhanced negativity only for pictures that depicted people, suggesting that specific features of emotionally arousing images are associated with facilitated perceptual processing, rather than all emotional content.  相似文献   

In natural vision, shifts in spatial attention are associated with shifts of gaze. Computational models of such overt attention typically use the concept of a saliency map: Normalized maps of center-surround differences are computed for individual stimulus features and added linearly to obtain the saliency map. Although the predictions of such models correlate with fixated locations better than chance, their mechanistic assumptions are less well investigated. Here, we tested one key assumption: Do the effects of different features add linearly or according to a max-type of interaction? We measured the eye position of observers viewing natural stimuli whose luminance contrast and/or color contrast (saturation) increased gradually toward one side. We found that these feature gradients biased fixations toward regions of high contrasts. When two contrast gradients (color and luminance) were superimposed, linear summation of their individual effects predicted their combined effect. This demonstrated that the interaction of color and luminance contrast with respect to human overt attention is—irrespective of the precise model—consistent with the assumption of linearity, but not with a max-type interaction of these features.  相似文献   

According to the attentional control theory of anxiety (Eysenck, Derakshan, Santos, & Calvo, 2007), anxiety impairs performance on cognitive tasks that involve the shifting function of working memory. This hypothesis was tested using a mixed antisaccade paradigm, in which participants performed single-task and mixed-task versions of the paradigm. The single task involved the completion of separate blocks of anti- and prosaccade trials, whereas in the mixed task, participants completed anti- and prosaccade trials in a random order within blocks. Analysis of switch costs showed that high-anxious individuals did not exhibit the commonly reported paradoxical improvement in saccade latency, whereas low-anxious individuals did. The findings are discussed within the framework of attentional control theory.  相似文献   

An information processing signal detection methodology was employed to examine attentional allocation and its correlates in both normal comparison (NC) and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) participants. In particular, the impact of neutral distractor and negative feedback cues on performance of an attention vigilance task was investigated. Individuals with GAD (N = 15) evidenced impaired performance on an attention vigilance task relative to NC participants (N = 15) when neutral distractor cues were presented. Contrary to prediction, no group differences in performance were detected under conditions in which participants were presented negative feedback cues they were told were relevant to their performance. Instead, GAD participants exhibited improvement during the experimental task such that their performance was equivalent to NC participants. Across trials, the clinically anxious group endorsed significantly higher levels of worry and negative affectivity; however, they failed to respond with concomitant physical arousal (e.g. increased muscle tension). These data are discussed within the context of Eysenck and Calvo's (1992, Cognition and Emotion, 6, 409–434) processing efficiency theory. Additionally, the results of this investigation provide support for Barlow's (1988, Anxiety and its disorders: The nature and treatment of anxiety and panic) conceptualization of anxiety as requiring the interaction of cognitive schema and physiological arousal.  相似文献   

We examined the relationship between two different attention limitations on the perception of rapid events: the attentional awakening (AA, an inability to successfully process a target when it appears early on in a rapid stream of events) and the attentional blink (AB, an inability to successfully process a second target when it appears shortly after a first target [T1]). In four experiments, we failed to find a relationship between the magnitudes of these phenomena. Furthermore, we found two manipulations that selectively modulated the magnitude of each effect without altering the magnitude of the second effect: Expected range of possible rapid serial visual presentation lengths modulated the AA (but not the AB), suggesting that the AA reflects an attentional setup cost for perceiving a protracted series of rapid events, whereas the number of possible T1 positions in the stream modulated the magnitude of the AB (but not the magnitude of the AA). Our results suggest that, despite the surface similarities between the two phenomena, different mechanisms are responsible for these two attentional limitations: Whereas the AA reflects a starting cost associated with the time required to temporally tune attention to the stimulus stream, the AB reflects a blocking of undesired stimuli, aimed at protecting consolidation of T1 processing.  相似文献   

Automatic processing of psychological distance: evidence from a Stroop task   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A picture-word version of the Stroop task was used to test the automatic activation of psychological distance by words carrying various senses of psychological distance: temporal (tomorrow, in a year), social (friend, enemy), and hypotheticality (sure, maybe). The pictures implied depth, with the words appearing relatively close to or distant from the observer. The participants classified the spatial distance of words faster when the word's implicit psychological distance matched its spatial distance (e.g., a geographically close word was classified faster when it was "friend" than when it was "enemy"). The findings are consistent with the idea that psychological distance is accessed automatically, even when it is not directly related to people's current goals, and suggest that psychological distance is an important dimension of meaning, common to spatial distance, temporal distance, social distance, and hypotheticality.  相似文献   

In five experiments, we examined task factors influencing selection by color in a rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) task. Participants were required to respond to the presence or case of a target letter presented within an RSVP sequence, and they were cued as to the color in which that target was most likely to occur. The first two experiments explored the effect of task difficulty. It was found that a change from the discrimination of upper- versus lowercase targets to the detection of an exact shape had no influence on the color-cuing effect. In contrast, increasing letter set discriminability and decreasing color discriminability reduced the color-cuing effect considerably, although they did not eliminate it. In the third and fourth experiments, the frequency of valid trials was reduced, removing the incentive to use the color information. Again, a small benefit remained, indicating partially automatic and strategic color-processing components. Finally, the fifth experiment showed that an increase in perceptual load had no influence on the color-cuing effect. Together, these five experiments provide further evidence of the robustness of direct selection by color.  相似文献   

Multiple factors have been proposed to contribute to the other-race effect in face recognition, including perceptual expertise and social-cognitive accounts. Here, we propose to understand the effect and its contributing factors from the perspectives of learning mechanisms that involve joint learning of visual attention strategies and internal representations for faces, which can be modulated by quality of contact with other-race individuals including emotional and motivational factors. Computational simulations of this process will enhance our understanding of interactions among factors and help resolve inconsistent results in the literature. In particular, since learning is driven by task demands, visual attention effects observed in different face-processing tasks, such as passive viewing or recognition, are likely to be task specific (although may be associated) and should be examined and compared separately. When examining visual attention strategies, the use of more data-driven and comprehensive eye movement measures, taking both spatial–temporal pattern and consistency of eye movements into account, can lead to novel discoveries in other-race face processing. The proposed framework and analysis methods may be applied to other tasks of real-life significance such as face emotion recognition, further enhancing our understanding of the relationship between learning and visual cognition.  相似文献   

The present studies were designed to examine age differences in memory when attention was divided during encoding, retrieval, or at both times. In Experiment 1, Ss studied categorized words while performing a number-monitoring task during encoding, retrieval, or at both times. Older Ss' free recall and clustering performance declined more than that of young Ss when attention was divided at encoding, but there was no similar age interaction when divided attention occurred at retrieval. In Experiment 2, the task demands at retrieval were increased by using a fast-paced, cued-recall task. The results remained unchanged from Experiment 1. Again, an age interaction occurred with divided attention at encoding but not at retrieval. These results were unexpected, given the emphasis in the memory-aging literature on increased difficulty of retrieval by older adults. The findings pose difficulties for limited processing resource views of age differences in memory.  相似文献   

Ten English speaking subjects listened to sentences that varied in sentential constraint (i.e., the degree to which the context of a sentence predicts the final word of that sentence) and event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded during the presentation of the final word of each sentence. In the Control condition subjects merely listened to the sentences. In the Orthographic processing condition subjects merely listened to the sentences. In the Orthographic processing condition subjects decided, following each sentence, whether a given letter had been present in the final word of the preceding sentence. In the Phonological processing condition the subjects judged whether a given speech sound was contained in the terminal word. In the Semantic processing condition subjects determined whether the final word was a member of a given semantic category. A previous finding in the visual modality that the N400 component was larger in amplitude for low constraint sentence terminations than for high was extended to the auditory modality. It was also found that the amplitude of a N200-like response was similarly responsive to contextual constraint. The hypothesis that N400 amplitude would vary significantly with the depth of processing of the terminal word was not supported by the data. The "N200" recorded in this language processing context showed the classic frontocentral distribution of the N200. The N400 to spoken sentences had a central/centroparietal distribution similar to the N400 in visual modality experiments. It is suggested that the N400 obtained in these sentence contexts reflects an automatic semantic processing of words that occurs even when semantic analysis is not required to complete a given task. The cooccurrence and topographical dissimilarity of the "N200" and N400 suggest that the N400 may not be a delayed or a generic N200.  相似文献   

Based on an activity questionnaire, 48 females without experience in open sports skills were selected to track a moving light beam through either a circle, square, or triangular target area on a pursuit rotor. Contextual interference was created by presenting 5 velocities in either a random or a blocked context during acquisition. Level of processing was manipulated by having half of all subjects classify acquisition velocities by a predetermined numerical code. Time-on-target (TOT) was measured after each acquisition, retention, and transfer trial. Subjects tracking the circle produced higher TOTs than those who tracked the square or triangle (which did not differ from one another) across all three phases of the experiment; blocked and random acquisition groups were not significantly different from one another in acquisition, retention, or transfer. Subjects who classified acquisition velocities and tracked the circle under the blocked acquisition context produced significantly higher retention scores than those who tracked the circle but did not classify acquisition velocities. Transfer was facilitated for subjects who tracked the triangle in a random transfer context and classified velocities during acquisition. Results were discussed as providing support for the manipulation of the level of cognitive processing during the initial stage of learning. In addition, manipulating task difficulty was discussed.  相似文献   

In two experiments, we investigated the processing of extrafoveal objects in a double-object naming task. On most trials, participants named two objects; but on some trials, the objects were replaced shortly after trial onset by a written word probe, which participants had to name instead of the objects. In Experiment 1, the word was presented in the same location as the left object either 150 or 350 msec after trial onset and was either phonologically related or unrelated to that object name. Phonological facilitation was observed at the later but not at the earlier SOA. In Experiment 2, the word was either phonologically related or unrelated to the right object and was presented 150 msec after the speaker had begun to inspect that object. In contrast with Experiment 1, phonological facilitation was found at this early SOA, demonstrating that the speakers had begun to process the right object prior to fixation.  相似文献   

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