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The generality of the mathematical principles of reinforcement (MPR) was tested with humans. In Experiment 1A, participants’ mouse clicks were reinforced according to a series of variable-ratio (VR) values. In one condition, a situated task was used (searching for treasure on a map presented via a PC monitor); in the other, abstract version of the task, participants clicked on a white screen. Under the “map” condition, response rates increased with increasing ratio value before decreasing with further ratio increases; under the “no-map” condition, response rates decreased linearly from a peak at the smallest ratio. In Experiment 1B, the pattern of responding was confirmed under the “map” conditions using a different set of ratio values. In Experiment 2, reinforcer magnitude was manipulated using the “map” context. Response rates did not differ significantly when large rather than small cash reinforcers were delivered according to a VR 30 but were significantly higher when large rather than small cash reinforcers were delivered according to a VR 120. Together these experiments offer qualified support for extending MPR to the behavior of human participants.  相似文献   

Emotional inertia is a central feature of emotion dynamics and it refers to the degree to which emotional states are self-predictive and linger over time, describing their resistance to change. It is related to several indicators of maladjustment, yet there is limited research on its correlates in the workplace, where it may be particularly relevant as emotional experiences deeply influence organizational life. In two experience-sampling studies, we studied temporal dependency of negative emotional states at work in terms of emotional inertia. In a first study (n = 128), we investigated the association between exhaustion, the core dimension of burnout, with inertia of negative emotions. In a second study (n = 116), we aimed to replicate findings from the first study and additionally examined the moderating role of inertia of negative emotions in the relationship between negative emotions at work and counterproductive work behaviour. The findings show that exhaustion is consistently associated with inertia of negative emotions, and that inertia of negative emotions aggravates the relation between negative emotions and workers' counterproductive work behaviour.  相似文献   

Starting from the notion that work is an important part of who we are, we extend existing theory making on the interplay of work and identity by applying them to (so called) atypical work situations. Without the contextual stability of a permanent organizational position, the question “who one is” will be more difficult to answer. At the same time, a stable occupational identity might provide an even more important orientation to one’s career attitudes and goals in atypical employment situations. So, although atypical employment might pose different challenges on identity, identity can still be a valid concept to assist the understanding of behaviour, attitudes, and well-being in these situations. Our analysis does not attempt to “reinvent” the concept of identity, but will elaborate how existing conceptualizations of identity as being a multiple (albeit perceived as singular), fluid (albeit perceived as stable), and actively forged (as well as passively influenced) construct that can be adapted to understand the effects of atypical employment contexts. Furthermore, we suggest three specific ways to understand the longitudinal dynamics of the interplay between atypical employment and identity over time: passive incremental, active incremental, and transformative change. We conclude with key learning points and outline a few practical recommendations for more research into identity as an explanatory mechanism for the effects of atypical employment situations.  相似文献   

Multiscale dislocation dynamics plasticity (MDDP) calculations are carried out to simulate the mechanical response of copper single crystals that have undergone shock loading at high strain rates ranging from 1?×?106 to 1?×?1010?s?1. Plasticity mechanisms associated with both the activation of pre-existing dislocation sources and homogeneous nucleation of glide loops are considered. Our results show that there is a threshold strain rate of 108?s?1 at which the deformation mechanism changes from source activation to homogeneous nucleation. It is also illustrated that the pressure dependence on strain rate follows a one-fourth power law up to 108?s?1 beyond which the relationship assumes a one-half power law. The MDDP computations are in good agreement with recent experimental findings and compare well with the predictions of several dislocation-based continuum models.  相似文献   

Molar and molecular views of behavior imply different approaches to data analysis. The molecular view privileges moment-to-moment analyses, whereas the molar view supports analysis of more and less extended activities. In concurrent performance, the molar view supports study of both extended patterns of choice and more local patterns of visiting the choice alternatives. Analysis of the present data illustrated the usefulness of investigating order at various levels of extendedness. Seven different reinforcer ratios were presented within each session, without cues to identify them, and pigeons pecked at two response keys that delivered food on variable-interval schedules. Choice changed rapidly within components as reinforcers were delivered and, following each reinforcer, shifted toward the alternative that produced it. If several reinforcers were delivered consecutively by one alternative, choice favored that alternative, but shifted more slowly with each new reinforcer. A discontinuation of such a series of reinforcers by the delivery of a reinforcer by the other alternative resulted in a large shift of choice toward that alternative. These effects were illuminated by analysis of visits to the two alternatives. Changes in visit length occurred primarily in the first postreinforcer visit to the repeatedly reinforced alternative. All other visits tended to be brief and equal. Performance showed multiple signs of moving in the direction of a fix-and-sample pattern that characterized steady-state performance in earlier experiments with many sessions of maintaining each schedule pair. The analyses of extended and local patterns illustrate the flexibility of a molar view of behavior.  相似文献   

Rats trained to lever press for sucrose were exposed to variable-interval schedules in which (i) the probability of reinforcement in each unit of time was a constant, (ii) the probability was high in the first ten seconds after reinforcement and low thereafter, (iii) the probability was low for ten seconds and high thereafter, (iv) the probability increased with time since reinforcement, or (v) the probability was initially zero and then increased with time since reinforcement. All schedules generated similar overall reinforcement rates. A peak in local response rate occurred several seconds after reinforcement under those schedules where reinforcement rate at this time was moderate or high ([i], [ii], and [iv]). Later in the inter-reinforcement interval, local response rate was roughly constant under those schedules with a constant local reinforcement rate ([i], [ii], and [iii]), but increased steadily when local reinforcement rate increased with time since reinforcement ([iv] and [v]). Postreinforcement pauses occurred on all schedules, but were much longer when local reinforcement rate was very low in the ten seconds after reinforcement ([iii]). The interresponse time distribution was highly correlated with the distribution of reinforced interresponse times, and the distribution of postreinforcement pauses was highly correlated with the distribution of reinforced postreinforcement pauses on some schedules. However, there was no direct evidence that these correlations resulted from selective reinforcement of classes of interresponse times and pauses.  相似文献   

Pretraining work behavior was investigated as a composition variable for group psychotherapy. The work behavior of sixty-six outpatients in nine pretraining groups was measured. Six of the pretraining groups were recomposed into either high or low work therapy groups on the basis of the pretraining scores. The other three groups entered therapy intact. Audiotapes from the first six months were analyzed to assess therapy process. Outcome measures were administered before therapy and after six months of therapy. Hypotheses concerned the effects of composition on process and outcome and the relationship between pretraining work behavior and outcome. The results suggest that pretraining work behavior has merit as a composition variable and may have promise as a selection variable. Therapeutic uses of pretraining are discussed.  相似文献   

Andreassen, C. S., Griffiths, M. D., Hetland, J. & Pallesen, S. (2012). Development of a work addiction scale. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 53, 265–272. Research into excessive work has gained increasing attention over the last 20 years. Terms such as “workaholism,”“work addiction” and “excessive work” have been used interchangeably. Given the increase in empirical research, this study presents the development of the Bergen Work Addiction Scale (BWAS), a new psychometrically validated scale for the assessment of work addiction. A pool of 14 items, with two reflecting each of seven core elements of addiction (i.e., salience, mood modification, tolerance, withdrawal, conflict, relapse, and problems) was initially constructed. The items were then administered to two samples, one recruited by a web survey following a television broadcast about workaholism (n = 11,769) and one comprising participants in the second wave of a longitudinal internet‐based survey about working life (n = 368). The items with the highest corrected item‐total correlation from within each of the seven addiction elements were retained in the final scale. The assumed one‐factor solution of the refined seven‐item scale was acceptable (root mean square error of approximation = 0.077, Comparative Fit Index = 0.96, Tucker‐Lewis Index = 0.95) and the internal reliability of the two samples were 0.84 and 0.80, respectively. The scores of the BWAS converged with scores on other workaholism scales, except for a Work Enjoyment subscale. A suggested cut‐off for categorization of workaholics showed good discriminative ability in terms of working hours, leadership position, and subjective health complaints. It is concluded that the BWAS has good psychometric properties.  相似文献   

Four pigeons were trained on two-key concurrent variable-interval schedules with no changeover delay. In Phase 1, relative reinforcers on the two alternatives were varied over five conditions from .1 to .9. In Phases 2 and 3, we instituted a molar feedback function between relative choice in an interreinforcer interval and the probability of reinforcers on the two keys ending the next interreinforcer interval. The feedback function was linear, and was negatively sloped so that more extreme choice in an interreinforcer interval made it more likely that a reinforcer would be available on the other key at the end of the next interval. The slope of the feedback function was -1 in Phase 2 and -3 in Phase 3. We varied relative reinforcers in each of these phases by changing the intercept of the feedback function. Little effect of the feedback functions was discernible at the local (interreinforcer interval) level, but choice measured at an extended level across sessions was strongly and significantly decreased by increasing the negative slope of the feedback function.  相似文献   

The objective of the study is to explore the relationship of authentic leadership with work engagement and organizational citizenship behaviors (OCB) in military units, measuring the mediating effect of personal identification with the leader and social identification with the military unit. We used the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) technique to analyze data from a sample of 225 Spanish military troops. The results showed that social identification with the military unit influenced the relationship of authentic leadership with the outcome variables.  相似文献   


Nonlinear and dynamic approaches are two main principles of complex systems. The work and organizational psychology field has recently applied these concepts to understand human behaviour at work. In this introductory paper, we describe how human behaviour at work can be understood from a nonlinear and dynamic perspective, developing and applying the advantages of this approach to continue moving beyond the frontiers of our knowledge. We focus on the theoretical, methodological, and epistemological implications of the nonlinear dynamic approach in the field. Then, we present the five papers included in this special issue. These papers have applied nonlinear and dynamic concepts to understand a wide range of phenomena: subordinates-supervisors relationships, team behaviour, deviant workplace behaviour, transformational leadership, and training transfer. Overall, these papers demonstrate the utility of nonlinear dynamics in our field and how we can create more time-sensitive and complex knowledge by paying special attention to when and how phenomena happen and how such phenomena interrelate over time.  相似文献   

Community psychologists have a long history of interest in understanding social systems and how to bring about enduring positive change in these systems. However, the methods that community psychologists use to anticipate and evaluate the changes that result from system change efforts are less well developed. In the current paper, we introduce readers to system dynamics modeling, an action research approach to studying complex systems and the consequences of system change. We illustrate this approach by describing a system dynamics model of educational reform. We provide readers with an introduction to system dynamics modeling, as well as describe the strengths and limitations of the approach for application to community psychology.  相似文献   

The influence of focal attention on the coordination dynamics in a bimanual circle drawing task was investigated. Six right-handed and seven left-handed subjects performed bimanual circling movements, in two modes of coordination, symmetrical or asymmetrical. The frequency of movement was scaled by an auditory metronome from 1.50 Hz to 3.00 Hz in 7 steps. On each trial, subjects were required to attend either to the dominant hand, to a neutral position, or to the nondominant hand.The uniformity of the relative tangential angle was lower in asymmetrical than in symmetrical conditions, but was not influenced by the direction of attention. In the asymmetrical mode, shifts in RTA relations, suggestive of loss of stability, were evident as the movement frequency was increased. Typically, these shifts were mediated by distortions of the trajectory of the nondominant limb. When the nondominant hand was the focus of attention, movements of this hand were more circular, and temporal variability was reduced, at the cost of a greater deviation from the target frequency. Movements of the dominant hand were not affected by the direction of attention. The findings show that although directed attention acts to modify the coordination dynamics, it does so primarily at the level of the individual hands, rather then in terms of the relation between them.  相似文献   

Boredom occurs regularly at work and can have negative consequences. This study aimed to increase insight in the antecedents and processes underlying the development of work-related boredom by (a) examining whether work-related need satisfaction and the quality-of-work motivation mediate the associations between the work characteristics defined in the Job Characteristics Model and work-related boredom, (b) investigating if this motivational process operates both on an “enduring,” between-person level and a daily within-person level, and (c) examining if and how daily experiences of work-related boredom spill over to the next day. Data among employees were collected in a cross-sectional study (N = 115) and a 5-day daily diary study (N = 90). Study 1 results showed that need satisfaction and quality-of-work motivation mediated the association between work characteristics and work-related boredom. This motivational process was also found on a day-to-day basis in Study 2. This study further revealed that work-related boredom spills over to the next day through its associations with increased negative work attitudes and decreased intrinsic motivation. These findings provide insight in the process by which momentary experiences of boredom at work may develop into a more enduring experience of work-related boredom.  相似文献   


Background and Objectives: Negative cognitive emotion regulation (ER) strategies are particularly important within the framework of anxiety problems amongst youths and how they cope with stressful events. The aim of this study was to examine the associations between both negative and positive ER style and cardiac regulation under stressful conditions.

Design: Eighty-nine adolescents (M?=?13.31 years, SD?=?0.68, 44.94% girls) were exposed to a socially relevant stress induction protocol.

Methods: Participants’ emotion regulation strategies were assessed and their cardiac function was recorded.

Results: A negative ER style predicted heart rate (HR) entropy at the stressful stage after controlling for anxiety scores. In addition, heart rate variability reactivity and recovery and HR entropy recovery were larger (p?<?.05) in the low negative ER style group (n?=?16) than in the high negative ER style group (n?=?23).

Conclusions: Results suggest that individuals with a highly negative ER style have diminished autonomic flexibility.  相似文献   

Based on organizational socialization literature (e.g., Bauer, Bodner, Erdogan, Truxillo, & Tucker, 2007; Kammeyer-Mueller & Wanberg, 2003; Saks, Uggerslev, & Fassina, 2007) and Conservation of Resources theory (COR theory; Hobfoll, 1989, 2001), this article aims to develop a conceptualization and a measurement of cognitive adjustment at work (CAW), as an indicator of psychological health in the workplace. Two studies, including three independent samples (NA = 296, NB = 350, NC = 139), were conducted to test an operational proposal of CAW. In Study 1, exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, as well as reliability and temporal invariance analyses, were performed to test the structure of both the construct and the instrument. In Study 2, nomological network analysis was conducted. Results suggest strong empirical support for the structure and validity of CAW, defined as a second-order factor, which includes task adjustment, work group adjustment and organizational adjustment.  相似文献   

Cycling as a mode of travel provides an opportunity for many people to increase their levels of regular physical activity and contribute to their mental and physical health. Heart rate is often used as a means of measuring the intensity and energy expenditure of physical activity. However, heart rate is also linked to emotional factors such as anxiety and fear. Perceptions of risk due to external factors such as other road users and infrastructure may arouse such emotions in urban cyclists. The present study set out to investigate whether or not perceptions of risk among urban cyclists may lead to increased heart rates. Cyclists completed a test route in normal traffic conditions in Cork, Ireland and heart rates and self-reported risk ratings were recorded in real time. Evidence was found of a link between perceptions of risk and heart rates. This raises questions regarding the use of heart rate to estimate exercise intensity and energy expenditure during urban cycling. The perceptions of cyclists of their safety in relation to various road elements on familiar routes were also assessed, as well as specific events which they perceive to be high in risk. The results indicate that incidents involving car traffic and busy roads which offer no protection from interaction with car traffic are associated with greatest perceptions of risk.  相似文献   

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