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This paper investigates how the missionaries of the Church of Scotland sought to convert the Jews in Hungary. The research studies carefully Adolph Saphir's change of faith, his theological views, and his work. His family was the first “fruit” of Scottish missionary activity among the Hungarian Jews in 1843. After scrutinizing his conversion, the study proceeds to map his sphere of work as a missionary. In particular, it examines his millennial views, which gave the impetus to his missionary activity. Finally, the paper demonstrates that he became an ardent supporter of mission to the Jews not only in Britain but also in Central Europe.  相似文献   

Recent scholars have argued that counseling has begun to embrace social constructivism as a paradigm for counseling. However, this commitment to social constructivist tenets may be both premature and undesirable. This article provides a critique of a dominant branch of social constructivism: radical social constructivism. Three arguments are presented establishing that radical social constructivism leads to logically impossible conclusions, violates counseling's moral convictions, and denies secure scholarship in related fields.  相似文献   



This study investigated the career expectations and priorities of members of the “millennial” generation (born in or after 1980) and explored differences among this cohort related to demographic factors (i.e., gender, race, and year of study) and academic performance.  相似文献   

本篇论文主要通过分析《阿摩司书》中有关财富的经文段落(2:6-8;3:9-11;5:7-17;6:4-11;8:4-8),以概括总结出经典先知书卷中关于财富看法的一般伦理。财富应该正当获得并用于使人获得自由、独立的有益事业中;而不应该通过奴役抢夺他人而获得,并使用之作为奴役他人的手段。笔者认为,这至少是先知书卷中关于财富伦理的最重要的原则之一。由此,笔者提出与巴滕(JohnBarton)关于旧约伦理中个人财产所有权看法有所不同的见解:先知书卷中有关个人财产的伦理原则的根源,可能主要不是来自于《创世记》的传统,而是来自于《出埃及记》中的传统。  相似文献   

Abstract. Can students learn religious history from movies? While using film as text is likely to attract students’ interest, will such a course be able to negotiate the complex intertwining of film with religion and history to provide students with more than mere entertainment? Will students respond to a challenge to move beyond a movie's surface visual experience to address the core lessons history posits: it's not always been this way, we are the product of what has come before us, I/we are being called to change? This article discusses one attempt to answer these questions and examines both the opportunities and difficulties of using movies to teach religious history.  相似文献   

罗素悖论是逻辑学中极为重要的一个悖论,它对现代逻辑的推进和完善起到了关键的作用.但学界对罗素悖论提出的背景和逻辑学界的研究状况了解不多.在罗素悖论提出之前,逻辑学家施罗德、策梅罗等就已经展开了对罗素悖论及类型理论雏形的讨论.不少逻辑学家和哲学家,如弗雷格、罗素、胡塞尔和维纳等都对这两人的贡献进行了评价与分析.  相似文献   

Behavior analysts have recently expressed concern about what appear to be misrepresentations of behaviorism in psychology textbooks. This paper presents an analysis of currently used textbooks in the areas of introductory, social, cognitive, personality, and developmental psychology that confirms this. Topics on which behavior analysis is most often misrepresented relate to the role of animal learning research, environmentalism, the "empty organism," language, and the overall utility of the approach. Because textbooks are often a major medium of interaction between the public and behaviorism, behavior analysts must work to correct these errors and to prevent possible negative consequences of widespread misunderstanding. Several potential solutions to these problems are presented that take into account current publishing practices and the monetary contingencies which support them.  相似文献   


This special issue will examine and embrace the uniqueness of millennials. We look at a number of issues related to this generational cohort, examining what makes them unique, challenging and even assets to those they come into contact with in their lives. In our opening article we discuss the unique attributes of millennials, provide researchers a framework for generational research best practices, and provide an overview of the articles featured in this special issue.  相似文献   

采用质化和量化相结合的方法, 运用3批共893份问卷, 探析中国情境下新生代工作价值观的结构、内涵和测量工具, 并检验新生代工作价值观对绩效的影响。结果表明, 新生代工作价值观是一个包含功利导向、内在偏好、人际和谐、创新导向、长期发展的二阶五因子结构, 其量表具有良好的信度和效度, 且对角色内绩效和角色外绩效都呈显著的正向影响效应。文章有利于管理者更全面、深刻地理解新生代员工的工作价值观, 并为构建基于工作价值观的新生代管理体系提供必要的理论基础和技术支持。  相似文献   

Due to its extensive applicability and computational ease, moderated multiple regression (MMR) has been widely employed to analyze interaction effects between 2 continuous predictor variables. Accordingly, considerable attention has been drawn toward the supposed multicollinearity problem between predictor variables and their cross-product term. This article attempts to clarify the misconception of multicollinearity in MMR studies. The counterintuitive yet beneficial effects of multicollinearity on the ability to detect moderator relationships are explored. Comprehensive treatments and numerical investigations are presented for the simplest interaction model and more complex three-predictor setting. The results provide critical insight that both helps avoid misleading interpretations and yields better understanding for the impact of intercorrelation among predictor variables in MMR analyses.  相似文献   

Modern dispensationalism in the United States has been a thorny sociological problem. The sociodiscursive mechanism(s) by which dispensationalist preachers are able to propagate their message has yet to be determined. The theoretical work of Martin Riesebrodt, specifically his discussion of salvific demand, legitimation, and discursive and behavior‐regulating practices, sheds light on Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins's best‐selling Left Behind series and the equally popular dispensationalist writings of John Hagee. Dispensationalists create a demand for their message through the interpretation of current events using the apocalyptic lens of the dispensational scenario, which points to the imminence of the rapture and the global doom that will follow. As part of the propagandizing discourse (discursive practices) that promises escape from this cataclysm, dispensationalists preach a set of behavior‐regulating practices that seek to constrain and control the actions of their adherents.  相似文献   

The ethical treatment of cancer patientsparticipating in clinical trials requiresthat patients are well-informed about thepotential benefits and risks associated withparticipation. When patients enrolled in phaseI clinical trials report that their chance ofbenefit is very high, this is often taken as evidence of a failure of the informed consent process. We argue, however, that some simple themes from the philosophy of language may make such a conclusion less certain. First, the patient may receive conflicting statements from multiple speakers about the expected outcome of the trial. Patients may be reporting the message they like best. Second, there is a potential problem of multivocality. Expressions of uncertainty of the frequency type(e.g., ``On average, 5 out of every 100 patientswill benefit') can be confused with expressionsof uncertainty of the belief type (e.g.,``The chance that I will benefit is about80%'). Patients may be informed using frequency-type statements and respond using belief-type statements. Third, each speech episode involving the investigator and the patient regarding outcomes may subservemultiple speech acts, some of which may beindirect. For example, a patient reporting ahigh expected benefit may be reporting a beliefabout the future, reassuring family members,and/or attempting to improve his or her outcome by apublic assertion of optimism. These sources oflinguistic confusion should be considered injudging whether the patient's reported expectation isgrounds for a bioethical concern that there hasbeen a failure in the informed consent process.  相似文献   

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