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Alcohol-Involved Rapes: Are They More Violent?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Alcohol's psychological, cognitive, and motor effects contribute to rape. Based on theory and past research, we hypothesized that there would be a curvilinear relationship between the quantity of alcohol consumed by perpetrators and how aggressively they behaved. Moderate levels of intoxication encourage aggressiveness; however, extreme levels severely inhibit cognitive and motor capacity. We also hypothesized that victims' alcohol consumption would have a curvilinear relationship to their resistance. These hypotheses were examined with data from 132 college women who had been the victims of attempted or completed rape. Although there was a curvilinear result for perpetrators, the slope of the curve suggested that aggressiveness was worst when no alcohol or the highest levels of alcohol were consumed. There was a negative linear relationship between victims' alcohol consumption and resistance. Difficulties associated with accurately assessing degree of intoxication from survey data are discussed and suggestions are made for improving alcohol measurement in rape research.  相似文献   

One of the primary concerns of scholars of routine activity theory is the explication of the three core elements necessary for crime to occur. Using sex offenders as a sample of offenders, the present analysis examines the element potential offender and considers whether or not there are differences among offenders and their locations that may transform potential offenders into actively motivated ones. Until recently, most routine activity scholars took potential offenders as a given and used the terms potential and motivated interchangeably. This analysis shows that there is a distinctive difference between the presence of potential offenders and the idea that there may be offenders who are more actively motivated, particularly by the presence of community temptations (e.g., factors that attract or draw offenders to offending). We find that for sexual victimization rates, the presence of potential offenders is insignificant, whereas the presence of potential offenders in combination with the presence of community temptations is significant.  相似文献   

The idea of personal autonomy is central to many accounts of eudaimonic well-being. Yet it is often criticized as a Western concept celebrating individualism and independence over group obligations and interdependence or dependence. This paper rejects this view and argues that coherent accounts of autonomy must always recognize the interdependence of people in groups, and that autonomy can coexist with substantial relationships of dependence. It illustrates this drawing on evidence from Bangladesh, a poor country usually absent from cross-cultural studies and one where personal relationships of hierarchy and dependence are endemic. Argument and evidence are presented showing the coexistence of personal autonomy and dependence, and the relationship between collective action and autonomy. We also address some of the specific problems encountered in researching autonomy in a social context where it is mainly expressed in relational forms. We conclude that autonomy can be directed toward both personal and social goals, and can be enacted individually, or by participation in groups. Autonomy is a universal psychological need but its expression is always contextual. ESRC Research Group on Wellbeing in Developing Countries  相似文献   

Why is it that some serial offenders are arrested quickly and others only after a long period, or never at all? What characterises offenders who continue to escape arrest despite their continued involvement in crime? To be able to answer these questions, arrested (identified) offenders must be compared with never arrested (unidentified) offenders. In this paper, data from the Dutch DNA database are used to assess which characteristics of the criminal behaviour of unidentified offenders influence the probability that they will subsequently be arrested. DNA data offer a unique opportunity to compare crime series of identified offenders with crime series of yet unidentified offenders. Using the Cox proportional hazards model, we tested whether the number of crimes committed, offence specialization, and offence seriousness affect the probability of arrest of serial offenders. Results showed that as an offender commits more crimes, the probability that he will be arrested increases and that offence specialization decreases the probability of arrest. Another conclusion drawn is that DNA traces offer unique opportunities for criminological research. We discuss the limitations of this new data source and make suggestions for future research using DNA traces and for future research that might improve the current study. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The lengthy psychoanalytic discourse on Ramakrishna is traced from Romain Rolland's dialogue with Freud on the spiritual to later uses of applied psychoanalysis by Sudhir Kakar, Jeffrey Masson, and Jeffrey Kripal. Basic problems in applying psychoanalysis to great spiritual figures such as Ramakrishna are illustrated through an analysis of Kripal's Kali's Child. Newer approaches to deal more adequately with the spiritual self and psychopathology are cited.  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article: David G. Brown, Interactive Learning: Vignettes from America's Most Wired Campuses Marc Eisenstadt and Tom Vincent, The Knowledge Web: Learning and Collaborating on the Net Pat Maier, Liz Bamett, Adam Warren, and David Brunner, Using Technology in Teaching and Learning Adam Warren, David Brunner, Pat Maier, and Liz Barnett, Using Technology in Teaching and Learning: An Introductory Guide Steve Ryan, Bernard Scott, Howard Freeman, and Daxa Patel, The Virtual University: The Internet and Resource‐Based Learning  相似文献   

This study was conducted in Serbian companies on licensed engineers and in its first part included a total of 336 licensed engineers who voluntarily completed the questionnaires about their ethical orientation and attitudes toward corruption and in the second part 214 engineers who participated in the first survey, who voluntarily evaluated their company’s business operations characteristics. This study has clearly shown that there is a direct significant influence of the engineer’s ethical orientations and attitudes toward corruption on their evaluation of the characteristics of their respective companies regarding business operations. This research also clearly shows that only engineers with a strong deontological orientation, low ethical subjectivity, and strong readiness to fight corruption, low corruption acceptance and high awareness of corruption can successfully fight corruption, improve the business operations of their companies and make beneficial changes to society. Otherwise, they should be considered as corruption perpetrators, not just as its victims.  相似文献   

Conclusions about the relationship between anger and violence have been drawn from research that largely uses non-clinically angry, non-violent participants. The present study assessed cognitive correlates of anger by comparing mentally disordered violent offenders (n = 22) and violent prisoners (n = 22) in their irrational beliefs, self-esteem, internalised shame, and the experience and expression of anger. Findings showed there to be no significant difference between the two groups on all of the scales used. Low self-worth, high shame and self-downing irrational beliefs were found across the whole population. Cluster analysis revealed two distinct clusters with anger as the main factor separating them. One cluster could be categorised as anger disordered and had significantly higher shame, lower self-worth and more self- and other-downing irrational beliefs than the second cluster where levels of unhealthy anger were lower. It was concluded that high levels of unhealthy anger may serve as an attempt to protect against shame and low self-worth.  相似文献   

The rising cost of healthcare causes many injustices, and is not sustainable. Cost inflation is partly caused by the nature of medicine. When doctors save lives, the lives we save are usually people with chronic illnesses. Decreases in the mortality rate often lead to increases in the prevalence rate of chronic diseases and duration of chronic diseases, which are expensive to treat. As a result of advances in medical sciences, more and more people live with chronic illnesses, and therefore healthcare costs are rising. This is consistent with the conclusion that the more money a society like the USA spends on medical care, the more expensive medical care becomes. This is the dark side of medicine, which counterbalances the well-known breakthroughs of medical science. Spiritual people seek a balanced view of health that includes both viewpoints. Jeffrey Boyd, MD MPH MDiv, is Chairman of the Department of Behavioral Health at Waterbury Hospital in Waterbury CT. He is the author of Being Sick Well: Joyful Living Despite Chronic Illness (reviewed in this journal 45:1)  相似文献   


A review of Metaphors of Anger, Pride and Love: A Lexical Approach to the Structure of Concepts by Z. Kövecses (1986). Philadelphid/Amsterdam: John Benjamins, p. vii, 147. ISBN 1-55619-009-3 (US); ISBN 90-272-2558-3 (Europe). $34  相似文献   

Though bilinguals know many more words than monolinguals, within each language bilinguals exhibit some processing disadvantages, extending to sublexical processes specifying the sound structure of words (Gollan & Goldrick, Cognition, 125(3), 491–497, 2012). This study investigated the source of this bilingual disadvantage. Spanish–English bilinguals, Mandarin–English bilinguals, and English monolinguals repeated tongue twisters composed of English nonwords. Twister materials were made up of sound sequences that are unique to the English language (nonoverlapping) or sound sequences that are highly similar—yet phonetically distinct—in the two languages for the bilingual groups (overlapping). If bilingual disadvantages in tongue-twister production result from competition between phonetic representations in their two languages, bilinguals should have more difficulty selecting an intended target when similar sounds are activated in the overlapping sound sequences. Alternatively, if bilingual disadvantages reflect the relatively reduced frequency of use of sound sequences, bilinguals should have greater difficulty in the nonoverlapping condition (as the elements of such sound sequences are limited to a single language). Consistent with the frequency-lag account, but not the competition account, both Spanish–English and Mandarin–English bilinguals were disadvantaged in tongue-twister production only when producing twisters with nonoverlapping sound sequences. Thus, the bilingual disadvantage in tongue-twister production likely reflects reduced frequency of use of sound sequences specific to each language.  相似文献   

I argue that thoughts and concepts are mental representations rather than abstracta. I propose that the most important difference between the two views is that the mentalist believes that there are concept and thought tokens as well as types; this reveals that the dispute is not terminological but ontological. I proceed to offer an argument for mental-ism. The key step is to establish that concepts and thoughts have lexical as well as semantic properties. I then show that this entails that concepts and thoughts are susceptible to the type/token distinction. I finish by considering some objections to the argument.  相似文献   

Twenty-seven women with high scores on the Blushing Propensity Scale (BPS) and 26 women with low BPS scores were exposed to two different video segments. One video showed the subject's own singing, recorded in a previous session and the other video showed a segment of Hitchcock's movie Psycho. During the experiment, facial coloration, facial temperature, and skin conductance level were measured. In addition, subjects' blushing intensity was judged by raters. Finally, subjects were asked to rate their blushing intensity and fear of blushing during the video presentations. Subjects generally blushed more during the presentation of their singing than during comparison stimulation, as measured physiologically. There were no between group differences in this respect. No differences were found between the two groups on raters' judgements about blushing intensity. However, high BPS subjects dramatically overestimated their blushing intensity and were more afraid of blushing than low BPS subjects. During the mere presence of the raters, high BPS subjects tended to show a relatively strong coloration. Thus, the BPS seems to reflect both a fearful preoccupation and a stronger facial coloration.  相似文献   

Harriger  Jennifer A.  Wick  Madeline R.  Trivedi  Himja  Callahan  Kaitlin E. 《Sex roles》2021,85(11-12):677-687
Sex Roles - Given the significant influence of media on the development of children’s beliefs and attitudes regarding gender, it is important to investigate the portrayal of masculinity in...  相似文献   

Given the high prevalence of mental health and substance use disorders in the juvenile justice system and the emphasis on efficient screening and referrals, the current study sought to further validate the use of the Massachusetts Youth Screening Instrument version 2 (MAYSI‐2). Using data from institutionalized delinquents (N = 836) committed to the California Youth Authority, finite mixture modeling was employed to identify distinct latent classes based on MAYSI‐2 scale scores. Identified classes were then compared across a range of covariates, including prior offenses, official records of misconduct, and multiple measures of mental health and psychological well‐being. Findings revealed a three‐class, gradient‐based structure: low distress (n = 380), moderate distress (n = 327), and high distress (n = 129). Overall, the MAYSI‐2 identified juvenile offenders with mental health and substance use issues, but it did not differentiate youths with respect to offending patterns. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A new developmental stage called the quarter-life is proposed, extending from approximately 18–29 years of age and sometimes later. The emergence of this period is believed to be the result of several social, historic and economic factors that occurred post WWII. This article explores these changes in terms of the experiences of affluent young people in today’s Western society. A typology of adaptational responses are presented and explored as the quarter-lifers attempt to navigate their way to adulthood within the context of this ‘new’ affluent society. Implications for family therapists are considered.  相似文献   

While suicide notes can offer insights into the causes of suicide and clues for prevention, there is disagreement regarding the degree to which note leavers are representative of the general population of suicides. Previous relevant research on the United States is marked by a series of limitations: small local samples, an over focus on demographic constructs, and lack of multivariable analysis. This study uses a large national sample, a wide range of predictor variables, and multivariable statistical techniques to estimate more reliable similarities and differences between note leavers and other suicides. All data are taken from the National Violent Death Reporting System, which covers 17 states. A total of 9,048 note writers were compared to 21,522 other suicides in terms of 39 variables. In both bivariable (32/39 variables) and multivariable analyses (30/39 variables), note leavers differed from other suicides in most demographic variables, stressful life events, psychiatric issues, and methods of suicide. The national evidence suggests that caution be exercised in generalizing patterns found among writers of suicide notes to suicides in general. This is the first analysis of suicide notes using US data on the issue.  相似文献   

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