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Regional brain metabolic activity of six male Sprague-Dawley rats was investigated with 2-[14C]deoxyglucose autoradiography. Regional brain metabolic activity was determined bilaterally for 60 brain structures, using laser densitometry. After 5 days of uninterrupted rapid eye movement sleep deprivation, increased metabolic activity was found in the lateral habenula, the caudal and middle parts of the limbic system, and in the corpus callosum.  相似文献   

Sexual imprinting in male zebra finches is a two-step process, including an acquisition period early in life and a stabilization process normally occuring during the first courtship attempts of the male. During the acquisition period, a young male learns about its social environment. During stabilization, which can be delayed experimentally until day 100, it develops a preference for the appropriate object for courtship behavior on the basis of its previous and acute experience. Thereafter, this preference cannot be altered again. Exploring the physiological basis for imprinting, we have previously shown that the neurons of two forebrain areas (ANC and HAD) increase their spine density in the course of the stabilization process, while in two other areas (MNH and LNH) a decrease of spine density can be observed. With the present experiments, we tested the idea that the spine density decrease in MNH and LNH is the anatomical manifestation of the imprinting process. Previous behavioral experiments have shown that exposure to a nestbox after 100 days of age stabilizes the sexual preference of a zebra finch male as well as does exposure to a female. The present study shows that nestbox exposure also reduces the spine density in MNH and LNH, but has no effect on ANC and HAD. It has also been shown previously that treating males with an antiandrogen between days 40 and 100 affects the final preference of a male. The present experiment indicates that the same treatment affects spine growth during development in MNH and LNH and prevents the increase of spine density within HAD and ANC normally induced by exposure to a female. The results are interpreted as strong evidence for the involvement of MNH and LNH in sexual imprinting.  相似文献   

Area X, a large sexually dimorphic nucleus in the avian ventral forebrain, is part of a highly discrete system of interconnected nuclei that have been implicated in either song learning or adult song production. Previously, this nucleus has been included in the song system because of its substantial connections with other vocal control nuclei, and because its volume is positively correlated with the capacity for song. In order to directly assess the role of Area X in song behavior, this nucleus was bilaterally lesioned in both juvenile and adult zebra finches, using ibotenic acid. We report here that lesioning Area X disrupts normal song development in juvenile birds, but does not affect the production of stereotyped song by adult birds. Although juvenile-lesioned birds were consistently judged as being in earlier stages of vocal development than age-matched controls, they continued to produce normal song-like vocalizations. Thus, unlike the lateral magnocellular nucleus of the anterior neostriatum, another avian forebrain nucleus implicated in song learning, Area X does not seem to be necessary for sustaining production of juvenile song. Rather, the behavioral results suggest Area X is important for either the acquisition of a song model or the improvement of song through vocal practice.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism of auditory activity in the zebra finch song system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
While the tracheosyringeal motor neurons of anesthetized male zebra finches fire in response to acoustic stimuli, the same motor neurons in females show no such response. Females masculinized by estradiol implants on Days 1 or 2 after hatching may develop auditory responses in their tracheosyringeal motor neurons; the presence of the response is directly related to the degree of masculinization of the estradiol-treated females' telencephalic song centers. In male zebra finches, neurons in HVc (Hyperstriatum Ventrale pars caudalis) respond to sound, and the HVc is necessary for the tracheosyringeal auditory response. Multiunit auditory activity was demonstrated in the HVc of female zebra finches. A single 20-microA pulse delivered to the male HVc elicits a large volley in the tracheosyringeal nerve; microstimulating the female HVc does not evoke a response in the motor nerve. This failure of both auditory and HVc stimulation to elicit a response in the female tracheosyringeal nerve is attributed to the lack of a functional HVc-nucleus Robustus Archistriatalis projection in females. If, as has been suggested, the tracheosyringeal auditory response may be important for the processing of song, female zebra finches might not process song in the same manner as do males.  相似文献   

Previous results have suggested that memory processing may involve the sequential activation of subcortical and cortical structures. To study this phenomenon, we have examined the immediate (15 min) and delayed (220 min) metabolic changes produced in BALB/c mice by a partial training session in a bar-pressing appetitive task, using the [14C]-2-deoxyglucose (2-DG) relative glucose uptake method. These relative metabolic changes were compared to the ones produced in several control groups: untrained animals, sham-conditioned animals, overtrained animals, and animals forced to walk on a moving belt (immediate and delayed condition). Animals were given a single intrajugular injection (5 microCi) of 2-DG either 5 min before or 3 h (delayed condition) after the second training session. Forty minutes after the 2-DG injection, the animals were sacrificed and their brains processed for autoradiography. At the 15-min delay, a large 2-DG labeling increase was found in partially trained animals for various subcortical areas (septum, diagonal band, hippocampus, thalamus, and mammillary bodies) while a much smaller increase was found in four cortical areas (frontal, cingulate, parietal, and sensory motor cortices). At the 220-min delay, we observed a large 2-DG labeling increase in cortical (frontal, pyriform, and cingulate cortices) and subicular areas while a moderate 2-DG labeling increase was observed in entorhinal cortex and the diagonal band. These results show that, shortly after training, subcortical structures are preferentially activated while cortical structures are much less activated. Three hours later, at a time when retention performances have been shown to improve spontaneously in the same strain of mice and in the same task, cortical structures are highly activated.  相似文献   

There is a rich history of behavioral and neurobiological research focused on the ‘syntax’ of birdsong as a model for human language and complex auditory perception. Zebra finches are one of the most widely studied songbird species in this area of investigation. As they produce song syllables in a fixed sequence, it is reasonable to assume that adult zebra finches are also sensitive to the order of syllables within their song; however, results from electrophysiological and behavioral studies provide somewhat mixed evidence on exactly how sensitive zebra finches are to syllable order as compared, say, to syllable structure. Here, we investigate how well adult zebra finches can discriminate changes in syllable order relative to changes in syllable structure in their natural song motifs. In addition, we identify a possible role for experience in enhancing sensitivity to syllable order. We found that both male and female adult zebra finches are surprisingly poor at discriminating changes to the order of syllables within their species-specific song motifs, but are extraordinarily good at discriminating changes to syllable structure (i.e., reversals) in specific syllables. Direct experience or familiarity with a song, either using the bird’s own song (BOS) or the song of a flock mate as the test stimulus, improved both male and female zebra finches’ sensitivity to syllable order. However, even with experience, birds remained much more sensitive to structural changes in syllables. These results help to clarify some of the ambiguities from the literature on the discriminability of changes in syllable order in zebra finches, provide potential insight on the ethological significance of zebra finch song features, and suggest new avenues of investigation in using zebra finches as animal models for sequential sound processing.  相似文献   

Zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) song is composed of syllables delivered in a set order. Little is known about the program that controls this temporal delivery. A decision to sing or not to sing may or may not affect the entire song. Song, once commenced, may continue or may halt. If song is halted, stops may occur only at certain points. Seven zebra finches were presented with short bursts of strobe light while engaged in song. The variables of interest were whether the birds stopped and where they stopped. The results can be summarized as follows: Ongoing zebra finch song can be interrupted, interruptions occur at discrete locations in song, and the locations almost always fall between song syllables. These results reveal a functional representation of song production and place constraints on possible neural mechanisms that underlie song production in zebra finches and probably other oscine species. The results also raise hypotheses about the elements of song perception and memory.  相似文献   

Fluency characteristics of 36 nonstuttering males aged 2, 4, and 6 yr are presented in terms of patterns of disfluency and relationships among disfluency variables. The most frequently occuring disfluency types at each age level were revision-incomplete phrase and interjections; the least noted type was part-word repetitions for 2- and 4-yr olds and disrhythmic phonations for 6-yr-olds. Patterns of disfluency appear to be similar at all age levels studied, except that the 2-yr-old pattern showed greater magnitudes in various disfluency types. A range exists in the relationships among individual disfluency types, from moderately strong relationships between, for example, revision-incomplete phrase and interjections to lack of linear relationships between, for example, interjections and phrase repetitions. A linguistic factor may be strong within certain disfluency types. e.g., revision-incomplete phrase, interjections, and word repetitions, whereas a motor factor may be operative in others, e.g., part-word repetitions and disrhythmic phonations.  相似文献   

Although a universal code for the acoustic features of animal vocal communication calls may not exist, the thorough analysis of the distinctive acoustical features of vocalization categories is important not only to decipher the acoustical code for a specific species but also to understand the evolution of communication signals and the mechanisms used to produce and understand them. Here, we recorded more than 8000 examples of almost all the vocalizations of the domesticated zebra finch, Taeniopygia guttata: vocalizations produced to establish contact, to form and maintain pair bonds, to sound an alarm, to communicate distress or to advertise hunger or aggressive intents. We characterized each vocalization type using complete representations that avoided any a priori assumptions on the acoustic code, as well as classical bioacoustics measures that could provide more intuitive interpretations. We then used these acoustical features to rigorously determine the potential information-bearing acoustical features for each vocalization type using both a novel regularized classifier and an unsupervised clustering algorithm. Vocalization categories are discriminated by the shape of their frequency spectrum and by their pitch saliency (noisy to tonal vocalizations) but not particularly by their fundamental frequency. Notably, the spectral shape of zebra finch vocalizations contains peaks or formants that vary systematically across categories and that would be generated by active control of both the vocal organ (source) and the upper vocal tract (filter).  相似文献   

The characteristics of visual scanning over the 2- to 14-week age period were examined through repeated assessments conducted on a sample of 10 infants. Scanning patterns were measured using a bright-pupil corneal reflex system, and the stimuli consisted of various sets of static, moving, or flickering geometric figures. There appear to be a number of age-related changes in the dominant mode of visual scanning. At the youngest ages the infants' scanning often proved unrelated to the locations of the stimulus contours, and in instances where a stimulus figure was in fact attended the infants typically centered their regard on a single prominent feature. In contrast, as the infants grew older they more consistently directed their saccades toward stimulus contours, became increasingly disposed to scan between different stimulus features, and directed their saccades with increased accuracy. When a stimulus was flickering, however, the infants' scanning characteristics reverted to those typically found at younger ages. The mechanisms which might account for the effects of age and of stimulus quality on visual scanning are considered.  相似文献   

We investigated the conditions under which the [b]-[w] contrast is processed in a contextdependent manner, specifically in relation to syllable duration. In an earlier paper, Miller and Liberman (1979) demonstrated that when listeners use transition duration to differentiate [b] from [w], they treat it in relation to the duration of the syllable: As syllables from a [ba]-[wa] series varying in transition duration become longer, so, too, does the transition duration at the [b]-[w] perceptual boundary. In a subsequent paper, Shinn, Blumstein, and Jongman (1985) questioned the generality of this finding by showing that the effect of syllable duration is eliminated for [ba]-[wa] stimuli that are less schematicthan those used by Miller and Liberman. In the present investigation, we demonstrated that when these “more natural” stimuli are presented in a multitalker babble noise instead of in quiet (as was done by Shinn et al.), the syllable-duration effect emerges. Our findings suggest that the syllable-duration effect in particular, and context effects in general, may play a more important role in speech perception than Shinn et al. suggested.  相似文献   

A Hebbian model of learning predicts that adults may be able to acquire a nonnative speech contrast if they are trained with stimuli that are exaggerated to make them perceptually distinct. To test these ideas, we asked Japanese adults to identify contrasting [r]-[l] stimuli (e.g., rock-lock) in two training conditions. In the adaptive condition, the [r]-[l] contrast was exaggerated at first and then adjusted to maintain accurate identification. In the fixed condition, a fixed pair of stimuli were used that were distinguishable by native English speakers but difficult for the Japanese learners to discriminate. To examine whether feedback contributes to learning, we ran separate groups with and without feedback in the fixed and the adaptive conditions. Without feedback, 3 days of adaptive training produced substantial improvements, but 3 days of fixed training produced no benefit relative to control, consistent with the Hebbian account. With feedback, both fixed and adaptive training led to robust improvements, and the benefit of training transferred to a second continuum (e.g., road-load). The results are consistent with Hebbian models that are augmented to be sensitive to feedback.  相似文献   

The main aim of this paper is to introduce the techniques used in cognitive therapy of evaluation. The Cognitive therapy of evaluation is being developed from the theoretical background of general semantics theory and it is a therapy based on language as an instrument of cognitive processes, and on the role it plays, through word-facts identification, in the development and treatment of emotional problems. The main techniques developed (abstraction orders and the extensional devices) and other therapeutic issues are introduced and explained.  相似文献   

Sellbom M  Bagby RM 《心理评价》2010,22(4):757-767
We examined the utility of the validity scales on the recently released Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 Restructured Form (MMPI-2 RF; Ben-Porath & Tellegen, 2008) to detect overreported psychopathology. This set of validity scales includes a newly developed scale and revised versions of the original MMPI-2 validity scales. We used an analogue, experimental simulation in which MMPI-2 RF responses (derived from archived MMPI-2 protocols) of undergraduate students instructed to overreport psychopathology (in either a coached or noncoached condition) were compared with those of psychiatric inpatients who completed the MMPI-2 under standardized instructions. The MMPI-2 RF validity scale Infrequent Psychopathology Responses best differentiated the simulation groups from the sample of patients, regardless of experimental condition. No other validity scale added consistent incremental predictive utility to Infrequent Psychopathology Responses in distinguishing the simulation groups from the sample of patients. Classification accuracy statistics confirmed the recommended cut scores in the MMPI-2 RF manual (Ben-Porath & Tellegen, 2008).  相似文献   

Death Education, a common component of Religious Education (RE) and Personal and Social Education (PSE) at secondary level, is an issue beginning to raise its head within the field of primary education. Is there justification for death, a topic normally a taboo, to be taught about in the primary school? Is death education beneficial for children and are children aged 9‐11years capable of discussing such an abstract concept as the afterlife?

This article attempts to justify the teaching of death education at primary level. It examines research that proposes death education is of relevance to children and suggests, from examining children's conception of the afterlife, that children at the upper end of the primary school are capable of discussing the afterlife and thus of thinking abstractly.  相似文献   

Neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) are critical for higher order cognitive processes. Post-mortem studies suggest reductions in nAChRs (particularly the alpha(4)beta(2) subtype) with ageing and in Alzheimer's disease (AD). This study aimed to; (1) quantify nAChR distribution in vivo with 2-[18F]fluoro-A-85380 (2-FA) in 15 early AD patients compared to 14 age-matched, healthy controls (HC) and (2) correlate nAChR distribution with cognitive performance in both groups. All participants were non-smokers and underwent cognitive testing along with a dynamic PET scan after injection of 200 MBq of 2-FA. Brain regional 2-FA binding was assessed through a simplified estimation of Distribution Volume (DV(S)). The AD group differed significantly from HC on all cognitive measures employed, with impairments on measures of attention, working memory, language, executive function, visuospatial ability, verbal learning and verbal memory (p<.05). Contrary to post-mortem data this study found no evidence of in vivo nAChR loss in early AD despite significant cognitive impairment. Furthermore, no correlation between nAChR and cognitive performance was found for either group. The findings of the current study suggest preservation of nAChRs early in AD supporting previous studies. It is possible that while the clinical 2-FA PET method described here may be insensitive in detecting changes in early AD, such changes may be detected in more advanced stages of the illness.  相似文献   

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