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领导授权行为通常被视为一种积极的领导行为类型。组织中管理者在授权实施过程中扮演着重要角色, 然而管理者出于维护威权等目的, 不想赋予员工自主权或相应资源的现象大量存在。鉴于此, 越来越多的学者开始探索领导授权行为的影响因素, 但目前研究较为零散, 亟待整合。研究发现:(1)更多的学者强调领导授权行为并非一种稳定的领导风格, 而是领导对不同下属所采取的差异化授权行为; (2)领导授权行为的影响因素可以分为环境因素、领导者因素以及员工因素; (3)领导成员交换理论、信任理论、社会认知理论与授权风险视角是解释领导授权行为形成的重要理论/视角。此外, 基于情境领导理论、CIP领导模型(魅力型-意识形态型-务实型)以及追随理论, 提出了领导授权行为影响因素的未来研究方向。  相似文献   

倪渊  李翠 《心理科学进展》2020,28(5):711-730
多层次积极追随力是创业企业成长的重要保证。已有研究强调不同显性领导对积极追随力的影响, 结论存在较多争议。对此, 以内隐领导理论为基础, 构建了“内隐创业型领导-积极追随力”的多层次互动模型。根据此模型, 内隐创业型领导通过关系认同和领导代表性对个体与团队积极追随力产生促进作用; 团队积极追随力通过积极心理资本塑造内隐创业型领导; 团队差序氛围、员工传统性和领导特质调节焦点是互动关系重要的边界条件。  相似文献   

已有研究主要关注授权型领导的正面影响, 然而, 新近的研究表明授权型领导可能也会引发潜在的负面效应。针对此问题, 首先界定了授权型领导的概念及其核心特征。其次, 基于双重任务加工效应、角色理论和内隐领导理论, 阐释了授权型领导负面效应的理论机制, 并进一步分析和总结了授权型领导的有效性在何种条件下能够实现。最后, 提出了授权型领导负面效应未来研究方向的建议。  相似文献   

员工主动行为因有利于个人和组织的长远发展而受到学界和业界的广泛关注。以往的研究主要关注主动行为对员工本人的人际内影响,而较少考虑对领导者的人际间影响;同时,考虑到员工在领导过程中扮演的重要角色,对员工的主动行为如何影响领导的心理与行为反应做理论性整理将极大丰富对员工主动行为的认识。学界基于归因理论、内隐追随理论、自我-他人评价一致性理论等对上述自下而上的影响过程进行了初步探索,发现领导者对员工主动行为的态度评价和行为反应受到多重边界条件的影响。未来研究可具体化员工主动行为所诱发的领导者心理与行为反应,探索员工主动行为与领导方式的循环关系,以及深挖主动行为与绩效评价之间的内在机理。  相似文献   

宋琪  陈扬 《心理学报》2021,53(8):890-903
基于人-环境匹配理论和压力认知交互作用理论, 本文探讨了下属需求和接受的授权型领导匹配性对下属态度、行为和绩效的影响及情绪耗竭的中介作用。本文分别通过对150位领导与150位下属(研究1)、50位领导与243位下属(研究2)的配对样本开展两项多时点、多来源的问卷数据收集, 并采用跨层次多项式回归和响应面分析方法得出以下结论: (1)下属需求和接受的授权型领导失配会导致下属情绪耗竭; (2)相对于授权不足, 领导的过度授权更会导致下属情绪耗竭; (3)下属需求和接受的授权型领导匹配性通过作用于下属情绪耗竭进而影响下属对领导的满意度、组织公民行为和工作绩效。  相似文献   

主动工作行为, 作为推动组织与时俱进、健康发展的重要保障, 已成为组织行为研究领域的热点主题。然而, 以往研究在探索追随者主动工作行为的上行影响时, 却出现了悖论: 一些研究发现主动工作行为能激发领导者的积极评价, 另一些研究却指出主动工作行为会招致领导者的负面对待。为解释此矛盾现象, 基于内隐追随理论建构了一个主动工作行为的上行影响模型。该理论模型指出, 领导者的内隐追随信念决定了追随者主动工作行为究竟引发领导者的何种反应。先介绍领导者主动型内隐追随的概念与测量, 然后论证追随者主动工作行为与领导者主动型内隐追随的契合程度对领导者的影响, 在此基础上提出领导者核心情绪(高兴、紧张、沮丧与满足)的中介作用。文章为后续主动工作行为实证研究提供了一个理论分析框架。  相似文献   

徐禕  刘艺璇 《心理科学进展》2021,29(10):1711-1723
在当今知识经济时代, 新技术的采用对于企业提高核心竞争力至关重要。如何使员工面对新技术带来的风险和不确定性, 信任并接受新技术是企业新技术推广的重要问题。现今学界虽已关注到信任在新技术采用这一过程中的积极作用, 但仍缺乏相关的理论和实证研究, 特别是对于其内在心理机制的解释。为弥补这一研究的不足, 本研究通过分析企业新技术推广情境下, 技术信任和领导信任对员工新技术接受的影响, 并引入了感知风险性与技术自我效能感作为中介变量, 探寻信任影响的内在机制。此外, 还进一步探讨企业文化的调节作用, 从而建构信任与企业员工新技术接受的理论模型, 为企业新技术的推广提出合理建议。  相似文献   

以往对领导授权行为的研究大都以领导为中心, 探讨领导授权行为的有效性。随着追随理论的兴起, 越来越多的研究强调从员工视角探讨领导有效性。期望在组织管理中扮演重要角色, 员工授权期望是指员工形成的有关组织中的领导在权力授予方面应尽职责与义务的规范性认知。在系统梳理员工授权期望概念与测量的基础上, 分别从角色设定理论、领导分类理论、期望落差理论梳理了员工授权期望的作用效果与研究结论, 最后从基于内隐领导理论的变量测量、相关理论的机制探讨、追随理论的模型扩展、期望管理的前因探索等方面提出了未来研究的展望。  相似文献   

Drawing on self-consistency and self-concept-based theories, this study examined the antecedents and outcomes of authentic leadership. Specifically, the mediating roles that authentic leadership and organization-based self-esteem (OBSE) play in translating leader authentic personality into employee voice behaviour were investigated. The results, from a sample of 408 subordinate–supervisor dyads from Taiwan, provide evidence of a positive relationship for leader authentic personality with direct reports’ ratings of the leaders’ authentic leadership. In addition, authentic leadership was found to influence subordinates’ voice behaviour, as rated by subordinates’ immediate supervisors; notably, this relationship was partially mediated by the subordinates’ perceptions of OBSE. Furthermore, leader authentic personality was indirectly related to subordinates’ voice behaviour through the mediating influence of authentic leadership and, in turn, subordinates’ perceptions of OBSE. The implications of these results for leadership research and practice, as well as directions for future research, are also presented in this paper.  相似文献   

Innovation has emerged as a key work outcome for modern organizations. The present paper answers recent calls from several researchers for further empirical research on the validity of personality variables for predicting individual innovative performance. More specifically, it is focused on the validity of proactive personality. Using a sample of 170 software engineers and their direct supervisors from a multinational information technology firm, we found that this individual disposition represents a valid and meaningful predictor of individual innovative performance, when assessed through supervisor ratings. Further analyses have also shown that proactive personality remains a significant predictor of this criterion, when the big five factors of personality are taken into account. Theoretical and practical implications of these findings are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

Based on the stressor‐emotion model, we propose that negative affect mediates the relationship between three role stressors (i.e., role ambiguity, role conflict, and role overload) and counterproductive work behavior (CWB), while proactive personality moderates the relationships between negative affect, role stressors, and CWB. We tested our hypotheses using data from 332 employees in Mainland China. We found that negative affect mediated the relationships between the three dimensions of role stressors and CWB. Role ambiguity was most strongly associated with CWB, followed by role conflict and then role overload. Proactive personality moderated the role ambiguity‐negative affect, role conflict‐negative affect, and negative affect‐CWB relationships, but not the relationship between role overload and negative affect.  相似文献   

领导对员工创新起到重要作用。什么样的领导风格与员工创新相关更高?实际研究中存在一定争议。为了回答这个问题,基于自我决定理论,我们提出一个理论框架,来解释不同领导风格与员工创新相关系数的差异。我们使用元分析汇集432篇独立的实证研究的证据(中文研究229篇,英文研究203篇,样本总量达161599),来检验我们的假设。研究发现:(1)交易型领导、伦理型领导、变革型领导、服务型领导、领导-成员交换、授权型领导、包容型领导及真实型领导与员工创新绩效之间均存在显著的正相关,且相关递增;(2)个人主义、绩效评价方式、数据收集时间点、领导风格测量方式、创新测量方式以及发表语言部分调节领导风格和员工创新绩效的关系。研究结果符合理论预测,研究促进自我决定理论的发展。更为重要的是,研究结论为管理者提供重要的实践意义,即使用合适的领导风格进而促进员工创新。  相似文献   

Although mentoring others and career plateaus are both common experiences for seasoned employees, they are rarely examined together. In this study, we considered mentoring others as an antecedent of career plateaus and emotional exhaustion and turnover intentions as outcomes of career plateaus for mentors. We also examined the moderating role of mentors' proactive personality. Results of hierarchical regression analyses based on 188 mentoring dyads indicated that career-focused mentoring alleviated both hierarchical and job content plateauing perceptions. Mentors' proactive personality moderated the relationship between career-focused mentoring and hierarchical plateauing such that the negative relationship is stronger for low proactive personality mentors. Hierarchical plateaus were positively related to mentors' emotional exhaustion and turnover intentions whereas job content plateaus only positively related to turnover intentions. Proactive personality moderated the relationship between job content plateaus and mentors' work-related attitudes such that the positive relationships were stronger for more proactive mentors. The implications and future research suggestions are discussed.  相似文献   

It is acknowledged that identity plays an important role in a person's leadership development. To date, however, there has been little consideration of the possibility – suggested by the social identity perspective – that individuals who identify as followers may be especially likely to emerge as leaders. We test this possibility in a longitudinal sample of recruit commandos in the Royal Marines. Recruits rated their identification with leader and follower roles five times over the course of their 32-week training programme. Recruits’ leadership and followership were evaluated by their commanders, and their leadership was assessed by their peers. Analysis indicated that while recruits who identified as leaders received higher leadership ratings from their commanders, recruits who identified – and were perceived – as followers emerged as leaders for their peers. These findings suggest that follower and leader identities underpin different aspects of leadership and that these are differentially recognized by others.  相似文献   

个性化工作协议是员工和组织通过谈判协商,自愿达成的非标准化工作协议。基于自我决定理论,本文探讨了个性化工作协议对员工主动性职业行为和创造力的影响机制及其边界条件。通过分析230对"员工-主管"匹配数据,本研究发现:个性化工作协议增强了员工基本心理需求满足(能力需求、自主需求和关系需求),促进了主动性职业行为和创造力,其中能力需求满足中介了个性化工作协议对主动性职业行为和创造力的影响;此外,较高水平的工作负荷不仅增强了个性化工作协议对员工能力需求/自主需求满足的促进作用,也增强了个性化工作协议通过提升能力需求满足,进而提升员工主动性职业行为和创造力的中介效应。  相似文献   

We developed and tested a moderated mediation model of the relationship between authoritarian leadership and desirable employee performance (i.e., job performance and organization-directed citizenship behaviour, OCBO). Analyses of multilevel, multisource and data from 53 supervisors and 215 subordinates showed that relational identification mediated the time-lagged relationship between authoritarian leadership and job performance and OCBO. Authoritarian leadership has a weaker negative relationship with relational identification when group traditionality is relatively high, and this moderated relationship produces a stronger indirect relationship between authoritarian leadership and job performance and OCBO. These findings extend our understanding of the relationship between authoritarian leadership and employee performance outcomes and suggest ways organizations may seek to mitigate the extent to which authoritarian leadership hampers employees’ contributions.  相似文献   

Taking an interactional approach, we hypothesized that (a) there is an interaction between empowering leadership, uncertainty avoidance, and trust that affects creativity, such that empowering leadership has the strongest positive relationship with creativity when the employees have high levels of uncertainty avoidance and trust their supervisors; and (b) creative self-efficacy mediates the effect that this three-way interaction between empowering leadership, uncertainty avoidance and trust has on creativity. In Study 1, we used a time-lagged research design, collecting multi-source data from 322 employees and their supervisors. The results of Study 1 supported our hypotheses. In Study 2, we used a more temporally rigorous research design in which data were collected in three stages, with a two-month time interval separating Stages 1 and 2, and Stages 2 and 3. On the basis of the time-lagged and multi-source data from 199 employees and their supervisors, Study 2 produced the same results as Study 1. We discuss the implications of these results for future research and practice.  相似文献   

李锐  田晓明 《心理学报》2014,46(11):1719-1733
采用214份主管-下属配对调查数据, 考察了威权领导这一华人企业组织中特有的领导方式对下属前瞻行为的影响, 尤其是检验了下属对领导者信任的中介作用与权威主义和集体主义这两种传统价值取向的调节作用。层次回归分析结果表明:(1)威权领导与下属的前瞻行为呈显著负相关; (2)对领导者的信任在威权领导与下属前瞻行为之间起完全中介作用; (3)下属权威主义取向对威权领导与下属对领导者信任和前瞻行为之间的负向关系均具有显著的弱化效应, 并且下属对领导者的信任完全中介了威权领导与下属权威主义取向之间的交互作用对前瞻行为的影响; (4)下属集体主义取向对威权领导与下属对领导者的信任之间的负向关系具有显著的增强效应。  相似文献   

To address why the relationship between affective organizational commitment and job performance varies, we draw on the theorization of Meyer, Becker, and Vandenberghe to propose moderation of affective occupational commitment and transformational leadership, separately and interactively. Data collected from 398 employees and their supervisors supported our hypotheses. Specifically, affective organizational commitment was more strongly associated with job performance for employees with high occupational commitment, or when a supervisor's transformational leadership was high. Importantly, in a moderated mediation relationship, we found the effect of transformational leadership on the relationship between affective organizational commitment and job performance for employees with high occupational commitment was contrary to its effect on employees with low occupational commitment. Given the significant roles of both commitments as discussed in the present study, we offer suggestions on how to consider these factors during the assessment and selection of personnel and role assignment.  相似文献   

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