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In this review, empirical investigations that followed the Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck model of value-orientations are presented. The review finds between-group as well as within-group variations in cultural values. The author also discusses how an understanding of cultural values can enrich cross-cultural effectiveness. En este repaso se presenta las investigaciones que utilizaron el modelo Kluckhohn y Strodtbeck de evaluación orientativa. Se encuentran variaciones de valores culturales inter e intra grupo. Elautor también discute la manera en que el conocimiento de valores culturales puede mejorar la efectividad intercultural.  相似文献   

Family consultation is aimed at facilitating the development of children by assisting parents to use more effective parenting techniques. Increasingly, consultants will find themselves conducting cross-cultural consultation because of the diversity of U.S. society. R. F. Pinto (1981) pointed out that cross-cultural consultants must be aware of their personal values and biases, be culturally empathic, be aware of their consulting paradigm, and be able to make culturally sensitive adaptations to their approach to consultation. Each of these points is addressed in this article.  相似文献   

The Implications of Prospect Theory for Human Nature and Values   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Central to prospect theory are far-reaching claims about what people fear and what gratifies them. Subjective well-being is a topic that social science has been reluctant to discuss in recent years, but it is central to much of our lives. A loss inflicts more harm than a comparable gain produces pleasure; this fact and the related endowment effect are important parts of our psychological makeup. The importance of change rather than absolute value position, and the related significance of the reference point and how it can be altered, can be seen as integral to human nature.  相似文献   

Cultural Psychology: Implications for Basic Psychological Theory   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A theoretical argument for the importance of culture in psychological explanation is offered. It is maintained that the view that culture is integral to psychological theory rests on a meaning-based view of culture and on the recognition that culture is necessary in individual psychological development. Research on cognition and on the self is discussed briefly to illustrate ways in which work in cultural psychology is contributing to basic psychological theory. In future research, greater attention needs to be given to developing more sensitive understandings of culture and to incorporating these understandings in the constructs and methods of the discipline. In conclusion, cultural psychology is shown to represent a perspective to bring to bear in all types of psychological inquiry. While building on existing work in the field, cultural psychology offers an alternative vision that underscores respects in which psychological development represents an open, culturally mediated process.  相似文献   

This study examines the question: Why would an employee engage in work that enhances organizational performance but is not necessarily recognized or rewarded by his or her employer? This study suggests that this question can be answered in part by the degree to which an employee endorses the Protestant work ethic (PWE). The relationship between the PWE and organizational citizenship behaviors (OCB) is analyzed using two separate survey data samples. Findings support a positive and significant relationship between OCB and two dimensions of the PWE, hard work and independence.  相似文献   

Previous theory and research have shown that people have two distinct self-regulatory foci. When promotion focused, people are motivated by growth and development needs in which they attempt to bring their actual selves (their behaviors and self-conceptions) in alignment with their ideal selves (self-standards based on wishes and aspirations of how they would like to be). When prevention focused, people are responsive to security needs in which they try to match their actual selves with their ought selves (self-standards based on felt duties and responsibilities). Strategically, eagerness or ensuring gains predominate for promotion-focused persons, whereas vigilance or ensuring nonlosses predominate for prevention-focused persons. People's regulatory focus influences the nature and magnitude of their emotional experience. Promotion-focused people's emotions vary along a cheerful-dejected dimension, whereas prevention-focused people's emotions vary along a quiescent-agitated dimension. We consider the implications of the relationship between regulatory focus and emotions for such topics as person/organization fit, goal-setting theory, expectancy-valence theory, behavioral decision theory, and employee resistance to organizational change. Possible antecedents of employees' regulatory focus also are discussed.  相似文献   

分析传统对宗教与道德之间关系的两种模式(A)与(B)都是过分偏激容易引起误解。它们所代表的观点亦不容易在实践中可以持续。(A)模式坚持道德必须直接地依赖宗教作为它的惟一来源。(B)模式则认为道德应完全独立于宗教。然而,欧洲启蒙运动所追求的一种具普遍性和独立于宗教的理性伦却明显已经“破产”。因为并没有任何一个群体能够完全摆脱它自身拥有的历史、文化与宗教遗产。提出一个辩证法的模式,即认为宗教与文化应有一个相互依赖、相互诠释的关系,一个群体/社会的文化完整性才得以保存。这模式对跨文化伦理对话以及公共政策的讨论都具有相当的意义。  相似文献   

Theorists have all but ignored the career development of ethnic and cultural minorities. The purpose of this article is to rectify this oversight by presenting a values‐based theory of occupational choice, satisfaction, and success. Values were chosen as the cornerstone of the theory because work values have been identified as critical variables in the career development process (e.g., N. A. Fouad, 1995; D. E. Super & B. Sverko, 1995). Cultural values also play an important role in the occupational choice‐making process (e.g., F. A. Ibrahim, H. Ohnishi, & R. P. Wilson, 1994). Although they are the primary factors in choosing and advancing in an occupation, a number of other variables interact with values.  相似文献   

The author presents some of the health risks and economic and job insecurities involved in working in the United States. He suggests ways for counselors to amend their practices to accommodate the changing work environment and to help clients prepare for and deal with the economic and physical realities of the job market.  相似文献   

高师大学生职业价值观研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高师院校学生的基本职业定位主要是教师,他们对教师职业的价值判断直接影响着职业选择和教育质量.本文通过对浙江省某重点师范大学学生的抽样调查,分析了高师大学生职业价值观各因子在性别、年级、专业等变量上的差异,探索了转型期高师大学生职业价值观的特点,并提出了高师大学生职业价值观教育的若干对策:树立正确的职业价值取向、突出职业价值观教育的实践性、强化就业指导教育、培养高师大学生的敬业精神.  相似文献   

The authors show that the distinctive character of values counseling as a therapeutic intervention can be justified on empirical grounds. The fact that religiosity has been consistently associated with positive mental health outcomes is a warrant for counselors to explore the resources of one's religious tradition for therapeutic change. The authors also argue that pastoral counseling is particularly suited for addressing the ego development needs of adolescents and that the vicissitudes of adolescent narcissism can be effectively mobilized to support self-transcendence and relational autonomy, tasks that have both developmental and religious significance.  相似文献   

澳门虽然没有出台具体的有关民间信仰管理的制度或条例,但将民间信仰及其庙宇作为(物质和非物质)文化遗产来进行管理,受到《文化遗产保护法》的保护,突出民间信仰及其庙宇的文化属性,从而将民间信仰的宗教色彩大大降低。澳门民间信仰盛行,民间信仰庙宇大约有49座,广泛分布在澳门三大区域,且都具有悠久的历史,其中澳门半岛分布有31座,路环和氹仔岛分别有9座,虽然数量不多,但相较于澳门的面积,澳门民间信仰庙宇的密度还是很密集的。  相似文献   

Despite prominence and increasing application of the Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) theory across national contexts, the role of culture has not yet been systematically explored. We conducted a meta-analysis of 132 independent samples from 120 studies across 5 global regions (total N = 101,073) to fill this void. Our paper responds to long-standing concerns around neglecting differences in the relationships of workplace factors with burnout and engagement across national cultures by testing for a moderating role within JD-R theory. Results suggest strong support for the direct job demands-burnout and job resources-engagement pathways. Regarding the role of culture, our study reveals moderating roles for five out of six cultural dimensions using Hofstede’s framework. Interestingly, these cultural dimensions present a moderating impact towards relationships with either job demands or job resources, yet not both. Our findings offer a valuable starting point for further theoretical developments that can impact international business and global mobility. While these insights suggest a role of national cultural context in JD-R studies, sensitivity analyses showed that the findings were only partly stable.  相似文献   

樊浩 《学海》2001,(1):92-98
本文以现代西方解释学为基本理论资源,指出古一今、中一外文化冲突的过程就是文化主体进行"意义"理解"的过程."理解"的对象,不是一般的"作品文本",而是"文化文本".文化冲突中价值建构的关键是确立"文化理解"的理念,进行"文化理解力"批判.文化目的性的合理性、"先见"的反思、创造力的培育,是"文化理解"的基本内涵;"忠实的理解"、"创造性的转化",是"文化理解力"的基本品质.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to make attachment research findings available in a form that family therapists can use. In attachment theory, parents are conceptualized as providing a secure base from which a child can explore. Family therapists, however, need a systemic concept that goes beyond the parent/child dyad. The concept of a secure family base is proposed, in which a network of care is made available for all family members of whatever age so that all family members feel secure enough to explore, in the knowledge that support is available if needed. Factors that contribute to the security or insecurity of the family base are outlined. The overall aim of therapy is to establish a secure family base from which the family can explore new solutions to family problems both during and after therapy. The role of the therapist is to help to resolve conflicts that threaten relationships, and to explore relevant belief systems that may be contributing to a sense of insecurity. The conceptual framework presented allows for an integration of family therapy techniques and ideas into a coherent whole. A new school of family therapy is not proposed.  相似文献   

The article by Kavanagh reviews several instruments that have been available for some time but perhaps neglected by counselors. Analyzing strengths and weaknesses of these items, he concludes that their judicious use can help toward the upgrading of counseling effectiveness. Clark Power 's addendum introduces what could be called the forefront of values assessment. He looks at the varied values needs of the counselor and researcher and offers information about material that is still being researched or has recently become available.  相似文献   

This article compares the results of three surveys in adolescent values. The subjects comprise young people with a modal age of 15 years from three countries‐‐England, Saudi Arabia and the United States. The contrasting educational systems of these countries are described with particular reference to the place of religious education within their curricula. An open‐ended questionnaire, designed to prompt statements from young people about their values, is introduced and its provenance is described. Similarities but also significant differences are found in the values expressed across the three cultures. Most marked is the high value placed on parents and friendship by the English young people, the importance attached to being well adjusted and feeling good about oneself in the American group and the prominence given to Islam by the Saudi Arabian adolescents.  相似文献   

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