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This selective review of integrity and honesty testing addresses two primary questions: ‘What do we know about honesty testing?’ and ‘How do we use what we know?’ Up-to-date information about test reliability, validity, and construct definition from recent reviews of the research literature in the USA is presented and interpreted. Relationships to other selection devices and personality measures are discussed, as well as how integrity tests fit into a multiple assessment selection system.  相似文献   

Masking of a pure tone by a cubic difference tone or band generated by two pure tones or by a pure tone and a narrow band of noise as a function of the level of the masker was measured for three subjects at three ratios of f2/f1, 1.125, 1,2, and 1.3. The three maskers used were f1 alone, f1 + f2, and f1 + NBN (60-Hz band of noise centered at f2). At ratio 1.125, the amounts of masking produced by f1 alone and f1 + NBN were not significantly different for all subjects. For ratios = 1.125 and 1.2, f1 + f2 produced the least masking at least in two of the subjects. f1 + NBN was the best masker at ratios 1.2 and 1.3. These results show that the masking data on cubic difference tone at very small ratios of f2/f1 are not reliable due to the masking effect contributed by f1. For higher ratios, the combination band has to be used instead of combination tone because of the interaction between the signal and the cubic difference tone. Also the divergence of the effectiveness in masking by the three maskers gives an estimation of the levels of primaries at which the cubic difference tone is generated.  相似文献   

Operant conditioning and a psychophysical tracking procedure were used to measure auditory thresholds for pure tones in quiet and in noise for seven species of small birds--the budgerigar, canary, cockatiel, European starling, song sparrow, swamp sparrow, and the zebra finch. Audibility curves are roughly similar among the seven birds, with the maximum sensitivity between 2 and 5 kHz and poorer sensitivity outside this narrow region. Critical ratios (signal-to-noise ratio at masked threshold) were calculated from pure-tone thresholds in noise. Except for the budgerigar, the critical ratio functions of all birds increase at the rate of 3 dB/octave. This pattern is typical of that observed in most vertebrates. Critical ratios in the budgerigar, on the other hand, decrease gradually from 0.5 kHz to 2.8 kHz and increase dramatically above 2.8 kHz. The present research demonstrates that the critical ratio function for the budgerigar is not only different from other vertebrates but also different from other birds.  相似文献   

张厚粲  余嘉元 《心理科学》2012,35(3):514-521
有关心理测量的思想起源于中国古代。但西方科学的心理测验理论与方法是20世纪初自西方传人中国的。30年的发展取得很大成绩,但道路艰辛曲折,文章分三个阶段对之作了回顾。一、最早是1915年外国学者为比较中美儿童的智力差异对广州500名小学生进行测试。同一时期,我国学者也开始自己编制测验,"小学生毛笔书法量表"是最早的标准化教育测验。廖世承和陈鹤琴1920年在南京高等师范开设测验课程,出版《心理测验法》一书,正式介绍科学的心理测验。与美国专家合作编制多种测验,1923年与美国专家合作对全国小学生进行测试,得出了三至八年级学童的年龄与班级常模,引起了教育界的注意。艾伟从1925年起致力编制中小学不同年级和学科的测验以及能力测验,还与张耀翔编制了识字测验与阅读测验等,对我国教育测验的发展做出了很大贡献。"中国测验学会"1931成立。并创办会刊《测验》有效地推动了当时测验研究的开展.1937年"七七"事变后,工作继续进行和扩展,但受战争的影响,发展上减慢了速度。二、1949年新中国成立后,由于政治上的变迁,心理测验被视为禁区,认为它违心,反动,没有人敢于问津。文化大革命中,心理学被打成伪科学,心理测验更是全盘否定了。三.文革以后,心理学恢复。而心理测验面对着既缺人力又少资料的困难。林传鼎等三位教授于1980年春举办了第一个全国性心理测验培训班,是心理测验再生的标志。此后各高等院校逐步开设心理测量学课程。通过引进各种心理测量理论,修订外国测验和逐步向自编我国测验发展,几年中取得了良好效果。1984年中国心理学会下属的‘心理测量分会’成立,1990年加入国际测验委员会(ITC)成为它的一个国家会员。1991年在南京举办了国内第一个心理测验国际性学术会议,又与台湾学者交流,建立起隔年一次海峡两岸心理与教育测量学术研讨会的协议。这些都对中国心理测验的发展都起了积极作用。80年代后期国家实行改革开放,经济转型,心理测验逐渐渗入医学、教育、企业、和组织人事部门等多种应用领域,扩大了对社会的影响。教育是其最早也是最重要的应用领域。从高考开始向各种考试、应用领域广泛扩展,取得良好效果。尤其是在人力资源、心理咨询领域,心理测验发展迅速日益兴旺。社会各界从多方面加深了对心理测量的认同,使它变成为一个相当热门的应用科学了。最后,文章从测验的数量、质量,数据处理的方法技术,测验者素质提高和法律完备等几个方面分析了存在问题并提出对今后的展望。  相似文献   

Transformation of a moving stimulus is an operational definition of imagery that is useful in animal research. This definition was developed from structural, functional, and interactive theories of imagery in humans. The historical roots of the definition are traced to behavioristic methodologies within cognitive psychology. An imagery procedure for animals was developed that tests this definition with extrapolated movement. Pigeons were reinforced for discriminating between a rectangle that rotated at constant velocity from a rectangle whose final location violated constant velocity. Imagery trials included a short-term memory component in which the task of the pigeon was to discriminate between extrapolated trajectories of rotation while the rectangle was absent. The evidence supports similarities between human and animal representations of movement. A visible transformation employed as a sample stimulus and followed by a retention interval provides a powerful procedure for measuring the interaction between perception and memory. An advantage of this paradigm is that it could be employed to investigate imagery at the neural level or to obtain comparative behavioral data from different species.  相似文献   

Null hypothesis significance tests are commonly used to provide a link between empirical evidence and theoretical interpretation. However, this strategy is prone to the "p-value fallacy" in which effects and interactions are classified as either "noise" or "real" based on whether the associated p value is greater or less than .05. This dichotomous classification can lead to dramatic misconstruals of the evidence provided by an experiment. For example, it is quite possible to have similar patterns of means that lead to entirely different patterns of significance, and one can easily find the same patterns of significance that are associated with completely different patterns of means. Describing data in terms of an inventory of significant and nonsignificant effects can thus completely misrepresent the results. An alternative analytical technique is to identify competing interpretations of the data and then use likelihood ratios to assess which interpretation provides the better account. Several different methods of calculating the likelihood ratios are illustrated. It is argued that this approach satisfies a principle of "graded evidence," according to which similar data should provide similar evidence.  相似文献   

Blackbirds and pigeons were trained to detect tones in quiet and in broadband noise by using positive-reinforcement techniques. In Experiment 1, thresholds in noise were obtained in blackbirds as a function of both tone frequency and noise intensity for a pulsed noise masker (noise gated on and off with tone). For blackbirds, critical ratios (the ratio of the power of the just-detectable tone in noise to the power of the noise masker) obtained in pulsed noise showed no consistent relation to tone frequency. For pigeons, on the other hand, critical ratios obtained in continuous noise increased by about 3 dB/octave across their range of hearing, being similar to known critical ratio functions for cats and humans. In Experiment 2, critical ratios in blackbirds obtained with both continuous noise and pulsed noise were compared. Blackbird critical ratios were more stable in continuous noise and averaged 4 dB lower than critical ratios in pulsed noise. The blackbird critical ratio function obtained with continuous noise was similar to the known critical ratio function of another avian species, the parakeet. Thus, small birds appear to have atypical critical ratio functions, compared with pigeons and other vertebrates.  相似文献   

与传统的纸笔测验(Paper And Pencil Based Test, P&P)相比计算机化自适应测验(Computerized Adaptive Testing, CAT)根据被试的作答反应自适应地选择题目, 它不仅缩短了测验长度, 还极大地提高了测验的准确性。然而, 目前绝大多数CAT不允许被试修改答案, 研究者主要担心修改答案会降低CAT的有效性。允许修改答案符合被试一贯的测验习惯, 修改之后的分数更能反映被试真实的水平, 从而能够进一步促进CAT在实际中的应用。现有的研究主要从三个方面提出了可修改答案CAT的控制方法:一是测验设计; 二是改进选题策略; 三是建构模型。未来的研究应进一步探讨这些方法之间的比较与结合, 以及对可修改答案认知诊断CAT (Cognitive Diagnostic CAT, CD-CAT)的研究。  相似文献   

The Effortfulness Hypothesis suggests that sensory impairment (either simulated or age-related) may decrease capacity for semantic integration in language comprehension. We directly tested this hypothesis by measuring resource allocation to different levels of processing during reading (i.e., word vs. semantic analysis). College students read three sets of passages word-by-word, one at each of three levels of dynamic visual noise. There was a reliable interaction between processing level and noise, such that visual noise increased resources allocated to word-level processing, at the cost of attention paid to semantic analysis. Recall of the most important ideas also decreased with increasing visual noise. Results suggest that sensory challenge can impair higher-level cognitive functions in learning from text, supporting the Effortfulness Hypothesis.  相似文献   

This research explores the nature of the memory traces that support spoken word identification. Specifically, do voice-specificity effects in implicit memory depend on information in a perceptual representational system or, alternatively, on the similarity of study and test exemplars? Memory for words and voices was assessed with two perceptual identification tests—the identification of words in noise and the identification of low-pass filtered words—after two encoding conditions (identification of words in noise and of words in the clear). At test, a word was presented in the same voice as at study or in a different voice. The data from the two experiments showed that study-to-test changes in voice reduced priming and that voice-specificity effects were greatest when the type of processing engaged at study overlapped with that required at test. Taken together, the results implicate the goodness of the processing match between encoding and test as the primary determinant of voice-specificity effects on perceptual identification tests and support the hypothesis that both voice and word information is represented within a single episodic memory system.  相似文献   


Inference of variance components in linear mixed modeling (LMM) provides evidence of heterogeneity between individuals or clusters. When only nonnegative variances are allowed, there is a boundary (i.e., 0) in the variances’ parameter space, and regular inference statistical procedures for such a parameter could be problematic. The goal of this article is to introduce a practically feasible permutation method to make inferences about variance components while considering the boundary issue in LMM. The permutation tests with different settings (i.e., constrained vs. unconstrained estimation, specific vs. generalized test, different ways of calculating p values, and different ways of permutation) were examined with both normal data and non-normal data. In addition, the permutation tests were compared to likelihood ratio (LR) tests with a mixture of chi-squared distributions as the reference distribution. We found that the unconstrained permutation test with the one-sided p-value approach performed better than the other permutation tests and is a useful alternative when the LR tests are not applicable. An R function is provided to facilitate the implementation of the permutation tests, and a real data example is used to illustrate the application. We hope our results will help researchers choose appropriate tests when testing variance components in LMM.  相似文献   

We studied speech intelligibility and memory performance for speech material heard under different signal‐to‐noise (S/N) ratios. Pre‐experimental measures of working memory capacity (WMC) were taken to explore individual susceptibility to the disruptive effects of noise. Thirty‐five participants first completed a WMC‐operation span task in quiet and later listened to spoken word lists containing 11 one‐syllable phonetically balanced words presented at four different S/N ratios (+12, +9, +6, and +3). Participants repeated each word aloud immediately after its presentation, to establish speech intelligibility and later on performed a free recall task for those words. The speech intelligibility function decreased linearly with increasing S/N levels for both the high‐WMC and low‐WMC groups. However, only the low‐WMC group had decreasing memory performance with increasing S/N levels. The memory of the high‐WMC individuals was not affected by increased S/N levels. Our results suggest that individual differences in WMC counteract some of the negative effects of speech noise. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An extensive series of behavioral tests was carried out to determine what region, or regions, of the sound spectrum were critical for locating sounds monaurally in the horizontal plane. Seven subjects were requested to locate narrow bands of noise centered at different frequencies, combinations of these noise bands, low-pass, high-pass, and broadband noise. As observed in an earlier study, increasing bandwidth did not necessarily lead to improved localization performance until the band became broad, including, for example, all frequencies above 4.0 kHz. What seems to be happening is that listeners perceive narrow bands of noise originating from restricted places in the horizontal plane which may differ one from another depending on the frequency composition of the stimulus. In several instances, if two noise bands were presented simultaneously, the resulting stimulus was located with reasonable accuracy provided each component, when presented singly, was perceived as emanating from clearly separate azimuthal positions. If, however, two noise bands, which were perceived to originate from approximately the same azimuthal position when presented singly, were now presented simultaneously, the resulting stimulus still was perceived to originate from the same region of the horizontal plane. This, then, is a case where augmenting the spectral content of the stimulus does not bring about improved performance. We suggest that the expression of judgmental biases in the apparent location of a band of noise may prove useful for understanding why some stimuli of specified width and center frequency are localizable while others are not.  相似文献   

Equity research has been based on defining formulae that do not necessarily imply the hypotheses thought to have been derived from them and that are not consistent with empirical data cited as supporting equity theory. Neither Adams' (1965) ratio definition nor Walster et al.'s (1970, 1972, 1973) formula satisfy the fundamental criterion that, when equity holds, outcome should be an increasing function of input. Six formulae that do satisfy this fundamental criterion (including Adams' ratio definition restricted to positive ratios, Walster et al.'s revision of their formula, three formulae generated by a simple constructive procedure, and an exponential definition) are compared with respect to 11 other criteria and with respect to their predictions of the results of two thought experiments.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the development of multisensory facilitation in primary school-age children under conditions of auditory noise. Motor reaction times and accuracy were recorded from 8-year-olds, 10-year-olds, and adults during auditory, visual, and audiovisual detection tasks. Auditory signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) of 30-, 22-, 12-, and 9-dB across the different age groups were compared. Multisensory facilitation was greater in adults than in children, although performance for all age groups was affected by the presence of background noise. It is posited that changes in multisensory facilitation with increased auditory noise may be due to changes in attention bias.  相似文献   

长期以来,研究者一直认为联想能力与创造力之间存在着紧密的联系,但相关的实证研究并不能很好地支持这一论断,这可能是由于联想能力的界定不清所造成的。本研究梳理了以往研究中联想能力与创造力的关系,在此基础上辨析了联想能力测验所反映的实质,进一步提出了一个创造性问题解决中联想能力的作用模型:(1)联想能力主要作用于创造性问题解决中的重构阶段;(2)存在三种相对独立的联想能力,它们对空间类顿悟问题和言语类顿悟问题的影响不同;(3)联想内容中经验关系的联想能力与领域一般创造力关联最密切。  相似文献   

The present paper introduces theP system as a scheme for organizing Pavlovian procedures in an orderly and comprehensive manner. The system is defined by three temporal variables and three restrictions on their possible values. It can be used to define all standard temporal variables—namely, stimulus duration, interstimulus interval, trace interval, and intertrial interval—as well as variables C and T of scalar expectancy theory. The system also permits the definition of new independent variables through combinations of the basic temporal parameters. We exemplify this possibility by defining two ratios of temporal intervals. These ratios lead to a space where traditional Pavlovian arrangements (viz., simultaneous, forward-trace, forward-delay, backward) become points on a continuum, and optimal conditions across different experimental preparations become equivalent. Finally, the system can be used to define contingency variables such asp(US/CS),p(US/~CS), and the phi coefficient (φ). In this manner, an organization of different kinds of Pavlovian procedures is achieved on the basis of a single parametric scheme. Such an organization facilitates establishing procedural and theoretical relationships between temporal and contingency variables. The paper concludes with a discussion of certain limitations of the system and other related issues  相似文献   

任赫  黄颖诗  陈平 《心理科学进展》2022,30(5):1168-1182
计算机化分类测验(Computerized Classification Testing, CCT)能够高效地对被试进行分类, 已广泛应用于合格性测验及临床心理学中。作为CCT的重要组成部分, 终止规则决定测验何时停止以及将被试最终划分到何种类别, 因此直接影响测验效率及分类准确率。已有的三大类终止规则(似然比规则、贝叶斯决策理论规则及置信区间规则)的核心思想分别为构造假设检验、设计损失函数和比较置信区间相对位置。同时, 在不同测验情境下, CCT的终止规则发展出不同的具体形式。未来研究可以继续开发贝叶斯规则、考虑多维多类别情境以及结合作答时间和机器学习算法。针对测验实际需求, 三类终止规则在合格性测验上均有应用潜力, 而临床问卷则倾向应用贝叶斯规则。  相似文献   

Perceived location of tonal stimuli d narrow noise bands presented in two-dimensional space varies in an orderly manner with changes in stimulus frequency. Hence, frequency has a referent in space that is most apparent during monaural listening. The assumption underlying the present study is that maximum sound pressure level measured at the ear canal entrance for the various frequencies serves as a prominent spectral cue for their spatial referents. Even in binaural localization, location judgments in the vertical plane are strongly influenced by spatial referents. We measured sound pressure levels at the left ear canal entrance for 1.0-kHz-wide noise bands, centered from 4.0 kHz through 10.0 kHz, presented at locations from 60° through ?45° in the vertical plane; the horizontal plane coordinate was fixed at ?90°. On the basis of these measurements, we fabricated three different band-stop stimuli in which differently centered 2.0-kHz-wide frequency segments were filtered from a broadband noise. Unfiltered broadband noise served as the remaining stimulus. Localization accuracy differed significantly among stimulus conditions (p<.01). Where in the vertical plane most errors were made depended on which frequency segment was filtered from the broadband noise.  相似文献   

Phonological priming in auditory word recognition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cohort theory, developed by Marslen-Wilson and Welsh (1978), proposes that a "cohort" of all the words beginning with a particular sound sequence will be activated during the initial stage of the word recognition process. We used a priming technique to test specific predictions regarding cohort activation in three experiments. In each experiment, subjects identified target words embedded in noise at different signal-to-noise ratios. The target words were either presented in isolation or preceded by a prime item that shared phonological information with the target. In Experiment 1, primes and targets were English words that shared zero, one, two, three, or all phonemes from the beginning of the word. In Experiment 2, nonword primes preceded word targets and shared initial phonemes. In Experiment 3, word primes and word targets shared phonemes from the end of a word. Evidence of reliable phonological priming was observed in all three experiments. The results of the first two experiments support the assumption of activation of lexical candidates based on word-initial information, as proposed in cohort theory. However, the results of the third experiment, which showed increased probability of correctly identifying targets that shared phonemes from the end of words, did not support the predictions derived from the theory. The findings are discussed in terms of current models of auditory word recognition and recent approaches to spoken-language understanding.  相似文献   

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