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This paper considers three essential gestures in Levinas’s theology, highlighting in each case how Levinas’s thinking allows him to either incorporate or sidestep some of the fiercest modern criticisms of traditional theism. First, we present Levinas’s vision of divine transcendence, outlining his ontological atheism and explaining how this obviates proving the existence of God and avoids the tangles of traditional theodicy. Second, we describe Levinas’s idea of the trace, showing how a non-existent God still leaves its mark in the face of the other person and explaining how this vision of divine immanence accords with the agendas of thinkers such as Feuerbach and Nietzsche, who criticized theology that elevated God while debasing humanity. Third, we present Levinas’s insistence on the philosophical primacy of ethics, showing how he infuses his ethical philosophy with religious themes, elevating moral philosophy to the level of ultimate concern in a way that even atheist social theorists such as Marx or Freud could appreciate. We close by briefly considering limitations of Levinas’s model, discussing problems with its practical applicability and suggesting that its scope might be too narrow: both for its failure to acknowledge potential ethical demands manifest by non-human animals and the natural world and for its inability to recognize solitary or aesthetic experiences as religiously significant. This paper was delivered during the APA Pacific 2007 Mini-Conference on Models of God.  相似文献   

Linell Cady 《Dialog》2015,54(4):327-337
Secular theology builds upon the growing recognition and critique of the limitations of the confining box of religion built in and through the modern secularist dispensation. A bipolar model of religion and the secular, and the classificatory web within which it is nestled, have limited theology's field of vision and engagement. This article explores several examples of projects of transcendence that resist easy identification with either the religious or the secular, illuminating the limitations of the religion‐secular classification and the diffuse cultural trends that are reconfiguring it, even leading beyond it.  相似文献   

Kelly C. Smith 《Synthese》2011,178(2):219-235
Why is the academy in general, and philosophy in particular, not more involved in the fight against the creationist threat? And why, when a response is offered, is it so curiously ineffective? I argue, by using an analogy with the battle against the Black Knight from the movie Monty Python and the Holy Grail, that the difficulty lies largely in a failure to see the nature of the problem clearly. By modifying the analogy, it is possible to see both why large sections of the academy have remained unmoved and also why many of the reactions to the threat have been so unsuccessful. Finally, I offer some very broad suggestions as to how to modify our approach in light of this new perspective.  相似文献   

This paper points to two little-discussed interrelated features—among sociologists—about the nature of the lifeworld (Lebenswelt): that the experience of transcendence is an essential component of human actions, and that lived experience (Erlebnis) is founded on the non-discursivity of the lifeworld, i.e., the pre-predicative background expectancies from which the discursive arises. I examine the intellectual route of Alfred Schutz who developed his mundane lifeworld theory from appropriating Edmund Husserl’s notions of appresentation and apperception. Harold Garfinkel later extended Schutz’s concept of lifeworld to the empirical investigations of constitutive social orders. By way of conclusion, I warn against a strain of constructionism in sociology, which tends to ignore the two said features of lived experience and inaccurately conceives social realities as essentially the actor’s discursive accomplishments.
Wing-Chung HoEmail:

Perry W 《心理评价》2001,13(3):403-407
This article examined the incremental validity of the Ego Impairment Index (EII), a Rorschach measure of cognition, perception, and reasoning. R. M. Dawes (1999) borrowed 2 previously published data sets to assess the incremental validity of the EII. Dawes determined that in order for the EII to be considered a valid measure, the overall EII score should "outperform" 2 of the variables that compose the index. Using this approach, Dawes reported that the EII had "deficient" (p = .059) incremental validity. In this study, the incremental validity of the EII was re-examined using 1 of the data sets used by R. M. Dawes (1999). Applying the same strategy as Dawes, the author tested the incremental validity of the EII in predicting positive symptoms of schizophrenia, a more appropriate and clinically relevant criterion measure of impairment. The EII significantly predicted positive symptoms (p < .005) even after the 2 EII variables selected by Dawes and the measure of social competence were 1st entered into the equation. The results suggest that the EII adds meaningful information in the assessment of thought disturbance.  相似文献   

现代哲学的逻辑起点不是独断的外在实体,而是无需前提设定而直接自明给予的自我意识。自我主体问题成为连接笛卡尔和康德的一个核心问题。笛卡尔哲学的起点是我思故我在,康德哲学的核心是先验主体的知性为自然立法。康德通过对笛卡尔自我实体性的批判而把自我逻辑功能化,  相似文献   

This study considers the contribution of two ego functions--intelligence and defense mechanisms--to ego developmental level. Two independent assessments of ego level were related to IQ and defense mechanism use in a sample of 89 young adults. Whereas IQ and defense were themselves found to be unrelated, both variables predicted ego level: The relation with IQ was linear, whereas the relation with defense was curvilinear. In addition, the relation between defense and ego level varied as a function of IQ level. At low levels of IQ, stronger use of Denial and Projection was associated with higher ego levels. At high IQ levels, strong use of Denial was associated with lower ego levels, whereas moderate use of Projection was associated with higher ego levels.  相似文献   

Although high self-esteem has historically been associated with superior performance and goal setting, some evidence suggests that individuals with high self-esteem are prone to maladaptive reactions to ego threat (Baumeister, Heatherton, & Tice, 1993). In a military training situation, we tested the hypothesis that high self-esteem individuals would overreact to ego threats and predispose themselves to failure. Cadets were given false feedback from a leadership test and subsequently attempted grenade tosses in which they selected the distance they would try. Consistent with expectations, an interaction appeared between self-esteem and ego threat such that high self-esteem cadets who received ego-threatening feedback selected more difficult targets than low self-esteem cadets, leading to marginally reduced accuracy. When not receiving an ego threat, results suggested relatively equal performance by high and low self-esteem cadets.  相似文献   

采用双任务实验范式,通过两个实验探讨了自我损耗的通道效应。实验1考察了完成视听工作记忆任务对执行手柄任务(非视听任务)的影响,结果发现,完成视觉损耗任务导致手柄任务的成绩显著地变差,完成听觉损耗任务、视听非损耗任务均对手柄任务的成绩没有影响。实验2考察了完成视听工作记忆任务对执行Stroop任务(视觉任务)的影响,结果发现,完成视觉损耗任务导致Stroop任务的成绩显著地变差,完成听觉损耗任务、视听非损耗任务对Stroop任务的成绩没有影响。研究结果表明同一自我控制任务通过视听通道完成对随后另一自我控制任务的影响不同,证实了自我损耗的视听通道效应。  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to assess perceptual and thought disturbance, as indexed by the Ego Impairment Index (EII; Perry & Viglione, 1991), a Rorschach-derived measure, across the schizophrenia spectrum. We hypothesized that there would be an increase in EII scores (indicating increased disturbance) across the spectrum from nonpatients to severely disturbed, hospitalized schizophrenia patients. Normal comparison participants (n = 66), students with elevated scores on either the Perceptual Aberration/Magical Ideation or the Physical Anhedonia Scales (n = 24), first-degree relatives of schizophrenia patients (n = 36), participants diagnosed with Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed. [DSM-IV]; American Psychiatric Association, 1994) schizotypal personality disorder (n = 36), outpatient schizophrenia participants (n = 33), and hospitalized schizophrenia patients (n = 56) were studied. As hypothesized, we found increased EII scores in all of the schizophrenia spectrum groups when compared against normal comparison participants. Furthermore, the EII was significantly different between the schizophrenia patients and the other schizophrenia spectrum groups. These findings support the use of the EII as a sensitive measure of perceptual and thought disturbance across the schizophrenia spectrum that yields specific information regarding the type of thinking problems that occur within schizophrenia spectrum subgroups.  相似文献   

人们进行自我控制的原因可能会影响自我控制能量的损耗程度.感到被迫进行自我控制的个体比自主进行自我控制的个体需要更多的能量.研究采用Stroop作为最初的自我控制任务,通过比较自主支持与压力控制情境下进行自我控制的被试在任务前后工作记忆容量的变化,考察自我控制情境对自我损耗效应的影响.结果发现:(1)自主支持情境下的被试比压力控制情境下的被试更不容易产生自我损耗效应,且这种差异与被试的情绪变化、动机和自信都没有关系.(2)自主支持对自我损耗的影响是以主观活力的变异为中介的,且最初自我控制任务的损耗程度对这一中介效应具有调节作用.感知到的自主支持会增加被试的主观活力,从而补偿自我损耗中消耗的能量,导致随后任务绩效的提高.  相似文献   

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