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The current research investigates a motivational mechanism that contributes to the inferior goal striving and attainment of powerless individuals: the transfer of motivation from goals to means. We expected that this mechanism would work effectively only in powerful individuals. The results of an experiment and a field study confirmed our assumptions. The more motivated powerful people were to attain the goals, the more they engaged in self-determined action and, in turn, the more positively they experienced goal-related activities. No such relation was found for their powerless counterparts. Implications for power research and goal systems theory are discussed.  相似文献   

Interviews of productive counselors usually do not capture their adult life span in depth. This article examines the life of a prolific counselor over 5 decades in context and through the theories of personal and career development formulated by Erikson ( 1994 ) and Super ( 1980 ). It looks biographically at his life and its challenges as well as resolutions to difficulties he faced in the process. Lessons that have universal application are highlighted.  相似文献   

Professional counselors must understand both psychological and neurological factors that impact human development across the life span. Despite an emerging body of literature about neurocounseling, little is known about how to integrate this information into supervision or the counseling curriculum. This article provides an overview of neuroscience topics applicable to professional counselors and recommendations for learning about neurocounseling.  相似文献   

The present study compared the age-related decline in verbal and visuospatial processing speed in 131 participants aged 18 to 90 years. Participants performed four verbal and four visuospatial tasks. Age differences in processing speed were compared at the group and individual levels. For the group-level analyses, participants were divided into a young adult group and six older groups subdivided by decade. The mean verbal and visuospatial response times (RTs) for each group were regressed on the corresponding RTs of the young adult group. The slope of the visuospatial regression was greater than that for the verbal regression at all ages, and the difference between the visuospatial and verbal slopes increased with each decade. For the individual-level analyses, a verbal and a visuospatial processing-time coefficient (Hale & Jansen, 1994) was obtained for each individual, and these values were then regressed on age. Verbal processing time increased linearly by approximately 50% while visuospatial processing time increased exponentially by approximately 500% from 18 to 90 years. Taken together, the results at both the group and the individual level demonstrate that aging affects visuospatial processing to a much greater extent than verbal processing.  相似文献   

Applied Research in Quality of Life - Aim of this paper is to measure the effect of demographic, human capital and ‘immigration’ variables on the self-reported life satisfaction of...  相似文献   


The FaiTh Development in the Adult Life Cycle Project, completed in 1987, studied the relationship between the aging process and faith development. It is not limited to older adults, but addresses issues of faith development throughout the entire aging cycle.

A telephone sample of 1000+ persons was surveyed by the Gallup Organization, supplemented by in-depth interviews with 41 persons. The data were analyzed in the context of seven hypotheses related to the topic.

Among the findings were: faith development is not significantly related to age; it does not differ qualitatively by sex, although men's and women's approaches to faith development are subtly different; and there is a positive correlation between psycho-social health and faith development.  相似文献   

The evolution of transition services for youth with disabilities illustrates the transformation that has occurred from a systems-driven to a youth-centered support approach. This article documents how this shift has occurred. We review research that has influenced the direction of national policies and practices. A chronology of the policies that best represent the seminal foundation for current transition best practices for youth with emotional disturbance (ED) is presented. The field of special education led the way toward articulating the new vision for providing transition support by defining services as the coordination of multiple systems to address life domains (e.g., post-secondary education, employment, independent living, and community adjustment). Promising practices, within the context of the conversion to an ecological model of support that contributes to youth self-determination, include utilization of a youth-centered, strengths-based approach to transition planning, beginning in the middle school years. There remain significant barriers to adoption of the practices that may best support the successful transition of youth. These include lack of coordinated efforts across systems, socioeconomic, and community factors. Committed actions by government, the business sector, and private citizens are essential to address these challenges.  相似文献   

Raising the quality of life for each individual has been approved by Saeima (Parliament) of Latvia as the basic goal for development of the country. Several valuable factors – welfare, security, sustainability – forms human's quality of life in the broader sense of this concept. As a multi-dimensional issue quality of life in Latvia's case depends on a series of closely linked both internal and external domains. Approved growth model for Latvia defines that the main resource to achieve increasing quality of life is the collective knowledge and wisdom of Latvia's inhabitants, and the ability of each individual to make use of this resource. General inclusion of all residents of the country becomes a principal precondition for improvement of the quality of life. In achieving our goal we must make use of coordinated and balanced development of each domain of quality of life, taking into account the unity of activities and following the boundary spanning principle. Practical activities have been started to implement the model.  相似文献   

As reflected in a recent series of highly visible suicide awareness and prevention activities, the call for a comprehensive suicide prevention strategy has never been stronger, nor more unified. Using the framework provided by the transactional model of human development, the author illustrates the central implications that a developmental perspective has for suicide prevention, emphasizing the need to consider multiple pathways to prevention, to place renewed emphasis on prevention strategies that have their impact earlier in the life course and earlier in the course of mental disorder, and to collaborate with prevention specialists and advocates in related fields.  相似文献   

Motor activity during encoding of verbal information has been suggested to reduce age differences in episodic memory. Here we examined memory for sentences encoded with enactment (SPTs, subject-performed tasks) or without enactment (VTs, verbal tasks) in a population-based sample consisting of 10 groups ranging in age from 35 to 80 years (N = 1000). Memory performance was assessed by immediate free- and category-cued recall. Degree of clustering was measured by the adjusted ratio of clustering score. Recall of cognitive activities served as a complementary measure of memory for performed tasks. Sentence recall showed a gradual decline across age, of about the same magnitude for SPTs and VTs, in both free and cued recall. Clustering in free recall was higher for SPTs than for VTs, but there were no age differences in clustering. A pattern of gradual decline from age 35 was observed also in activity recall, regardless of whether the activities involved motor activity or not. Across the memory measures, differences in education accounted for all of the age-related variance in performance among the younger (35-55 years) but not the older groups (60-80 years), suggesting that genuine aging effects in these measures are more prominent in old age. Together, the results indicate that age differences in episodic memory, in line with most, if not all, types of encoding support, generalize across the performed/non-performed distinction.  相似文献   

Longitudinal data spanning early (30s) and older (late 60s/mid-70s) adulthood were used to study spiritual development across the adult life course in a sample of men and women belonging to a younger (born 1928/29) and an older (born 1920/21) age cohort. All participants, irrespective of gender and cohort, increased significantly in spirituality between late middle (mid-50s/early 60s) and older adulthood. Members of the younger cohort increased in spirituality throughout the adult life cycle. In the second half of adulthood, women increased more rapidly in spirituality than men. Spiritual involvement in older age was predicted by religious involvement and personality characteristics in early adulthood and subsequent experiences of negative life events.  相似文献   

Women's spirituality has unique characteristics that are often ignored within the spirituality literature. The authors review the literature on women's spirituality to reveal the major themes women have identified as relevant to their spiritual journeys across the life span. Implications for counseling and ideas for practice are included after major themes are examined.  相似文献   

从寿命研究的历史轨迹和令人瞩目的成就着重论述了寿命学已经发展成熟,成为独立的学术体系并进一步从寿命进化的历程中探讨寿命形成的原因,指出氧的决定性作用,为提高生命质量,延长寿命提供科学依据。  相似文献   

In English, two deictic space‐time metaphors are in common usage: the Moving Ego metaphor conceptualizes the ego as moving forward through time and the Moving Time metaphor conceptualizes time as moving forward toward the ego (Clark, 1973). Although earlier research investigating the psychological reality of these metaphors has typically examined spatial influences on temporal reasoning (e.g., Boroditsky & Ramscar, 2002), recent lines of research have extended beyond this, providing initial evidence that personality differences and emotional experiences may also influence how people reason about events in time (Duffy & Feist, 2014; Hauser, Carter, & Meier, 2009; Richmond, Wilson, & Zinken, 2012). In this article, we investigate whether these relationships have force in real life. Building on the effects of individual differences in self‐reported conscientiousness and procrastination found by Duffy and Feist (2014), we examined whether, in addition to self‐reported conscientiousness and procrastination, there is a relationship between conscientious and procrastinating behaviors and temporal perspective. We found that participants who adopted the Moving Time perspective were more likely to exhibit conscientious behaviors, while those who adopted the Moving Ego perspective were more likely to procrastinate, suggesting that the earlier effects reach beyond the laboratory.  相似文献   

In this study we developed and psychometrically tested the Adolescent Life Goal Profile Scale (ALGPS). This scale provides a new approach to the measurements of personal goals, meaning, structure and direction in adolescent lives—a focus that falls in line with the increasing awareness of the prospects and benefits of congruent living. The objective is to measure the perceived importance of four life goal categories (Relations, Generativity, Religion and Achievements) and the perceived attainability of these goals. The ALGPS is a psychological tool that can be useful for general adolescent research and as an approach to individual mental health care. Pilot study 1 consisted of focus group interviews as a methodological approach to better understand the culture and language of young people in Norway. In pilot study 2, we tested out a preliminary version of the ALGPS on a high school sample (N?=?140) based on the results from pilot study 1. In the main study, we used the ALGPS and an accompanying test battery for validation purposes. All tests were administered to a new high school sample (N?=?244). Exploratory factor analyses supported a 16?+?16 item version of the ALGPS (16 life goals and 16 attainability ratings). The four life goal categories were reproduced with low intercorrelations among the factors. This model was cross-validated in a new sample (N?=?294) using confirmatory factor analysis. Further evidence for reliability and convergent validity is presented and applications are discussed.  相似文献   

Self-multiplicity is a widely recognized phenomenon within psychology. The study of how self-continuity emerges amidst self-multiplicity remains a crucial issue, however. Dialogical approaches are widely viewed as suitable for developing this field of study but they demand coherent methods compatible with their theoretical bases. After reviewing the available methods for the study of the dialogical self, as well as other dialogical methods for the study of psychotherapy, we conclude that we still lack a method which can be used by external observers and is devoted to the systematic tracing of the dialogical dynamics of self-positions as they unfold over time. A new method, positioning microanalysis, is described in detail as a possible way to overcome current limitations in methods focused on the dialogicality inherent in selfhood processes. Positioning microanalysis takes a genetic-developmental perspective on dialogical processes in the self and allows for the depiction of microgenetic movements of self-positions over time and the establishment of more or less stable sequences or patterns of positions. This is illustrated by its application to an emotion-focused therapy session.  相似文献   

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