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Two experiments investigated the possibility that the word-length effect in short-term memory (STM) is a consequence of long words generating a greater level of retroactive interference than shorter words. In Experiment 1, six-word lists were auditorily presented under articulatory suppression for immediate serial reconstruction of only the first three words. These three words were always drawn from a single set of middle-length words, whereas the last three positions were occupied by either short or long interfering words. The results showed worse memory performance when the to-be-remembered words were followed by long words. In Experiment 2, a recent-probes task was used, in which recent negative probes matched a target word in trial n-2. The results showed lower levels of proactive interference when trial n-1 involved long words instead of short words, suggesting that long words displaced previous STM content to a greater extent. By two different experimental approaches, therefore, this study shows that long words produce more retroactive interference than short words, supporting an interference-based account for the word-length effect.  相似文献   

The authors varied the similarity between negative probes and study items in a short-term item-recognition task. Current models treat similarity as a function of the number of occurrences of the probe's features in the study set, a factor that is often confounded with the number of the probe's features occurring in the study set. Unconfounded comparisons showed that performance reflected only the latter factor, with response time a linear function of the number of probe features in the study set. The effect was obtained for both stimuli with manipulated features (colored shapes) and words. Number of presented features is a global property of the study list, but existing global models calculate familiarity by averaging across item matches and cannot readily accommodate the data. The authors proposed that the probe's features are compared with a global representation of the study set's features.  相似文献   

Experiments examining the issue of decay in short-term memory have assumed a single undifferentiated source of processing capacity which cannot be devoted to rehearsal when consumed in the processing of a nonverbal interpolated task. Three experiments reported here call this logic into question, since variations in difficulty in the nonverbal interpolated task failed to affect recall. Slight forgetting produced by a nonverbal interpolated task, relative to a no interpolated task control, was attributed to qualitative differences from performing two tasks simultaneously rather than only one. Results from the third experiment indicated that retrieval after a period of nonverbal interpolated activity is from primary rather than secondary memory.  相似文献   

McKone (1995) reported a short-lived repetition priming effect, superimposed on long-lived priming. This short-term implicit memory survived a few intervening items and several seconds for words but decayed precipitously for nonwords, producing a lag 3 lexicality interaction. Here, mechanisms of decay are studied by disconfounding the time delay and interference components of lag. In Experiment 1, time delay was varied while number of intervening items was held constant, and vice versa. In Experiment 2, priming was plotted as a function of time delay, with and without intervening items. Using a lexical decision task, both experiments found independent contributions of time and interference to the decay of short-term priming. Further, Experiment 2 attributed the lag 3 lexicality interaction to a particular sensitivity of nonword traces to interference. An illustration of how these effects might arise in the word recognition system is provided.  相似文献   

The distinctiveness of the word-length effect   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The authors report 2 experiments that compare the serial recall of pure lists of long words, pure lists of short words, and lists of long or short words containing just a single isolated word of a different length. In both experiments for pure lists, there was a substantial recall advantage for short words; the isolated words were recalled better than other words in the same list, and there was a reverse word-length effect: Isolated long words were recalled better than isolated short words. These results contradict models that seek to explain the word-length effect in terms of list-based accounts of rehearsal speed or in terms of item-based effects (such as difficulty of assembling items).  相似文献   

There is a growing body of literature that suggests that long-term memory (LTM) and short-term memory (STM) structures that were once thought to be distinct are actually co-dependent, and that LTM can aid retrieval from STM. The mechanism behind this effect is commonly argued to act on item memory but not on order memory. The aim of the current study was to examine whether LTM could exert an influence on STM for order by examining an effect attributed to LTM, the phonological neighbourhood effect, in a task that reduced the requirement to retain item information. In Experiment 1, 18 participants completed a serial reconstruction task where neighbourhood density alternated within the lists. In Experiment 2, 22 participants completed a serial reconstruction task using pure lists of dense and sparse neighbourhood words. In Experiment 3, 22 participants completed a reconstruction task with both mixed and pure lists. There was a significant effect of neighbourhood density with better recall for dense than sparse neighbourhood words in pure lists but not in mixed lists. Results suggest that LTM exerts an influence prior to that proposed by many models of memory for order.  相似文献   

The word-length effect in probed and serial recall   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The word-length effect in immediate serial recall has been explained as the possible consequence of rehearsal processes or of output processes. In the first experiment adult subjects heard lists of five long or short words while engaging in articulatory suppression during presentation. Full serial recall or probed recall for a single item followed the list either immediately or after a 5-second delay to encourage rehearsal. The word-length effect was not influenced by recall delay, but was much smaller in probed than in serial recall. Examination of the serial position curves suggested that this might be due to a recency component operating in probed recall. Experiment 2 confirmed a word-length-insensitive recency effect in probed recall and showed that this was resistant to an auditory suffix, unlike the small recency effect found in serial recall. Experiment 3 used visual presentation without concurrent articulation. Under these conditions there was no recency effect for either recall method, but the word-length effect was again much smaller in probed than in serial recall. This was confirmed in Experiment 4, in which the presentation of serial and probed recall was randomized across trials, showing that the differences between recall methods could not be due to encoding strategies. We conclude that for visual presentation, at least part of the word-length effect originates in output processes. For auditory presentation the position is less clear, as serial and probed recall appear to draw on different resources. The nature of the output processes that may give rise to word-length effects is discussed.  相似文献   

Repetition effect and short-term memory   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Auditory and visual presentation of verbal material were compared in a single patient having an auditory verbal S.T.M. deficit. A Peterson short-term forgetting experiment and an immediate memory span task are reported. Striking differences in performance related to modality of input were obtained. Auditory short-term forgetting was more rapid, whereas with visual presentation short-term decay functions were relatively normal. With visual presentation there was no evidence of acoustic confusion errors but there was some evidence of visual confusion errors. The findings are interpreted in terms of a separate post-perceptual visual S.T.M. system.  相似文献   

We report two experiments using Sternberg's (1969) multitrial recognition-memory paradigm. We used colored shapes as stimuli and manipulated the frequency of the shapes (but not of the colors) across trials. For lures containing an extralist shape (i.e., a shape not studied in the current study list), responses were faster if the shape had occurred infrequently than if it had occurred frequently in the preceding trials. For lures containing an extralist color and a studied shape, by contrast, the frequency of the shape in the preceding trials was irrelevant. We conclude that correct rejections depend solely on contradictory evidence. Furthermore, low-frequency target items were recognized more easily than high-frequency targets. Both the interaction of frequency with the features of the lures and the main effect of frequency for the targets are problematic for current accounts of recognition.  相似文献   

In two experiments with 47 4-month-olds, we investigated attention to key aspects of events in which an object moved along a partly occluded path that contained an obstruction. Infants were familiarized with a ball rolling behind an occluder to be revealed resting on an end wall, and on test trials an obstruction wall was placed in the ball's path. In Experiment 1, we did not find longer looking when the object appeared in an impossible location beyond the obstruction, and infants did not selectively fixate the object in this location. In Experiment 2, after rolling one or two balls, we measured infants' fixations of a two-object outcome with one ball in a novel but possible resting position and the other in a familiar but impossible location beyond the obstruction. Infants looked longer at the ball in the possible but novel location, likely reflecting a looking preference for location novelty. Thus we obtained no evidence that infants reasoned about obstruction and identified a violation on that basis.  相似文献   

The current study aimed to investigate the effect of action on the preservation of stored feature bindings. Prior research suggests that stimuli presented after a memory array can disrupt the feature bindings of memory array items. Here, we conducted three experiments to examine whether response to targets disrupts feature bindings. Two of four letters (A, B, C, D) were presented in a memory array, and were followed by a second array containing a single target letter. After either identifying or localizing the target letter, participants were required to report the identity or location of the memory array items. There was a deficit in memory performance involving spatial repetition when participants were required to localize targets, and involving identity repetition when participants were required to identify targets. We conclude that response codes are fundamentally linked to stimulus representations, and can affect retrieval from visual working memory.  相似文献   

Two experiments tested the influence of information from an invalid movement parameter on short-term motor memory for a valid task parameter. Experiment 1 showed that invalid task distance information affected location retention. Experiment 2 showed that invalid task location information affected task distance retention. These findings strengthen the evidence that the codes important for short-term motor retention are affected by a variety of factors within the movement context.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to test whether the word superiority effect, that letters in words are perceived more accurately than letters in nonwords, could be attributed to short-term memory (STM) factors. One hypothesis attributed the word superiority effect to superior maintenance of words in STM. Another hypothesis was that letters in STM have considerable positional uncertainty which is overcome by the orthographic characteristics of the words. Both experiments utilized a simultaneous same-different task, where subjects compared two four-letter strings, one on top of the other, which were presented tachistoscopically. In Experiment I, the two presented strings were either both words or both nonwords and a word superiority effect was obtained. This result was interpreted as disconfirming the STM maintenance hypothesis. In Experiment II, letters were removed from one of the two letter strings, making the serial position of the comparison unambiguous. The word superiority effect disappeared. This result was interpreted as supporting the positional uncertainty hypothesis.  相似文献   

Memory & Cognition - The subjects saw sequences of three, five, or seven digits. A subsequent probe test signaled subjects to respond with the item that had followed (forward probe) or preceded...  相似文献   

Four lists of Chinese words in a 2 × 2 factorial design of visual and acoustic similarity were used in a short-term memory experiment. In addition to a strong acoustic similarity effect, a highly significant visual similarity effect was also obtained. This was particularly pronounced in the absence of acoustic similarity in the words used. The results not only confirm acoustic encoding to be a basic process in short-term recall of verbal stimuli in a language other than English but also lend support to the growing evidence of visual encoding in short-term memory as the situation demands.  相似文献   

Face perception studies investigated how spatial frequencies (SF) are extracted from retinal display while forming a perceptual representation, or their selective use during task-imposed categorization. Here we focused on the order of encoding low-spatial frequencies (LSF) and high-spatial frequencies (HSF) from perceptual representations into visual short-term memory (VSTM). We also investigated whether different SF-ranges decay from VSTM at different rates during a study-test stimulus-onset asynchrony. An old/new VSTM paradigm was used in which two broadband faces formed the positive set and the probes preserved either low or high SF ranges. Exposure time of 500 ms was sufficient to encode both HSF and LSF in the perceptual representation (experiment 1). Nevertheless, when the positive-set was exposed for 500 ms, LSF-probes were better recognized in VSTM compared with HSF-probes; this effect vanished at 800-ms exposure time (experiment 2). Backward masking the positive set exposed for 800 ms re-established the LSF-probes advantage (experiment 3). The speed of decay up to 10 seconds was similar for LSF- and HSF-probes (experiment 4). These results indicate that LSF are extracted and consolidated into VSTM faster than HSF, supporting a coarse-to-fine order, while the decay from VSTM is not governed by SF.  相似文献   

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