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This study explored the feasibility of discriminating among subtypes of mental retardation on the basis of observable behavior. The major focus was on discrimination between Ss whose low I.Q. could be attributed to normal chromosomal or single locus genetic defects. Concurrently the study sought t o distinguish among diagnostic subgroups of the second category. Three groups of institutionalized subjects were used: Undifferentiated (presumed polygenic segregants), PKU, and Down's Syndrome.  相似文献   

文化心理学与跨文化心理学的比较与整合   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文化心理学和跨文化心理学都是心理学的文化转向之产物,二者都重视对文化的研究,要求把文化纳入心理学的研究范围,因而有很多方面相似,但也存在着一些本质的不同。跨文化心理学是在不改变科学主义心理学的基本原则或假设的前提下对其加以修正,而文化则与之相反,它要从根本上否定科学主义心理学的硬核。不过,二者各有优劣,在心理学研究中应把二者整合起来,以便相互取长补短,共同发展  相似文献   

随着人类文明的进步,人类的体育活动亦发生了重大的转向,体育走生态化之路已成为当代体育的发展趋势.生态体育的发展,必将实现人类体育活动的生态化价值转向,引导着现代体育规范和行为准则的生态伦理价值取向,以自身特有的方式表达、传播和弘扬生态文明价值理念.  相似文献   

进化心理学以进化论为理论基础,用适应的观点来解释人类的心理机制及其行为方式。本文通过阐明进化心理学的产生背景,重点论述了进化心理学的思维方式及其与心理学主要学科分支的联系,并指出了进化心理学对当代心理学发展的影响。  相似文献   

What form would an ideal merger of ecological and social psychology take? Is that ideal attainable? Many researchers and theorists are working to answer these questions. Charles (2009, 2011a) offered insights from E. B. Holt, one of James J. Gibson’s mentors, who argued that minds—mental kinds, processes, states, etc.—are observable aspects of the environment. Phrasing that in Ecological terms, the minds of other organisms are specified in the structure of ambient energy extended over time and space; they are directly perceivable by a properly attuned organism. Ecological Psychology enhances Holt’s story, by brining to the table a sophisticated theory of direct perception; Holt enhances the Ecological story by brining to the table a sophisticated theory about the nature of minds. The two combine to form the long-sought ideal merger. Thus, I claimed, Ecological Psychology will either rediscover its roots, or go through the trouble of re-creating them. This paper further develops those ideas, by presenting a simpler version of the argument, suggesting easy ways of dismissing that argument, and addressing the concerns expressed by Castro and Lafuente (2011).  相似文献   

This article argues that phenomenology should investigate the phenomenon human happiness because this distinctive style of philosophizing has the potential to make a special contribution to the determination of the highest human good. This distinctive contribution is a function of the phenomenological method, which generally involves the performance of the phenomenological epoché and the execution of the transcendental reduction with respect to the acts of consciousness and their correlatively constituted objects. By means of an axiological application of the phenomenological method specifically to this fundamental ethical and practical question, it becomes possible to distinguish in a rigorous manner between what people think or feel happiness is and what it genuinely is. For example, the phenomenological approach to happiness enables people to neutralize their natural attitude toward the perceived highest good, in which it is given naively and straightforwardly, and to adopt the transcendental attitude toward it, in which it is taken critically and reflectively. As a result, all other things being equal, an application of the phenomenological method to the phenomenon human happiness enhances the prospects for an achievement of the highest human good on the part of the human agents involved in its pursuit.  相似文献   

On présente, dans cette introduction à l'édition speciale sur la psychologie economique, trois étapes et trois domaines de cette psychologie. Les trois étapes représented les tentatives historiques pour introduire des approches et des concepts psychologiques dans la théorie économique. Les deux premières étapes ont été vouées l'échec, mais la dernière et actuelle (l'économie psychologique) parǎt plus prometteuse. Les trois domaines de la psychologie économique qui sont traités dans cet article sont: la psychologie micro-économique, la psychologie macro-économique et l' économie psychologique. Les six articles de cette édition spéciale sont des représentants de ces approches et traitent de sujets intéressant aussi bien les psychologues, les économistes, les spécialists du marketing que les conseillers auprés des consommateurs.
In this introduction to the special issue on economic psychology, three waves and three domains of economic psychology will be discussed. The three waves are the historical attempts to introduce psychological concepts and approaches in economic theory. Although the first two waves were unsuccessful, the third and present wave (psychological economics) looks more promising. The three domains of economic psychology that are discussed in this paper are: (1) micro-economic psychology, (2) macro-economic psychology, and (3) psychological economics. The six papers in this special issue are examples of these approaches in economic psychology, and discuss interesting topics for psychologists, economists, marketing professionals, and consumer educators alike.  相似文献   

关于我国推销人员心理素质的实证研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着我国社会主义市场经济体制的进一步完善,商品销售竞争的日趋激烈,市场营销活动作为一种推销人员与消费者的心理沟通过程,其对于推销人员的心理素质提出了更高的要求。在目前我国市场经济尚不发达的特殊阶段以及特有的传统消费文化环境中,如何才能成为一个优秀的推销人员,他应具备何种心理素质,正日益成为市场营销心理学中一个非常具有理论和现实意义的重大课题。  相似文献   

In this paper, I have attempted a historical analysis of what Jung might have been thinking when he wrote the 'Seven sermons'. To this end, I tried to ascertain which Gnostic texts Jung may have consulted before writing it. These documents were then compared with the 'Seven sermons', and numerous affinities noted between it and the Gnostic texts. Jung's contemporaneous academic works were then compared with this treatise, and parallels were established between the 'Seven sermons' and Jung's emerging psychology of the unconscious. In the process, an attempt was made to show how Jung made use of Gnostic themes in his emerging psychology. While there is no way of knowing precisely what Jung was thinking when he wrote the 'Seven sermons', it is clear that he was well acquainted not only with the work of Basilides, but also with the work of other Gnostic thinkers. It is not enough to assume that because Jung chose the pseudonym of Basilides, he was necessarily Jung's primary Gnostic influence. At the same time, it is also evident that Jung was developing his own psychology during the writing of the 'Seven sermons'. We recall Jung's observations regarding the 'Seven sermons', which we quoted on page 17: These conversations with the dead formed a kind of prelude to what I had to communicate to the world about the unconscious . . . All my works, all my creative activity, has come from those initial fantasies and dreams which began in 1912, almost fifty years ago. Everything that I accomplished in later life was already contained in them, although at first only in the form of emotions and images (Jung 21, p. 192). On the basis of what has been published, there are enough affinities between his academic work and this treatise to posit that the 'Seven sermons' played an important role in the emergence of Jung's psychology. Given these numerous parallels, I suspect that Jung's unpublished writings, including the Red Book, would only strengthen the arguments put forth in this paper.  相似文献   

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