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A total of 160 women and 160 men read scenarios of an accident caused by a male drunk driver. The severity of the accident was either high (death) or low (monetary damage) and the driver either had or did not have a history of drunk driving. In addition, the driver expressed or denied feeling remorse and expressed or denied intent (or negligence-he admitted or denied knowing he was drunk before deciding to drive). The driver was evaluated on character traits and cause, responsibility, blame, and punishment. Participants also recommended sanctions (fine and prison sentence). Trait ratings of the driver were influenced negatively by history and positively by remorse. The driver who expressed intent was evaluated as more believable and more reckless. Participants with high belief in a just world evaluated the driver as being less responsible and believable and more of a cause of the accident. There were no differences in judgments given by men and women. Severity did not affect trait ratings, but was the only variable influencing sanctions. Although the driver's self presentation strategies were effective in moderating judgments about his character, they had no bearing on recommended sanctions.  相似文献   

Based on experimental research on helping and survey findings on drunk driving intervention, we selected 28 variables for study that might relate to informal intervention in a drunk driving situation. We tested six hypotheses by categorizing the 28 variables into personal (12), relationship (4), situational (5), and individual response (7) aspects. Bivariate correlations and multivariate logistic regression analyses were performed between these 28 predictor variables and intervention for 303 college students (192 females and 111 males). Three personal, one relationship, three situational, and four individual responses in situation variables were correlated significantly with intervention. Four significant predictors emerged in the stepwise logistic regression equation: knowing the driver well; having a conversation that encouraged the respondent to intervene; perceiving the driver as needing help; and the respondent's feeling able to intervene. All hypotheses received at least some confirmation in these results, but noteworthy discrepancies from expectations emphasize the need to appreciate differences between studies of helping behavior in the laboratory and this natural form of helping behavior.  相似文献   

Research has suggested that acute alcohol intoxication disrupts cognitive functioning by reducing the availability of executive resources for person perception. The present study tested the prediction that this effect would increase stereotype application during impression formation by reducing the encoding of nonstereotypical information. Participants were instructed to complete an impression-formation task following consumption of low, medium, or high doses of alcohol. This task involved the encoding of both stereotypical and neutral material. A subsequent free-recall test demonstrated that alcohol significantly decreased participants' encoding of neutral information, but did not affect the memorability of stereotypical information. These findings are discussed in relation to models of both stereotyping and alcohol intoxication.  相似文献   

Convicted drunk drivers, in accounts of their offenses, rarely display qualities of agency that would contribute to a favorable outcome in counseling. Instead, the discursive and rhetorical aim of the accounts is often to evade responsibility and ownership of the offending behavior. Such disclaim of personal agency can be achieved in various ways in the narration of drunk driving (DD) incidences. This study examined how five aspects of agentic presentation (reflexivity, historicity, intentionality, causal attribution, and relationality) were present in or missing from such accounts. It was found that a tentative model of (non)agentic display based on those five aspects could differentiate between the cases in a meaningful way and contribute to an understanding of the clients’ ways of positioning themselves in semi-mandatory counseling as well as of their uses of the counseling context.  相似文献   

目的:探讨驾驶疲劳对于听觉注意的影响.方法:采用组间对照,对照组为12名充分休息的出租车司机,实验组为15名连续驾驶10h的司机.采用听觉Oddball范式,标准刺激:800Hz,概率80%;靶刺激:1000Hz,概率10%;新异刺激:计算机产生的噪声或其他声音,概牢10%.声音强度均为85dBL,刺激间隔(SOA)1000ms,刺激呈现时间100ms.要求被试对靶刺激按鼠标反应.结果:P3a分布以额中央区为主,驾驶疲劳后新异刺激引起的P3a潜伏期没有显著变化,幅值显著降低;P3b以中央顶区为主,驾驶疲劳后靶刺激引起的P3b潜伏期没有显著变化,幅值显著降低.结论:驾驶疲劳后听觉非随意注意能力、注意加工能力下降.  相似文献   

Research on psychological factors in helping behavior has been undertaken primarily in laboratory settings. Although this work has been instrumental in identifying psychological factors that influence helping, their role in naturally occurring helping behavior, such as informal drunk-driving intervention, is largely unknown. College students (N= 192) completed a questionnaire that assessed 11 possible reactions to the drunk driving situation, types of interventions, and their success. Over half of the students (55%, N= 10) reported having intervened to prevent someone from driving drunk. Using structural modeling, we examined the effect of various emotions and affective and cognitive reactions on the frequency and success of different types of informal drunk-driving intervention. Different reactions to the drunk driving situation influenced the number, type, and success of interventions used.  相似文献   

Employee courtesy is recognized as an important dimension of customer service. This paper presents and tests a model suggesting that employee courtesy affects attitudes toward a service firm. Employee courtesy, the physical environment, and locus of causality are three important elements of a service experience that might affect attitude toward a service firm. The paper reports results of two experiments that found there was an interaction effect between employee courtesy and the physical environment on attitude toward the service firm. That is, the effect of employee courtesy on attitudes is more positive when the environment is evaluated favorably than when it is evaluated unfavorably. However, there were no interaction effects of locus of causality and courtesy on attitude toward the service firm. In the second study, there was a main effect from locus of causality on attitude toward the firm in that experiment. That is, participants with an internal locus of causality had a more favorable attitude toward the service firm than did participants with an external locus of causality.  相似文献   

疲劳驾驶是诱发交通事故的重要因素,研究驾驶疲劳的有效干预方法具有重要意义。本研究通过让驾驶员在驾驶模拟器中完成1小时的单调驾驶任务来诱发驾驶疲劳,同时记录驾驶员主观疲劳、驾驶绩效和脑电θ波功率,来探究趣味听觉材料是否可以缓解驾驶疲劳。结果发现,在单调驾驶条件下收听趣味听觉材料的驾驶员脑电θ波功率高于控制组,表明收听趣味听觉材料不利于缓解驾驶疲劳。  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to investigate how tasks are evaluated when signalled to be “work” or “play”. A simulation of managerial problem solving found that when a task was signalled as work it was evaluated primarily on the basis of information about its End, whereas when it was signalled as play it was evaluated primarily on the basis of information about its Means. Theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Consumers want more information about the food they consider buying. One way to provide such information is via food labeling, but not all label information can be used effectively. We tested how information on actual meat labels from a supermarket environment analysis was evaluated against a realistic new label when labels were seen separately vs. in a conjoint (simultaneous) presentation. Participants (M = 24 years; 49% women) evaluated how much money they would pay for identical meat products with different label information. Conjoint presentation of labels led to opposite product rankings compared to separate presentations in some conditions (preference‐reversal effect). We discuss the importance of food labels that provide transparent, evaluable information for supporting informed, responsible meat product decisions.  相似文献   

This study assessed the validity of the Driving Anger Expression Inventory (DAX) and Driver's Angry Thoughts Questionnaire (DATQ). Scales within the DAX and DATQ appeared to assess separate, correlated constructs. Aggressive forms of thinking and anger expression correlated positively with each other, trait driving anger, aggressive and risky behavior, some crash-related conditions, general trait anger, and general forms of anger expression. Positive, constructive forms of thinking and anger expression correlated positively with each other, but minimally or negatively with other variables. Specific aggressive forms of thinking and anger expression formed stronger links with each other than other forms of expression, supporting the discriminant validity of the DATQ and DAX. Hierarchical regressions with DATQ and DAX scales entered after other variables showed that they added explained variance above and beyond other measures, supporting the discriminant and incremental validity of these scales. It was concluded that the DAX and DATQ have utility for researchers and clinicians interested in angry drivers.  相似文献   

知识点认知规律的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
隋光远 《心理科学》2003,26(2):308-311
知识点是人的认知单位,人学习知识,必须以知识点为单位、逐个知识点地学习。本实验以概念学习为例,研究了人一次学习一个知识点与同时学习两个知识点时的成绩差异。研究结果表明,1. 在概念中的信息组块数不超过短时记忆容量的前提下,一次学习一个概念,构成概念的信息组块数对概念掌握影响不显著。2.在同样条件下,一次学习一个知识点的成绩好于同时学习两个知识点的成绩,从而验证了知识点认知规律。  相似文献   

Data from a national online organization that matches volunteers with service organizations places volunteers were analyzed to answer questions regarding the impact of the September 11, 2001, attacks on volunteering in the United States. Results showed that: (a) following September 11, there was a dramatic increase in the number of people who offered to volunteering, and the increase lasted for about 3 weeks; (b) the greatest increase in volunteering occurred for crisis‐related organizations, but volunteering increased significantly for all kinds of charities and service organizations; and (c) the demographic correlates of volunteering changed little in the wake of the attacks. The results are discussed in the context of psychological theories of the factors that motivate prosocial actions.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of technological automation on explanations of why a person failed or succeeded at a task, and on evaluations of the user of technology. Subjects were presented with scenarios involving a photographer on an assignment. The scenarios manipulated 3 variables: (a) whether the camera was automatic or required skill, (b) experience level, and (c) whether the picture was a success or a failure. Subjects rated the picture's success or failure on attributions of ability and the technology. They also evaluated the photographer. Internal attribution was associated with technological devices requiring a greater amount of skill, while external attribution was associated with technological devices requiring less skill. When the picture was a success, ratings of internal attributions correlated positively with evaluations. When the picture was a failure, ratings of internal attributions correlated negatively with evaluations.  相似文献   

A 1-year experimental program that transported a total of 38 “volunteer” disadvantaged city children to schools in a nearby suburban community was evaluated in grades 1 and 2. Twenty-six of the 38 children were in a total of 12 different classes at these two grade levels. At the conclusion of the program, transported first graders displayed significantly higher average gains in reading, mathematics, and listening skills than did counterparts who remained in the city school. Among second graders, achievement mean gains for the transported group did not differ significantly from those of the counterpart group. Suburban children in classes containing city youngsters displayed no measured detrimental effects on achievement, when compared to similar classes without city children. In general, year-end affective measures indicated that most groups of students preferred integrated classes that were mostly white, and they also felt these classes were among the smartest.  相似文献   

In Study I, with actual product quality held constant high self‐monitors, compared to low self‐monitors, more favorably evaluated products that they believed came from attractive packages. In Study 2, high and low self‐monitors evaluated a perfume sample that came from a rather attractive bottle or from a significantly less attractive bottle. In addition, for some, the perfume was quite pleasant smelling; for others, it was less pleasant smelling. Regardless of its actual fragrance, high self‐monitors evaluated the perfumes from the attractive bottle more favorably than the perfumes from the less attractive bottle. Low self‐monitors evaluated the pleasant‐smelling perfume more favorably than the less pleasant‐smelling perfume, regardless of from which bottle it came.  相似文献   

Increased employee mobility and the widespread use of teams underline the importance of understanding the socialization of newcomers into groups. Applying the theory of cooperation and competition, this study experimentally investigated the relationship between team climate and newcomer socialization and performance. We found that a cooperative, in comparison to a competitive or independent team climate strengthened the relationship and interaction between newcomers and the other team members. Thereby, this facilitated newcomer socialization.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of trait driving anger, aggressive stimuli, and anonymity on aggressive driving behavior in a driving simulation task. High and low driving anger participants were randomly assigned to one of four conditions: (a) anonymous vs. identifiable driver; and (b) exposure to aggressive stimuli versus nonaggressive stimuli. Participants drove more aggressively when they were anonymous (d = .28) and exposed to aggressive stimuli (d = .05). Males drove more aggressively than did females (d = .06). No main or interaction effects were found for trait driving anger. Results suggest that situational factors affecting other forms of aggression are also important in aggressive driving.  相似文献   

孙龙  华翎森 《心理科学》2019,(6):1455-1461
结合反应时和信号检测方法,考察不同危险类型下驾驶员危险检测的特点。35名新手和35名有经验驾驶员依次完成一个反应时测试和一个信号检测任务。结果发现:新手对明显和隐藏危险的反应时间比有经验驾驶员长。与隐藏危险相比,驾驶员对明显危险的敏感性高、判断标准低。驾驶员对两类危险的反应时间长是因为他们的判断标准严格。研究结果表明,驾驶员危险检测的特点随着危险类型不同而变化。  相似文献   

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