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This study investigated aspects of psychological well-being (burnout and engagement) and resilience as predictors of the academic performance of a group of first-year students at a higher education institution. Participants included 789 first-year students at a South African university (females = 43%, majority ethnicity Black African = 58%). They completed measures of burnout, engagement and resilience. Data were analysed using stepwise multiple regression to determine whether burnout, engagement and resilience were statistically significant predictors of first year students' academic performance. The results indicated that burnout (specifically Emotional Exhaustion and Cynicism) and resilience (specifically Religion) were statistically significant predictors of academic performance. Students with lower levels of cynicism, who are emotionally and cognitively more involved in their studies, seem to perform better. Surprisingly, students who reported being emotionally more exhausted performed well in their studies. Those students who seem to have strong spiritual/religious beliefs also fared better with regard to academic performance than those of lower religious faith. Strong spiritual/religious anchors and continuous cognitive and emotional involvement in academic work are valuable resources to students in their academic performance.  相似文献   

This study examines the theory of planned behavior (TPB) and the multidimensional ethics scale (MES). Variables from both are included to determine which ones significantly correlate with student ethical behavioral intention in an academic setting. Using a survey, responses are collected from undergraduate business students from two southwestern universities in the United States using a scenario-based approach, looking at individual situations and group situations. SmartPLS was used to assess the results for four scenarios. From the theory of planned behavior, attitude was a significant predictor of behavioral intention across all four scenarios while subjective norm was significant in one scenario. From the multidimensional ethics scale, moral equity and relativism were significant in one group scenario while moral equity and utilitarianism were each significant in an individual scenario. The findings indicate support for the use of the TPB and the MES when exploring ethics in an academic setting and for the need to study both individual and group situations. A discussion of the findings and implications is given.  相似文献   

The primary purpose of this study was to predict academic grade point averages (GPAs) of Turki primary school children, using family background and individual measures (sociometric standing, self-reported loneliness, and social efficacy) as predictors. We hypothesized that these two measures would explain the wide variation in GPA for samples differing with respect to sex and paternal education. Regression analyses with male and female subsamples revealed that the background measures explained twice as much variance in GPA, popularity, and loneliness for girls as for boys. Another finding was that the background measures explained a greater proportion of the variance in GPA for children with less-versus more-educated fathers, whereas individual measures explained a greater proportion of the variance for children with more as opposed to less educated fathers.  相似文献   

La relation entre les caractéristiques du travail, le bien-être des étudiants et la performance a étéévaluée à partir du modèle de Karasck & Theorell ≪Travail, exigences, contrôle, soutien≫ (1990). Un échantillon d'étudiants portugais ( N = 825) a répondu à un questionnaire comprenant des mesures du contrôle et des exigences du travail universitaire, du soutien des pairs, de la satisfaction relative à la vie universitaire, de l'anxiété/dépression et des résultats aux examens. Il apparut, comme dans d'aures contextes de travail, que la satisfaction des étudiants pour ce qui est de la vie universitaire, ainsi que les niveaux d'anxiété/dépression étaient fortement dépendants de leur perception des caractéristiques du travail. Les niveaux de satisfaction ont un effet direct sur la performance et agissent sur la relation entre la maîtrise du travail universitaire et la performance.
The relationship between work characteristics, student well-being and performance was assessed, based upon Karasek and Theorell's (1990 ) Job Demands–Control–Support model. A sample of Portuguese university students ( N = 825) answered a questionnaire comprising measures of academic work demands and control, peer support, satisfaction with academic life, anxiety/depression and academic performance. Results suggested that, similar to other work contexts, student satisfaction with academic life and anxiety/depression levels are strongly dependent on their perceptions of work characteristics. Levels of satisfaction have a direct impact on student performance and mediate the relationship between academic work control and performance.  相似文献   

The present study examines the role of hardiness and personality factors in predicting youth’s enlistment intention towards Indian defence services. The participants were (n?=?2500) higher secondary school students from the four states (TamilNadu, Kerala, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh). The youth with high intention to join army scored higher on the measures of hardiness construct and two personality dimensions i.e. Extraversion and Conscientiousness. Furthermore, results of logistic analysis confirmed that the hardiness and personality factors significantly predicted the enlistment intentions of youth. The implications for recruitment of youths for the Defence Services are discussed.  相似文献   

The study examined the expectation-action chain of events in the context of the decision about whether to retire within the subsequent two years. One hundred and twenty-five staff employees at a large university participated. They evaluated their expectations about what would happen if they retired and stated their intention. Two years later they were contacted to see whether they had or had not retired. Expectations were used to predict intentions (78% correct predictions), and intentions were used to predict actions (76% correct predictions). The results were interpreted as evidence supporting the use of the expectation-intention-action chain to characterize retirement decision making. The possible causes of mispredictions were discussed.  相似文献   

This study sought to predict students' Grade Point Average (GPA) from their personal sense of coherence, locus of control, hope and research self-efficacy. Participants were 429 postgraduate students at a large South African university (males = 86, females = 311, age range = 20 to 53, mean age = 30, SD = 6.77). They completed measures of sense of coherence, locus of control, hope orientation and research self-efficacy. Data were analysed using logistic regression. Results revealed that only research self-efficacy significantly predicted academic achievement. Although of small practical significance, it seems that students' beliefs about their own potential and abilities regarding research could influence their success to some degree. It is recommended that research self-efficacy, together with other psychological strengths, be further investigated as a predictor of academic success.  相似文献   

Significant attention has been given to the educational shortcomings of African American students. This study examined predictors of educational success among African American high school sophomores. It explored factors that predict differences in students’ academic intention to complete the school year, and how these factors differ by gender. The study was guided conceptually by the theory of planned behavior (TPB). We also assessed perceptions of self. Results indicated that most students had positive predispositions toward school‐year completion, with females being more positively oriented toward academic success than males. The TPB's attitude component was the only predictor tested to operate differentially across gender. Having a positive attitude toward school was a significantly greater predictor of intention to complete the school year for males than for females.  相似文献   

This research explored the relationship between behavioral intentions to engage in AIDS-risky sexual practices and a variety of variables that are theoretically and/or popularly assumed to be important factors in AIDS prevention. These variables included beliefs and knowledge about AIDS, fear of AIDS, perceived vulnerability of self and others, as well as probability that self and others on one's campus would contract AIDS, perceived efficacy to control exposure to AIDS, self-esteem, general locus of control, and past behavioral reaction to the threat of AIDS. General intention to “do something to protect oneself against AIDS,” and specific behavioral intention to use condoms in vaginal sex were measured and considered as possible proxies for future behavior. Data were collected from 124 black respondents in a southeastern university. In a series of multiple regression analyses, each of these measures of behavioral intentions was “predicted” from the other variables. Results showed that situational efficacy (to protect oneself from AIDS) was the best predictor of general intention, followed by reports of past behavioral changes as a result of the AIDS epidemic, and by knowledge. Proximal fear of AIDS was a negative predictor. For specific intentions, a specific belief about inconvenience in condom use was the best predictor, followed by past behavioral change, followed by knowledge. Normative beliefs, a belief that condoms would prevent disease, and distant threat of AIDS were also significant predictors. Theoretical and policy implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to better understand the substance use and sexual risk taking behavior among high-risk adolescent populations placed in residential treatment facilities, including those in the foster care and juvenile justice systems. The primary predictors considered in this study included caregiver support, caregiver closeness, other adult support, adolescent self-disclosure/communication with caregiver, caregiver expectations about sexual behavior, and peer influence regards to drugs/alcohol and sexual behavior. Participants included 120 adolescent females in grades 7 to 12 (median grade?=?10; mean age 15.7 years), primarily African American (57.2 %) and White (29 %), in a residential treatment setting in a large urban area in the Midwest. Caregiver support and self-disclosure/communication with caregivers predicted condom use at most recent intercourse, but variables related to substance use were most consistently predictive of sexuality variables including onset and frequency of behavior. None of these support variables significantly predicted onset and frequency of substance use. Caregiver support was the contributing variable in predicting academic achievement.  相似文献   

Based on a detailed job analysis, job-related personality dimensions and communication skills were used as predictors of hospice nurse performance. In particular, it was predicted that communication/social competence and certain dimensions of empathy (empathic concern, perspective-taking) would be positively related to hospice nurse performance, and that another type of empathy, personal distress, and trait dogmatism would be negatively associated with performance. Ninety-two hospice nurses were administered the battery of tests, and file drawer assessments of their performance were obtained. Possession of communication/social competence and certain dimensions of empathy led to good prediction of job performance. Implications for personnel screening and selection are discussed.  相似文献   

We conducted two studies to determine the meanings that undergraduate students ascribe to their education and how these meanings relate to relevant psychological constructs: academic motivation and values. Ten meanings emerged: career preparation, independence, finding direction for the future, learning, self-development, taking the next step, making social connections, changing the world, stress, and escape. Support was found for many of the predicted relationships. For example, enjoyment motivation positively predicted all of the meanings, except taking the next step, stress, and escape. Also as expected, the values of intellectualism and academic achievement positively predicted learning, self-development, and changing the world. However, contrary to expectations, valuing physical development also emerged as a significant predictor of several of the meanings of education.  相似文献   

Despite long-established distinctions between typical and maximum performance variables on both the predictor and criterion side, little previous research has directly addressed the extent to which these distinctions translate into differential predictor-criterion relationships. Using a sample of candidates for managerial positions, we examined relations of predictors conceptually linked to typical (i.e., broad, narrow, and compound personality traits) and maximum (i.e., broad and narrow cognitive abilities) performance with corresponding criterion measures (N = 84–873). Supervisory ratings of managerial performance served as the typical performance criterion, whereas maximum performance was assessed via an assessment center. Confirmatory factor analyses supported the distinction between typical and maximum performance. Results also confirmed our hypothesis that cognitive abilities are more strongly correlated with maximum performance than with typical performance and largely supported the expectation of the opposite pattern with personality traits as predictors.  相似文献   

Three different constructs for measuring social influence were utilized in the present study to explain adolescents' present and future smoking behavior at 6 (T2), 12 (T3), and 18 months (T4) after the first test. Social influence was assessed by measuring the social norms, perceived smoking behavior, and direct pressure. The impact of the social influence constructs was also assessed in the context of broader models, including attitudes and self-efficacy expectations, intention, and previous behavior. The three social influence measures correlated significantly with intention and behavior. Stepwise regression analyses showed that perceived behavior and pressure made significant contributions, after entering social norms, in explaining actual and future adolescent smoking behavior. Adding attitudes and self-efficacy increased the predictive power of the model significantly. In agreement with the theory of Fishbein & Ajzen (1975), intention was the most powerful predictor in explaining present and future smoking behavior. Attitudes, self-efficacy, and the social influences also made small unique contributions improving the explanatory power by approximately 5%. Previous behavior, however, had a substantial unique contribution in predicting future behavior after attitudes, social influences, self-efficacy, and intention were entered in the equations. Since social influences may exert their impact via different routes, it is recommended that smoking prevention programs discuss not only overt pressures such as direct pressure from peers, parents, and media, but also address the more covert social pressures such as modeling and the adolescents' ability to cope with these covert influences. Furthermore, norms on nonsmoking should be made explicit.  相似文献   

Researchers have largely overlooked the distinction between behavioral intention and behavioral expectation as predictors of one's own behavior. Moreover, the distinction between purely volitional behavior and behavioral goals, the latter of which may be impeded by such nonvolitional factors as lack of ability, lack of opportunity, habit, and environmental impediments, has also been blurred in the literature. Behavioral expectation is theorized to be based on a cognitive appraisal of one's behavioral intention and all other behavioral determinants of which one is aware. The present study argues and gives evidence that, although behavioral expectation and behavioral intention may have similar predictive accuracy for volitional behaviors, behavioral expectation is adequate, but behavioral intention may be inadequate for prediction of the accomplishment of behavioral goals.  相似文献   

Two studies tested the hypothesis that SWB predicts unique variance in academic citizenship attitudes, even while accounting for personality traits. In Study 1, participants (n?=?2,566) completed an online questionnaire assessing their positive and negative affect, ACBs and personality. The results indicated that positive affect predicted consideration, civic virtue, and conscientiousness, whereas negative affect predicted citizenship conscientiousness and sportsmanship while controlling for personality. In Study 2, participants (n?=?260) completed measures of life satisfaction, ACBs and personality. The results showed that life satisfaction predicted all ACBs while controlling for personality. Based on these results, it can be concluded that SWB is an important predictor of ACBs. Implications for the selection of student aids in academic settings are discussed.  相似文献   

Drawing on the upper-echelons theory and diversity issues, this study examines the relationships between top management team (TMT) organizational tenure, tenure diversity, and combat performance. The study is based on of Korea Combat Training Center (KCTC) that is designed for training and evaluation of the battalion combat power. Findings indicate that battalions with higher levels of TMT tenure have a positive effect on combat performance. Tenure diversity of TMT has a negative effect on combat performance. In addition, results showed that the negative relationships between tenure diversity of TMT and combat performance are attenuated by commander’s shared experience with other TMT members.  相似文献   

The research literature in education is devoting increasing attention to the role of student effort in academic performance. This study posits a construct, diligence, which expresses or reflects an individual's effort toward achieving physical, mental, social, and spiritual ideals. A Diligence Inventory (DI) was developed using factor analysis and construct validation procedures. Although no statistical relation was found between diligence and ability, the two variables combined to predict 37% of the variance in the academic performance of 237 high-school students. Implications for educational practice include a greater need to affirm the efforts of youth in their quest for balanced educational development.  相似文献   

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