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 共查询到20条相似文献,搜索用时 31 毫秒
Book reviews     
Jay Haley, Ordeal Therapy: Unusual Way to Change Behaviour
S. Murgatroyd and R. Woolfe, Helping Families in Distress: An Introduction to Family Focussed Helping
Emilia Dowling and Elsie Osborne (Eds), The Family and the School—A Joint Systems Approach to Problems with Children
C. J. Brown et al. Treating the Remarried Family
Jean Campion, The Child in Context—Family Systems in Educational Psychology
I. R. H. Falloon et al., Family Management of Schizophrenia: A Study of Clinical, Social, Family and Economic Benefits
Linda Scotson, Doran, Child of Courage  相似文献   

Book reviews     
J. M. Lewis and J. G. Looney, The Long Struggle: Well-functioning Working-class Black Families
Jane Rowe, Yours by Choice, A Guide for Adoptive Parents
Richard F. Dangel and Richard A. Polster (Eds), Parent Training: Foundations of Research and Practice
Oded Manor (Ed.), Family Work in Action—A Handbook for Social Workers
Ruth Porter (Ed.), Child Sexual Abuse within the Family
Jacqueline Burgoyne and David Clark, Making-a-Go-of-It: A Study of Step-families in Sheffield
Christopher F. Clulow, Marital Therapy: An Inside View  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Alan S. Gurman and David P. Kniskern (eds), The Handbook of Family Therapy, volume II
Joseph Nowinski, Substance Abuse in Adolescents and Young Adults
Constance Hammen, Depression Runs in Families: The Social Context of Risk and Resilience in Children of Depressed Mothers
Robert Sherman, Paul Oresky and Yvonne Rountree, Solving Problems in Couples and Family Therapy: Techniques and Tactics  相似文献   

Book reviews     
David Campbell and Rosalind Draper (Eds), Applications of Systemic Family Therapy. The Milan Approach
Bryan Lask, Children's Problems
Bretherton, Inge and Waters, Everett (Eds), Growing Points of Attachment Theory and Research
Christine Sandford and Wyn Beardsley, Making Relationships Work
Elaine Campbell, The Childless Marriage: An Exploratory Study of Couples Who Do Not Want Children
Kayla F. Bernheim and Anthony F. Lehman, Working with Families of the Mentally III
Geoffrey Barlow and Alison Hill (Eds), Video Violence and Children
David H. Olson and Roxanne Markoff (Eds), Inventory of Marriage and Family Literature , Vol. XI 1984
Steve de Shazer, Keys to Solution in Brief Therapy
Fortune Ann E. and contributors, Task-Centered Practice with Families and Groups
Adrian L. James and Kate Wilson, Couples, Conflict and Change
Sue Walrond-Skinner, A Dictionary of Psychotherapy
Nossrat Peseschkian, Positive Family Therapy–The Family as Therapist
Joan J. Zilbah, Young Children in Family Therapy
Tesse and Moshe Lang, Corrupting the Young and Other Stories of a Family Therapist
S. Slipp, Object Relations: A Dynamic Bridge Between Individual and Family Treatment
Philip Barker, Basic Family Therapy
J. Tunnard (Ed.), Promoting Links: Keeping Children and Families in Touch  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Eddy Street and Windy Dryden, Family Therapy in Britain
E. Imber-Black, J. Roberts and R. Whiting, Rituals in Families and Family Therapy
Arnon Bentovim, Anne Elton, Judy Hildebrand, Marianne Tranter, and Eileen Vizard. Child Sexual Abuse Within The Family; Assessment and Treatment
David Campbell, Ros Draper and Clare Huffington, Teaching Systemic Thinking
R. Hinde and J. Stcvenson-Hinde, Relationships within Families: Mutual Influences
Sue Walrond-Skinner, Family Matters: The Pastoral Care of Personal Relationships
Thelma Jean Goodrich, Cheryl Rampage, Barbara Ellman and Kris Halstead, Feminist Family Therapy: A Casebook
Lyman, C. Wynne, The State of the Art in Family Therapy: Controversies and Recommendations
J. Carpenter and A. Treacher, Problems and Solutions in Marital and Family Therapy
David Howe, The Consumer's View of Family Therapy
Marion F. Solomon, Narcissism and Intimacy: Love and Marriage in an Age of Confusion
W. H. O'Hanlon and M. Weiner-Davis, In Search of Solutions  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Steve de Shazer, Putting Difference to Work
David S. Freeman, Multigenerational Family Therapy
Dora Black, Stephen Wolkind and Jean Harris-Hendricks (eds), Child Psychiatry and the Law
Ian Mallinson, The Children Act. A Social Care Guide
Wen-Sing Tseng and Jing Hsu, Culture and Family: Problems and Therapy  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Bryan Lask and Abe Fosson, Childhood Illness: The Psychosomatic Approach. Children Talking with their Bodies
Harold D. Grotevant and Cindy I. Carlson. Family Assessment: A Guide to Methods and Measures
D. Black, S. Wolkind and J. H. Hendricks (Editors), Child Psychiatry and the Law
Rosalie Cruise Jesse, Children in Recovery
Timothy F. Dugan and Robert Coles, The Child in Our Times. Studies in the Development of Resiliency  相似文献   

Re: Views     
Book reviewed in this article: All in the Family: Divorce. American Personnel and Guidance Association, 1975. All in the Family: Talking about Divorce: A Dialogue Between Parent and Child. Earl A. Grollman. All in the Family: Families: Applications of Social Learning to Family Life (Revised Edition). Gerald R. Patterson. All in the Family: Creating Closer Families: Principles of Positive Family Interaction. William G. Dyer. All in the Family: On the Level with Self, Family, Society. G. Hugh Allred All in the Family: Counseling Parents of Exceptional Children: Principles, Problems and Procedures. Jack C. Stewart. All in the Family: Systematic Parent Training: Procedures, Cases and Issues. William Hansford Miller. All in the Family: Your Child's Self-Esteem. Dorothy Corkille Briggs. All in the Family: The Needs of Children. Mia Kellmer Pringle.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Gill Gorrell Barnes, Paul Thompson, Gwyn Daniel and Natasha Burchardt, Growing up in Stepfamilies
Jim Wilson, Child Focused Practice: A Collaborative Systemic Approach
A. Dienhart, Reshaping Fatherhood: The Social Construction of Shared Parenting
Charles J. O'Leary, Counselling Couples and Families. A Person Centred Approach  相似文献   

Book review     

Chronic Illness: From Experience to Policy, edited by S. Kay Toombs, David Barnard, and Ronald A. Carson. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press. 1995. 221 pp. ISBN 0-253-36011-0. $27.95 hardback. Reviewed by Lee Combrinck-Graham.

S. Kay Toombs is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Baylor University and author of The Meaning of Illness.

David Barnard is Professor and Chairman of the Department of Humanities at Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine. He is coauthor of Nourishing the Humanistic in Medicine: Interactions with the Social Sciences.

Ronald A. Carson is Professor and Director of the Institute for the Medical Humanities at the University of Texas in Galveston. He is coeditor of Medical Humanities Reviews.

Lee Combrinck-Graham is a Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, Behavioral Health Medical Director of Oxford Health Plans, and Editor of Children in Family Contexts and Children in Families at Risk. She is the author of Giant Steps: Therapeutic Innovations in Child Mental Health.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Larry L. Constantine, Family Paradigms. The Practice of Theory in Family Therapy
Arnon Bentovim, Gill Gorell Barnes and Alan Cooklin (Eds) Family Therapy: Complementary Frameworks of Theory and Practice
Jean Shapiro, A Child: Tour Choice
William C. Nichols and Craig A. Everett. Systemic Family Therapy–An Integrative Approach
W. H. O'Hanlon and J. Wilk, Shifting Contexts: The Generation of Effective Psychotherapy
R. Julian Hafner, Marriage and Mental Illness: A Sex Role Perspective
Penny Jaques, Understanding Children's Problems, Helping Families to Help Themselves
Edward M. Waring, Enhancing Marital Intimacy through Facilitating Cognitive Self-disclosure
David E. Scharff and Jill Savege Scharff, Object Relations Family Therapy
C. Whitaker and W. Bumberry, Dancing with the Family, A Symbolic Experiential Approach  相似文献   

Book reviews     
S. Walrond-Skinner (Ed.), Developments in Family Therapy, Theories and Applications since 1948
S. Box, E. Copley, J. Magagna and E. Moustaki (Eds). Psychotherapy with Families—an Analytic Approach
Judith Lask and Bryan Lask, Child Psychiatry and Social Work
A. Gurman and D. Kniskern (Eds), Handbook of Family Therapy
Kalman Flomenhaft and Adolph E. Christ (Eds), The Challenge of Family Therapy. A Dialogue for Child Psychiatric Educators
Alan S. Gurman (Ed.), Questions and Answers in the Practice of Family Therapy  相似文献   

Book reviews     
M. Monoco and J. Thorburn, Self-Helpfor Parents with Children in Care
Lynn Segal, The Dream of Reality: Heinz von Foerster's Constructivism
Beverley Raphael, When Disaster Strikes. Hutchison Education
Luciane L'Abate and Steven E. Weinstein, Structured Enrichment Programmes for Couples and Families
H. Charles Fishman and Bernice L. Rosman (Eds), Evolving Models for Family Change: A Volume in Honour of Salvador Minuchin
R. Julian Hafner, Marriage and Mental Illness–A Sex-Roles Perspective
Donald E. Efron (Ed.), Journeys–Expansion of the Strategic–Systemic Therapies
Lori A. Goldfarb, Mary Jane Brotherstone, Jean Ann Summers and Ann P. Turnbull, Meeting the Challenge of Disability or Chronic Illness. A Family Guide
Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry, The Family, the Patient, and the Psychiatric Hospital: Toward a New Model
J. Leff and C. Vaughn, Expressed Emotion in Families
R. H. Falloon, J. L. Boyd and C. W. McGill, Family Care of Schizophrenia. A Problem-Solving Approach to the Treatment of Mental Illness  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Jeffrey K. Zeig, Experiencing Erickson: An Introduction to the Man and his Work David Will and Robert M. Wrate, Integrated Family Therapy, a Problem-centred Psycho-dynamic Approach Sandra B. Coleman (Ed.), Failures in Family Therapy John B. Burnham, Family Therapy: First Steps Towards a Systemic Approach Stephen R. Lankton and Carol H. Lankton, Enchantment and Intervention in Family Therapy. Training in Eriksonian Approaches Rochdale Health Visitors, Child Abuse: Are You Safe? Colin Murray Parkes and Dora Black (Journal Eds), Bereavement Care John Howard and Graham Shepherd (Eds), Conciliation, Children and Divorce. A Family Systems Approach P. Watchtel and E. Watchtel, Family Dynamics in Individual Psychotherapy Joy K. Rice and David G. Rice, Living Through Divorce: A Developmental Approach to Divorce Therapy Larry L. Constantine, Family Paradigms. The Practice of Theory in Family Therapy Robert N. Rapoport (Ed.), Children, Youth, and Families: The Action-Research Relationship  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Edward Kaufman (Ed.), Power to Change: Family Case Studies in the Treatment of Alcoholism .
Ellen Bass and Louise Thornton (Eds), I Never Told Anyone—Writings by Women Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse
Salvador Minuchin, Family Kaleidoscope
'Streetproofing' booklets:
J. Waters, M. Davies, P. Dale, T. Morrison and W. Roberts, Child Abuse , 24pp. Price 80p. Child Sexual Abuse
Permanent Substitute Families– Security or Severance
Yvonne Sinclair, Transvestism Within a Partnership of Marriage and Families  相似文献   

Addressing the problem of child maltreatment is a high priority for the Clinton administration. Guided by the principles of safety, permanency, and the child's well-being, the Administration on Children and Families (ACF) has made great strides in improving the lives of maltreated children. Critical programs administered by ACF include the Adoption and Safe Families Act, Community-Based Family Resource and Support Program grants, Children's Justice Act programs, and Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act research and demonstration projects. Projects serve both to expand existing programs and to develop innovative approaches. ACF has also sponsored several multidisciplinary national conferences designed to generate a sense of shared responsibility and a renewed commitment to solving problems of child abuse and neglect.  相似文献   


Recent heinous examples of child neglect and abuse in the State of New Jersey have called into question how public child welfare workers are trained. The author, in collaboration with the Division of Youth and Family Services (DYFS) and other experts in the field of child welfare, worked on the development of a new degree that would more appropriately educate these workers. This paper discusses the development of the Master of Arts of Child Advocacy and its optional Concentration in Public Child Welfare and offers its curriculum as an alternative to the Master of Arts of Social Work (MSW). Child Advocacy is also explored as a new and emerging discipline.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Tony Lake, Living With Grief
Beverley Raphael, The Anatomy of Bereavement, a Handbook for the Caring Professions
H. I. McCubbin, M. Sussman and J. M. Patterson, Social Stress and the Family
M. Rutter and L. Hersov (Eds), Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: Modern Approaches
Sharon R. Morgan, Children in Crises  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Jeri Doane and Diane Diamond Affect and Attachment in the Family: A Family-based Treatment of Major Psychiatric Disorder.
Jane Ribbens Mothers and Their Children. A Feminist Sociology of Chiidrearing.
Charlotte Burck and Bebe Speed, (eds) Gender, Power and Relationships.
Eddy Street Counselling for Family Problems.
Gerald R. Weeks and Larry Hof (eds), The Marital-Relationship Therapy Casebook: Theory and Application of the Intersystem Model.
Andrew I. Schwebel and Mark A. Fine, Understanding and Helping Families. A Cognitive-Behavioural Approach.
Janine Roberts, Tales and Transformations: Stories in Families and Family Therapy.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed of this article:
Alan Cooklin, Brenda McHugh and Neil Dawson (Marlborough Family Service), Family Therapy Basics: An Interactive Distance Learning Package 1994.
Richard R. Kopp, Metaphor Therapy—Using Client Generated Metaphors in Psychotherapy.
Anne McFadyen, Special Care Babies and Their Developing Relationships.
Kedar N. Dwivedi and Ved P. Varma (eds), Meeting the Needs of Ethnic Minority Children.
Suman Fernando (ed.), Mental Health in a Multi-ethnic Society.
Katherine P. H. Young, Understanding Marriage. A Hong Kong Case Study.
Naomi Dale, Working with the Families of Children with Special Needs
Emilia Dowling and Elsie Osborne, The Family and the School. AJoint Systems Approach to Problems with Children.  相似文献   

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