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The purpose of the present experiment was to explore the theory that deficits in learned helplessness, normally produced by inescapable shock or noncontingent events, are eliminated in subsequent learning discrimination when a combination of exteroceptive cues or feedback stimuli and a predictable stimulus are present. We used 48 pigeons in 6 groups: Group P+C+ training with predictable and controllable events; Group P+U— training with predictable and uncontrollable events; Group U—F training with unpredictable and uncontrollable events and feedback stimulus; Group P+U—F training with predictable and uncontrollable events and feedback stimulus; Group U-RE training with unpredictable, uncontrollable and random events; Group CG did not receive any treatment. Our results demonstrated that a combination of feedback stimuli and predictability was found to be the most effective training against effects of noncontingent events in appetitive contexts.  相似文献   

The present study investigates how readers’ representations of narratives are constrained by three sources of temporal information; grammatical aspect, lexical aspect, and the duration of intervening events. Participants read short stories in which a target event with an intrinsic endpoint or not (lexical aspect: accomplishments/activities) was described as ongoing or completed (grammatical aspect: imperfective/perfective). An intervening sentence described either a long or short duration event before the target situation was reintroduced later in the story. The electroencephalogram time-locked to the reintroduction of the target event elicited a larger N400 for perfective versus imperfective accomplishments, and this effect occurred only after short intervening events. Alternatively, the N400 to targets in the activity condition did not vary as a function of grammatical aspect or duration of intervening events. These results provide novel insight into how the temporal properties of events interact to constrain the availability of concepts in situation models.  相似文献   

Events occurring during the retention intervals for a 5-min delayed alternation task were used to investigate the factors that influence retroactive interference. Appetitive reinforcement in an E-maze was employed to train rats on the delayed alternation task consisting of a forced-choice (target event) trial followed by a free-choice (test) trial. Occasional probe trials added a potentially interfering event either at the beginning, middle, or end of the retention period. These events also varied in similarity to the target events, ranging from low similarity to the converse of the target event. Interference increased both with the interval between the target and intervening events and with the similarity between the converse of the target event and the intervening event; however, there was no tendency, significant or otherwise, towards an interaction between stimulus similarity and the interval between the target and intervening events. Control groups demonstrated that the interference was of an associative nature and that the interval between the intervening event and the test trial was little consequence. These results are discussed in terms of two separate types of interference: similarity interference which depends on stimulus similarity of the intervening event to the converse of the target event but not on the temporal location of the intervening event, and processing interference which depends on the temporal location of the intervening event but not on its similarity to the converse of the target event.  相似文献   

The present study used event related potentials (ERPs) in a spatial cueing procedure to investigate the stages of processing influenced by intervening events presented between cues and targets, when they produce maximal behavioural modulations (i.e., facilitation in the absence of the intervening event, and inhibition of return – IOR, when the intervening event is presented). Our data challenge the traditional orienting–reorienting hypothesis, leading to alternative explanations of cueing effects that are beyond the orienting of attention. Peripheral cues always produced a detection cost (reflected in a reduced amplitude of the P100 component for cued as compared to uncued trials), independently on the behavioural effect that was measured. In contrast, facilitation was associated to modulations of later-stage components, such as N100, Nd, and P300. The N2pc component, usually associated to spatial selection, was the only component reflecting opposite and significant modulations associated to the behavioural effect. The present results suggest that facilitation and IOR can arise from changes at different stages of processing. We propose that the perceptual detection cost (reflected on the P100), and the hindered spatial selection (reflected on the N2pc) at the cued location determine the IOR effect at least in discrimination tasks, while the contribution of the later-stage components, beside attentional processes, determines other facilitatory effects of cueing, which altogether determine the behavioural effect that is measured.  相似文献   

Panic disorder is characterized by both specific, phased fear and generalized, chronic anxiety. Standard extinction procedures are efficient in reducing specific fear. However, methods based on human conditioning research - that are capable of reducing chronic anxiety have not yet been thoroughly investigated. This study evaluates a new way of reducing chronic anxiety by signaling aversive events (or by making them more predictable). Using an experimental approach with healthy participants, specific fear and chronic anxiety were operationalized in a within-subjects fear-potentiated startle paradigm by, respectively, conditioning to a cue by presenting predictable shocks and conditioning to a context induced by unpredictable shocks. The results clearly demonstrate that context conditioning is reduced when a discrete cue is added that predicts the onset of the aversive event. The data suggest that making unpredictable events, such as for example panic attacks, predictable, may reduce the generalized and sustained anxiety that often complicates exposure treatment.  相似文献   

Wolff P 《Cognition》2003,88(1):1-48

Research has highlighted the need for new methods to assess emotions in children on multiple levels to gain better insight into the complex processes of emotional development. The startle reflex is a unique translational tool that has been used to study physiological processes during fear and anxiety in rodents and in human participants. However, it has been challenging to implement developmentally appropriate startle experiments in children. This article describes a procedure that uses predictable and unpredictable aversive events to distinguish between phasic fear and sustained anxiety in children and adolescents. We investigated anxious responses, as measured with the startle reflex, in youths (N = 36, mean age = 12.63 years, range = 7-17) across three conditions: no aversive events (N), predictable aversive events (P), and unpredictable aversive events (U). Short-duration cues were presented several times in each condition. Aversive events were signaled by the cues in the P condition but were presented randomly in the U condition. Participants showed fear-potentiated startle to the threat cue in the P condition. Startle responses were also elevated between cues in the U condition compared with the N condition, suggesting that unpredictable aversive events can evoke a sustained state of anxiety in youths. This latter effect was influenced by sex, being greater in girls than in boys. These findings indicate the feasibility of this experimental induction of the startle reflex in response to predictable and unpredictable events in children and adolescents, enabling future research on interindividual differences in fear and anxiety and their development in youths.  相似文献   

In a study of the formation of representations of task sequences and its influence on task inhibition, participants first performed tasks in a predictable sequence (e.g., ABACBC) and then performed the tasks in a random sequence. Half of the participants were explicitly instructed about the predictable sequence, whereas the other participants did not receive these instructions. Task-sequence learning was inferred from shorter reaction times (RTs) in predictable relative to random sequences. Persisting inhibition of competing tasks was indicated by increased RTs in n- 2 task repetitions (e.g., ABA) compared with n- 2 nonrepetitions (e.g., CBA). The results show task-sequence learning for both groups. However, task inhibition was reduced in predictable relative to random sequences among instructed-learning participants who formed an explicit representation of the task sequence, whereas sequence learning and task inhibition were independent in the noninstructed group. We hypothesize that the explicit instructions led to chunking of the task sequence, and that n- 2 repetitions served as chunk points (ABA-CBC), so that within-chunk facilitation modulated the inhibition effect.  相似文献   

Second-, fourth-, and sixth-grade children and adults performed a four-choice reaction time task with partially predictable sequences and 250-, 500-, and 750-msec response-to-stimulus intervals. The relative advantage for in-sequence as opposed to out-of-sequence events was independent of the response-to-stimulus interval for all ages. Children, but not adults, were slower for nonrepeated than repeated out-of sequence events and this advantage for repeated signals decreased as age increased. A second experiment extended the range of intervals tested to zero. Second graders and adults responded to four-choice partially predictable sequences with 0-, 250-, and 500-msec response-to-stimulus intervals. As in the first experiment, the difference between in-sequence and out-of-sequence events did not vary with the response-to-stimulus interval. The results suggest that both children and adults are able to process advance sequence probability information about a subsequent event in parallel with an ongoing response.  相似文献   

Predictability of aversive events impacts the development and maintenance of anxiety, particularly panic disorder. Although animal studies typically have found a preference for signaled (predictable) over unsignaled (unpredictable) aversive events, results of research with human participants have been less clear. Using a panic-relevant paradigm, the authors examined predictability preference with humans as a function of anxiety sensitivity and gender during repeated administrations of 20% carbon-dioxide-enriched air. Participants preferred predictable administrations, with high-anxiety individuals showing greater preference than low-anxiety individuals and women showing greater preference than men. In addition to providing information to better understand human predictability preference for panic-related events, results also may aid in determining the applicability of predictability to the cognitive-behavioral treatment of panic disorder.  相似文献   

Using a novel sequential task, Danziger, Kingstone, and Snyder (1998) provided conclusive evidence that inhibition of return (IOR) can co-occur at multiple non-contiguous locations. They argued that their findings depended crucially on the allocation of attention to cued locations. Specifically, they hypothesized that because subjects could not predict whether an onset event was a target or a non-target, all onset events had to be attended. As a result, non-targets were tagged with inhibition. The present study tested this hypothesis by manipulating whether target onset was predictable or not. In support of Danziger et al., three experiments revealed that multiple IOR was only observed when attention had to be directed to the cued locations. Interestingly, when attention did not need to be allocated to the cued locations, and multiple IOR was abolished, an IOR effect was still observed at the most recently cued location. Two possible accounts for this single IOR effect were presented for future investigation. One account attributes the effect to motor-based inhibition as hypothesized by Klein and Taylor (1994). The alternative account attributes the effect to weak attentional capture by a peripheral cue. Together the data support the view that multiple IOR is an attentional phenomenon and, as hypothesized by Tipper, Weaver, and Watson (1996), its presence or absence is largely under the control of the observer.  相似文献   

By allocating less attention to predictable events we are able to focus on novel, unpredictable and unexpected events that require more extensive processing. This strategy should result in improved performance by optimizing the use of brain’s limited resources. Participants’ task was to look at two types of stimuli presented simultaneously at the opposite sides of a computer screen: “static” stimuli, i.e. emotionally neutral photographs; and “dynamic” stimuli, i.e. video clips presenting a moving dot. The dot moved along a predictable, semi-predictable or random trajectory. This was followed by a memory test of the static stimuli. Participants spent more time looking at the dynamic stimuli when its trajectory was less predictable. Additionally, participants who readily adjusted their dwell time allocation to the dot trajectory performed better in the memory test, as demonstrated by a positive correlation between memory test sensitivity and the rate of eye movement patterns adjustment to stimulus predictability. This suggests that people adjust gaze duration to stimulus predictability and that doing so optimizes attentional resource allocation and improves performance. However, study design did not allow to distinguish between spatial and temporal predictability, so it is impossible to estimate the impact of each type of predictability specifically.  相似文献   

When there is a relatively long interval between two successive stimuli that must be detected or localized, there are robust processing costs when the stimuli appear at the same location. However, when two successive visual stimuli that must be identified appear at the same location, there are robust same location costs only when the two stimuli differ in their responses; otherwise same location benefits are observed. Two separate frameworks that inhibited attentional orienting and episodic integration, respectively, have been proposed to account for these patterns. Recent findings hint at a possible reconciliation between these frameworks—requiring a response to an event in between two successive visual stimuli may unmask same stimulus and same location costs that are otherwise obscured by episodic integration benefits in identification tasks. We tested this hybrid account by integrating an intervening response event with an identification task that would otherwise generate the boundary between same location benefits and costs. Our results showed that the intervening event did not alter the boundary between location repetition benefits and costs nor did it reliably or unambiguously reverse the common stimulus-response repetition benefit. The findings delimit the usefulness of an intervening event for disrupting episodic integration, suggesting that effects from intervening response events are tenuous. The divide between attention and feature integration accounts is delineated in the context of methodological and empirical considerations.  相似文献   

We examined whether college‐age video game players and musicians are better than controls at implicit sequence learning in the Alternating Serial Reaction Time Task. People learn to use subtle sequence regularities to respond more accurately and quickly to predictable versus non‐predictable events. Although previous studies have shown experts' enhanced processing speed and perception, this is the first to demonstrate that people who regularly play video games or a musical instrument showed greater implicit sequence learning, suggesting that experience playing games or music may improve the efficiency with which people learn sequential regularities in the environment. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Although evidence for object-based attention has been reported in a variety of paradigms, few studies have examined directly the relationship between efficiency in the processing of targets and the number of intervening distractors. In five experiments, observers judged whether the vertices of two relevant shapes were of the same height. Experiments 1 and 2 manipulated observers' perceptual set so that identical stimulus displays were perceived as containing either intervening or flanking distractors. The observers were faster when the distractors were flanking rather than intervening between the targets. Experiments 3-5 varied the number of intervening distractors directly. The observers' response latencies correlated positively with the distractor set-size. Because the distractors were highly discriminable from the targets and the spatial separation between the targets and their interactions with the adjacent distractors were held constant, it was unlikely that the differential reaction times across the conditions were caused by lateral inhibition or response competitions from the distractors. The results suggest the existence of an object-based filtering cost. The implications of the present data for attentional selection over noncontiguous regions are also discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to help clients and others more fully appreciate the complex chain of events intervening between an external happening and an emotional response to that happening. It deals first with the sensory processing of physical stimulation and then presents the current state of knowledge regarding stress psychophysiology. A decision by the cortex which defines something as dangerous or threatening activates two major stress reaction pathways, the endocrine system and the autonomic nervous system, with a large number of physical consequences such as: acceleration of heart rate, increased blood pressure, reduced effectiveness of the immunological system, slowing of gastro-intestinal processes, pupil dilation, bronchial dilation and inhibition of salivation. The complexity and variety of such consequences is illustrated with a series of flow-chart diagrams, and it is suggested that these can be an additional and persuasive argument for the RET position which follows the claim of Epictetus: People are disturbed not by things, but by the views they take of them. Finally it is argued that while rapid emotional responses oftenseem to occur automatically it is because the intervening cortical processes are at times not verbalized. This is shown in the context of a diagrammatic outline of the Rational-Emotive Therapy process.Paul J. Woods, Ph.D., co-editor of this journal, is an associate fellow and an RET training supervisor of the Institute for Rational-Emotive Therapy.  相似文献   

The repetition effect in two-alternatiave forced choice (2AFC) tasks is a cornerstone effect in human cognition. Yet the experiments described here show that the customary benefit of repetition reverses to a cost of repetition when participants respond to an irrelevant event between targets. In Experiments 1A-1C, participants made manual 2AFC decisions to both of two consecutive targets on a trial and, on some trials, also made a manual response to an intervening event that appeared between the two targets. A repetition benefit was observed when no intervening event appeared, whereas a repetition cost was observed when a response was required to an intervening event. Experiment 2 ruled out a solely strategic interpretation of the repetition cost effect observed on intervening event trials. In Experiments 3A and 3B, an intervening event that required a simple vocal "go" response also produced a repetition cost. In Experiment 4, a repetition cost was observed when the intervening event was changed to a tone presented aurally. In Experiment 5, the repetition benefit was observed when a response was withheld to an intervening event. A dual-process interpretation of these results is discussed, with one process related to episodic integration, and the other related to processes that produce inhibition of return.  相似文献   

Teachers' moral reasoning about intervening in school fights in violence-prone subcontexts is an under-studied topic. The authors propose that concepts from cognitive developmental domain theory (CDD), public health, and environmental psychology be used conjointly to explore teachers' judgments about intervention in violence-prone subcontexts such as hallways, playgrounds, and cafeterias. It is argued that teachers (along with other members of the school community) have different preformed informational assumptions about violence-prone school subcontexts that systematically influence their judgments and interpretation of events in those locations. Two important informational assumptions are (1) the individuals' or groups' estimation of risk for physical harm or potential provocation in specific locations within the school and (2) the individuals' or groups' beliefs about the school staff's professional role or responsibility to monitor and intervene in violence-prone areas. In addition, the authors present evidence concerning teachers' informational assumptions about the gender of the intervening teachers and fighting students. Applications of this conceptual framework and future directions for research are explored.  相似文献   

Two experiments were performed to examine whether the same underlying mechanisms apply to the duration estimates of both auditory and visual events. In Experiment 1, it was found that the durations of visual scenes are reproduced with the same level of accuracy in prospective and retrospective situations when these display a predictable array of information, a result consistent with past research on auditory durations. Experiment 2 further revealed that when participants are asked to prospectively or retrospectively judge the durations of various naturalistic events in their auditory, visual, or audiovisual modality, no differences in either accuracy or bias are observed. These findings diverge from previous research and are argued to stem from different processing mechanisms that arise from naturalistic events.  相似文献   

Auditory pulses (1,000 Hz) occurring between the 500-Hz bounding markers of durations being judged were varied in their position and number over three experiments which examined the effects of these factors on measures of amount of filled-duration illusion (FDI) and interduration discriminability. The results establish that the locus of the FDI is postattentive, since some of the incoming sensory information, selected on the basis of simple physical cues, can be excluded from further processing. FDI decreases both when the intervening stimuli come from a different source (earphone channel) to the marker stimuli and when they appear as part of an ongoing sequence of background pulses. Discrimination of durations containing intervening stimuli is enhanced if the filler events are placed such that repetitions of a given subinterval result. Thomas and Brown’s (1974) “chunking” model can account for the observed effects with the additional assumption that the error associated with encoding a given subinterval is sequentially modified as a function of number of recent encodings.  相似文献   

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