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Galanin inhibits the release of several neurotransmitters and produces performance deficits in a variety of spatial and aversive learning and memory tasks. The experiments in this study investigated the role galanin has in emotional learning and memory using a standard delay cued and contextual fear conditioning task. Rats were administered galanin into the lateral ventricles before training, and scored for freezing behavior in the same context and in a novel context with and without an auditory cue (CS) that had been paired previously with an aversive stimulus (US). Galanin-overexpressing transgenic mice were tested in an identical behavioral protocol. The galanin-administered rats and the transgenic mice were not significantly different from their respective controls on this task. A more challenging trace cued and contextual fear conditioning procedure was administered to separate groups of galanin-treated rats and galanin-overexpressing transgenic mice. Subjects were trained with the same CS and US, however, a 2.5-sec delay was inserted between CS offset and US onset. Following the trace conditioning, rats administered galanin and mice overexpressing galanin both exhibited significantly less freezing to the CS in the novel context as compared with their control groups. These results indicate that the observed disruption of cued fear conditioning was specific to the more difficult trace conditioning task. These findings are the first demonstration that galanin impairs performance on an emotional memory task and support the hypothesis that galanin-induced deficits are specific to more difficult cognitive tasks.  相似文献   

Epigenetic regulation of chromatin structure is an essential molecular mechanism that contributes to the formation of synaptic plasticity and long-term memory (LTM). An important regulatory process of chromatin structure is acetylation and deacetylation of histone proteins. Inhibition of histone deacetylase (HDAC) increases acetylation of histone proteins and facilitate learning and memory. Nitric oxide (NO) signaling pathway has a role in synaptic plasticity, LTM and regulation of histone acetylation. We have previously shown that NO signaling pathway is required for contextual fear conditioning. The present study investigated the effects of systemic administration of the HDAC inhibitor sodium butyrate (NaB) on fear conditioning in neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) knockout (KO) and wild type (WT) mice. The effect of single administration of NaB on total H3 and H4 histone acetylation in hippocampus and amygdala was also investigated. A single administration of NaB prior to fear conditioning (a) rescued contextual fear conditioning of nNOS KO mice and (b) had long-term (weeks) facilitatory effect on the extinction of cued fear memory of WT mice. The facilitatory effect of NaB on extinction of cued fear memory of WT mice was confirmed in a study whereupon NaB was administered during extinction. Results suggest that (a) the rescue of contextual fear conditioning in nNOS KO mice is associated with NaB-induced increase in H3 histone acetylation and (b) the accelerated extinction of cued fear memory in WT mice is associated with NaB-induced increase in H4 histone acetylation. Hence, a single administration of HDAC inhibitor may rescue NO-dependent cognitive deficits and afford a long-term accelerating effect on extinction of fear memory of WT mice.  相似文献   

A behavioral technique often used to evaluate the cognitive performance of rats and mice is the fear conditioning paradigm. During conditioned fear experiments, freezing responses shown by rodents after exposure to environmental stimuli previously paired to an aversive experience provide a behavioral index of the animal's associative abilities. The present study examined the ability of a computer-controlled automated Freeze Monitor system for recording immobility behavior in mice. The sensitivity of the automated procedure to detect group differences caused by the application of various training protocols was also evaluated. Statistical analyses revealed significant positive correlations between immobility scores obtained with the automated apparatus and hand-scored data collected by a continuous or a time-sampling method. Behavioral patterns recorded by the computerized system were very similar to those obtained by the hand-scoring methods adopted. In particular, during context testing, exposure to environmental stimuli previously paired with a mild foot shock (unconditioned stimulus [US]) evoked increased immobility behavior in mice conditioned with the US compared with levels of immobility displayed by mice previously confined to the same contextual stimuli without receiving the US. Moreover, although during conditioned stimulus (CS) testing, mice previously exposed to the US displayed high levels of immobility when confined to environmental cues much different from those paired with the US (contextual fear generalization), both hand-scored and automated results revealed the effect of CS–US pairing (increased immobility) only in mice trained to associate the two stimuli (paired group) but not in mice exposed to both CS and US separated by a 40-sec time interval (unpaired group) or in mice receiving only the US (US group) during conditioning sessions. Overall, the results show associative conditioning measured in an automated apparatus and highlight the utility of obtaining both latency as well as beam interruption parameters.  相似文献   

In this human fear conditioning study, the online development of conditioned US-expectancy to discrete cues and background contexts was measured in two groups. In the paired group (n=30), the CS was systematically followed by an aversive shock (US). In the unpaired group (n=30), CS and US were presented explicitly unpaired. Using US-expectancy ratings, we replicated the basic finding already illustrated in humans with startle modulation. In the paired group, the CS elicited more US-expectancy than the context, whereas in the unpaired group, the context elicited more US-expectancy than the CS. Interestingly, we also observed a trial-by-trial development of conditioning to the context in the unpaired group as indicated by a significant linear trend. This gradual development and the evidence for the role of US-expectancy in contextual fear add to the idea that cued and contextual fear rely on the same basic associative processes.  相似文献   

Adult learning and memory functions are strongly dependent on neonatal experiences. We recently showed that neonatal odor-shock learning attenuates later life odor fear conditioning and amygdala activity. In the present work we investigated whether changes observed in adults can also be observed in other structures normally involved, namely olfactory cortical areas. For this, pups were trained daily from postnatal (PN) 8 to 12 in an odor-shock paradigm, and retrained at adulthood in the same task. (14)C 2-DG autoradiographic brain mapping was used to measure training-related activation in amygdala cortical nucleus (CoA), anterior (aPCx), and posterior (pPCx) piriform cortex. In addition, field potentials induced in the three sites in response to paired-pulse stimulation of the olfactory bulb were recorded in order to assess short-term inhibition and facilitation in these structures. Attenuated adult fear learning was accompanied by a deficit in 2-DG activation in CoA and pPCx. Moreover, electrophysiological recordings revealed that, in these sites, the level of inhibition was lower than in control animals. These data indicate that early life odor-shock learning produces changes throughout structures of the adult learning circuit that are independent, at least in part, from those involved in infant learning. Moreover, these enduring effects were influenced by the contingency of the infant experience since paired odor-shock produced greater disruption of adult learning and its supporting neural pathway than unpaired presentations. These results suggest that some enduring effects of early life experience are potentiated by contingency and extend beyond brain areas involved in infant learning.  相似文献   

Previous functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies have characterized brain systems involved in conditional response acquisition during Pavlovian fear conditioning. However, the functional neuroanatomy underlying the extinction of human conditional fear remains largely undetermined. The present study used fMRI to examine brain activity during acquisition and extinction of fear conditioning. During the acquisition phase, participants were either exposed to light (CS) presentations that signaled a brief electrical stimulation (paired group) or received light presentations that did not serve as a warning signal (control group). During the extinction phase, half of the paired group subjects continued to receive the same treatment, whereas the remainder received light alone. Control subjects also received light alone during the extinction phase. Changes in metabolic activity within the amygdala and hippocampus support the involvement of these regions in each of the procedural phases of fear conditioning. Hippocampal activity developed during acquisition of the fear response. Amygdala activity increased whenever experimental contingencies were altered, suggesting that this region is involved in processing changes in environmental relationships. The present data show learning-related amygdala and hippocampal activity during human Pavlovian fear conditioning and suggest that the amygdala is particularly important for forming new associations as relationships between stimuli change.  相似文献   

In Pavlovian fear conditioning, a conditional stimulus (CS, usually a tone) is paired with an aversive unconditional stimulus (US, usually a foot shock) in a novel context. After even a single pairing, the animal comes to exhibit a long-lasting fear to the CS and the conditioning context, which can be measured as freezing, an adaptive defense reaction in mice. Both context and tone conditioning depend on the integrity of the amygdala, and context conditioning further depends on the hippocampus. The reliability and efficiency of the fear conditioning assay makes it an excellent candidate for the screening of learning and memory deficits in mutant mice. One obstacle is that freezing in mice has been accurately quantified only by human observers, using a tedious method that can be subject to bias. In the present study we generated a simple, high-speed, and highly accurate algorithm that scores freezing of four mice simultaneously using NIH Image on an ordinary Macintosh computer. The algorithm yielded a high correlation and excellent linear fit between computer and human scores across a broad range of conditions. This included the ability to score low pretraining baseline scores and accurately mimic the effects of two independent variables (shock intensity and test modality) on fear. Because we used a computer and digital video, we were able to acquire a secondary index of fear, activity suppression, as well as baseline activity scores. Moreover, we measured the unconditional response to shock. These additional measures can enhance the sensitivity of the assay to detect interesting memory phenotypes and control for possible confounds. Thus, this computer-assisted system for measuring behavior during fear conditioning allows for the standardized and carefully controlled assessment of multiple aspects of the fear conditioning experience.  相似文献   

The fear conditioning paradigm is used to investigate the roles of various genes, neurotransmitters, and substrates in the formation of fear learning related to contextual and auditory cues. In the brain, nitric oxide (NO) produced by neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) functions as a retrograde neuronal messenger that facilitates synaptic plasticity, including the late phase of long-term potentiation (LTP) and formation of long-term memory (LTM). Evidence has implicated NO signaling in synaptic plasticity and LTM formation following fear conditioning, yet little is known about the role of the nNOS gene in fear learning. Using knockout (KO) mice with targeted mutation of the nNOS gene and their wild-type (WT) counterparts, the role of NO signaling in fear conditioning was investigated. Plasma levels of the stress hormone corticosterone were measured to determine the relationship between physiological and behavioral response to fear conditioning. Contextual fear learning was severely impaired in male and female nNOS KO mice compared with WT counterparts; cued fear learning was slightly impaired in nNOS KO mice. Sex-dependent differences in both contextual and cued fear learning were not observed in either genotype. Deficits in contextual fear learning in nNOS KO mice were partially overcome by multiple trainings. A relationship between increase in plasma corticosterone levels following footshock administration and the magnitude of contextual, but not cued freezing was also observed. Results suggest that the nNOS gene contributes more to optimal contextual fear learning than to cued fear learning, and therefore, inhibition of the nNOS enzyme may ameliorate context-dependent fear response.Anxiety disorders, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), constitute the most prevalent mental illnesses in the United States, costing nearly one-third of the country''s total health bill (Greenberg et al. 1999). The treatment of these disorders requires overcoming complications such as reluctance to seek mental health treatment and an extremely high comorbidity rate with other affective disorders, reaching 80% (Brady 1997; Solomon and Davidson 1997). Emerging evidence suggests that dysfunctions underlying acquired anxiety and PTSD include an abnormal reaction to stress, which is mediated by specific neurochemical and neuroanatomical substrates (Yehuda and McFarlane 1995; Adamec 1997). Pharmacotherapies that target neuronal signaling molecules, such as nitric oxide (NO), may play a role in the treatment of these disorders.In the brain, N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) activation and calcium influx into the cell activates the neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) enzyme to produce NO, which has the role of retrograde messenger (Snyder 1992). NO is involved in memory formation and synaptic plastic events such as late-phase long-term potentiation (LTP) (Lu et al. 1999; Arancio et al. 2001; Puzzo et al. 2006). Behavioral evidence in invertebrates (Lewin and Walters 1999; Muller 2000; Kemenes et al. 2002; Matsumoto et al. 2006) and vertebrates (Medina and Izquierdo 1995; Rickard et al. 1998; Ota et al. 2008) suggest that NO has a major role in consolidation of long-term memory (LTM). Recently, studies have shown that site-specific pharmacological blockade of NO signaling in rats impairs contextual (Resstel et al. 2008) and cued (Schafe et al. 2005) fear learning. However, the role of the nNOS gene in fear conditioning has not been investigated.In the present study, fear conditioning was investigated in homozygous nNOS knockout (KO) and wild-type (WT) mice. In the fear-conditioning paradigm, the association of a footshock (unconditioned stimulus; US), with a specific context and a neutral stimulus (auditory cue) results in learned fear. Re-exposure to the conditioning context and to the previously neutral auditory cue (conditioned stimulus; CS) elicits a freezing response in the absence of the aversive US. Thus, the fear-conditioning paradigm includes both contextual and cued fear learning components, which can be measured in separate tests. Fear conditioning recruits both the amygdala (emotional cue learning) and the hippocampus (spatial/contextual learning) (Phillips and LeDoux 1992; Goosens and Maren 2004; Mei et al. 2005). The involvement of these brain regions in fear learning and anxiety has been confirmed by animal and human imaging studies (LeDoux 1998; Rauch et al. 2006).We report that nNOS KO mice showed a severe deficiency in contextual fear learning and a less marked deficit in cued fear learning compared with WT mice after a single fear-conditioning session. This deficiency was partially improved by multiple (four) fear-conditioning sessions. In addition, we observed that plasma levels of corticosterone, the primary stress hormone in rodents, are related to contextual fear learning ability.  相似文献   

The contribution of the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) to the formation of memory is a subject of considerable recent interest. Notably, the mechanisms supporting memory acquisition in this structure are poorly understood. The mPFC has been implicated in the acquisition of trace fear conditioning, a task that requires the association of a conditional stimulus (CS) and an aversive unconditional stimulus (UCS) across a temporal gap. In both rat and human subjects, frontal regions show increased activity during the trace interval separating the CS and UCS. We investigated the contribution of prefrontal neural activity in the rat to the acquisition of trace fear conditioning using microinfusions of the γ-aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA) receptor agonist muscimol. We also investigated the role of prefrontal N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor-mediated signaling in trace fear conditioning using the NMDA receptor antagonist 2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid (APV). Temporary inactivation of prefrontal activity with muscimol or blockade of NMDA receptor-dependent transmission in mPFC impaired the acquisition of trace, but not delay, conditional fear responses. Simultaneously acquired contextual fear responses were also impaired in drug-treated rats exposed to trace or delay, but not unpaired, training protocols. Our results support the idea that synaptic plasticity within the mPFC is critical for the long-term storage of memory in trace fear conditioning.The prefrontal cortex participates in a wide range of complex cognitive functions including working memory, attention, and behavioral inhibition (Fuster 2001). In recent years, the known functions of the prefrontal cortex have been extended to include a role in long-term memory encoding and retrieval (Blumenfeld and Ranganath 2006; Jung et al. 2008). The prefrontal cortex may be involved in the acquisition, expression, extinction, and systems consolidation of memory (Frankland et al. 2004; Santini et al. 2004; Takehara-Nishiuchi et al. 2005; Corcoran and Quirk 2007; Jung et al. 2008). Of these processes, the mechanisms supporting the acquisition of memory may be the least understood. Recently, the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) has been shown to be important for trace fear conditioning (Runyan et al. 2004; Gilmartin and McEchron 2005), which provides a powerful model system for studying the neurobiological basis of prefrontal contributions to memory. Trace fear conditioning is a variant of standard “delay” fear conditioning in which a neutral conditional stimulus (CS) is paired with an aversive unconditional stimulus (UCS). Trace conditioning differs from delay conditioning by the addition of a stimulus-free “trace” interval of several seconds separating the CS and UCS. Learning the CS–UCS association across this interval requires forebrain structures such as the hippocampus and mPFC. Importantly, the mPFC and hippocampus are only necessary for learning when a trace interval separates the stimuli (Solomon et al. 1986; Kronforst-Collins and Disterhoft 1998; McEchron et al. 1998; Takehara-Nishiuchi et al. 2005). This forebrain dependence has led to the hypothesis that neural activity in these structures is necessary to bridge the CS–UCS temporal gap. In support of this hypothesis, single neurons recorded from the prelimbic area of the rat mPFC exhibit sustained increases in firing during the CS and trace interval in trace fear conditioning (Baeg et al. 2001; Gilmartin and McEchron 2005). Similar sustained responses are not observed following the CS in delay conditioned animals or unpaired control animals. This pattern of activity is consistent with a working memory or “bridging” role for mPFC in trace fear conditioning, but it is not clear whether this activity is actually necessary for learning. We address this issue here using the γ-aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA) receptor agonist muscimol to temporarily inactivate cellular activity in the prelimbic mPFC during the acquisition of trace fear conditioning.The contribution of mPFC to the long-term storage (i.e., 24 h or more) of trace fear conditioning, as opposed to a strictly working memory role (i.e., seconds to minutes), is a matter of some debate. Recent reports suggest that intact prefrontal activity at the time of testing is required for the recall of trace fear conditioning 2 d after training (Blum et al. 2006a), while mPFC lesions performed 1 d after training fail to disrupt the memory (Quinn et al. 2008). The findings from the former study may reflect a role for prelimbic mPFC in the expression of conditional fear rather than memory storage per se (Corcoran and Quirk 2007). However, blockade of the intracellular mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascade during training impairs the subsequent retention of trace fear conditioning 48 h later (Runyan et al. 2004). Activation of the MAPK signaling cascade can result in the synthesis of proteins necessary for synaptic strengthening, providing a potential mechanism by which mPFC may participate in memory storage. To better understand the nature of the prefrontal contribution to long-term memory, more information is needed about fundamental plasticity mechanisms in this structure. Dependence on N-methyl-d-aspartate receptors (NMDAR) is a key feature of many forms of long-term memory, both in vitro and in vivo. The induction of long-term potentiation (LTP) in the hippocampus, a cellular model of long-term plasticity and information storage, requires NMDAR activation (Reymann et al. 1989). Genetic knockdown or pharmacological blockade of NMDAR-mediated neurotransmission in the hippocampus impairs several forms of hippocampus-dependent memory, including trace fear conditioning (Tonegawa et al. 1996; Huerta et al. 2000; Quinn et al. 2005), but it is unknown if activation of these receptors is necessary in the mPFC for the acquisition of trace fear conditioning. Data from in vivo electrophysiology studies have shown that stimulation of ventral hippocampal inputs to prelimbic neurons in mPFC produces LTP, and the induction of prefrontal LTP depends upon functional NMDARs (Laroche et al. 1990; Jay et al. 1995). If the role of mPFC in trace fear conditioning goes beyond simply maintaining CS information in working memory, then activation of NMDAR may be critical to memory formation. We test this hypothesis by reversibly blocking NMDAR neurotransmission with 2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid (APV) during training to examine the role of prefrontal NMDAR to the acquisition of trace fear conditioning.Another important question is whether mPFC contributes to the formation of contextual fear memories. Fear to the training context is acquired simultaneously with fear to the auditory CS in both trace and delay fear conditioning. Conflicting reports in the literature suggest the role of mPFC in contextual fear conditioning is unclear. Damage to ventral areas of mPFC prior to delay fear conditioning has failed to impair context fear acquisition (Morgan et al. 1993). Prefrontal lesions incorporating dorsal mPFC have in some cases been reported to augment fear responses to the context (Morgan and LeDoux 1995), while blockade of NMDAR transmission has impaired contextual fear conditioning (Zhao et al. 2005). Post-training lesions of mPFC impair context fear retention (Quinn et al. 2008) in trace and delay conditioning. Contextual fear responses were assessed in this study to determine the contribution of neuronal activity and NMDAR-mediated signaling in mPFC to the acquisition of contextual fear conditioning.  相似文献   

Recently, we reported that High-Alcohol-Drinking (HAD) rats exhibited selective deficits in active avoidance learning under alcohol-naive conditions, and that administration of moderate doses of alcohol (0.5 and 1.0 g/kg) facilitated learning in these rats (Blankenship et al., 2000; Rorick et al., 2003b). We hypothesized that the deficits resulted from excessive fear in the aversive learning context and that the anxiolytic properties of alcohol may have contributed to the improved learning that was observed after alcohol administration. This hypothesis was supported by a recent study in which prolonged freezing in HAD rats was seen after a classical fear conditioning procedure (Rorick et al., 2003a). To provide additional evidence that HAD rats indeed exhibit behaviors consistent with the expression of increased fear in aversive learning contexts, we employed a Pavlovian fear conditioning task to measure heart rate in HAD and Low-Alcohol-Drinking (LAD) rats. In this study, HAD (HAD-1 and HAD-2) and LAD (LAD-1 and LAD-2) rats were assigned to one of three pre-exposure conditions: Context Only, Context/Tone, or Sequential (Context Only followed by Context/Tone) Pre-Exposure. Following pre-exposure, fear conditioning acquisition and extinction procedures were identical for all groups. Results indicated that although no baseline differences were observed between HAD and LAD rats, HAD rats receiving Context-Only pre-exposure exhibited excessive heart rate reactivity to the tone conditional stimulus during fear conditioning acquisition, compared to LAD rats receiving the same pre-exposure conditions. These findings support the hypothesis that HAD rats exhibit behaviors consistent with increased fear in aversive learning contexts, as measured by autonomic conditioning.  相似文献   

Background/ObjectiveAnxiety disorders are highly prevalent and negatively impact daily functioning and quality of life. Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) targeting the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC), especially in the right hemisphere impacts extinction learning; however, the underlying neural mechanisms are elusive. Therefore, we aimed to investigate the effects of cathodal tDCS stimulation to the right dlPFC on neural activity and connectivity patterns during delayed fear extinction in healthy participants.MethodsWe conducted a two-day fear conditioning and extinction procedure. On the first day, we collected fear-related self-reports, clinical questionnaires, and skin conductance responses during fear acquisition. On the second day, participants in the tDCS group (n = 16) received 20-min offline tDCS before fMRI and then completed the fear extinction session during fMRI. Participants in the control group (n = 18) skipped tDCS and directly underwent fMRI to complete the fear extinction procedure. Whole-brain searchlight classification and resting-state functional connectivity analyses were performed.ResultsWhole-brain searchlight classification during fear extinction showed higher classification accuracy of threat and safe cues in the left anterior dorsal and ventral insulae and hippocampus in the tDCS group than in the control group. Functional connectivity derived from the insula with the dlPFC, ventromedial prefrontal cortex, and inferior parietal lobule was increased after tDCS.ConclusiontDCS over the right dlPFC may function as a primer for information exchange among distally connected areas, thereby increasing stimulus discrimination. The current study did not include a sham group, and one participant of the control group was not randomized. Therefore, to address potential allocation bias, findings should be confirmed in the future with a fully randomized and sham controlled study.  相似文献   

We previously proposed the hypothesis that calpain activation played an important role in long-term potentiation (LTP) of synaptic transmission in hippocampus. Two forms of calpain are predominant in brain tissues, calpain 1 (mu-calpain), activated by micromolar calcium concentration and calpain 2 (m-calpain), activated by millimolar calcium concentration in vitro. In the present study, we tested the role of calpain 1 in LTP and in learning and memory using calpain 1 knock-out mice. Changes in learning and memory were assessed using both context and tone fear conditioning. No differences in freezing responses were observed between the knock-out and the wild-type animals during the acquisition phase of the training, eliminating the possibility that the knock-out animals could be differentially affected by the foot shock. Likewise, no differences in freezing responses elicited by either the context or the tone were observed during the retention phase. No differences in short-term potentiation (STP) or LTP were observed in hippocampal slices from the knock-out and matched wild-type mice. Several interpretations might explain these negative results. First, it is conceivable that calpain 2 plays a more dominant role in neurons, and that calpain 1 makes a minor contribution as opposed to its suspected predominant role in the hematopoietic system. Alternatively, it is conceivable that some as yet unknown compensatory mechanisms take effect, and that calpain 2 or another calpain isoform substitutes for the missing calpain 1.  相似文献   

Cannabinoid receptors type 1 (CB1) play a central role in both short-term and long-term extinction of auditory-cued fear memory. The molecular mechanisms underlying this function remain to be clarified. Several studies indicated extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERKs), the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase with its downstream effector AKT, and the phosphatase calcineurin as potential molecular substrates of extinction behavior. To test the involvement of these kinase and phosphatase activities in CB1-dependent extinction of conditioned fear behavior, conditioned CB1-deficient mice (CB1(-/-)) and wild-type littermates (CB1(+/+)) were sacrificed 30 min after recall of fear memory, and activation of ERKs, AKT, and calcineurin was examined by Western blot analysis in different brain regions. As compared with CB1(+/+), the nonreinforced tone presentation 24 h after auditory-cued fear conditioning led to lower levels of phosphorylated ERKs and/or calcineurin in the basolateral amygdala complex, ventromedial prefrontal cortex, dorsal hippocampus, and ventral hippocampus of CB1(-/-). In contrast, higher levels of phosphorylated p44 ERK and calcineurin were observed in the central nucleus of the amygdala of CB1(-/-). Phosphorylation of AKT was more pronounced in the basolateral amygdala complex and the dorsal hippocampus of CB1(-/-). We propose that the endogenous cannabinoid system modulates extinction of aversive memories, at least in part via regulation of the activity of kinases and phosphatases in a brain structure-dependent manner.  相似文献   

The delta subunit of the GABA(A) receptor (GABA(A)R) is highly expressed in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus. Genetic deletion of this subunit reduces synaptic and extrasynaptic inhibition and decreases sensitivity to neurosteroids. This paper examines the effect of these changes on hippocampus-dependent trace fear conditioning. Compared to controls, delta knockout mice exhibited enhanced acquisition of tone and context fear. Hippocampus-independent delay conditioning was normal in these animals. These results suggest that reduced inhibition in the dentate gyrus facilitates the acquisition of trace fear conditioning. However, the enhancement in trace conditioning was only observed in female knockout mice. The sex-specificity of this effect may be a result of neuroactive steroids. These compounds vary during the estrus cycle, can increase GABAergic inhibition, and have been shown to impair hippocampus-dependent learning. We propose that activation of GABA(A)Rs by neuroactive steroids inhibits learning processes in the hippocampus. Knockouts are immune to this effect because of the reduced neurosteroid sensitivity that accompanies deletion of the delta subunit. Relationships between neurosteroids, hippocampal excitability, and memory are discussed.  相似文献   

One of the hallmarks of the pathology in Alzheimer's disease is the deposition of amyloid plaques throughout the brain, especially within the hippocampus and amygdala. Transgenic mice that overexpress the Swedish mutation of human amyloid precursor protein (hAPPswe; Tg2576) show age-dependent memory deficits in hippocampus-dependent learning tasks. However, the performance of aged Tg2576 mice in amygdala-dependent learning tasks has not been thoroughly assessed. We trained young (2–4 mo) and old (16–18 mo) Tg2576 and wild-type mice in a T-maze alternation task (hippocampus-dependent) and a Pavlovian fear-conditioning task (amygdala- and hippocampus-dependent). As previously reported, old Tg2576 mice showed impaired acquisition of rewarded alternation; none of these mice reached the criterion of at least five out of six correct responses over three consecutive days. In contrast, old Tg2576 mice showed normal levels of conditional freezing to an auditory conditional stimulus (CS) and acquired a contextual discrimination normally. However, when the salience of the fear-conditioning context was decreased, old (12–14 mo) Tg2576 mice were impaired at acquiring fear to the conditioning context, but not to the tone CS. Histological examination of a subset of the mice verified the existence of amyloid plaques in the cortex, hippocampus, and amygdala of old, but not young, Tg2576 mice. Hence, learning and memory deficits in old Tg2576 mice are limited to hippocampus-dependent tasks, despite widespread amyloid deposition in cortex, hippocampus, and amygdala.  相似文献   

In two experiments, the time course of the expression of fear in trace (hippocampus-dependent) versus delay (hippocampus-independent) conditioning was characterized with a high degree of temporal specificity using fear-potentiated startle. In experiment 1, groups of rats were given delay fear conditioning or trace fear conditioning with a 3- or 12-sec trace interval between conditioned stimulus (CS) offset and unconditioned stimulus (US) onset. During test, the delay group showed fear-potentiated startle in the presence of the CS but not after its offset, whereas the trace groups showed fear-potentiated startle both during the CS and after its offset. Experiment 2 compared the time course of fear expression after trace conditioning with the time course in two delay conditioning groups: one matched to the trace conditioning group with respect to CS duration, and the other with respect to ISI. In all groups, fear was expressed until the scheduled occurrence of the US and returned to baseline rapidly thereafter. Thus, in both trace and delay fear conditioning, ISI is a critical determinant of the time course of fear expression. These results are informative as to the possible role of neural structures, such as the hippocampus, in memory processes related to temporal information.  相似文献   

It is unclear whether protein phosphatases, which counteract the actions of protein kinases, play a beneficial role in the formation and extinction of previously acquired fear memories. In this study, we investigated the role of the calcium/calmodulin dependent phosphatase 2B, also known as calcineurin (CaN) in the formation of contextual fear memory and extinction of previously acquired contextual fear. We used a temporally regulated transgenic approach, that allowed us to selectively inhibit neuronal CaN activity in the forebrain either during conditioning or only during extinction training leaving the conditioning undisturbed. Reducing CaN activity through the expression of a CaN inhibitor facilitated contextual fear conditioning, while it impaired the extinction of previously formed contextual fear memory. These findings give the first genetic evidence that neuronal CaN plays an opposite role in the formation of contextual fear memories and the extinction of previously formed contextual fear memories.  相似文献   

After extinction of conditioned fear, memory for the conditioning and extinction experiences becomes context dependent. Fear is suppressed in the extinction context, but renews in other contexts. This study characterizes the neural circuitry underlying the context-dependent retrieval of extinguished fear memories using c-Fos immunohistochemistry. After fear conditioning and extinction to an auditory conditioned stimulus (CS), rats were presented with the extinguished CS in either the extinction context or a second context, and then sacrificed. Presentation of the CS in the extinction context yielded low levels of conditioned freezing and induced c-Fos expression in the infralimbic division of the medial prefrontal cortex, the intercalated nuclei of the amygdala, and the dentate gyrus (DG). In contrast, presentation of the CS outside of the extinction context yielded high levels of conditioned freezing and induced c-Fos expression in the prelimbic division of the medial prefrontal cortex, the lateral and basolateral nuclei of the amygdala, and the medial division of the central nucleus of the amygdala. Hippocampal areas CA1 and CA3 exhibited c-Fos expression when the CS was presented in either context. These data suggest that the context specificity of extinction is mediated by prefrontal modulation of amygdala activity, and that the hippocampus has a fundamental role in contextual memory retrieval.Considerable interest has emerged in recent years in the neural mechanisms underlying the associative extinction of learned fear (Maren and Quirk 2004; Myers et al. 2006; Quirk and Mueller 2008). Notably, extinction is a useful model for important aspects of exposure-based therapies for the treatment of human anxiety disorders such as panic disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) (Bouton et al. 2001, 2006). During extinction, a conditioned stimulus (CS) is repeatedly presented in the absence of the unconditioned stimulus (US), a procedure that greatly reduces the magnitude and probability of the conditioned response (CR). After the extinction of fear, there is substantial evidence that extinction does not erase the original fear memory, but results in a transient inhibition of fear. For example, extinguished fear responses return after the mere passage of time (i.e., spontaneous recovery) or after a change in context (i.e., renewal) (Bouton et al. 2006; Ji and Maren 2007). In other words, extinguished fear is context specific. The return of fear after extinction is a considerable challenge for maintaining long-lasting fear suppression after exposure-based therapies (Rodriguez et al. 1999; Hermans et al. 2006; Effting and Kindt 2007; Quirk and Mueller 2008).In the last several years, considerable progress has been made in understanding the neural mechanisms underlying the context specificity of fear extinction. For example, lesions or inactivation of the hippocampus prevent the renewal of fear when an extinguished CS is presented outside of the extinction context (Corcoran and Maren 2001, 2004; Corcoran et al. 2005; Ji and Maren 2005, 2008; Hobin et al. 2006). In addition, neurons in the basolateral complex of the amygdala exhibit context-specific spike firing to extinguished CSs (Hobin et al. 2003; Herry et al. 2008), and this requires hippocampal input (Maren and Hobin 2007). Indeed, amygdala neurons that fire more to extinguished CSs outside of the extinction context are monosynaptically excited by hippocampal stimulation (Herry et al. 2008). In contrast, neurons that responded preferentially to extinguished CSs in the extinction context receive synaptic input from the medial prefrontal cortex (Herry et al. 2008).The prevalent theory of the interactions between the prefrontal cortex, hippocampus, and amygdala that lead to regulation of fear by context assumes that when animals experience an extinguished CS in the extinction context, the hippocampus drives prefrontal cortex inhibition of the amygdala to suppress fear (Hobin et al. 2003; Maren and Quirk 2004; Maren 2005). When animals encounter an extinguished CS outside of the extinction context, the hippocampus is posited to inhibit the prefrontal cortex and thereby promote amygdala activity required to renew fear. The hippocampus may also drive fear renewal through its direct projections to the basolateral amygdala (Herry et al. 2008). Although this model accounts for much of the extant literature on the context specificity of extinction, it is not known whether the nodes of this hypothesized neural network are coactive during the retrieval of fear and extinction memories. As a first step in addressing this issue, we used ex vivo c-Fos immunohistochemistry (e.g., Knapska et al. 2007) to generate a functional map of the neural circuits involved in the contextual retrieval of fear memory after extinction. Our results reveal reciprocal activity in prefrontal-amygdala circuits involved in extinction and renewal and implicate the hippocampus in hierarchical control of contextual memory retrieval within these circuits.  相似文献   

Freezing to a tone following auditory fear conditioning is commonly considered as a measure of the strength of the tone-shock association. The decrease in freezing on repeated nonreinforced tone presentation following conditioning, in turn, is attributed to the formation of an inhibitory association between tone and shock that leads to a suppression of the expression of fear. This study challenges these concepts for auditory fear conditioning in mice. We show that acquisition of conditioned fear by a few tone-shock pairings is accompanied by a nonassociative sensitization process. As a consequence, the freezing response of conditioned mice seems to be determined by both associative and nonassociative memory components. Our data suggest that the intensity of freezing as a function of footshock intensity is primarily determined by the nonassociative component, whereas the associative component is more or less categorical. We next demonstrate that the decrease in freezing on repeated nonreinforced tone presentation following conditioning shows fundamental properties of habituation. Thus, it might be regarded as a habituation-like process, which abolishes the influence of sensitization on the freezing response to the tone without affecting the expression of the associative memory component. Taken together, this study merges the dual-process theory of habituation with the concept of classical fear conditioning and demonstrates that sensitization and habituation as two nonassociative learning processes may critically determine the expression of conditioned fear in mice.  相似文献   

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