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This paper focuses on the contribution child psychotherapists can make to assessments for the family courts. It arises out of work undertaken as a member of a multi-disciplinary team in a small specialist family centre. The paper illustrates the way in which detailed observation and psychoanalytic thinking are used in the assessment of parent-child relationships. The paper seeks to highlight the way in which the impact of abuse and trauma on babies and very young children is often underestimated and to illustrate ways in which the team of this particular family centre addresses this issue in its recommendations for court.  相似文献   

The presence of a severely handicapped child is a source of prolonged crisis and stress for the child's family. Parents may redefine their roles and develop coping strategies aimed at responding to the needs of the handicapped child but which may hamper the development of well siblings. Two cases of siblings of severely handicapped children who developed adjustment difficulties are presented and discussed from a family system perspective.  相似文献   

The effect of family variables on child weight change   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Previous research has shown that family size, the number of obese persons living at home, and parental weight influence the development of childhood obesity. Our study reports the relevance of these factors to child weight loss during a 1-year treatment period. Multiple linear regression procedures showed that the amount of relative weight change was related to initial treatment success, the number of children in the family, and the gender of the child. Children who were more successful lost more weight initially, had fewer siblings, and were female. These results suggest that family size may interact with treatment to determine weight change. The effects of family size on outcome may be operating simply by reducing the amount of time that a parent has to spend with the child in promoting behavior change. Likewise, increased family size may be operating as a stressor, reducing the effectiveness of parents in effectively managing their children.  相似文献   

This article describes and discusses the use of network meetings in child care cases. It draws on the literature of network therapy and family therapy and adapts it to a new setting. It describes two cases in detail and raises questions about the limitations of family therapy to the development of systemic thinking. It also includes a practical guide to the use of network meetings.  相似文献   

This study examined the additive effect of structural variables, child characteristics, and the family environment on mothers' and fathers' work/family role strain. Differences between mothers and fathers on these variables were also examined. The sample consisted of 36 dualearner families whose children had been in daycare from infancy through 4 years of age. Structural variables included work schedules and time spent with child for mothers only, fathers only, and both parents together with child. Child characteristics included temperament and health. Family environment variables included different components of the family environment (conflict, cohesion, expressiveness, organization, and control) and parenting daily hassles. Results showed that mothers' time with child and caregiving for child were greater than fathers'. Mothers reported more expressiveness in the family and more daily hassles with children than fathers. Mothers' level of role strain was also significantly higher than fathers'. For mothers, role strain was associated with hours away from home, child sociability, family conflict, and daily hassles resulting in an R2 of 0.57. Fathers' role strain was associated with family expressiveness, organization, and their wives' daily hassles resulting in an R2 of 0.37. Data suggest that mothers' and fathers' role strain may be driven by somewhat different factors. For women, aspects of the family and the child and work hours accounted for a considerable portion of the variance while for men, only aspects of the family environment were associated with their level of role strain. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Child Behavior Checklist's (CBCL) applicability to a sample of 105 Russian 9- and 10-year-old children was evaluated by examining the internal consistency of Russian adaptations of parent and teacher report forms. In addition, child behavior scores were correlated with child reports of internalizing symptoms and maternal reports of their own internalizing symptoms and general family functioning. Finally, rates of child behavior problems and patterns of interrater agreement were compared with U.S. normative data. The psychometric properties of the adaptations demonstrate the adequacy of these instruments for use in Russia. Internal consistency and interrater agreement were generally comparable to estimates obtained in U.S. normative samples. Further, an exploration of the construct validity of the Russian versions of the CBCL and Teacher Report Form (TRF) lends additional support to the adequacy of these instruments.This work was supported in part by grants from the International Research Exchanges Board (IREX) (with funds provided by the Andrew Mellon Foundation, the National Endowment for the Humanities, and the U.S. Department of State) and the National Institute of Mental Health (MH-00508, an RSDA to D. Pauls). None of these organizations is responsible for the views expressed. In addition, the authors wish to thank Thomas Achenbach for his helpful comments and suggestions.  相似文献   

Seaburn DB  Erba G 《Family process》2003,42(4):453-467
This article reports the experience of "sudden health" among six families who participated in an exploratory qualitative study of families with a member who elects to have corrective surgery for intractable epilepsy. Families were interviewed pre- and post-surgery (6-8 months) and the interviews were analyzed using a constant comparative methodology. Findings indicated that (1) families were organized in two primary ways (nesting and crisis) to deal with epilepsy and the aftermath of surgery and (2) "sudden health" had differing effects on these families depending on their organizational style, emotional communication process, and developmental dynamics.  相似文献   


Fifty-six families with a preschool child whose parents varied widely in parental marital satisfaction were studied at two time points: at time-I when the children were 5 years old and again at time-2 when the children were 8 years old. At time-1 each parent was separately interviewed about their “meta-emotion structure”, that is, their feelings about their own emotions, and their attitudes, and responses to their children's anger and sadness. Their behaviour during this interview was coded with a meta-emotion coding system. Two meta-emotion variables were studied for each parent, awareness of the parent's own sadness, and parental “coaching” of the child's anger. We termed the high end of these variables an “emotion coaching” (EC) meta-emotion structure. Meta-emotion structure was found to relate to time-1 marital and parent-child interaction. EC-type parents had marriages that were less hostile and they were less negative and more positive during parent-child interaction. Their children showed less evidence of physiological stress, greater ability to focus attention, and had less negative play with their best friends. At time-2 those children showed higher academic achievement in mathematics and reading had fewer behaviour problems, and were physically healthier than non-EC parents. The relations between child outcome and parental meta-emotion structure were not explained by social class variables, emotional expressiveness, or the greater happiness and stability of parents with an EC-type meta-emotion structure.  相似文献   

Current forms of treatment for the symptomatic child are reviewed and analyzed. There are four general approaches to treatment: individual child psychotherapy, conjoint parent-child psychotherapy and counseling, parent therapy and counseling, and conjoint family therapy. Each approach has certain strengths, but in-and-of itself is an incomplete treatment mode. An integration of child and family therapy is recommended, and recent attempts at this integration are described. These include approaches which work within the framework of conjoint family therapy and those which provide concurrent child and family therapy.  相似文献   

This study examined the letter-writing practices in a child and family psychology service. Utilizing a grounded theory approach to data collection and analysis, six clinical psychologists (including one pilot study) were interviewed about their letter-writing practices in relation to direct clinical work and in correspondence with other professionals. Analysis of the data yielded five themes: typical practices, use of clinical and micro skills, letters addressing the relationship with the family, messages to other professionals, and beliefs about the family. Findings suggest that letters are used in a variety of ways including being an aide-mémoire of the contents of face-to-face meetings, directly addressing the therapeutic relationship with the client, demonstrating respect, and informing other professionals of psychological practices and views regarding clients and their presenting problems. It emerged that letter-writing is seen to exist in the wider context of social relationships, between the referrer, clinician and client. The results are discussed in relation to clinical practices and future areas of study.  相似文献   

This paper explores the symbolic meaning of dreams in which children appear with special attention to the way children in dreams symbolize the self, particularly the dependent and developing self. It is suggested that patients' growth in analysis can be monitored by observing what happens to the children in their dreams. This paper also explores the vicissitudes of the child transference, in which the patient treats the analyst as a child. An analysis is described in which the child dream and the child transference played an important role in elucidating the patient's neurotic behaviors. The author contends that the child dream and the child transference are common and clinically useful phenomena, especially important in the analysis of dependency conflicts. An additional thesis of this paper is that the child transference is most likely to be found in instances where a patient played a parental role with one of their parents during childhood.  相似文献   

A growing number of divorcing families become locked in intractable disputes over child custody and visitation. This article describes an integrative family therapy approach targeted toward such families. Aspects of this treatment include negotiating a clear therapy contract, creating a multipartial alliance with all parties, assessing through the lens of specific understandings about these cases, incorporating multiple therapy session formats, holding both systemic and individual focused perspectives, incorporating a solution-oriented focus, and drawing upon a wide range of intervention techniques. The treatment aims to create a good-enough postdivorce climate in which a new family structure can be constituted in which parents maintain distance from one another, and conflict and triangulation can be minimized.  相似文献   

This study examined associations between homologous in vitro fertilization (IVF) and quality of parenting, family functioning, and emotional and behavioral adjustment of 3-7-year-old children. A cross-sectional survey was conducted in Taiwan with 54 IVF mother-child pairs and 59 mother-child pairs with children conceived naturally. IVF mothers reported a greater level of protectiveness toward their children than control mothers. Teachers, blind to condition, rated IVF mothers as displaying greater warmth but not overprotective or intrusive parenting behaviors toward their children. Teachers scored children of IVF as having fewer behavioral problems than control children. In contrast, IVF mothers reported less satisfaction with aspects of family functioning. Family composition moderated parenting stress: IVF mothers with only 1 child perceived less parenting stress than did those in the control group.  相似文献   

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