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17 college students discriminated between vertical and horizontal target lines flanked by vertical and horizontal distractors. Large displays with 3.0-cm lines and small displays half this size were used. The distractors were positioned above and below the target or to the left and right of it, forming vertical and horizontal global orientations. The number of flankers sharing the target's orientation was varied. Vertical targets and small display sizes were processed more quickly. Speed of responding did not differ for the two global orientations. There was no advantage for target lines consistent with global orientation. The results were replicated in Exp. 2 with diagonal flankers. This supports an explanation using stimulus compatibility, since diagonal lines do not correspond to either of the response options and cannot induce a tendency to respond more to one target than another. Displays with multiple symmetry were responded to faster than those with a single symmetry which were faster than asymmetrical displays, supporting the idea that symmetrical axes parallel and perpendicular to the target orientation provide a facilitative frame of reference. Coactivation from same-oriented flankers, pop-out from differences in orientation, and symmetry all influenced responding in these patterns.  相似文献   

Detection of symmetry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The time to detect symmetries in square field patterns was measured. The same relationships among mean detection times for different symmetries was found in both well-practiced and naive subjects. When the task was to detect any symmetry, detection times were faster for multiply symmetry was faster than diagonal, singly symmetric ones. Horizontal-vertical symmetry was faster than diagonal, which was faster than centric. When the task was to detect specific symmetry, that is, vertical, horizontal,diagonal, or centric only, detection times were faster again for multiply symmetric patterns, suggesting that "irrelevant" symmetry facilitates performance. Errors and response times indicate that certain symmetries are more difficult to reject than others, depending on the type of symmetry to be detected. Thus, the results suggest interference effects arising from certain symmetries. The data are best accounted for by a model in which symmetry is encoded integrally. When decoding is required by the task, as in detection tasks, the observer performs a serial hierarchical decomposition of the code.U  相似文献   

The effects of interstimulus and stimulus-specific factors on central (vs. peripheral) oblique effects were examined using classification, focusing, discrimination, and sequential same-different tasks. Classification results showed that grouping the vertical with the horizontal line and the two diagonal lines with each other facilitated performance. Discrimination results revealed that the two diagonal lines were more confusable with each other than were the members of any other stimulus pair. Focusing results indicated that the vertical and horizontal lines served as better focusing stimuli. A set of sequential same-different tasks, each using only two alternative stimuli, allowed for the examination of stimulus-specific factors in focusing; the effects of similarity relations between all stimuli in the total set were greatly reduced by the constrained context. The two diagonal lines were the most difficult to compare and proved to be the worst foci in these tasks as well. In conclusion, there are two factors operating in the central oblique effect: greater confusability between the two diagonal lines and more favorable stimulus-specific properties of vertical and horizontal lines.  相似文献   

It has been argued that the perceptual advantage of symmetry depends upon the essentially symmetrical properties of the visual system. According to this explanation, the ease of identification of symmetries about different axes of orientation should decrease with increasing distance from the vertical: Reaction times to vertical symmetry should be faster than those to diagonal symmetry, which in turn should be faster than those to horizontal symmetry. Previous research demonstrating this pattern of responding employed stimuli with linear axes. In the present study, the subjects viewed tachistoscopically presented symmetrical and asymmetrical dot patterns (which had no explicit axes) in one of three head positions: upright, 45 deg left, and 45 deg right. The subjects’ performance failed to support the structural explanation: Identification of symmetry is equivalently fast for vertical and horizontal; vertical and horizontal show strong advantages over obliques, and this general advantage follows retinal coordinates. Findings are discussed in light of alternative theories of symmetry processing.  相似文献   

This study examines the mechanism underlying one way in which bumblebees are known to develop a preference for symmetric patterns: through prior non-differential reinforcement on simple patterns (black discs and white discs). In three experiments, bees were given a choice among symmetric and asymmetric black-and-white non-rewarding patterns presented at the ends of corridors in a radial maze. Experimental groups had prior rewarded non-discrimination training on white patterns and black patterns, while control groups had no pre-test experience outside the colony. No preference for symmetry was obtained for any of the control groups. Prior training with circular patterns highlighting a horizontal axis of symmetry led to a specific subsequent preference for horizontal over vertical symmetry, while training with a vertical axis abolished this effect. Circles highlighting both axes created a general avoidance of asymmetry in favour of symmetric patterns with vertical, horizontal or both axes of symmetry. Training with plain circles, but not with deformed circles, led to a preference for symmetry: there was no evidence that the preference emerged just by virtue of having attention drawn away from irrelevant pattern differences. Our results point to a preference for symmetry developing gradually through first learning to extract an axis of symmetry from simple patterns and subsequently recognizing that axis in new patterns. They highlight the importance of continued learning through non-differential reinforcement by skilled foragers. Floral guides can function not only to guide pollinators to the source of reward but also to highlight an axis of symmetry for use in subsequent floral encounters.  相似文献   

Individuals at five grade levels (kindergarten, Grade 2, Grade 4, Grade 6, and college) made pair-comparison judgments of visual complexity. The influence of the presence or absence of six types of visual structure (double symmetry, vertical symmetry, horizontal symmetry, diagonal symmetry, checkerboard organization, and rotational organization) and of amount of contour were examined. Two general developmental trends were revealed: First, the age at which visual structure initially affected complexity judgments varied with the type of structure, independent of amount of contour, within the range of contour values used. Second, there was a uniform increase in the effect of structure on complexity judgments between the fourth and sixth grades. These results are discussed in relation to possible mechanisms of visual pattern encoding and complexity judgment.  相似文献   

Visual stimuli that exhibit vertical symmetry are easier to remember than stimuli symmetric along other axes, an advantage that extends to the haptic modality as well. Critically, the vertical symmetry memory advantage has not been found in early blind individuals, despite their overall superior memory, as compared with sighted individuals, and the presence of an overall advantage for identifying symmetric over asymmetric patterns. The absence of the vertical axis memory advantage in the early blind may depend on their total lack of visual experience or on the effect of prolonged visual deprivation. To disentangle this issue, in this study, we measured the ability of late blind individuals to remember tactile spatial patterns that were either vertically or horizontally symmetric or asymmetric. Late blind participants showed better memory performance for symmetric patterns. An additional advantage for the vertical axis of symmetry over the horizontal one was reported, but only for patterns presented in the frontal plane. In the horizontal plane, no difference was observed between vertical and horizontal symmetric patterns, due to the latter being recalled particularly well. These results are discussed in terms of the influence of the spatial reference frame adopted during exploration. Overall, our data suggest that prior visual experience is sufficient to drive the vertical symmetry memory advantage, at least when an external reference frame based on geocentric cues (i.e., gravity) is adopted.  相似文献   

The role of verbal and visuospatial information processing in Tower of London (TOL) tasks was investigated. The first part of the investigation examined the verbal and visuospatial abilities and preferred cognitive style (visualizer vs. verbalizer) of 79 participants, in an inter-individual differences approach. Visuospatial abilities significantly predicted TOL performance, but the impact of cognitive style was negligible. The second part applied a dual-task manipulation of concurrent interference of TOL planning tasks on verbal and visuospatial memory, using the same participants. Concurrent processing of the TOL tasks diminished visuospatial memory performance considerably but had no effect on verbal memory, and there was no interaction between cognitive style and memory. These findings clearly underscore the role of visuospatial information processing in TOL tasks and indicate little bearing of verbal or visual cognitive style on TOL problem solving. These results have important implications for TOL and cognitive style in clinical application and cognitive neuroimaging research.  相似文献   

Dot patterns varying in type of symmetry (double symmetry, vertical symmetry, horizontal symmetry, and asymmetry) were presented tachistoscopically for 200 msec, followed by a patterned mask, to kindergarten, second-grade, and fourthgrade children. All subjects reported symmetrical patterns more accurately than asymmetrical patterns. Double symmetry patterns were reproduced more accurately than vertical symmetry patterns, and vertical symmetry patterns were reproduced more accurately than horizontal symmetry patterns. These results stand in marked contrast to previous research by demonstrating that the ability to process symmetrical relationships evolves early in perceptual development. There was a suggestion that subjects of all ages perceived information about the type of symmetry presented in the display, but there were agerelated differences in subjects' abilities to use this knowledge in constructing their responses. Additionally, analyses revealed no age-related biases toward imposing symmetrical responses on asymmetrical patterns.  相似文献   

Encoding spatial location in a frame of reference is often biased by both perceptual and strategic factors. For example,tilt contrast occurs when a line presented in the frame of horizontal and vertical axes appears to be repulsed from the nearest axis, including the diagonal axis of symmetry, due to symmetry perception mechanisms. Research has demonstrated, however, that people can adopt particular viewing strategies that eliminate this effect. In Experiment 1, a similar tilt contrast effect was observed when subjects reproduced from memory the position of a single dot in this reference frame. It was hypothesized that this effect resulted from a combination of strategic and perceptual factors. Specifically, people employ anorigin strategy, coding the location of the dot relative to the origin of the horizontal and vertical axes, thereby establishing a virtual line that appears tilted away from the axes due to the same perceptual processes affecting physically present lines. Two additional experiments support this hypothesis. In Experiment 2, no clear tilt contrast effect was observed in a perception condition, indicating that the tilt effect for dots cannot be accounted for by purely perceptual processes. In Experiment 3, the tilt contrast effect was found to be contingent upon the use of the origin strategy as opposed to a different strategy. The results demonstrate the importance of a viewer's strategy in determining the pattern of distortion observed in spatial encoding.  相似文献   

We describe a patient with right hemisphere damage affected by mild left visuo-spatial neglect and constructional apraxia. During the rehabilitation, he failed to draw a draught-board using horizontal and vertical trajectories, but he performed it successfully using oblique trajectories. These observations suggested an impairment of vertical/horizontal spatial coordinates system. In copying tasks including figure elements in different orientations he drew more accurately components in oblique orientation, whereas failed to reproduce components in horizontal orientation. The patient performed visuospatial perceptual and perceptual-imaginative tasks successfully. From these findings, it is possible to suggest that the oblique coordinate system of reference operates independently of vertical and horizontal coordinate systems in building a complex figure and that, therefore, cardinal orientation do not constitute a reference norm to define oblique orientation, as previously suggested.  相似文献   

There is some debate surrounding the cognitive resources underlying backward digit recall. Some researchers consider it to differ from forward digit recall due to the involvement of executive control, while others suggest that backward recall involves visuospatial resources. Five experiments therefore investigated the role of executive-attentional and visuospatial resources in both forward and backward digit recall. In the first, participants completed visuospatial 0-back and 2-back tasks during the encoding of information to be remembered. The concurrent tasks did not differentially disrupt performance on backward digit recall, relative to forward digit recall. Experiment 2 shifted concurrent load to the recall phase instead and, in this case, revealed a larger effect of both tasks on backward recall, relative to forwards recall, suggesting that backward recall may draw on additional resources during the recall phase and that these resources are visuospatial in nature. Experiments 3 and 4 then further investigated the role of visual processes in forward and backward recall using dynamic visual noise (DVN). In Experiment 3, DVN was presented during encoding of information to be remembered and had no effect upon performance. However, in Experiment 4, it was presented during the recall phase, and the results provided evidence of a role for visual imagery in backward digit recall. These results were replicated in Experiment 5, in which the same list length was used for forward and backward recall tasks. The findings are discussed in terms of both theoretical and practical implications.  相似文献   

Nonclinical participants watched a trauma film under two processing conditions. During part of the film participants carried out a concurrent visuospatial grounding task consisting of the construction of shapes out of plasticine (modelling clay), while the rest of the film constituted a control, no task condition. The visuospatial task was predicted to selectively compete for processing resources required for intrusive image formation. As predicted, spontaneous intrusive images during the succeeding week were significantly less common from those parts of the film that coincided with the concurrent task. The task had no effect on levels of distress or peritraumatic dissociation, consistent with the hypothesis that intrusions were reduced because the task competed for resources necessary for encoding into an image-based memory system.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the use of perceptual binding processes in schizophrenic (SC) patients and matched healthy controls, by examining their performance on the recall of symmetrical (vertical, horizontal and diagonal) and asymmetrical patterns varying in length between 2 and 9 items. The results showed that, although SC patients were less accurate than controls in all conditions, both groups recalled symmetrical patterns better than asymmetrical ones. The impairment of SC patients was magnified with supra-span symmetrical arrays, and they were more likely to reproduce symmetrical patterns as asymmetrical, particularly at medium and high length levels. Hierarchical regression analyses further indicated that the between-group differences in the recall of supra-span vertical and horizontal arrays, which require a greater involvement of visual pattern processes, remained significant after removing the variance associated with performance on asymmetrical patterns, which primarily reflects intrafigural spatial processes. It is proposed that schizophrenia may be associated with a specific deficit in the formation and retrieval of the global visual images of studied patterns and in the use of the on-line information about the type of symmetry being tested to guide retrieval processes.  相似文献   

In two experiments, the accuracy with which subjects detected a conjunction of features was examined as a function of the spacing between items and the goodness of the axis along which they were located. In each array, two items were arranged along a vertical, a horizontal, or a diagonal axis. Based on the well-established oblique effect, the vertical and horizontal axes were considered to be good global patterns and the diagonals were considered to be poor. In Experiment 1, the two items in an array could be two horizontal lines, two vertical lines, a vertical and a horizontal line, or a plus sign with one of the single lines. In Experiment 2, a positive- and a negative-diagonal line were used as the individual features, and an "X" was used as the conjunction. The results from Experiment 1 indicated that global goodness influenced only the rate of illusory conjunctions, and not of feature errors. Illusory conjunctions of vertical and horizontal line segments were more likely to occur in vertical and horizontal arrangements. The results from Experiment 2 revealed a reversal of the effect of global goodness on the rate of illusory conjunctions: Illusory conjunctions of negative- and positive-diagonal line segments were more likely to occur in diagonal arrangements. The results of both experiments taken together showed the existence of an important and new factor that influences the likelihood that features of shape will be conjoined: the ease with which line segments conjoin when they are translated along their extent toward each other. In both experiments, greater spacing between items produced more feature-identification errors and fewer feature-integration errors than did less spacing.  相似文献   

Several studies have demonstrated that divided attention at encoding significantly reduces memory performance, whereas divided attention at retrieval affects memory performance only minimally. However, the possibility exists that retrieval processes have shown such resilience because the concurrent tasks used have often not been very demanding. To assess this possibility, we used independent manipulations of the concurrent task during either encoding or retrieval that included stimulus-response compatibility and participant- versus experimenter-controlled pace. In addition, we manipulated the distribution of practice that the participants received with the primary and the concurrent tasks. The results replicated and extended those recently reported by Rohrer and Pashler (2003), indicating that although memory performance is negatively affected by divided attention at retrieval, especially with noncompatible stimulus-response mapping in the concurrent task, this effect was much smaller than that at encoding, in line with the asymmetry notion. Furthermore, experimenter versus participant control of the concurrent task had no effect on memory retrieval. Finally, under conditions of equal practice with both the memory and the concurrent tasks, memory retrieval was affected only to a small degree. In contrast to encoding processes, the processes involved in retrieval accuracy appear, in many cases, to be less interrupted by divided attention, although this protection requires substantial resources.  相似文献   

We investigated the right-left prevalence effect in spatial compatibility tasks by assessing subjects' performance on a two-dimensional task in which both the horizontal and vertical spatial dimensions were task relevant. Two experiments were performed, in which stimulus-response mappings were one-dimensional (Experiment 1) and two-dimensional (Experiment 2). The subjects responded by using either horizontal or vertical effectors to stimuli appearing in four possible locations. With the one-dimensional mapping, the spatial compatibility effect was present only in the dimension relevant to the mapping. With the two-dimensional mapping, the horizontal compatibility effect was always present, whereas the vertical compatibility effect was present only when vertical effectors were used. This pattern of results indicates that horizontal coding takes place with either horizontal or vertical effectors, whereas vertical coding takes place only when vertical effectors are used.  相似文献   

Truly flower-naïve bumblebees, with no prior rewarded experience for visits on any visual patterns outside the colony, were tested for their choice of bilaterally symmetric over asymmetric patterns in a radial-arm maze. No preference for symmetry was found. Prior training with rewarded black and white disks did, however, lead to a significant preference for symmetry. The preference was not specific to symmetry along the vertical axis: a preference for horizontal symmetry was found as well. The results challenge the notion that a preference for bilateral symmetry is unlearned. The preference for symmetry was the product of non-differential conditioning.  相似文献   

Bilateral mirror symmetry, especially vertical symmetry, is a powerful phenomenon in spatial organization of visual shapes. However, the causes of vertical symmetry salience in visual perception are not completely clear. Here we investigated whether the perceptual salience of vertical symmetry depends on visual experience by testing a group of congenitally blind individuals in a memory task in which either horizontal or vertical symmetry was used as an incidental feature. Both blind and sighted subjects remembered more accurately configurations that were symmetrical compared to those that were not. Critically, whereas sighted subjects displayed a higher level of facilitation by vertical than horizontal symmetry, no such difference was found in the blind. This suggests that the perceptual salience of the vertical dimension is visually based.  相似文献   

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