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In this paper, we studied spontaneous newborn movements regarding the coordination of the four limbs, arms and legs, from a dynamic perspective. We used the method of recurrence plots to analyse the kinematic data from audiovisual recordings of neonates. We identified temporal and spatial synchronization of the four limbs that resulted in high recurrence patterns of biomechanical reference configurations. Furthermore, we identified transitions between linear and nonlinear epochs in the movement behavior of newborns on different time scales by means of recurrence quantification analysis. Results are discussed in the context of the concept of a structural hierarchy, in which different time scales correspond to hierarchical levels of organization.  相似文献   

Developmental sequence, relative timing, center of gravity, and phase-plane analyses were used to study a minimum of 15 years of longitudinal, filmed data on the development of hopping in 7 children. The developmental sequences revealed common, qualitative changes in the movement of the children, although each child progressed through the changes at his/her own rate. The timing analyses showed that, in the advanced hop, the tightest limb relationships were found within the hopping leg, then between contralateral limbs of the same girdle, and then between legs and arms. Relative-timing calculations revealed (a) intralimb, timing invariances that were present in first attempts to perform the skill at age 3 and remained for 15 years across all developmental levels; (b) emergent, interlimb timings that gradually became invariant; and (c) intra- and interlimb timing showing gradual development over the 15 years. One invariant, the time between landing and deepest knee flexion, is also invariant in the walk and the run (Shapiro, Zernicke, Gregor, & Diestel, 1981). Phase plane analyses indicated that the timing of peak and zero velocities may be the coordinative constant accounting for a relative timing invariance between the two legs. Position of the body's center of gravity may explain the invariant relative time between landing and deepest knee flexion, or the explanation could lie in the "equation of constraint" regulating joint equilibrium points. The data suggest that modeling the developing hop as the evolving interaction of four vibratory systems would be promising.  相似文献   

We present an axiomatic derivation of a model proposed by Haken, Kelso, and Bunz (1985) that describes dynamical aspects of the rhythmic coordination between two limbs. Elaboration of this model has included a symmetry parameter that captures the coordination consequences of an inherent or imposed frequency difference between the limbs. We modified one of the axioms involved in the model derivation, a symmetry axiom, in order to incorporate a new symmetry parameter. This new parameter defines a shift between (a) the laboratory coordinate system, in which the behavior is observed, and (b) a second, postulated coordinate system. It is this second coordinate system, in which the relevant state dynamics is assumed to take place and in which the state dynamics evolves under the impact of an attractor. The state dynamics as described in the attractor coordinate system is then mapped by means of the new symmetry parameter to the laboratory coordinate system. We discuss analytically the bifurcation diagram of the model and determine main effects and interaction effects of manipulations related to the symmetry parameters and related to the mode of coordination (in-phase and anti-phase). The theoretical results are brought to bear on the challenging experimental observation that concurrent cognitive activity (counting, encoding, retrieving, sentence analysis) changes the location of the bimanual coordination attractor but not its strength. The theoretical results suggest that cognitive activity may have the effect it has because it shifts the attractor coordinate system relative to the laboratory coordinate system.  相似文献   

Studies investigating whether simultaneous bilateral movements can facilitate performance of the impaired limb(s) of stroke patients have returned mixed results. In the present study we compared unilateral limb performance (amplitude, cycle duration) with performance during an interlimb coordination task involving both homologous (both arms, both legs) and non-homologous (one arm, one leg) limbs in stroke participants (n=7) and healthy age-matched controls (n=7). In addition, the effect of on-line augmented visual feedback on interlimb coordination was investigated. Participants performed cyclical flexion-extension movements of the arms and legs in the sagittal plane paced by an auditory metronome (1 Hz). Movement amplitudes were larger and cycle durations shorter during homologous limb coordination than non-homologous coordination. Compared with unilateral movements both groups had reduced movement amplitudes and the stroke group increased cycle duration when interlimb coordination tasks were performed. These effects were most evident during non-homologous (arm and leg) coordination. No evidence of facilitation of the impaired limb(s) was found in any of the interlimb coordination conditions. Augmented visual feedback had minimal effect on the movements of control participants but lead to an increase of cycle duration for stroke participants.  相似文献   

Kelso, Southard, and Goodman (1979) and Marteniuk and MacKenzie (1980) have each proposed a different theoretical model for bimanual coordination. In the model of Kelso et al., a close temporal relationship between the hands in a bimanual task is predicted, even when each hand is required to move different distances. In Marteniuk and MacKenzie's model, separate motor commands are issued so that each limb will arrive simultaneously at the specified movement endpoint, leading to low temporal associations between limbs. In most previous work on bimanual coordination, manual aiming tasks with differing constraints have been used by subjects in individual studies. In this study, the usefulness of existing models for predicting performance in a real-world catching task in which the required movement pattern was constrained by ball flight characteristics was examined. E1even university students caught tennis balls with both hands in the following 3 conditions: Condition 1. Ball projected to the right shoulder area (left hand moved a greater distance than the right); Condition 2. Ball projected to center of the chest area, (both hands moved same distance); and Condition 3. Ball projected to left shoulder area (right hand moved a greater distance). Kinematic data (time to peak velocity, movement initiation time) indicating significant cross-correlations between the left and right limbs in all 3 conditions concurred with the data of Kelso et al. (1979) on manual aiming. Timing appeared to be an essential variable coordinating bimanual interceptive actions. Although the limbs moved at different speeds when each was required to move different distances, times to peak velocity showed strong associations, suggesting the presence of a coordinative structure.  相似文献   

In 2 experiments, dynamic systems theory predictions concerning intrinsic dynamics and variability of bimanual coordination were examined at different developmental stages. In Experiment 1, ten 4-, 6-, 7-, 8-, and 10-year-old children and adults performed unimanual dominant, unimanual nondominant, and bimanual continuous circle drawing. All tasks were performed at the participants' preferred rate, size, and mode of coordination. The 4-, 6-, and 7-year-old children produced larger circles with longer durations than those of the 8- and 10-year-olds and the adults. That finding demonstrates that younger children display different intrinsic dynamics than older children and adults. The 4-, 6-, and 7-year-old children also displayed more variability in bimanual coordination (more time in less stable patterns of coordination, higher standard deviation in relative phase) and produced more transitions between coordination patterns than the 8- and 10-year-olds and the adults. In Experiment 2, the same participants performed bimanual circles at increasing rates. Consistent with predictions of the HKB model (H. Haken, J. A. S. Kelso, & H. Bunz, 1985), the number of transitions decreased as speed increased. Some support was found for the notion that age-related variables of attention and rate contribute to the increased variability in young children's bimanual coordination.  相似文献   

Kelso, Southard, and Goodman (1979) and Marteniuk and MacKenzie (1980) have each proposed a different theoretical model for bimanual coordination. In the model of Kelso et al., a close temporal relationship between the hands in a bimanual task is predicted, even when each hand is required to move different distances. In Marteniuk and MacKenzie's model, separate motor commands are issued so that each limb will arrive simultaneously at the specified movement endpoint, leading to low temporal associations between limbs. In most previous work on bimanual coordination, manual aiming tasks with differing constraints have been used by subjects in individual studies. In this study, the usefulness of existing models for predicting performance in a real-world catching task in which the required movement pattern was constrained by ball flight characteristics was examined. Eleven university students caught tennis balls with both hands in the following 3 conditions: Condition 1. Ball projected to the right shoulder area (left hand moved a greater distance than the right); Condition 2. Ball projected to center of the chest area, (both hands moved same distance); and Condition 3. Ball projected to left shoulder area (right hand moved a greater distance). Kinematic data (time to peak velocity, movement initiation time) indicating significant cross-correlations between the left and right limbs in all 3 conditions concurred with the data of Kelso et al. (1979) on manual aiming. Timing appeared to be an essential variable coordinating bimanual interceptive actions. Although the limbs moved at different speeds when each was required to move different distances, times to peak velocity showed strong associations, suggesting the presence of a coordinative structure.  相似文献   

Intrinsic coordination patterns exist between limbs such that 1) coordination at these states is inherently stable, 2) any other pattern requires learning to produce, and 3) this learning is subject to interference from a systemic bias towards intrinsic patterns. The dynamics that govern intrapersonal interlimb coordination also govern interpersonal coordination. However, intrapersonal coordination exhibits greater coupling strength and thus more stable intrinsic dynamics than interpersonal coordination. Because the strength of intrinsic coordination tendencies has consequences for learning coordination patterns, the differences in coupling strength between intra- and interpersonal coordination should impact the ability to perform new coordination patterns via greater or less interference from intrinsic dynamics. This was investigated by measuring participants’ performance as they learned a new coordination pattern alone (intrapersonal) or in pairs (interpersonal). Participants were implicitly tasked with learning the pattern as they separately controlled the vertical and horizontal position of an on-screen cursor to trace a circling target. We observed better performance of dyads on first trial and steeper learning trajectories for individuals. Overall, these results indicate that individuals experienced greater interference from stronger intrinsic coordination dynamics during early learning but could overcome this interference and achieve similar performance to that of dyads with very little practice.  相似文献   

In executing purposeful actions, adults select sufficient and necessary limbs. But infants often move goal‐irrelevant limbs, suggesting a developmental process of motor specialization. Two experiments with 9‐ and 12‐month‐olds revealed gradual decreases in extraneous movements in non‐acting limbs during unimanual actions. In Experiment 1, 9‐month‐olds produced more extraneous movements in the non‐acting hand/arm and feet/legs than 12‐month‐olds. In Experiment 2, analysis of the spatiotemporal dynamics of infants’ movements revealed developmental declines in the spatiotemporal coupling of movements between acting and non‐acting arms. We also showed that the degree of specialization in infants’ unimanual actions is associated with individual differences in motor experience and visual attention, indicating the experience‐dependent and broad functional nature of these developmental changes. Our study provides important new insights into motor development: as in cognitive domains, motor behaviours are initially broadly tuned to their goal, becoming progressively specialized during the first year of life.  相似文献   

When two limbs are required to move different distances simultaneously, assimilation effects are shown: The shorter distance limb tends to overshoot the target, whereas the longer distance limb undershoots. The effect of practice on assimilation effects was studied in two experiments, using a simultaneous four-limb aiming task. When subjects were required to move their left limbs a shorter distance than the right (5 cm vs. 9 cm), the right limbs moved a lesser distance and had greater variable and overall errors relative to a group required to move all limbs the same distance (9 cm). Practice reduced assimilation effects in the lower limbs, but spatial assimilations were present throughout 125 acquisition trials with KR and 50 no-KR transfer trials, spanning 24 hours. When the upper limbs were required to move a greater distance than the lower limbs (15 cm vs. 9 cm), the lower limbs showed longer distances and increased overall errors early in practice compared to the lower limbs of a group required to move all limbs 9 cm. With practice, the between-group differences decreased, with no assimilation effects shown on the transfer trials. The results suggest that neural crosstalk is greater between left and right sides than between upper and lower limbs. Results are discussed in light of the functional cerebral space model of simultaneous actions.  相似文献   

When two limbs are required to move different distances simultaneously, assimilation effects are shown: The shorter distance limb tends to overshoot the target, whereas the longer distance limb undershoots. The effect of practice on assimilation effects was studied in two experiments, using a simultaneous four-limb aiming task. When subjects were required to move their left limbs a shorter distance than the right (5 cm vs. 9 cm), the right limbs moved a lesser distance and had greater variable and overall errors relative to a group required to move all limbs the same distance (9 cm). Practice reduced assimilation effects in the lower limbs, but spatial assimilations were present throughout 125 acquisition trials with KR and 50 no-KR transfer trials, spanning 24 hours. When the upper limbs were required to move a greater distance than the lower limbs (15 cm vs. 9 cm), the lower limbs showed longer distances and increased overall errors early in practice compared to the lower limbs of a group required to move all limbs 9 cm. With practice, the between-group differences decreased, with no assimilation effects shown on the transfer trials. The results suggest that neural crosstalk is greater between left and right sides than between upper and lower limbs. Results are discussed in light of the functional cerebral space model of simultaneous actions.  相似文献   

This study aimed to examine the attentional demands of coordinating movement patterns across limbs. Eighteen participants performed a circle drawing task involving in-phase and anti-phase coordination modes under homologous, contralateral and ipsilateral limb combinations. Results indicated that: (a) attentional focus further stabilised coordination patterns with a cost at the central level; (b) there was an inverse relationship between stability and probe reaction time (RT) for all coordination patterns, that is the stronger the coupling between the limbs the lower the central cost. Overall, the results support previous research suggesting that attention plays an important role in sustaining coordination pattern stability and that the co-variation between coordination stability and central cost can also be extended to coordination across limbs.  相似文献   

Three experiments were designed to investigate the underlying processes in bimanual control. With one hand alone, or with both simultaneously, subjects moved styli from the midline of the body to lateral targets as quickly and accurately as possible. The distance moved and the weight of the styli were varied. Results of reaction time, movement time, and kinematic trajectory analyses question the conclusions of Kelso, Southard and Goodman (1979) regarding the synchronicity of movement of the two limbs. Temporal parameters for the two limbs indicated marked departures from synchronicity, and there was evidence for a left-right asymmetry. The dependent variables of movement time and constant error indicated that there was interaction between the two limbs. The results are discussed in terms of three postulated processes underlying bimanual movement: limb selection (one or two), specification of movement locations and the specification of movement intensities.  相似文献   

We investigated the control of upright standing in individuals with unilateral transtibial amputation (TTA) by assessing the inter-limb coupling and the coupling between the center of pressure beneath both limbs combined (COPNET) and the center of pressure (COP) beneath the prosthetic limb and the intact limb. Twenty-one adults with TTA and eighteen unimpaired adults completed 90 s of standing on two parallel force plates. The inter-limb coupling and the coupling between the COP beneath each limb and the COPNET were assessed by quantifying the synchronization of the COP signals. This included the number of epochs with synchronized signals, the total duration of signal synchronization and the relative phase and deviation phase between the signals. Additionally, magnitude and temporal characteristics of the COP displacements were quantified. Individuals with TTA exhibited looser inter-limb coupling in the anterior-posterior direction, characterized by more shifts between epochs with synchronized signals, shorter total duration of signal synchronization, less in-phase coordination patterns and a higher deviation phase between the two limbs, compared to unimpaired individuals. This coincided with a larger and more irregular postural sway in the TTA group. No group difference was observed in the mediolateral direction. The coupling between the COPNET and the COP beneath the individual limbs was similarly direction dependent, and tighter for the intact side, suggesting that an intact limb-driven strategy was utilized.  相似文献   

Huh CY 《Brain and cognition》2004,55(2):322-324
The present study examined the interaction between limb movements in space. The amount of interaction was measured by how much moving one limb affected the movement of another limb. Participants were 24 right-handed university students (19 female, mean age=19 years). The task was to draw lines with the right hand while moving another limb in lines or circles of different sizes. Significant coupling effects were found between both homologous and non-homologous limbs. Movement of the right hand was most strongly affected by the left hand, less by the right foot, and least by the left foot, consistent with the functional cerebral distance model. This effect of limb was observed only in the major dimension along which movement was not restrained. Both the limb and dimension effects were reduced when the trajectory of motion decreased in size.  相似文献   

The relationship between the logarithm of pain threshold latency (sec) and the logarithm of the stimulus intensity (mcal/cm2/sec) has been shown to be linear, and the extrapolated x-intercept value of the linear equation could be a useful measure in pain research. In order to assess the reliability of the x-intercept, pain latency thresholds, were obtained from 23 Ss by utilizing the D’Amour-Smith modification of the dolorimetric technique and by testing under a variety of conditions at each of four stimulus intensities. The empirically determined log t (sec) values were shown to be slightly, but significantly, higher when stimulation was applied to either the dominant limb or to the legs rather than to the nondominant limb or to the arms. The computed slope and x-intercept values did not differ between limbs or between dominant and nondominant sides. None of the three measures changed significantly between the two sessions. The x-intercept value was interpreted as an index of a threshold of aversion and its meaning and applicability were discussed.  相似文献   

In 2 experiments, dynamic systems theory predictions concerning intrinsic dynamics and variability of bimanual coordination were examined at different developmental stages. In Experiment 1, ten 4-, 6-, 7-, 8-, and 10-year-old children and adults performed unimanual dominant, unimanual nondominant, and bimanual continuous circle drawing. All tasks were performed at the participants' preferred rate, size, and mode of coordination. The 4-, 6-, and 7-year-old children produced larger circles with longer durations than those of the 8- and 10-year-olds and the adults. That finding demonstrates that younger children display different intrinsic dynamics than older children and adults. The 4-, 6-, and 7-year-old children also displayed more variability in bimanual coordination (more time in less stable patterns of coordination, higher standard deviation in relative phase) and produced more transitions between coordination patterns than the 8- and 10-year-olds and the adults. In Experiment 2, the same participants performed bimanual circles at increasing rates. Consistent with predictions of the HKB model (H. Haken, J. A. S. Kelso, & H. Bunz, 1985), the number of transitions decreased as speed increased. Some support was found for the notion that age-related variables of attention and rate contribute to the increased variability in young children's bimanual coordination.  相似文献   

Individuals with stroke often present functional impairment and gait alteration. Among different aspects, intralimb coordination of these individuals is one of the key points that should be considered before implementing any gait intervention protocol. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of stroke on intralimb gait coordination of the lower limbs using a vector coding technique. Twenty-five individuals with stroke and 18 non-disabled individuals (control), between 46 and 71 years old, participated in this study. A computerized analysis system registered data from reflective markers placed on specific body landmarks to define thigh, shank, and foot of both body sides, as participants walked at self-selected comfortable speed. Coordination modes, such as in-phase, anti-phase, proximal-segment-phase, and distal-segment-phase, and variability of thigh-shank, and shank-foot were analyzed for the paretic, non-paretic and control limbs during the stance and swing periods, and the entire gait cycle using the vector coding technique. During the stance period, individuals with stroke presented higher frequency of thigh-phase and lower frequency of shank-phase for the thigh-shank coupling and higher frequency of shank-phase for the shank-foot coupling compared to non-disabled controls, indicating that the proximal segment of each pair leads the movement. During the swing period, the paretic limb presented higher frequency for in-phase than non-paretic and control limbs for the thigh-shank coupling. Adaptations in the non-paretic limb were observed in the swing period, with higher frequency than paretic and control limbs in the thigh-phase for the thigh-shank coupling, and higher frequency than the paretic limb in the foot-phase for the shank-foot coupling. No differences in coordination variability were found between paretic, non-paretic, and control limbs. The vector coding technique constitutes a useful tool for identifying gait alterations in intralimb coordination of individuals with stroke. Our coordination results demonstrate a shift from distal to more proximal control during the stance phase in both legs for the individuals with stroke and an inability to decouple segment coordination during the swing phase in the paretic limb. The results indicate that it is more suitable to consider the stance and swing periods separately instead of considering the entire gait cycle to investigate intralimb gait coordination of individuals with stroke.  相似文献   

《Human movement science》1999,18(2-3):281-305
Eight right-handed participants performed a bilateral circle tracing task in symmetric or asymmetric patterns. Circle tracing was performed in synchrony with an auditory metronome and a visual display at, or comfortably below, each participant's transition frequency. The visual display consisted of a row of five light-emitting diodes (LEDs) arranged between the two circles (hands). Bimanual pattern stability was examined under conditions where the direction of illumination of the visual stimuli was compatible or incompatible with the hand direction. Symmetric patterns maintained stability for both movement rates whereas asymmetric patterns exhibited loss of stability at the transition frequency. Spontaneous reversals in circling direction occurred predominantly (94%) through the nondominant hand. Laterality effects were also evident in the aspect ratio (circularity of trajectories) and limb frequency variation, particularly in asymmetric patterns at the transition frequency. Compatibility between the stimulus direction and circling direction served to: stabilise symmetric patterns; stabilise asymmetric patterns by delaying the onset of transition; and stabilise the individual limb dynamics when the direction of the dominant side was compatible with the visual stimulus. The data from this multisegmental task lend support to a model of coupled oscillators whereby the coupling strength is anisotropic between the dominant and nondominant side, and lend further support for an account of manual asymmetries by way of a preferential perception–action coupling through the dominant limb. PsycINFO Classification: 2320  相似文献   

The effects of handedness on bimanual isofrequency coordination (e.g., phase advance of the dominant limb) have been suggested to result from an asymmetry in interlimb coupling strength, with the non-dominant limb being more strongly influenced by the dominant limb than vice versa. A formalized version of this hypothesis was tested by examining the phase adjustments in both limbs in response to mechanical perturbation of the bimanual coordination pattern and during frequency-induced phase transitions, for both right- and left-handed participants. In both situations, the phase adaptations were made predominantly by the non-dominant limb in right-handers, whereas this effect failed to reach significance in left-handers. Thus, the asymmetry in coupling strength was less pronounced in the latter group. In addition, the degree of asymmetry depended on movement frequency. The observed asymmetry was discussed in relation to pertinent neurophysiological findings.  相似文献   

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