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The author introduces a cognitive-cultural model of identity development to explain the elevated risk for violence among African American youth. The model is an extension of previous conceptual frameworks that address the dynamic interplay among cognition, culture, and self-systems. Specifically, the self is conceptualized as a cognitive structure known as schemata that contain individual and cultural elements corresponding to those aspects of identity. The model has three major components: the individual self, the cultural self, and social roles. The cognitive-cultural model posits that maladaptative behaviors such as violence are a consequence of underdevelopment or imbalance in some aspect of the self or the adoption of social roles that undermine integration of the individual self-schemata and cultural self-schemata. The implications of this cognitive-cultural model for prevention efforts, particularly Afrocentric socialization interventions targeting African American youth, are discussed.  相似文献   

Counselling in prima y care settings has received much interest throughout Britain. Many surgeries employ counsellors or psychologists as part of the primay health care team. This paper describes a model of primary care counselling using an example of a case encountered in general practice. It emphasizes the advantages of offering on-site counselling services, such as better possibilities of liaison with the referring doctor and coordination of patient care. Progress was made in seven sessions of short-term cognitive-behavioural treatment and a more stigmatizing referral (for example, to psychiatric services) was avoided. The case can be seen as an appropriate referral in the context of primay care counselling and illustrates the benefit of this approach to the treatment of psychological and social problems in general practice. Names and details have been changed to preserve confidentiality.  相似文献   

The absence of research and growing involvement of Christians in all areas of counselling gave rise to this study which explores the impact of Christian counselling on adult survivors of sexual abuse. The sample of 44 women and 5 men from an inter-denominational, self-help network, completed a self-report questionnaire of perceived Christian and professional counselling experiences involving issues of trust, power, directive approach, use of prayer and Scripture, responsibility and outcome. Results show that Christian counselling is experienced as qualitatively different from professional counselling: Christian counsellors are perceived as significantly more directive and more powerful than professional counsellors and the overall outcome was perceived more negatively. A number of key factors were identified which influenced the negative experience of some Christian counselling. These included having experience of professional counselling, an emphasis on the use of prayer and Scripture, perceiving the counsellor to have different goals from the client, feeling blamed for continued distress and having prior experience of prayer ministry. Implications for counselling practice and training are discussed.  相似文献   

A developmental model of counselling, based on humanistic principals of psychological functioning, is proposed. A psycho-educational approach, in which counsellors are seen as helping clients develop skills rather than solve problems, is discussed. The counselling model involves three stages: exploration, intervention and empowering. The intervention stage includes techniques focused on affect, behaviour or cognition, as suggested by the ABC model of personal change described in the paper.  相似文献   

This paper outlines the aims and objectives of a group for young adolescents set up by two counsellors in an area youth counselling service. It examines the contract made between the counsellors and the group members, the methods used, and some current areas of conflict and potential growth.  相似文献   

Lee JH  Lee JH 《Cognition & emotion》2012,26(6):1124-1133
This study investigated the time-course characteristics of attentional bias, such as vigilance and maintenance, towards violent stimuli in dating violence (DV) survivors. DV survivors with PTSD symptoms (DV-PTSD group; n=14), DV survivors without PTSD symptoms (Trauma Control group; n=14), and individuals who were never exposed to dating violence (NDV group; n=15) viewed slides that presented four categories of images (violent, dysphoric, positive, and neutral) per slide, for ten seconds. Our results revealed that the DV-PTSD group spent more time on violent stimuli than did the Trauma Control or NDV groups. The DV survivors, both with and without PTSD symptoms, spent more time on dysphoric stimuli and less time on happy stimuli than did the NDV group. In addition to the effects of PTSD, researchers should also be considering the effects of simple traumatic exposure.  相似文献   

This study investigated the time-course characteristics of attentional bias, such as vigilance and maintenance, towards violent stimuli in dating violence (DV) survivors. DV survivors with PTSD symptoms (DV-PTSD group; n=14), DV survivors without PTSD symptoms (Trauma Control group; n=14), and individuals who were never exposed to dating violence (NDV group; n=15) viewed slides that presented four categories of images (violent, dysphoric, positive, and neutral) per slide, for ten seconds. Our results revealed that the DV-PTSD group spent more time on violent stimuli than did the Trauma Control or NDV groups. The DV survivors, both with and without PTSD symptoms, spent more time on dysphoric stimuli and less time on happy stimuli than did the NDV group. In addition to the effects of PTSD, researchers should also be considering the effects of simple traumatic exposure.  相似文献   

Physical violence is widely considered to result from action carried out with the intention of causing injury; that is, from aggression. However, the “hypothesis” of aggression is inapplicable in all but a few instances as well as inappropriate for many destructive rage-associated responses directed at inanimate objects. This paper outlines a new perspective on physical violence, reinterpreting many behaviors hitherto labeled aggressive as stimulation-seeking behaviors (SSBs) above an arbitrary level of intensity. It is further proposed that: 1) physical violence is a by-product of SSB, driven, in part by brain catecholaminergic (CA) systems, and the direct result of exchanges of energy that exceed the body's tolerance threshold; 2) allegedly discrete categories of motor-motivational behavior represent overlapping bands of intensity on a continuous spectrum of SSB; and 3) the sensory input derived from SSB is fed back into the central nervous system where it activates, brain serotonergic and/or cholinergic systems, which in turn inhibit CA systems, resulting in a general state of behavioral quiescence. In addition to accounting for a number of previously unexplained observations, the model suggests that physical violence could be prevented by providing groups at high risk with extensive opportunities for therapeutic sensory stimulation to substitute for that derived from excessive SSB. For people at especially high risk, portable devices could be developed that would allow the user to self-administer desired levels of sensory stimulation at moments of intense anger, thereby preventing potentially dangerous outbursts of SSB prior to the onset of the behavior.  相似文献   

BackgroundSexual Violence (SV) is highly prevalent and experienced by women and men throughout the United States and world. Survivors of SV often experience poor mental and physical health, and poor health-related quality of life. Studies have explored the associations between SV survivorship and maladaptive health behaviors, but few have examined SV and health promoting activities such as exercise.PurposeThe aim of this narrative review is to describe available peer-reviewed literature regarding SV and physical activity and provide recommendations for future research. Specifically, this review aimed to identify information relevant for promoting and designing exercise interventions that can integrate into clinical treatments for adult survivors of SV.MethodsA search of electronic databases identified 18 articles on SV and exercise behavior.ResultsFour of these studies were exercise interventions, 10 were observational studies, and 4 were qualitative interviews. Results broadly indicate that levels of physical activity among survivors of SV is unclear. Findings from trials indicate exercise may have a positive impact on mental health in survivors of SV. Qualitative interviews found survivors often enjoyed exercising and identified several health benefits, suggesting exercise interventions may be feasible and acceptable in this population. Interviews also identified valuable information about survivors' experiences with exercise.ConclusionsResearch in this area would benefit from: representative samples of adults among populations at high risk for victimization, more consistent and in-depth reporting of SV history and exercise levels, consistent and trauma-informed outcome measurements, and more diverse study designs and interventions. Increased exploration of exercise in this population is warranted given the well-established evidence base indicating the health promoting qualities of exercise for mental and physical health among trauma affected populations.  相似文献   

Chronic trauma, shame and psychopathology, as well as the association between them, are acutely understudied, both in South African and internationally. The focus of this article is on chronic trauma of a particular kind, intimate partner violence (IPV) and the development of a specific form or shame-related psychopathology, the splitting of self and how this splitting may be further facilitated or exacerbated by the contexts in which people live. The (counter) narratives of three women are presented. These (counter) narratives demonstrate the presence of both a concealed and shameful authentic self, and the socially conforming projected false self, two polarised parts of the psyche. It is argued that the organisational context, a shelter for survivors of IPV, which has a strong ethos centred around advocacy and human rights and which promotes a strong message of personal empowerment and agency, may unintentionally exacerbate the psychic split in women who have been subjugated at a broader (predominantly patriarchal) cultural level their whole lives. Participants’ resistance narratives were often characterised by inconsistencies and contradictions which oscillated between supporting mainstream cultural narratives and organisationally driven, active resistance against the cultural context from which they came. However, resistance narratives often felt thinly veiled and inauthentic, which is one of the problems with interventions in resource constrained settings which are necessarily time-limited. To fully and completely counter the cultural message that has been the focus of participants’ lifelong gendered socialisation, long-term and in depth interventions at organisational level are needed. These ideas are not only relevant to the South African setting, but have wider application internationally.  相似文献   

Philosophical counselling has traditionally utilized a limited number of philosophical traditions: Existentialism, Stoicism, and the employment of Socratic dialogues being the most common ones. Focusing on a limited number of philosophical views does not exploit the potential therapeutic value of many other philosophical traditions, and may enhance dogmatism. In this paper we illustrate the need for a wider philosophical toolkit by showing the potential value of two rarely-employed philosophical traditions: African and Islamic philosophy. From the plethora of issues in these philosophical traditions, we highlight the relevance of African philosophy to conflicts between social duties and individual desires, and the relevance of Islamic philosophy to conflicts between faith and reason. We then emphasize the relevance of these philosophies in the current social and political situation in the Western world in general, and in Europe in particular.  相似文献   

This study identified components of attentional bias (e.g. attentional vigilance, attentional avoidance and difficulty with disengagement) that are critical characteristics of survivors of dating violence (DV). Eye movements were recorded to obtain accurate and continuous information regarding attention. DV survivors with high post-traumatic stress symptoms (DV-High PTSS group; n = 20) and low post-traumatic stress symptoms (DV-Low PTSS group; n = 22) and participants who had never experienced DV (NDV group; n = 21) were shown screens displaying emotional (angry, fearful and happy) faces paired with neutral faces and negative (angry and fearful) faces paired with happy faces for 10 s. The results indicate that the DV-High PTSS group spent longer dwelling on angry faces over time compared with the DV-Low PTSS and NDV groups. This result implies that the DV-High PTSS group focused on specific trauma-related stimuli but does not provide evidence of an attentional bias towards threatening stimuli in general.  相似文献   

Conducted a qualitative investigation to identify the perceptions of risk factors for violence in a sample of inner-city African American youth. Using ethnographic analyses, themes emerging from these data included concerns about the reciprocity between drugs and violence, familial quality of life issues, gender differences in the experience of violence and risk for violence, community safety concerns, and fears about managing peer relationships specific to violence. These data are interpreted relative to the risk factors the violence prevention literature has identified among youth residing in urban environments. Findings are discussed in terms of their potential contribution to generating hypotheses for the development of theory and effective violence prevention practice.  相似文献   

Post-traumatic stress disorder often co-occurs with depression, and they may share common risk factors. One possible common cognitive risk factor is hopelessness. Thus, we examined whether hopelessness was related to symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. Participants were 202 female survivors of interpersonal violence. Relationships between self-reported and interviewer-rated measures of hopelessness gathered at 2 weeks post-trauma and self-reported and interviewer-rated symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder gathered at 2 weeks and 3 months post-trauma were examined. Hierarchical, simultaneous regression analyses that co-varied trauma type revealed that hopelessness was related to self-reported symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, both concurrently and prospectively. Follow-up analyses revealed that relationships between hopelessness and symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder were due almost entirely to shared variance with depression. No relationships were found between hopelessness and interviewer-rated symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder.  相似文献   

The prevalence of mental health problems in young people with learning disabilities and the disability rights movement provide the background to this paper. The aims are to investigate the inclusivity of counselling; gain insight into inclusive practices; and put forward a model for inclusive counselling practice. Mixed methodology provides quantitative and qualitative data through a survey of counsellors (n = 396) and a series of semi‐structured interviews (n = 15). The results produce six indicators of inclusive counselling, which are used to build a model for inclusive counselling practice: proactive approach to inclusion; focus on building relationships; operationalising equal opportunities policies; inclusive initial assessments; adopting flexible and creative approaches to counselling; and training and awareness raising. The implications for research and practice are to acknowledge the exclusive nature of the profession and address the issue of inclusion through training, professional development and further research in the field. The model for inclusive counselling practice is put forward as a tool for auditing existing counselling provision and as guidance for counsellors and policy makers in increasing inclustion of young people with learning disabilities in mainstream counselling.  相似文献   

Rates of intimate partner violence (IPV) are high. Many survivors elect to leave abusive relationships and seek treatment to address the abusive cycle and psychiatric symptoms that may result. Programs to assist survivors often include an employment component. This article discusses the use of the Developmental Work Personality Scale (D. R. Strauser & J. Keim, 2002) in assessment and counseling, to assist survivors of IPV with obtaining successful employment outcomes.  相似文献   

Self-awareness has been considered to be a critical ingredient for effective counselling and psychotherapy. However, training models have failed to provide an integrated and explicit approach to self-awareness development. The authors therefore introduce and describe the integrated model of self-awareness development and discuss potential applications for counselling and psychotherapy training.  相似文献   

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