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The authors investigated coordination modes that emerged as a function of the interaction between skill level and task constraints in a multiarticular kicking action. Five skilled, 5 intermediate, and 5 novice participants attempted to satisfy specific height and accuracy constraints in kicking a ball over a barrier. Skilled and intermediate groups demonstrated a functional coordination mode involving less joint involvement at the proximal joints and greater joint involvement at distal joints, mimicking a chip-like action in soccer. Conversely, the novice group tended to produce larger ranges of motion throughout the kicking limb in a driving-like kicking action. Key differences were also found for task outcome scores, joint angle-angle relations, and ball-trajectory plots between the skilled and intermediate groups and the novice group. Findings from this study demonstrated that joint involvement during this discrete multiarticular action is a function of skill level and task constraints rather than a consequence of a global freezing-freeing strategy suggested in some previous research. The authors also highlight the merit of using a model of the acquisition of coordination in examining how coordination modes for multiarticular actions differ as a function of skill.  相似文献   

The authors investigated coordination modes that emerged as a function of the interaction between skill level and task constraints in a multiarticular kicking action. Five skilled, 5 intermediate, and 5 novice participants attempted to satisfy specific height and accuracy constraints in kicking a ball over a barrier. Skilled and intermediate groups demonstrated a functional coordination mode involving less joint involvement at the proximal joints and greater joint involvement at distal joints, mimicking a chip-like action in soccer. Conversely, the novice group tended to produce larger ranges of motion throughout the kicking limb in a driving-like kicking action. Key differences were also found for task outcome scores, joint angle-angle relations, and ball-trajectory plots between the skilled and intermediate groups and the novice group. Findings from this study demonstrated that joint involvement during this discrete multiarticular action is a function of skill level and task constraints rather than a consequence of a global freezing-freeing strategy suggested in some previous research. The authors also highlight the merit of using a model of the acquisition of coordination in examining how coordination modes for multiarticular actions differ as a function of skill.  相似文献   

The present study investigated Bernstein's [The co-ordination and regulation of movements, 1967] proposal regarding the three stages of learning in the changing coordination and control of redundant joint-space degrees of freedom. Six participants practiced maintaining balance on a moving platform that was sinusoidally translated in the anterior-posterior direction for 30 trials on day 1 and 10 trials on day 2. At the beginning of practice, the motion of the torso and limb segments was less coherent in the attempt to compensate for the movement of the support surface in retaining a balanced posture. However, with practice, the organization of a compensatory postural coordination mode became highly coherent and also progressively utilized the passive, inertial forces generated by the movement of the support surface. The findings support the propositions that: (a) the pathway of change over time in the coordination pattern of the torso and joint motions depends on the task goal and constraints to action and (b) the changes in limb and torso motion are in support of the learning of a global body center of mass/platform dynamic.  相似文献   

This paper investigated neurobiological degeneracy of the motor system that emerged as a function of levels of environmental constraint. Fourteen participants performed a breaststroke-swimming task that required them to develop a specific biomechanically expert pattern and in turn provide the basis for a suitable task vehicle to study the functional role of movement variability. Inter-limb coordination was defined based on the computation of continuous relative phase between elbow and knee oscillators. Unsupervised cluster analysis on arm–leg coordination revealed the existence of different patterns of coordination when participants achieved the same task goal under different levels of environmental constraints (i.e. different amounts of forward resistances). In addition, clusters differed in terms of higher order derivatives (e.g., joint angular velocity, joint amplitude), suggesting an effective role for degeneracy in learning by allowing the exploration of the key relationships between motor organization and interacting constraints. There is evidence to suggest that neurobiological degeneracy supports the potential for motor re-organization to enhance motor learning.  相似文献   

The present research examined two variables regarding the acquisition of a new bimanual coordination pattern: the role of previous experience and the nature of augmented feedback. Two groups of participants acquired a new coordination pattern (135 degrees relative phase) following two sessions of practice of another novel pattern (90 degrees relative phase). Transfer of learning in these groups was compared to two groups that had not previously learned a new pattern, but were nevertheless influenced by coordination patterns that are intrinsic to the task of bimanual relative timing (in-phase, 0 degrees, and anti-phase, 180 degrees). The findings revealed that new learning overshadowed the influence of the intrinsic patterns. Learning was also greatly affected by augmented feedback: dynamic, on-line pursuit tracking information was more effective in transfer than static, terminal feedback. Implications of these findings regarding theoretical constructs in motor learning are discussed.  相似文献   

Purpose: The role of principles of motor learning (PMLs) in speech has received much attention in the past decade. Oral motor learning, however, has not received similar consideration. This study evaluated the role of three practice conditions in an oral motor tracking task.

Method: Forty-five healthy adult participants were randomly and equally assigned to one of three practice conditions (constant, blocked, and random) and participated in an electromyography-based task. The study consisted of four sessions, at one session a day for four consecutive days. The first three days sessions included a practice phase, with immediate visual feedback, and an immediate retention phase, without visual feedback. The fourth session did not include practice, but only delayed retention testing, lasting 10–15 minutes, without visual feedback.

Results: Random group participants performed better than participants in constant and blocked practice conditions on all the four days. Constant group participants demonstrated superior learning over blocked group participants only on day 4.

Conclusion: Findings indicate that random practice facilitates oral motor learning, which is in line with limb/speech motor learning literature. Future research should systematically investigate the outcomes of random practice as a function of different oral and speech-based tasks.  相似文献   

Bernstein (The Co-ordination and Regulation of Movements, Pergamon, London, 1967) outlined a theoretical framework for the degrees of freedom problem in motor control that included a 3-stage approach to the reorganization of the peripheral biomechanical degrees of freedom in motor learning and development. We propose that Bernstein's conception of change through the stages of learning is too narrow in its consideration of the degrees of freedom problem and the actual pathways of change evident in motor learning. It is shown that change in both the organization of the mechanical degrees of freedom and the dimension of the attractor dynamic organizing motor output can either increase or decrease, according to the confluence of constraints imposed on action. The central issue determining directional change in dimension is whether the dimensionality of the task relevant intrinsic dynamic needs to be increased or decreased to realize new task demands.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether conscious control is associated with freezing of mechanical degrees of freedom during motor learning. Participants practiced a throwing task using either error-strewn or error-reduced practice protocols, which encourage high or low levels of conscious control, respectively. After 24 hr, participants engaged in a series of delayed retention and transfer tests. Furthermore, propensity for conscious control was assessed using participants' ratings and freezing was gauged through movement variability of the throwing arm. Performance was defined by mean radial error. In the error-strewn group, propensity for conscious control was positively associated with both freezing and performance. In the error-reduced group, propensity for conscious control was negatively associated with performance, but not with freezing. These results suggest that conscious control is associated with freezing of mechanical degrees of freedom during motor learning.  相似文献   

The number of joint motions available in the upper extremity provides for multiple solutions to the coordination of a motor task. Making use of these abundant joint motions provides for task flexibility. Controlling bimanual movements poses another level of complexity because of possible tradeoffs between coordination within a limb and coordination between the limbs. We examined how flexible patterns of joint coordination were used to stabilize the hand's path when drawing a circle independently compared to a bimanual pattern. Across-trial variance of joint motions was partitioned into two components: goal-equivalent variance (GEV), representing variance of joint motions consistent with a stable hand path and non-goal-equivalent variance (NGEV) representing variance of joint motions that led to deviations of the hand's path. GEV was higher than NGEV in both unimanual and bimanual drawing, with one exception. Both GEV and NGEV, related to control of the individual hands' motion, decreased when engaged in the bimanual compared to unimanual drawing. Moreover, NGEV, leading to variability in the vectorial distance between the hands, was higher when the two hands drew circles in a bimanually asymmetric vs. symmetric pattern, consistent with reported differences in the relative phasing of the two hands. Our results suggest that the nervous system controls the individual hands' motions by separate intra-limb synergies during both unimanual and bimanual drawing, and superimposes an additional synergy to achieve stable relative motion of the two hands during bimanual drawing.  相似文献   

The cognitive effort explanations of contextual interference (CI) and implicit motor learning represent a paradox in which cognitive involvement is seen to be advantageous or disadvantageous for learning. The authors aimed to resolve this paradox by measuring cognitive effort and working memory dependence during low and high CI practice on two Australian Rules Football tasks (kicking and handball). Measures of cognitive effort included: kicking and handball outcome performance during acquisition and during a test of retention, performance on a probe reaction time task during a sample of acquisition trials, and self-reported levels of cognitive effort. Measures of implicit and explicit learning included kicking and handball performance during a secondary task transfer, and self-report verbal protocols (number of verbal rules and hypotheses reported). The results suggest that high CI may cause an implicit mode of learning, perhaps due to the interference caused by task switching. However, these findings are restricted to the more complex of the 2 tasks (kicking).  相似文献   

This study examined the movement coordination in an exceptional tetraplegic individual who has practiced Japanese calligraphy with a mouth-held brush for over 25 years to reach master level. In the experiment, the calligrapher wrote the same Chinese character on a sheet of ink paper multiple times. The uncontrolled manifold analysis revealed the forms of covariation among joint degrees of freedom so as to keep the brush pressure, brush angle, and upright head posture invariant over different realizations of the task while allowing for joint configuration fluctuations that do not affect these task variables. The fact that the 3 task variables were simultaneously controlled further suggested that the acquisition of the skill was not only a matter of learning to control each of the task variables but also a matter of learning to nest different layers of activities that control the multiple functional relationships to the environment in such a way as not to be dysfunctional for one layer to another.  相似文献   

The authors addressed the hypothesis that economy in motor coordination is a learning phenomenon realized by both reduced energy cost for a given workload and more external work at the same prepractice metabolic and attentional energy expenditure. "Self-optimization" of movement parameters has been proposed to reflect learned motor adaptations that minimize energy costs. Twelve men aged 22.3 -/+ 3.9 years practiced a 90 degrees relative phase, upper limb, independent ergometer cycling task at 60 rpm, followed by a transfer test of unpracticed (45 and 75 rpm) and self-paced cadences. Performance in all conditions was initially unstable, inaccurate, and relatively high in both metabolic and attentional energy costs. With practice, coordinative stability increased, more work was performed for the same metabolic and attentional costs, and the same work was done at a reduced energy cost. Self-paced cycling was initially below the metabolically optimal, but following practice at 60 rpm was closer to optimal cadence. Given the many behavioral options of the motor system in meeting a variety of everyday movement task goals, optimal metabolic and attentional energy criteria may provide a solution to the problem of selecting the most adaptive coordination and control parameters.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of constant versus variable practice on learning a simple motor task in eight patients diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease (AD). According to the variability of practice hypothesis, variations in practice of a motor skill result in superior learning as evidenced by better ability to transfer the skill. Eight AD patients were matched for Mini-Mental State Exam and baseline scores and then randomly assigned to a constant or variable practice group. Then, the participants were trained in hitting a tennis ball with a small racquet against a horizontal target (practice task) over 12 sessions. Finally, they were asked to aim at a vertical target (transfer task). All participants showed improvement on the practice task. On the transfer task, three of four participants in the variable practice group outperformed their matched counterparts, suggesting learning benefits of variable practice.  相似文献   

The effect of practice on limb kinematics in a dart-throwing task was examined to test three current hypotheses regarding limb control: trajectory formation; end-point control; and coordinated joint-space control. Practice was given to both the relatively well-practiced dominant ant the relatively unpracticed nondominant limbs of 5 male subjects to permit analysis of the early phase of coordination acquisition. The nondominant limb demonstrated high absolute joint cross-correlations with high variability throughout practice and consistency in the hand trajectory. The dominant limb exhibit a significant decrease in wrist-elbow and wrist-shoulder cross-correlations over practice while also maintaining a consistent hand trajectory and significantly higher scoring performance. The findings demonstrate that practice effects can be seen in both coordination mode and variability of various parameters of limb motion, but the changing relationship between the variables suggests that control cannot be ascribed to any one of the three hypotheses advanced. It is proposed that the observed invariance or variance in limb trajectories, end-point control, and coordinated joint angles are a reflection of more global parameters emerging from the flow field properties of the organism, environment, and task interaction.  相似文献   

This study reports an empirical investigation into Bernstein's (1967) ideas that in the early stages of the acquisition of a movement skill the coordination problem is reduced by an initial freezing out of degrees of freedom, followed later in the learning process by the release of these degrees of freedom and their incorporation into a dynamic, controllable system. “Freezing” degrees of freedom was made operational both as a rigid fixation of individual degrees of freedom and as the formation of rigid couplings between multiple degrees of freedom. Five subjects practiced slalom-like ski movements on a ski apparatus for 7 consecutive days. Results showed that at the early phases of learning, the joint angles of the lower limbs and torso displayed little movement, as expressed by their standard deviations and ranges of angular motion, whereas joint couplings were high, as shown by the relatively high cross correlations between joint angles. Over practice, angular movement significantly increased in all joint angles of the lower limbs and torso, although the cross correlations decreased. Support for the processes of freezing and releasing degrees of freedom was thus given at both levels of operationalization. In addition, a consistent change from laterally symmetric to laterally asymmetric cross-correlation patterns were observed as a function of practice. Overall, the findings provide empirical support for Bernstein's ideas regarding the mastery of redundant degrees of freedom in the acquisition of coordination.  相似文献   

The main purpose of the present experiment was to determine the coordinate system used in the development of movement codes when observational and physical practice are scheduled across practice sessions. The task was to reproduce a 1,300-ms spatial-temporal pattern of elbow flexions and extensions. An intermanual transfer paradigm with a retention test and two effector (contralateral limb) transfer tests was used. The mirror effector transfer test required the same pattern of homologous muscle activation and sequence of limb joint angles as that performed or observed during practice, and the non-mirror effector transfer test required the same spatial pattern movements as that performed or observed. The test results following the first acquisition session replicated the findings of Gruetzmacher, Panzer, Blandin, and Shea (2011) . The results following the second acquisition session indicated a strong advantage for participants who received physical practice in both practice sessions or received observational practice followed by physical practice. This advantage was found on both the retention and the mirror transfer tests compared to the non-mirror transfer test. These results demonstrate that codes based in motor coordinates can be developed relatively quickly and effectively for a simple spatial-temporal movement sequence when participants are provided with physical practice or observation followed by physical practice, but physical practice followed by observational practice or observational practice alone limits the development of codes based in motor coordinates.  相似文献   

By observing the coordination patterns of people of different ages and skill levels bouncing a ball, the authors addressed hypotheses regarding (a) the relative increase and decrease of degrees of freedom with learning and (b) the order of progression in the changing organization of those degrees of freedom with development and learning. The movement patterns of the dominant arm and hand of subjects at various skill levels were contrasted in a cross-sectional design so that the way movement organization changes as a function of practice could be examined. Nine subjects aged between 4 and 22 years bounced a basketball at a preferred rhythm while standing still. Each performance trial was videotaped, and motions of arm and ball were digitized. Statistical analyses were made of linear and angular body motions: pairwise correlations and multiple regressions, amplitude and period variability, phase relations, and spectral and coherency measures. The coordination patterns revealed that (a) the movement patterns of less skilled subjects were more variable than those of more skilled subjects and (b) the motions of the articulators showed directional changes as a function of skill level that began both proximally and distally and moved toward the center of the effector chain with practice. The findings point up the relevance of studying change of system organization for understanding control and coordination.  相似文献   

Many studies have shown that rhythmic interlimb coordination involves perception of the coupled limb movements, and different sensory modalities can be used. Using visual displays to inform the coupled bimanual movement, novel bimanual coordination patterns can be learned with practice. A recent study showed that similar learning occurred without vision when a coach provided manual guidance during practice. The information provided via the two different modalities may be same (amodal) or different (modality specific). If it is different, then learning with both is a dual task, and one source of information might be used in preference to the other in performing the task when both are available. In the current study, participants learned a novel 90° bimanual coordination pattern without or with visual information in addition to kinesthesis. In posttest, all participants were tested without and with visual information in addition to kinesthesis. When tested with visual information, all participants exhibited performance that was significantly improved by practice. When tested without visual information, participants who practiced using only kinesthetic information showed improvement, but those who practiced with visual information in addition showed remarkably less improvement. The results indicate that (1) the information is not amodal, (2) use of a single type of information was preferred, and (3) the preferred information was visual. We also hypothesized that older participants might be more likely to acquire dual task performance given their greater experience of the two sensory modes in combination, but results were replicated with both 20- and 50-year-olds.  相似文献   

The authors investigated differences in the soccer kick between 8 experienced and 10 less experienced participants in 2 different task conditions (kicking a stationary ball or a moving ball at a target). The experienced participants were more accurate than their less experienced counterparts, whereas there were no differences in maximum foot velocity between groups or between conditions. When compared with their performance in the stationary condition, participants kicked the moving ball with a smaller range of movement at the knee of the kicking leg, maintaining a proximodistal coordination pattern. Because of their significantly shorter knee-flexion phase, the participants in the experienced group displayed a significantly shorter time between initiation of the forward swing of the kick and ball contact than that of those in the less experienced group. The rapid knee flexion may have been a strategy of exploiting passive dynamics to increase accuracy rather than velocity. Members of both groups showed a proximodistal initiation sequence in the kicking leg, which suggests that players can acquire that coordination pattern with relatively little structured practice and that further practice leads to improvement possibly through the increased exploitation of passive dynamics.  相似文献   

Consolidation is a time-dependent process that is responsible for the storage of information in long-term memory. As such, it plays a crucial role in motor learning. Prior research suggests that some consolidation processes are triggered only when the learner experiences some success during practice. In the present study, we tested whether consolidation processes depend on the objective performance of the learner or on the learner's subjective evaluation of his or her own performance (i.e., how successful the learner believes he or she is). Four groups of participants performed 2 sessions of a visuomotor adaptation task for which they had to learn a new internal model of limb kinematics; these sessions were either 5 min or 24 hr apart. The task was identical for all participants, but each group was given a difficult or an easy objective that affected the participants' evaluation of their own performance during the initial practice session. All groups adapted their movements similarly to the rotation of the visual feedback during the first session. However, when retested the following day, participants who had a 24-hr rest interval and had initially experienced success performed significantly better than those who did not feel successful or who were given a 5-min rest interval. Our results indicate that a certain level of subjective success must be experienced to trigger certain consolidation processes.  相似文献   

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