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Abstract.— Minor modifications of the usual serial anticipation procedure did not affect the well-known Serial Position Effect (SPE), while the errors, i.e. Intra-list-Intrusions (ILI) and Failure-TeRespond (FTR), showed deviations from the usual distributions. It was therefore concluded that the SPE should not be analysed in terms of different error types, ILI and FTR. Transfer-to-position measured by means of a number-syllable paired association (PA) task, and a free-recall test of the original serial anticipation list measured after the termination of the PA-task showed a skewed and a symmetrical trend respectively. It was suggested that response-learning accounted for the symmetrical component of the SPE while association-to-position, contrary to prevailing views, was responsible for the skewed component.  相似文献   

When one item is made distinct from the other items in a list, memory for the distinctive item is improved, a finding known as the isolation or von Restorff effect (after von Restorff, 1933). Although demonstrated numerous times with younger adults and children, this effect has not been found with older adults (Cimbalo & Brink, 1982). In contrast to the earlier study, we obtained a significant von Restorff effect for both younger and older adults using a physical manipulation of font colour. The effect size for older adults was smaller than that obtained for younger adults, confirming a prediction of Naveh-Benjamin's (2000) associative deficit hypothesis, which attributes age-related differences in memory performance to older adults' reduced ability to form associations. The findings are consistent with related research in which older adults demonstrate similar—but smaller—benefits for distinctive information to those for younger adults.  相似文献   

Six-month-olds, trained with a three-mobile serial list, exhibit a primacy effect 24 h later. In three experiments, we demonstrated that increasing list length impairs their memory for serial order. In all experiments, 6-month-olds were trained with a five-mobile list. In Experiment 1, infants failed to exhibit a primacy effect on a 24-h delayed recognition test, recognizing mobiles from all serial positions. In Experiment 2, infants did exhibit a primacy effect on a reactivation (priming) test, suggesting that they may originally have encoded serial-order information. Experiment 3 confirmed that serial-order information was represented in infants' training memory. After the reactivation treatment, infants were precued with one list member and tested for recognition of another. When precues specified valid order information, infants recognized test mobiles from the later serial positions. The memory dissociation for serial order on delayed recognition and reactivation tests adds to the growing evidence that young infants possess two functionally distinct memory systems.  相似文献   

Thirty-two noninstitutionalized retardates and 32 normals of equal mental age (approximately 8 years) heard 10 orders of 10 nouns when the decibel (dB) level of the stimuli was the same and when the dB level of the sixth item was higher. The yon Restorff effect was demonstrated by both groups. The normals’ overall recall was superior to that of the retardates’ recall. Differences in recall were attributed to the normals’ tendency to recall items in the same serial order more consistently. The subjective organization of lists, as measured by order of recall, differed for the normals and retardates; the normal group was more adaptable than the retarded group in adjusting their strategy to different list conditions.  相似文献   

Children's serial motor skill acquisition was studied within a neo-Piagetian framework. High and low M-processors performed on a curvilinear repositioning task. A primacy-recency effect was evidenced for both groups on the age-related task, while a recency effect occurred for only the high M-processors on the task one stage beyond the developmental processing capacity of the subjects. High M-processors were more accurate and less variable than low M-processors. Although low M-processors performed better on the more complex task than on the simpler one, their performance never exceeded that of the high M-processors. Implications of these results for future research were discussed.  相似文献   

When an outstanding item appears in an otherwise homogeneous list of items, the outstanding item is better remembered (the von Restorff effect), and items before and after it may be more poorly remembered (induced amnesia) than corresponding items in a control list. In the present experiments the outstanding item was a word presented as a loud shout among other words presented at normal conversational levels. In two experiments, large retrograde- and anterograde-induced amnesiae effects were demonstrated using a free-recall and a recognition task. In both experiments half of the subjects were told what to expect and were instructed to devise a strategy to eliminate induced amnesia. These instructions failed to eliminate the amnesiac effect. A third experiment was designed to demonstrate an empirical similarity between induced and clinical amnesia. In clinical retrograde (but not anterograde) amnesia, "lost" memories are sometimes recovered with time. Filled delays of 0, 30, or 120 sec interpolated between list presentation and recall demonstrated that induced retrograde amnesia disappeared at the longest delay but induced anterograde amnesia was unchanged. A fourth experiment eliminated some alternate interpretations of the effect.  相似文献   

Evidence that outcome associations, position associations, and response patterns each contribute to performance in animal serial learning came from two experiments in which three-trial series of rewarded and not-rewarded trials were examined. Response patterns were disrupted in Experiment 1 by placing animals directly in the goal on selected trials, a procedure that reduced (favoring outcome associations) but did not eliminate (favoring position associations) serial behavior. Series constructed to make outcome associations impossible (Experiment 2) produced serial behavior that indicated salient position associations can serve as phrasing cues to chunk the position information contained in the series.  相似文献   

An investigation is reported into pausing and grouping during the serial learning of letter strings, when presented randomly by length and when presented in ascending order. Mean pause times for the reading and recall of longer lists were significantly greater than for lists of shorter span due to extended pausing at specific list positions. In general, reading rhythms were duplicated during recall. Subjects were highly consistent in maintaining their level of pause duration across lists and responded to additions in list length by increasing their number of groups, not by increasing group size. Triadic sequences were the most popular form of spontaneous organization. Pausing measures are discussed as indices of organizational strategies.  相似文献   

Summary Thirty-six Ss practiced two serial lists of identical length in haphazard alternation. At each position in a list, a maximum number of intruding responses arrived from the same position in the other list, and the frequency of intrusion from a non-identical position in the other list declined with increase of positional disparity in either direction. The reliability of this gradient-like phenomenon, which could not be verified by the method of trend analysis owing to insufficient data, is partially indicated by the occurrence of interlist intrusions at a significantly higher rate between identical than between non-identical positions. These results are interpreted as an evidence in support of the hypothesis that not only associations develop between the items of a rote series and their serial positions but also these associations generalize between positions in inverse proportion to the intervening distance.  相似文献   

The list length effect in recognition memory refers to the finding that recognition performance for a short list is superior to that for a long list. The list length effect is consistent with the predictions of item noise models, but context noise models predict no effect. Recently, it has been argued that if potential confounds are controlled, the list length effect is eliminated. We report the results of two experiments in which we looked at the role of attention and the remember–know task in the detection of the list length effect. We conclude that there is no list length effect when potential confounds are controlled and that it is the design used to control for attention that is most vital.  相似文献   

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