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The present study investigated the impact of comorbidity over and above the impact of symptom severity on treatment outcome of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for children with anxiety disorders. Children (aged 8–12, n = 124) diagnosed with an anxiety disorder were treated with a short-term CBT protocol. Severity was assessed with a composite measure of parent-reported behavior problems. Two approaches to comorbidity were examined; “total comorbidity” which differentiated anxiety disordered children with (n = 69) or without (n = 55) a co-occurring disorder and “non-anxiety comorbidity’ which differentiated anxious children with (n = 22) or without a non-anxiety comorbid disorder (n = 102). Treatment outcome was assessed in terms of Recovery, represented by post-treatment diagnostic status, and Reliable Change, a score reflecting changes in pre- to post-treatment symptom levels. Severity contributed to the prediction of (no) Recovery and (more) Reliable Change in parent-reported internalizing and externalizing symptoms and self-reported depressive symptoms. Total and non-anxiety comorbidity added to the prediction of diagnostic recovery. Non-anxiety comorbidity added to the prediction of Reliable Change in parent reported measures by acting as a suppressor variable. Non-anxiety comorbidity operated as a strong predictor that explained all of the variance associated with severity for self-reported depressive symptoms. The results support the need for further research on mechanisms by which treatment gains in children with higher symptom severity and non-anxiety comorbidity can be achieved.  相似文献   

Client ambivalence about change (or motivation) is regarded as central to outcomes in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). However, little research has been conducted to examine the impact of client ambivalence about change on therapy process variables such as the therapeutic alliance. Given the demonstrated limitations of self-report measures of key constructs such as ambivalence and motivation, the present study instead employed a newly adapted observational measure of client ambivalence. Client statements regarding change (change talk (CT) and counter-change talk (CCT)) were coded in early (session 1 or 2) therapy sessions of CBT for generalized anxiety disorder. The frequency of CT and CCT was then compared between clients who later experienced an alliance rupture with their therapist, and clients who did not. The results showed that clients in dyads who later experienced an alliance rupture expressed significantly more CCT at the outset of therapy than clients who did not later experience an alliance rupture. However, CT utterances did not significantly differ between alliance rupture and no-rupture groups. CCT may strain the alliance because clients expressing higher levels of CCT early in therapy may be less receptive to therapist direction in CBT. Consequently, it is recommended that clients and therapists work together to carefully address these key moments in therapy so as to prevent alliance rupture and preserve client engagement in therapy.  相似文献   

We examined the outcomes of individual cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for social anxiety disorder (SAD) in a sample of 93 adults seeking treatment in a university outpatient clinic specializing in CBT for SAD. Treatment followed the structure of a manual, but number of sessions varied according to client needs. After approximately 20 weeks of therapy, patients’ social anxiety had decreased and their quality of life had increased. Patients with more severe SAD or comorbid major depressive disorder (MDD) at pretreatment demonstrated higher levels of social anxiety averaged across pre- and posttreatment. However, clinician-rated severity of SAD, comorbid MDD, or comorbid generalized anxiety disorder did not predict treatment outcome. Higher pretreatment scores on measures of safety behaviors and cognitive distortions were associated with higher social anxiety averaged across pre- and posttreatment and predicted greater decreases from pre- to posttreatment on multiple social anxiety outcome measures. We found no predictors of change in quality of life. Those with high levels of safety behaviors and distorted cognitions may benefit more from CBT, perhaps due to its emphasis on targeting avoidance through exposure and changing distorted thinking patterns through cognitive restructuring methods. Our study lends support to the body of research suggesting that manualized CBT interventions can be applied flexibly in clinical settings with promising outcomes for patients over a relatively short course of therapy.  相似文献   

This study tested components of a proposed model of child anxiety and examined the mediational roles of (1) maternal control behavior, (2) maternal external locus of control, and (3) child external locus of control in the association between maternal and child anxiety. Thirty-eight clinically anxious mothers and 37 nonanxious mothers participated along with one of their children aged 6 to 14 (52.0% female; 78.7% Caucasian). Path analysis indicated that the overall model fit the data very well. Analyses also indicated that child external locus of control mediated the associations between (1) maternal and child anxiety and (2) maternal control behavior and child anxiety. Maternal anxiety was not related to maternal control behavior and maternal external locus of control was not associated with child anxiety. Findings are discussed in the context of theoretical models (e.g., Chorpita and Barlow 1998) regarding the transmission of maternal anxiety to their children and the specific roles of maternal behavior and child locus of control.  相似文献   

We examined the relation between cognitive development and fear, anxiety, and behavioral inhibition in a non-clinical sample of 226 Dutch children aged 4–9 years. To assess cognitive development, children were tested with Piagetian conservation tasks and a Theory-of-Mind (TOM) test. Fears were measured by means of a self-report scale completed by the children, while anxiety symptoms and behavioral inhibition were indexed by rating scales that were filled out by parents. Significant age trends were observed for some anxiety phenomena. For example, younger children displayed higher fear scores, whereas older children exhibited higher levels of generalized anxiety. Most importantly, results of regression analyses (in which we controlled for age) indicated that cognitive development, and in particular TOM ability, made a unique and significant contribution to various domains of behavioral inhibition. In all cases, higher levels of TOM were associated with lower levels of behavioral inhibition. In general, percentages of explained variance were rather small (i.e., <6%), indicating that the role of cognitive development in various anxiety phenomena is limited.  相似文献   

A substantial proportion of children with high-functioning autism (HFA) or Asperger syndrome (AS) have one or more comorbid anxiety disorders. Because anxiety disorders exacerbate the social difficulties and other functional impairments caused by an autism spectrum disorder (ASD), there is a need for efficacious treatments to address the clinical needs of youth with this comorbid presentation. This article describes an evidence-based cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) treatment manual enhanced to address the unique characteristics and clinical needs of children with ASD. A case study is presented in which CBT was utilized in the successful treatment of an 11-year-old girl with HFA. The intervention was effective in reducing anxiety and improving social and adaptive functioning. These findings suggest that an enhanced CBT approach may be a viable intervention for children with comorbid HFA and anxiety disorders that should be further evaluated.  相似文献   

Internet-delivered transdiagnostic anxiety interventions aim to reduce symptoms across several anxiety disorders using one treatment protocol. However, it is unclear whether comorbidity affects outcomes of such treatment. This study re-examined data from a recent randomised controlled trial (N = 129) that evaluated the efficacy of an Internet-delivered transdiagnostic cognitive behavioural therapy (iCBT) intervention for participants with principal diagnoses of generalised anxiety disorder (GAD), social phobia (SP) panic disorder and agoraphobia (PDA), of whom 72% met criteria for a comorbid anxiety disorder or depression. Participants were divided into two groups based on whether or not they had a comorbid disorder before treatment. Participants with comorbid conditions reported higher symptom levels at pre-treatment, post-treatment, and follow-up across a range of measures. Both groups showed significant reductions in symptoms over treatment; however, participants with comorbid disorders showed greater reductions in measures of GAD, PDA, SP, depression, and neuroticism. In addition, treatment significantly reduced the number of comorbid diagnoses at follow-up. These results indicate transdiagnostic iCBT protocols have the potential to reduce comorbidity.  相似文献   

《Behavior Therapy》2020,51(1):69-84
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is an efficacious treatment for child anxiety disorders, but 40%–50% of youth do not respond fully to treatment, and time commitments for standard CBT can be prohibitive for some families and lead to long waiting lists for trained CBT therapists in the community. SmartCAT 2.0 is an adjunctive mobile health program designed to improve and shorten CBT treatment for anxiety disorders in youth by providing them with the opportunity to practice CBT skills outside of session using an interactive and gamified interface. It consists of an app and an integrated clinician portal connected to the app for secure 2-way communication with the therapist. The goal of the present study was to evaluate SmartCAT 2.0 in an open trial to establish usability, feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary efficacy of brief (8 sessions) CBT combined with SmartCAT. We also explored changes in CBT skills targeted by the app. Participants were 34 youth (ages 9–14) who met DSM-5 criteria for generalized, separation, and/or social anxiety disorder. Results demonstrated strong feasibility and usability of the app/portal and high satisfaction with the intervention. Youth used the app an average of 12 times between each therapy session (M = 5.8 mins per day). At posttreatment, 67% of youth no longer met diagnostic criteria for an anxiety disorder, with this percentage increasing to 86% at 2-month follow-up. Youth showed reduced symptom severity over time across raters and also improved from pre- to posttreatment in CBT skills targeted by the app, demonstrating better emotion identification and thought challenging and reductions in avoidance. Findings support the feasibility of combining brief CBT with SmartCAT. Although not a controlled trial, when benchmarked against the literature, the current findings suggest that SmartCAT may enhance the utility of brief CBT for childhood anxiety disorders.  相似文献   

《Behavior Therapy》2019,50(6):1075-1086
As evidence grows supporting certain mechanisms of change in psychological treatments and we improve statistical approaches to measuring them, it is important that we also explore how mechanisms and processes are related to each other, and how they together affect treatment outcomes. To answer these questions about interrelating processes and mechanisms, we need to take advantage of frequent assessment and modeling techniques that allow for an examination of the influence of one mechanism on another over time. Within cognitive behavioral therapy, studies have shown support for both decentering, the ability to observe thoughts and feelings as objective events in the mind, and anticipatory processing, the repetitive thinking about upcoming social situations, as potentially related mechanisms of change. Therefore, the current study examined weekly ratings of decentering and a single-item anticipatory processing question to examine the interrelation among these change mechanisms in 59 individuals who received a 12-weeks of Cognitive Behavioral Group Therapy for social anxiety disorder. Overall, these results found that both anticipatory processing and decentering changed over the course therapy for clients. Change in both anticipatory processing and decentering was related to outcome. The bivariate latent difference score analysis showed that anticipatory processing was a leading indicator of change in decentering, but not the reverse, indicating that change in anticipatory processing is leading to change in decentering. It may be that with the focus on cognitive reappraisal in this treatment, that reducing anticipatory processing is freeing up the cognitive resources for decentering to occur.  相似文献   

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) represents an often chronic and debilitating mental illness resulting from exposure to trauma. Although the most compelling evidence for the treatment of PTSD is cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), many patients experience residual functional impairment, or relapse, suggesting that this approach does not work for all cases of PTSD. Repeated severe trauma, particularly during development, might increase the risk for a more intricate clinical profile, called complex PTSD (CPTSD), which might contribute to poorer treatment response. The following provides a comprehensive summary of the evidence examining whether CPTSD symptomatology is related to poorer treatment outcome of CBT, reviews the literature on the treatment of CPTSD, and offers insights into current issues and future directions of the construct.  相似文献   

Anxiety disorders in children and adolescents are largely undetected and the majority of youth do not receive services. Given the deleterious consequences of anxiety disorders, early identification and intervention have public health implications. In order to increase identification and treatment of anxious youth, expansion to nonpsychiatric settings (i.e., pediatric medical settings, schools) is necessary. Pediatric medical offices represent ideal settings for detection and intervention for several reasons: (1) access to large numbers of children, (2) high prevalence of unrecognized anxiety disorders in medical settings, and (3) an association between anxiety disorders and medically unexplained somatic symptoms. This paper describes a cognitive-behavioral intervention for youth who present to pediatric medical settings with nonmedical somatic symptoms and undiagnosed anxiety disorders. We explain the rationale for and focus of our treatment approach, present two case studies illustrating the treatment process, and conclude with a discussion of implementation considerations.  相似文献   

This report is a post-hoc, exploratory examination of the relationships among patient motivation, therapist protocol adherence, and panic disorder outcome in patients treated with cognitive behavioral therapy within the context of a randomized clinical trial for the treatment of panic disorder (Barlow, Gorman, Shear, & Woods, 2000). Results suggested that motivation and adherence interacted to predict change in panic severity. Among patients rated as less motivated, greater therapist protocol adherence was associated with poorer outcome. Among patients rated as more motivated, adherence was not significantly associated with outcome. Further process research is needed to confirm these preliminary results and to understand the interactions of patient and therapist factors and how they are related to outcome in standardized protocols such as cognitive behavioral therapy for panic disorder.  相似文献   

Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) severely impacts social functioning, distress levels, and utilization of medical care compared with that of other major psychiatric disorders. Neither pharmacological nor psychotherapy interventions have adequately controlled cardinal symptoms of GAD: pervasive excessive anxiety and uncontrollable worry. Research has established cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) as the most effective psychotherapy for controlling GAD; however, outcomes remain at only 50% reduction, with high relapse rates. Mindfulness has been integrated with CBT to treat people suffering from numerous psychiatric disorders, with mindfulness based stress reduction (MBSR) being the most researched. Preliminary evidence supports MBSR’s potential for controlling GAD symptoms and key researchers suggest mindfulness practices possess key elements for treating GAD. Classical mindfulness (CM) differs significantly from MBSR and possesses unique potentials for directly targeting process and state GAD symptoms inadequately treated by CBT. This article introduces the theory and practice of CM, its differences from MBSR, and a critical review of MBSR and CBT treatments for GAD. CM strategies designed to complement CBT targeting cardinal GAD symptoms are outlined with a case study illustrating its use.  相似文献   

Several clinical papers have provided clinical recommendations for how to provide cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for obsessive-compulsive symptoms among Orthodox Jewish individuals. However, no published studies have described culturally adapted CBT for anxiety or depression in this population or quantified the effectiveness of such approaches. We evaluated the effectiveness of CBT for symptoms of generalized anxiety and depression in a sample of Orthodox Jews (n = 65) and a comparison sample (n = 42) presenting to the Center for Anxiety, a private outpatient clinic with three offices in the New York area (www.centerforanxiety.org). A chart review revealed that all patients received CBT-based interventions with appropriate religious-cultural adaptations of treatment, which we present in two case studies. We observed statistically and clinically significant treatment gains from pretreatment to midtreatment (anxiety: t = 8.56, p < .001; depression: t = 8.01, p < .001), and again from midtreatment through termination (anxiety: t = 3.68, p < .001; depression: t = 3.62, p < .001). No significant differences in anxiety or depression were observed between Orthodox Jewish patients and controls at any time point or for treatment effects (anxiety: Wilks’ Lambda = .950, F = 2.65, p = .076, ηp2 = .050; depression: Wilks’ Lambda = .99, F = 2.00,p = .49, ηp2 = .014). This paper offers clinical insight into delivery of CBT to Orthodox Jewish patients, as well as preliminary support for the effectiveness of CBT in treating symptoms of generalized anxiety and depression within this population.  相似文献   

《Behavior Therapy》2022,53(1):34-48
Despite growing attention to the efficacy of culturally adapted cognitive-behavioral treatment (CBT) programs for children and adolescents, there is still little empirical and practical information available to therapists who adapt original treatment protocols to suit clients of a specific culture. The current study aimed to compare therapeutic interactions across CBT treatment delivered with two different cultural groups. We developed an observational coding system to examine behaviors exhibited by child, parent, and therapist during CBT sessions conducted in Australia and Japan for children with anxiety disorders. Our results demonstrated significant differences between the two countries with respect to the treatment readiness of children, the proportion of talking during the sessions by parents and children, therapists’ laughter, length of silence during the first session, and parent indices of accommodation. In terms of transitions over time (i.e., first to last CBT session), parents in both countries tended to talk more during the last CBT session, whereas only Australian therapists talked less over time. The proportion of silence decreased over time during the Japanese sessions, and the amount of interruptions by parents increased over time for Australian sessions. Finally, our exploratory analyses demonstrated that a number of behavioral observations were correlated with anxiety treatment outcome at posttreatment. This study suggests that interactions between a child, parent, and therapist during CBT sessions may be affected by the culture in which the CBT session occurs, which could have implications for culturally adapted CBT programs.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effectiveness of a behavioral treatment package for sleep problems in children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Treatment consisted of four behaviorally based components: circadian rhythm management, positive bedtime routines, white noise, and graduated extinction. A multiple-baseline design across three participants was used. Families completed a baseline of various lengths followed by 1 month of intervention. Results indicated the treatment package was effective in decreasing sleep onset latency and the frequency of night awakenings. A week of follow-up data showed continued improvement. Parents reported their children slept better and satisfaction with the four intervention components.  相似文献   

This study addressed the clinical and construct validity of the Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function. (BRIEF: Gioia, Isquith, Guy, & Kenworthy, 2000), a questionnaire designed to tap behavioral aspects of executive functions in children. BRIEF profiles in early treated phenylketonuria (PKU; n = 44), early treated hydrocephalus (n = 45), frontal focal lesions (n = 20) and controls (n = 80) were examined. Clinical validity was supported through significant between-group comparisons, especially between the frontal focal lesion group and other groups. To examine construct validity, raw scores on cognitive executive function measures including the Contingency Naming Test (CNT), Rey Complex Figure (RCF), Tower of London (TOL), and Controlled Oral Word Association Test (COWAT), were correlated with BRIEF scale scores. Few significant correlations were found, indicating cognitive and behavioral measures appear to tap different constructs within the executive function domain. A dissociation was found between behavioral and cognitive impairments in the frontal as opposed to PKU and hydrocephalus groups. This is discussed in relation to underlying pathology, the cognitive measures used, and possible limitations in the BRIEF's usefulness for measuring behavioral executive dysfunction in groups only mildly affected by neurological compromise.  相似文献   

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