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Abstract: In The View From Here, Jay Wallace emphasises that an agent's capacity to regret a past decision is conditioned by the attachments that she may have developed as a result. Those attachments shape the point of view from which she retrospectively deliberates. Wallace stresses, however, that not every normative aspect of her decision is affected by this change in perspective, because her decision will remain as unjustified as it was in the past. I will argue, however, that this approach to justification is inconsistent with the normative import that Wallace ascribes to the actual dynamics of our attachments in his defence of the rationale of regret. If I am right, Wallace's approach is caught in the following dilemma: Either he renounces a nonperspectival approach to justification or he revises his view about the normative import of the actual dynamics of our attachments.  相似文献   

Variation in exploratory and collaborative behavior among family members define different problem-solving styles or “paradigms” in families. Similar characteristics distinguish patterns of attachment within dyads. This suggests an association between these phenomena. The hypothesis was tested in a laboratory study of families with young adolescents. Using the Reiss Card Sort Procedure (CSP) and a newly developed scheme for classifying adolescent attachments, it was demonstrated that particular problem-solving styles were linked to specific patterns of adolescent-parent attachments. An association of paradigms and attachment patterns may afford a new perspective on the dialectical interplay between individual and family development. The probabilities of paradigm-attachment association could prove useful when choosing an intervention model for family therapy.  相似文献   


Work and the structure it affords is one of the most important vehicles for the expression of worth in our society. With so much invested in the external world of position and achievement, threats to job security pose fundamental challenges to individual identity. Recent upheavals in the workplacedownsizings, early retirements, and corporate reorganizationshave shaken the psychological equilibrium of many of our clients, giving rise to feelings of despair and hopelessness. When disruptive and unwanted changes occur later in life, they become additionally tinged with latent concerns about aging and finding meaning as a mature adult.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study is to contribute to a gender‐integrated theory of delinquent behavior by testing the assumptions of gender specialized delinquent behavior and of sex typed bonds as inhibitors of deviance. Data from self‐administered questionnaires completed by a sample of teenagers in the 10th grade and one year later were used in the study. We found no clear evidence of gender specialization in the deviant behavior reported by the youth. Furthermore, the analysis did not lend support to traditional theories that link male and female delinquency to the weakening of different bonds. The testing of an inclusive model of bond theories produced very similar results for both genders.  相似文献   

We contend that the boundaries and nature of national attachments are shaped by the position of one's group within America's racial order, with higher status yielding more racially exclusive forms of identity. We test our claims in the realm of xenophobia. Using an original survey of African Americans (n = 1,000) and Whites (n = 1,000), we assess national pride, nationalism, nativism, and racial identity, plus affect toward various immigrant groups. We establish that national attachments have racially varied meanings, thereby producing sharp differences in each racial group's response to foreigners. Although national pride is unrelated to White antipathy toward outsiders, nationalism and nativism increase White hostility to immigrants—except when they are White. In contrast, national pride diminishes African American hostility to Black and non‐Black immigrants, while nativism is generally unrelated to Black antipathy to outsiders. Finally, while nationalism heightens xenophobia among Blacks, this sentiment envelops all foreigners—including African immigrants. We discuss our results' implications for theories of national attachment in intergroup settings.  相似文献   

Logic in infancy     
Jonas Langer 《Cognition》1981,10(1-3):181-186

Human infants display complex categoriztion abilities. Results from studies of visual preference, object examination, conditioned leg-kicking, sequential touching, and generalized imitation reveal different patterns of category formation, with different levels of exclusivity in the category representations formed by infants at different ages. We suggest that differences in levels of exclusivity reflect the degree to which the various tasks specify the relevant category distinction to be drawn by the infant. Performance in any given task might reflect prior learning or within-task learning, or both. The extent to which either form of learning is deployed could be determined by task context.  相似文献   

It is now almost 20 years since Janicaud’s critique of the ‘theological turn in French phenomenology’ (Janicaud 1991, 2000), with its emphasis on phenomenology and theology as two and never one. Yet since that time there been an explosion of phenomenologies which are, if not overtly, implicitly religious and phenomenology. Thus, we have phenomenologies of prayer, or love, or hope, and the possibilities of further phenomenologies. The challenge of these emerging phenomenologies is that there seems to be no noematic correlate to a noesis in intentionality. To the fore in the reconsideration of this phenomenological challenge is Jean-Luc Marion (although there are others such as Levinas, Jean-Louis Chrétien, and Michel Henry): all aspects of lived experience appear now to belong to the proper scope of phenomenology. Marion considers the relation in Husserl between intentions and intuitions which fulfil these intentions, and suggests a reversal. In Marion, although intentionality is not rejected, the phenomenological flow which the reduction brings to light is from the object as such as it gives itself in intuition, and then from intuition to intention. For Marion, phenomena are saturated—they give too much. Religion becomes a test-case for all phenomenology. This bearing, drawing mainly on The Visible and the Revealed, offers some of the key things in Marion’s phenomenology.  相似文献   

Pathological defenses in infancy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Catching skills in infancy   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Infants were induced to reach for fast moving objects whose velocity and starting position varied. Altogether, 144 reaches were analyzed by a technique that took into consideration the three-dimensional properties of reaches. It was found that reaches in all conditions were aimed close to the meeting point with the object. The precision in timing of a reach was about a twentieth of a second, and the systematic timing errors were close to zero. The results suggest that the infant reaches in reference to a coordinate system fixed to the moving object instead of to the static background, that is, the infant's hand is moved with the object at the same time as it is moved toward the object. It is concluded that the capacity to time and coordinate one's movements in the catching of a moving object is a very basic and early developed skill.  相似文献   

BackgroundMicrostate analysis is an emerging method for investigating global brain connections using electroencephalography (EEG). Microstates have been colloquially referred to as the “atom of thought,” meaning that from these underlying networks comes coordinated neural processing and cognition. The present study examined microstates at 6-, 8-, and 10-months of age. It was hypothesized that infants would demonstrate distinct microstates comparable to those identified in adults that also parallel resting-state networks using fMRI. An additional exploratory aim was to examine the relationship between microstates and temperament, assessed via parent reports, to further demonstrate microstate analysis as a viable tool for examining the relationship between neural networks, cognitive processes as well as emotional expression embodied in temperament attributes.MethodsThe microstates analysis was performed with infant EEG data when the infant was either 6- (n = 12), 8- (n = 16), or 10-months (n = 6) old. The resting-state task involved watching a 1-minute video segment of Baby Einstein while listening to the accompanying music. Parents completed the IBQ-R to assess infant temperament.ResultsFour microstate topographies were extracted. Microstate 1 had an isolated posterior activation; Microstate 2 had a symmetric occipital to prefrontal orientation; Microstate 3 had a left occipital to right frontal orientation; and Microstate 4 had a right occipital to left frontal orientation. At 10-months old, Microstate 3, thought to reflect auditory/language processing, became activated more often, for longer periods of time, covering significantly more time across the task and was more likely to be transitioned into. This finding is interpreted as consistent with language acquisition and phonological processing that emerges around 10-months. Microstate topographies and parameters were also correlated with differing temperament broadband and narrowband scales on the IBQ-R.ConclusionThree microstates emerged that appear comparable to underlying networks identified in adult and infant microstate literature and fMRI studies. Each of the temperament domains was related to specific microstates and their parameters. These networks also correspond with auditory and visual processing as well as the default mode network found in prior research and can lead to new investigations examining differences across stimulus presentations to further explain how infants begin to recognize, respond to, and engage with the world around them.  相似文献   

Infant-control habituation methodology, although serving the research community well, has never been carefully analyzed. A main use is to equate infants in their level of habituation prior to experimental manipulations in a posthabituation phase. When studied analytically and with simulation, it is found to have serious difficulties. It inadvertently recruits infants with large variations in performance while discriminating against those with less variable performance. For nonhabituating infants, its Type I error rates can approach 1. A model-based nonlinear regression framework is proposed, which, because of large individual differences in infants, takes as the unit of analysis the individual infant. It is shown to be more powerful and efficient than existing procedures and can offer practical and theoretical benefits.  相似文献   

Infants of high-risk pregnancies and deliveries may need early intervention to facilitate attachment both to and from their caregivers. Three early interventions are described: (1) giving high-risk pregnant women video feedback during prenatal ultrasound, which reduced maternal anxiety, obstetric complications, and fetal activity and improved neonatal outcome (increased weight gain, better performance on the Brazelton, and decreased irritability); (2) providing preterm neonates nonnutritive sucking opportunities to reduce stress during heelsticks and gavage feedings; and (3) providing preterm neonates and preterm cocaine-exposed neonates massage therapy, which facilitated weight gain and better performance on the Brazelton scale. Following improved neonatal behavior, infants would be expected to have better interactions with their caregivers.  相似文献   

We review recently published papers that have contributed to our understanding of how the preverbal infant represents number, area and time. We review evidence that infants rely on two distinct systems to represent number nonverbally and highlight the similarities in the ratio‐dependent discrimination of number, time and area. Contrary to earlier assertions that continuous dimensions are more salient (and thus more discriminable) to the infant than numerosity, we argue that the opposite conclusion is better supported by the data. The preverbal infant may be better able to extract numerosity than continuous variables from arrays of discrete items.  相似文献   

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