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Especially in the field of memory encoding and retrieval, the results of functional neuroimaging have provided new insights in anatomico-functional interactions. In particular this holds true for the role of the prefrontal cortex in mnestic information processing, for the contribution and participation of the two hemispheres in various processes of information transmission, and for views on disturbed information processing after organically obvious and so-called psychogenic forms of memory impairments. This report particularly stresses the insights obtained by functional neuroimaging for probably environmentally triggered deficiencies in memory processing and discusses possible subtle neuroanatomical correlates of functional amnesias. It is especially emphasised that stress conditions and depressive states may modify the release of steroids (glucocorticoids) and transmitter agonists at the brain level with the consequence of selective memory disturbances which may manifest as a ‘mnestic block syndrome’.  相似文献   

Recent neuroimaging studies of language processing are examining the neural substrate of phonology because of its critical role in mapping sound information onto higher levels of language processing (e.g., words) as well as providing codes in which verbal information can be temporarily stored in working memory. However, the precise role of the inferior frontal cortex in spoken and written phonological tasks has remained elusive. Although lesion studies have indicated the presence of selective deficits in phonological processing, the location of lesions underlying these impairments has not revealed a consistent pattern. Despite efforts to refine methods and tasks, functional neuroimaging studies have also revealed variability in activation patterns. Reanalysis of evidence from these neuroimaging studies suggests that there are functional subregions within the inferior frontal gyrus that correspond to specific components of phonological processing (e.g., orthographic to phonological conversion in reading, and segmentation in speech).  相似文献   

There needs to be more crosstalk between the lesion and functional neuroimaging memory literatures. This is illustrated by a discussion of episode and fact encoding. The lesion literature suggests several hypotheses about which brain regions underlie the storage of episode and fact information, which can be explored by functional neuroimaging. These hypotheses have been underexplored because neuroimaging studies of encoding have been insufficiently hypothesis-driven and have not controlled encoding-related processes sufficiently well to allow clear interpretations of results to be made. Nevertheless, there is good evidence that certain kinds of associative encoding and/or consolidation are sufficient to activate the medial temporal lobes, and preliminary evidence that some kinds of associative priming may reduce activation of this region. It remains to be proved that attentional orienting to certain kinds of novel information activates the medial temporal lobes. Evidence is growing that the HERA model, developed from neuroimaging rather than lesion data, requires modification and that frontal cortex encoding activations are probably caused by executive processes that are important in effortful memory processing. Neuroimaging studies allow the detection of encoding-related activations in previously unexpected brain regions (e.g. parietal lobes) and, in turn, these findings can be explored with lesion studies.  相似文献   

There needs to be more crosstalk between the lesion and functional neuroimaging memory literatures. This is illustrated by a discussion of episode and fact encoding. The lesion literature suggests several hypotheses about which brain regions underlie the storage of episode and fact information, which can be explored by functional neuroimaging. These hypotheses have been underexplored because neuroimaging studies of encoding have been insufficiently hypothesis-driven and have not controlled encoding-related processes sufficiently well to allow clear interpretations of results to be made. Nevertheless, there is good evidence that certain kinds of associative encoding and/or consolidation are sufficient to activate the medial temporal lobes, and preliminary evidence that some kinds of associative priming may reduce activation of this region. It remains to be proved that attentional orienting to certain kinds of novel information activates the medial temporal lobes. Evidence is growing that the HERA model, developed from neuroimaging rather than lesion data, requires modification and that frontal cortex encoding activations are probably caused by executive processes that are important in effortful memory processing. Neuroimaging studies allow the detection of encoding-related activations in previously unexpected brain regions (e.g. parietal lobes) and, in turn, these findings can be explored with lesion studies.  相似文献   

The medial temporal lobe has been implicated in studies of episodic memory tasks involving spatio-temporal context and object-location conjunctions. We have previously demonstrated that an increased level of practice in a free-recall task parallels a decrease in the functional activity of several brain regions, including the medial temporal lobe, the prefrontal, the anterior cingulate, the anterior insular, and the posterior parietal cortices, that in concert demonstrate a move from elaborate controlled processing towards a higher degree of automaticity. Here we report data from two experiments that extend these initial observations. We used a similar experimental approach but probed for effects of retrieval paradigms and stimulus material. In the first experiment we investigated practice related changes during recognition of object-location conjunctions and in the second during free-recall of pseudo-words. Learning in a neural network is a dynamic consequence of information processing and network plasticity. The present and previous PET results indicate that practice can induce a learning related functional restructuring of information processing. Different adaptive processes likely subserve the functional re-organisation observed. These may in part be related to different demands for attentional and working memory processing. It appears that the role(s) of the prefrontal cortex and the medial temporal lobe in memory retrieval are complex, perhaps reflecting several different interacting processes or cognitive components. We suggest that an integrative interactive perspective on the role of the prefrontal and medial temporal lobe is necessary for an understanding of the processing significance of these regions in learning and memory. It appears necessary to develop elaborated and explicit computational models for prefrontal and medial temporal functions in order to derive detailed empirical predictions, and in combination with an efficient use and development of functional neuroimaging approaches, to further the understanding of the processing significance of these regions in memory.  相似文献   

Working memory is a set of interactive cognitive processes that maintain information on–line and available for analysis. Part of the system is specialized for maintaining verbal information, a core component of which is thought to be a phonological store. On the basis of the study of patients with acquired brain lesions, this store has been localized to the supramarginal and angular gyri of the speech–dominant hemisphere, and some functional neuroimaging studies support this localization. However, other imaging studies localize the phonological store in a more dorsal region of the parietal lobe. To reconcile these findings, we examined the phonological–similarity effect in two different tasks. A phonological–similarity effect was observed only in the task that involved sequential presentation and explicit verbal rehearsal. We conclude that at least one possible source of the differences in brain activation between different working memory tasks may be differences in phonological processing.  相似文献   

Cognitive scientists have used developments in functional imaging to explore the role of the medial temporal lobe (MTL) in memory formation. Lesion studies have suggested that separate MTL subregions make distinct contributions to memory. Functional imaging of these distinct contributions, however, remains a challenge, because the proximity of the MTL substructures tests the spatial resolution limits of current techniques. Recent findings using electrophysiological measures of neural activity highlight the importance of using information from other imaging modalities. Integrating the different modalities of neuroimaging with lesion studies, and, further, combining modalities within experiments, will provide new insights into the function of MTL subregions.  相似文献   

A consistently reported finding in functional neuroimaging studies which compare processing of new information to processing of old information is a reduction in blood flow, and hence neural activity, associated with the old condition. This deactivation has been labeled neural priming. Some investigators have hypothesized that neural priming is the physiological mechanism underlying conceptual priming—a facilitation in the semantic processing of repeated information. Others, however, have hypothesized that neural priming reflects novelty assessment—a mechanism which minimizes the probability that redundant information will be stored in long‐term memory. In this paper, the conceptual priming and novelty assessment hypotheses are compared and contrasted in order to ask, and tentatively answer, the question: Are conceptual priming and novelty assessment cognitively and neurophysiologically distinct? Based on a review of the literature, it is suggested that whereas novelty assessment and conceptual priming are distinct cognitive entities, they cannot be presently separated neurophysiologically. That is, some novelty assessment deactivations may in fact reflect priming, and some priming deactivations may in fact reflect novelty assessment.  相似文献   

Working memory is the memory system that allows us to briefly keep information active, often so we can operate on it. Studies with rhesus monkeys first established that this system is partly mediated by neural mechanisms in the prefrontal cortex. Recently, there has been a substantial effort to study the neural bases of working memory in humans, using neuroimaging techniques such as positron emission tomography and functional magnetic resonance imaging. Some of the initial neuroimaging studies with humans focused on the neural mechanisms that mediate our ability to keep spatial information active. These results indicated that human spatial working memory is partly mediated by regions in parietal and prefrontal cortex. Subsequent research has shown that a different neural system is involved when people store object (rather than spatial) information, a difference similar to that found in monkeys.  相似文献   

In the course of a day, the brain undergoes large-scale changes in functional modes, from attentive wakefulness to the deepest stage of sleep. The present paper evaluates how these state changes affect the neural bases of sensory and cognitive representations. Are organized neural representations still maintained during sleep? In other words, despite the absence of conscious awareness, do neuronal signals emitted during sleep contain information and have a functional relevance? Through a critical evaluation of the animal and human literature, neural representations at different levels of integration (from the most elementary sensory level to the most cognitive one) are reviewed. Recordings of neuronal activity in animals at presentation of neutral or significant stimuli show that some analysis of the external word remains possible during sleep, allowing recognition of behaviorally relevant stimuli. Event-related brain potentials in humans confirm the preservation of some sensory integration and discriminative capacity. Behavioral and neuroimaging studies in humans substantiate the notion that memory representations are reactivated and are reorganized during post-learning sleep; these reorganisations may account for the beneficial effects of sleep on behavioral performance. Electrophysiological results showing replay of neuronal sequences in animals are presented, and their relevance as neuronal correlates of memory reactivation is discussed. The reviewed literature provides converging evidence that structured neural representations can be activated during sleep. Which reorganizations unique to sleep benefit memory representations, and to what extent the operations still efficient in processing environmental information during sleep are similar to those underlying the non-conscious, automatic processing continually at work in wakefulness, are challenging questions open to investigation.  相似文献   

There are two significant problems in using functional neuroimaging methods to study language. Improving the state of functional brain imaging will depend on understanding how the dependent measure of brain imaging differs from behavioral dependent measures (the "dependent measure problem") and how the activation of the motor system may be confounded with non-motor aspects of processing in certain experimental designs (the "motor output problem"). To address these problems, it may be necessary to shift the focus of language research from the study of linguistic competence to the understanding of language use. This will require investigations of language processing in full multi-modal and environmental context, monitoring of natural behaviors, novel experimental design, and network-based analysis. Such a combined naturalistic approach could lead to tremendous new insights into language and the brain.  相似文献   

Because of the unique ability it provides to investigate information processing at the level of neural systems, functional neuroimaging is a powerful tool to explore the relationship between genes, brain, and behavior. Recently, functional neuroimaging has provided dramatic illustrations of how a promoter polymorphism in the human serotonin transporter gene, which has been weakly related to several dimensions of emotional behaviors (such as neuroticism and anxiety traits), is strongly related to the engagement of neural systems—namely, the amygdala and subgenual prefrontal cortex, subserving emotional information processing. This review will outline the experimental strategy by which these genetic effects on brain function have been explored and highlight the effectiveness of this strategy to delineate biological pathways and mechanisms contributing to the emergence of individual differences in brain function that potentially bias behavior and risk for psychiatric illness. Correspondence relating to this article may be sent to A. R. Hariri,  相似文献   

黎樱  杨东  张庆林 《心理科学进展》2011,19(11):1625-1634
神经成像技术为语言加工的性别差异研究提供了新的手段和证据。研究者们从语言加工的词汇、句子、篇章理解和语言学习、再认和记忆等层面进行了大量的男女性脑功能差异研究。同时, 语言加工的性别差异也从脑结构–生理基础差异方面进行了探讨, 主要包括了灰质分布差异、胼胝体大小差异和荷尔蒙的影响。然而, 语言加工是否有性别差异还存在争议, 不同的研究者从加工时间要求、陈述性记忆差异和方法学考虑等方面对分歧做出了解释。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— Neuroimaging of declarative memory is not an endeavor divorced from psychology but, instead, is another path through which a more complete understanding of memory has emerged. Specifically, neuroimaging allows us to determine if differences between memory states emerge from quantitatively or qualitatively distinct underlying encoding operations. Further, it has allowed for greater specification of the putative control operations adopted when we make decisions about our memories. We describe some examples of insights provided by neuroimaging into the many and varied processes that support encoding and retrieval of declarative memory.  相似文献   

采用信息加工视角, 在划分不同信息来源的基础上分析编码、存储(巩固)、再激活/再巩固和提取的一系列加工过程如何导致错误记忆形成, 由此总结出错误记忆产生的三个可能原因:(1)因缺乏针对目标事物特异性细节的记忆表征而侧重于编码和提取目标和非目标事物共享的抽象记忆表征, 使被试更倾向于依赖抽象表征对缺失的目标细节进行重构, 引发错误记忆; (2)目标事物启动了对应图式, 导致与图式相关的非目标事物记忆表征得到增强, 引发错误记忆; (3)误导信息干扰了再度激活状态下目标事物的记忆表征, 妨碍其进行准确的记忆再巩固, 从而引发错误记忆。未来研究可进一步探讨目标事物特异性细节的表征区域、不同类型的图式表征促进非目标事物记忆表征的具体机制以及提取阶段的图式复现对错误记忆形成的影响等问题。  相似文献   

Theoretical developments about the nature of semantic representations and processes should be accompanied by a discussion of how these theories can be validated on the basis of empirical data. Here, I elaborate on the link between theory and empirical research, highlighting the need for temporal information in order to distinguish fundamental aspects of semantics. The generic point that fast cognitive processes demand fast measurement techniques has been made many times before, although arguably more often in the psychophysiological community than in the metabolic neuroimaging community. Many reviews on the neuroscience of semantics mostly or even exclusively focus on metabolic neuroimaging data. Following an analysis of semantics in terms of the representations and processes involved, I argue that fundamental theoretical debates about the neuroscience of semantics can only be concluded on the basis of data with sufficient temporal resolution. Any “semantic effect” may result from a conflation of long-term memory representations, retrieval and working memory processes, mental imagery, and episodic memory. This poses challenges for all neuroimaging modalities, but especially for those with low temporal resolution. It also throws doubt on the usefulness of contrasts between meaningful and meaningless stimuli, which may differ on a number of semantic and non-semantic dimensions. I will discuss the consequences of this analysis for research on the role of convergence zones or hubs and distributed modal brain networks, top-down modulation of task and context as well as interactivity between levels of the processing hierarchy, for example in the framework of predictive coding.  相似文献   

The role of verbal and visuospatial information processing in Tower of London (TOL) tasks was investigated. The first part of the investigation examined the verbal and visuospatial abilities and preferred cognitive style (visualizer vs. verbalizer) of 79 participants, in an inter-individual differences approach. Visuospatial abilities significantly predicted TOL performance, but the impact of cognitive style was negligible. The second part applied a dual-task manipulation of concurrent interference of TOL planning tasks on verbal and visuospatial memory, using the same participants. Concurrent processing of the TOL tasks diminished visuospatial memory performance considerably but had no effect on verbal memory, and there was no interaction between cognitive style and memory. These findings clearly underscore the role of visuospatial information processing in TOL tasks and indicate little bearing of verbal or visual cognitive style on TOL problem solving. These results have important implications for TOL and cognitive style in clinical application and cognitive neuroimaging research.  相似文献   

Working memory is variously defined as a set of linked and interacting information processing components that maintain information in a short-term store (or retrieve information into that store) for the purpose of the active manipulation of the stored items. The purpose of the this Special Issue is to present data relevant to the question of the functional organization of working memory. In this Introduction we review the two models of working memory and suggest that some of the similarities may be more apparent than real. We further suggest that the two models describe different systems that are specialized for different kinds of stimuli and for different kinds of information processing.  相似文献   

The Occipital Cortex in the Blind   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT— Studying the brains of blind individuals provides a unique opportunity to investigate how the brain changes and adapts in response to afferent (input) and efferent (output) demands. We discuss evidence suggesting that regions of the brain normally associated with the processing of visual information undergo remarkable dynamic change in response to blindness. These neuroplastic changes implicate not only processing carried out by the remaining senses but also higher cognitive functions such as language and memory. A strong emphasis is placed on evidence obtained from advanced neuroimaging techniques that allow researchers to identify areas of human brain activity, as well as from lesion approaches (both reversible and irreversible) to address the functional relevance and role of these activated areas. A possible mechanism and conceptual framework for these physiological and behavioral changes is proposed.  相似文献   

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