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Junior high students showed a preference for inexpensive ice cream while adults preferred more expensive ice cream; university students were in a middle position. It appears that taste for more expensive ice cream is associated with age, but it is not clear whether this is learned although it appears to be inasmuch as it is not universal across the various groups.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of two mental skills on the performance of ice hockey goaltenders during league games. The mental skills utilized were relaxation, in the form of centering, and self-talk. The participants were five male junior A hockey goaltenders. A single-subject multiple baseline across individuals design was employed to evaluate the use of the mental skills. The results demonstrated that the mental skills training was effective in producing improvements in the save percentage of the goaltenders. The social validation results indicated that the participants enjoyed using the mental skills and were satisfied with the results obtained. Furthermore, the coaches were very satisfied with the results and felt that the mental skills training was an important ingredient for improving performance, in particular performance consistency.  相似文献   

In this study, the researchers investigated the relationship between parent and player dispositional goal orientations associated with playing youth hockey. The authors used the Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire (J. L. Duda ? J. Whitehead, 1998) to measure task and ego orientation in 123 boys (10-13 years old) and 1 of their parents. Sons rated their own goal orientations for hockey and their perceptions of their parent's goal orientations. Parents rated their goal orientations for their son and their perceptions of their son's goal orientations. Mothers and fathers did not differ in their goal orientations for their son. Travel-team and nontravel-team players did not differ. For ego orientation, the son's self-ratings correlated significantly with the parent's goals for the son, but not for task orientation. Sons reported being significantly more ego-oriented than their parents desired. Sons perceived that their parents had goal orientations similar to their own. The data from this study are congruent with the assertion that parents socialize their children's goal orientations and that ego orientation may be more salient and easily communicated than task orientation.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to analyze the development of four 20 year-old elite hockey players through an in-depth examination of their sporting activities. The theoretical frameworkof deliberate practice (Ericsson, Krampe, & Tesch-Romer, 1993) and the notion of deliberate play (Côté, 1999) served as the theoretical foundations. Interviews were conducted to providea longitudinal and detailed account of each participant.s involvement in various sporting activities. The interviewer asked questions about the conditions and sporting activities for eachyear of development. The data obtained were validated through independent interviews conducted with three parents of three different athletes. The results were consistent with Côté.s(1999) three stages of development in sport: the sampling (age 6.12), specializing (age 13. 15), and investment (age 16+) years.  相似文献   

Understanding factors that influence sport officials' performance is vital to ensuring fair sport competition. Through semistructured interviews (N = 17), we explored officials' perceptions of group processes that occurred among ice hockey officiating teams. Participant responses revealed numerous ways that group processes were present within officials' interactions, and two unique characteristics involved the transient nature of officiating groups (frequently performing with different officials) and intrateam competition pertaining to postseason assignments. In the discussion, we expand on the unique nature of officiating groups, synthesize activities in which officials seek to enhance groupness, and provide insights for future interventions and researchers.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Curtailing health care for the very old promises to free resources that can be devoted to others. Such self-conscious limit-setting, leading to premature death, requires both a moral justification and a change in the paradigm of physician obligation. This paper argues that the moral justification for curtailing care is absent, and that the paradigm of the physician as a servant of life, and the patient's agent, is worth preserving. Finally, it is suggested that, if the ailing old need to be deprived of life-extending care, then the state should undertake the task of killing them. Physicians should not undertake this role, for it is the state that may gain an advantage it seeks by saving money, not the physicians.  相似文献   

Drowning is the leading cause of unintentional death worldwide, and the highest rates are among children. The purpose of this study was to utilize a multi‐component intervention to increase water skills for three typically developing children, who had a history of fear of swimming, and to evaluate changes in both phobic behaviors and positive affect. The intervention, comprised of goal setting, self‐monitoring, behavioral skills training and positive reinforcement, was used in community pools to teach basic water skills. Results suggest that the intervention was successful in increasing the participant's water skills and positive affect while intervals with phobic behaviors decreased. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT A theory of personality should lead to both accurate prediction and interpretive understanding. Aside from its empirical uses, a personality theory should provide a grammar that allows personality psychologists to infer meaning from overt behavior with more sophistication than a layperson, and the best laboratory for testing the interpretive utility of a personality theory remains the clinic. With respect to the appropriate data for constructing and evaluating theories of personality, an overreliance on questionnaire data is problematic for several reasons: It assumes that understanding people requires no training, it mistakes research on the conscious self-concept for research on personality, it conflates implicit and explicit knowledge, it fails to address defensive biases, and it lacks interrater reliability. Consideration of both empirical and clinical data points to three questions that define the elements of personality necessary for a comprehensive assessment of an individual: (a) What psychological resources–cognitive, affective, and behavioral dispositions–does the individual have at his or her disposal? (b) What does the person wish for, fear, and value, and how do these motives combine and conflict? (c) How does the person experience the self and others, and to what extent can the individual enter into intimate relationships?  相似文献   

水利是农业的命脉。古代齐国的农学家们正是在研究“草木之道”的大自然中,发现了水利对农业生产的重要作用。基于治水改土种植的大量实践活动,形成了齐人“水者,地之血气”的精辟见解。《管子》一书中《度地》、《乘马》、《水地》等篇章,不仅记载了管仲治水的思想,也真实地反映了古代齐国劳动人民治水的史实。  相似文献   

71 males and 75 females ranging in age from 18 to 61 yr. (M age 20 yr.) ranked three brands of vanilla ice cream for taste preference. The expectation that butterfat content by volume (rather than by weight) would predict taste preference was confirmed in this exploratory study.  相似文献   

Matt Leonard 《Ratio》2014,27(3):306-315
Can material objects be weakly located at regions of spacetime and yet fail to be exactly located anywhere? In this paper, I discuss a case which, at least according to one interpretation, answers affirmatively: the case of blending gunky water and wine, in gunky space. Perhaps after such a blend, the water and wine aren't exactly located anywhere while being weakly located at the location of the blend and any region which overlaps it. I show that the case is interesting and complicated, and has consequences for some ideas found in papers by Daniel Nolan and Josh Parsons. 1 1 Many thanks to Kyle Dickey, Peter Fritz, Cody Gilmore, Jeremy Goodman, John Hawthorne, Shieva Kleinschmidt, Anna Marmodoro, Bernard Molyneux, Daniel Nolan, Josh Parsons, Ted Shear, Adam Sennet, Nat Tabris, Andy Yu, Gabriel Uzquiano, Diego Tajer, an anonymous referee at Ratio, and an audience at the University of Oxford for helpful comments and discussion.

There exists considerable research on the effects of prenatal maternal stress on offspring. Animal studies, using random assignment to experimental and control groups, demonstrate the noxious effects of prenatal maternal stress on physical, behavioural and cognitive development. The generalizability of these results to humans is problematic given that cognitive attributions moderate reactions to stressors. In humans, researchers have relied upon maternal anxiety or exposure to life events as proxies for the stressors used with animals. Yet, the associations between maternal anxiety or potentially non-independent life events and problems in infants are confounded by genetic transmission of temperament from mother to child. We summarize the literature on prenatal maternal stress and infant cognitive development, leading to the conclusion that the human literature lacks the ability to separate the effects of the objective exposure to a stressor and the mother's subjective reaction. We then describe our prospective Project Ice Storm in which we are following 150 children who were exposed in utero to a natural disaster. We demonstrate significant effects of the objective severity of exposure on cognitive and language development at age two years with important moderating effects of the timing during pregnancy. The implications of our findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Located on the beeline between the two nuclear superpowers, Greenland took on vital strategic importance during the early phases of the Cold War. As part of its polar strategy, the USA constructed several bases in Greenland. Camp Century, known as ‘City under the Ice’, was an experimental-military American city built entirely inside the ice sheet in 1959–1960. A 225-person, nuclear-powered army base, Century was the precursor for a much larger installation of intercontinental ballistic missiles (which never materialized), but was also used to project popular images of techno-scientific control, nuclear containment, and American values into Cold War American culture. Applying Paul Edward's closed-world metaphor to photos, film, books, and articles about Camp Century enables us to see both the strengths and the fragility of public discourses about the camp. Century was depicted as an outstanding example of man's never-ceasing quest for knowledge, as the epic conquest of the harsh Arctic environment by US Army engineers, as an Arctic sword and shield against the Soviet aggressor, and as a friendly collaboration between the USA and Denmark (in 1953, the former colony of Greenland became part of the Danish Realm). In the end, Camp Century had to be abandoned due to the glaciological forces of the moving ice sheet which crushed the tunnels, but also due to changes in Cold War politics and the political difficulties underscoring nuclear installations on Danish territory.  相似文献   

五千余载沉浮,芸芸生众十三亿。甲皈仙道,乙依佛祖,丙崇上帝……。还有一群,持无神论,同心同志。讲科学发展,以人为本,反迷信,求真理。痛斥“神灵救世”!只服从, 客观规律!百花齐放,切磋论辩,宏扬正气。前路多艰,大家  相似文献   

The United Nations (UN) Universal Declaration of Human Rights engenders important state commitments to respect, fulfill, and protect a broad range of socio-economic rights. In 2010, a milestone was reached when the UN General Assembly recognized the human right to safe and clean drinking water and sanitation. However, water plays an important role in realizing other human rights such as the right to food and livelihoods, and in realizing the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. These broader water-related rights have been recognized but have not yet been operationalized. This paper unravels these broader water-related rights in a more holistic interpretation of existing international human rights law. By focusing on an emerging approach to water services provision—known as ‘domestic-plus’ services—the paper argues how this approach operationalizes a comprehensive range of socio-economic rights in rural and peri-urban areas. Domestic-plus services provide water for domestic and productive uses around homesteads, which challenges the widespread practice in the public sector of planning and designing water infrastructure for a single-use. Evidence is presented to show that people in rural communities are already using their water supplies planned for domestic uses to support a wide range of productive activities. Domestic-plus services recognize and plan for these multiple-uses, while respecting the priority for clean and safe drinking water. The paper concludes that domestic-plus services operationalize the obligation to progressively fulfill a comprehensive range of indivisible socio-economic rights in rural and peri-urban areas.  相似文献   

The relation between cooperative, competitive, and individualistic attitudes and psychological adjustment and health was examined in dedicated athletes. The respondents were 57 collegiate and semiprofessional ice hockey players who were trying out for the 1980 Olympic ice hockey team. The results indicated that the more cooperatively oriented the athletes, the greater their psychological adjustment and health; competitiveness was unrelated to indexes of psychological adjustment and health; and positive attitudes toward individualistic participation in athletics was correlated with psychological pathology and maladjustment.  相似文献   

文章综述了相关水资源态度与节水行为的概念,介绍了近些年来有影响力的模型。如理性行为理论、计划行为理论,价值—态度—行为层次理论,并简述了水资源态度与节水行为关系的相关研究,最后提出了对未来相关研究的的几点启示。  相似文献   

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