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There has been increased use of self-appraisal programs for evaluating the performance of executive personnel. Because objective measures of performance are rarely available or adequate for this level of personnel, ratings are often relied upon. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between supervisory-perceptions and incumbent self-perceptions of the performance of executive personnel. The rationale for this study was that the relationship between supervisory-ratings and self-ratings has important implications for the usefulness of self-appraisal programs. If self-evaluations are to be effective in enlisting a person's cooperation and participation, it seems essential that his perceptions agree with those of his superior. This study was designed to identify those areas of executive performance where there might be significant amounts of disagreement. Knowledge of these problem areas would then be useful in conducting self-appraisal programs. Supervisory-ratings and self-ratings on 27 performance variables were obtained for the top executives of a large manufacturing corporation. A measure of promotability was used as the criterion and analysis of variance and correlation analyses were carried out to attain the objectives. The major conclusions of the study were: (1) Executives tended to rate themselves higher than they were rated by their supervisors, (2) Disagreement in the relationship of the two sets of ratings was found in several areas, (3) Executives who tended to overrate themselves were found to be the ones who were considered least promotable on the basis of a criterion measure of success in the organization.  相似文献   

This study investigates the degree to which performance feedback information can be conceptually housed within an existing theoretical framework of organizational communication. If one's job can be conceptualized as a work information environment, then logically there should be some communality between organizational communication and performance feedback information. In this study 213 faculty members at Iowa State University completed a questionnaire addressing patterns of organizational communication within their respective academic departments and feedback on their own job performance provided them by multiple sources. In order to uncover any underlying congruence between the communication and feedback constructs, the data were subjected to canonical correlation analysis. The results revealed that the type of feedback, source of feedback, and perceived reliability of feedback sources were all found to interact in logical patterns with selected dimensions of organizational communication.  相似文献   

Scholars have noted the relative lack of research on the contribution of effective staffing practices to organizational level measures of performance (Schmitt & Schneider, 1983). We collected survey data from the heads of the HRM departments of 201 organizations regarding the extent of use of five staffing practices supported by the academic literature. We also investigated whether organizations that used more of these practices had higher levels of profitability and sales growth than organizations that used fewer of them. We found a significant positive relationship between organizations'use of the five staffing practices and both annual profit and profit growth across all industries. However, the strength of the relationship between the use of the staffing practices and organizational performance was found to vary by industry type. We also found that the extent of use of the staffing practices was related to both industry type and organizational size. Our study provides some initial data on the possible positive impact of these staffing practices on organizational level outcomes.  相似文献   

A meta-analysis was conducted with 23 studies to assess the relationship between supervisory ratings and results-oriented measures of performance. As hypothesized, the corrected mean correlation was higher when a relative (versus absolute) rating format was used and when a composite (versus overall) rating method was used. These differences did not, however, account for all of the remaining variance around the relationship between ratings and results. Suggestions are offered for the direction of future research and practice.  相似文献   

规则多边图形的离散度与图形信号认知绩效的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用实验方法研究规则多边图形的离散度与图形信号认知绩效的关系。实验的自变量是图形的离散度参数,因变量是单位时间图形信号的视觉通道信息传递量。实验的刺激材料是25个离散度为0.3~0.7的规则多边图形。刺激材料的呈现与被试的反应记录都由计算机控制。结果表明:离散度适中(0.5左右)及偏小的图形信号认知绩效较高,离散度从0.5增大到0.6,认知绩效迅速下降,离散度继续增大,认知绩效仍有下降,但趋势平缓。  相似文献   

The research dealing with female managerial performance has generally been plagued with empirically inconsistent results, anecdotal literature and an inability to develop generalizable theory. A prepositional analysis of the female performance literature is utilized in an effort to provide direction and focus. The paper concludes that methodological problems may be contributing to invalid conclusions concerning female performance, and efforts to improve performance. In addition, it is concluded that organizational initiates designed to aid women have not been significant.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the existence of a moderating effect for situational control of performance variance on the relationship between individual differences and performance. An experimental simulation was conducted and validity coefficients were calculated. Results supported the presence of the predicted moderating effect. The implications of these data for validation research and testing programs are discussed.  相似文献   

游旭群 《心理学报》1991,24(3):28-35
本研究要求120名被试完成一个既要求质量也要求数量的任务,旨在探索反馈类型与方式同工作绩效的关系。本实验采用一个3×3双向分类的实验设计,另外附加一个控制组。研究结果表明:(1)总体看来,反馈组的成绩要优于控制组。(2)反馈的性质影响着绩效水平。质量和数量的同时反馈其绩效水平要优于其它类型的反馈。(3)允许自由选择反馈和实施定期反馈能够提高个体的工作绩效。(4)自由选择和定期反馈与数质反馈的结合是取得高绩效目标的最佳控制模式。  相似文献   

组织气氛与员工参与的关系   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
张震  马力  马文静 《心理学报》2002,34(3):92-98
员工参与是提高组织绩效的重要一环 ,也是组织提高运作效率和使员工产生积极心态的关键 ;组织气氛是影响员工参与的一个重要因素。文章探讨了组织气氛与员工参与之间的关系 ,对全国各地区共 14 8家企业的90 4份调查问卷进行了单因素方差分析和逐步回归分析。研究结果表明 ,员工参与变量有显著的所有制差异和地区差异 ;低科层性的、创新性的和支持性的组织气氛会显著地提高员工参与水平 ;企业的科层式管理体制 ,是影响员工参与水平的最显著因素。研究结果对我国企业管理者有重要的启示  相似文献   

运用结构方程建模技术中的无约束估价法,对来自10家企业413名员工的数据进行调节效应模型的检验。探讨了中国企业中员工创新能力对创新绩效的影响,以及组织创新气氛在其中的调节作用。结果发现:员工的创新能力对其创新意愿和创新结果具有显著的正向影响;在创新能力水平一定的情况下,创新意愿、行动和结果的水平随着组织创新气氛的提升而有所增强。该结果表明组织创新气氛显著调节着员工创新能力对创新绩效的影响。  相似文献   

睡眠与心理健康关系初探   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
李德明 《心理学报》1987,20(1):94-101
近期研究表明,睡眠样式不同的个体在觉醒期间可能表现出心理和行为的差异,精种疾病与睡眠障碍有密切关系。本文从正常和病理两个方面对睡眠与心理健康之间存在的可能关系作了初步探讨。  相似文献   

家庭环境类型与青少年亲子冲突解决的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以北京829名普通中学生为被试.探讨了家庭环境类型与亲子冲突解决的关系.结果表明: (1)高亲密度、高情感表达、低矛盾性的家庭在亲子冲突解决的关系目标上的得分显著高于其它类型家庭;低亲密度、低表达性、高矛盾性的家庭在权力、公平、自认和自主目标上的得分显著高于其它类型家庭. (2)高亲密度、高表达性、低矛盾性的家庭更多使用积极的冲突解决策略;低亲密度、低表达性、高矛盾性的家庭更多使用消极的冲突解决策略.说明不同家庭环境类型下的青少年亲子冲突解决有不同的特点.  相似文献   

张梅玲 《心理学报》1986,19(3):62-70
本文是在四年系统的实验教学和临床实验基础上对知识结构和认知结构的关系进行的初步探索。结果表明,以“1”为基础标准揭示数和数学中部分与整体的关系为主线所构建起来的知识结构,使学生能形成良好的认知结构。这种结构有利于对新知识的学习、策略的选择和数学学习迁移能力的提高。  相似文献   

A gap in the conceptual development of the work experience construct was addressed by creating a framework specifying two dimensions along which work experience measures can vary. The dimensions of measurement mode (amount, time, and type) and level of specificity (task, job, organizational) formed nine separate categories of measures of work experience. The usefulness of the conceptual framework was tested by conducting a meta-analytic review of the existing literature on work experience using the dimensions in the framework as potential moderators of the experience-performance relationship. Results of the meta-analysis ( N = 25,911; K = 44) revealed an estimated population correlation of 27 between experience and performance after correcting for sampling error and criterion unreliability. In addition, the results showed that amount ( M = .43) and task-level ( M = .41) measures of work experience had the highest correlations with measures of job performance. In addition, work experience had the highest correlations with hard (e.g. work samples) as opposed to soft (e.g. ratings) measures of job performance ( M = .39 vs. M = .24). Implications and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

年老过程认知作业完成量与作业速度相互关系的研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
本工作应用自行设计的计算机逐级限速程序,研究了年老过程四项认知作业完成量与作业速度的相互关系。被试350人,46—75岁。研究结果表明:1、随着计算机所限时间的缩短,各项作业完成量均随年老下降迅速,作业完成量对于作业速度的依存关系随年老表现极为明显;2、在逐级限速条件下,四项认知作业完成量的年老敏感性顺序与作业速度的年老敏感性顺序基本相同,即是:符号数字、心算、计数和数字鉴别。  相似文献   

近年来,心理理论和元认知的发展问题已成为发展心理学界关注的热点问题。关于心理理论和元认知的发展关系问题,研究者存在争议。本文从心理理论和元认知的综合研究视角出发,对二者的含义、主要研究方法和关系进行了分析,从而为未来的相关研究提供一种角度。  相似文献   

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