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传统医药文化在很长的历史时期内是以"附魅"的形式存在和发展的。巫术和"拜祖师"是其神秘化的主要手段。"附魅"缔造了权威,维护了受业者的既得利益,并为执业人员带来便利。近代科学以其精确性和实证性为传统医药文化的"祛魅"提供了契机。然而,随着科学技术的进一步发展,传统医药文化领域出现了一种"返魅"现象。  相似文献   

道德的根本问题在于如何协调社会需求与个人私欲之间的冲突,并最终使社会需求完全压制与之相冲突的个人私欲.道德附魅以神魅作为道德的基础,从而使道德的社会需求借助神魅的力量战胜了不道德的个人私欲.道德祛魅重新找回了道德的世俗基础,以理性的利益祛除了非理性的神魅.祛魅后的道德以外在的利益赏罚机制为基础,通过将社会需求转化为个人私欲从而使个人遵守道德规范.  相似文献   

任翠 《道德与文明》2019,(1):104-110
现代传媒作为越来越复杂的物理装置,以无声的语言改变着人的精神世界。我们都把现代传媒看成造成心灵失序的渊薮,事实上,并不是物理的装置改变了人的心灵结构,而是在现代性语境下,人的德性世界自身出了问题。放逐人的心灵,企盼物理装置的救赎,那一定是本末倒置的做法。唯一的出路在于使人以人的方式同他者进行情感交融、思想交流。用交融和交流为无所不能的现代传媒和"交换"祛魅。祛魅使人的德性世界裸化,返魅使人的德性世界丰富。只有拥有健全的道德人格才会使人们充分运用现代传媒进行广泛的、有深度的交往,而又不失去充分运用信、知、情、意四种力量助力自己过一种整体性的好生活。  相似文献   

李筠 《学海》2014,(2):211-216
迈斯特作为思想史上的"反动派"似乎已无价值,但施展博士的《迈斯特政治哲学研究》抓住迈斯特对权力的深刻理解,将迈斯特引入当代中国权力重建的对话中来。迈斯特站在神秘主义的立场上理解权力,并全力批判以绝对主义王权和启蒙哲学为代表的现代性。他用以拒绝和摧毁现代性的方案固然不合时宜,但他对现代性的诊断、站在一阶权力立场上阐发问题的思维方法,有助于我们克服启蒙运动以来形成的现代权力之魅,打开重建当代中国权力的可能性空间。  相似文献   

中医在现代科学的祛魅过程中受到了严重冲击,并选择了"中医科学化"作为应对之策,后果并不理想.从建设性后现代主义视角来看,中医理应选择返魅,发挥自己在整体观、有机论、和谐观等方面的独特价值.推动中医的创新与发展,需要放弃科学与中医的对立,认识到中医的独特价值,复兴中医在医惠关系上的优良传统,增强中医的自身实力.  相似文献   

颠覆医学职业潜规则是一个值得深入讨论的重大课题.颠覆医学职业潜规则需要系统治理,而其前提条件便是对医学职业潜规则进行伦理学批判,尤其是对与其流行密切相关且收益不浅的群体在认识上进行"去魅",使人们真正认识到它的实质与危害即不合理性,如此才有可能谈颠覆问题.  相似文献   

迈斯特作为思想史上的"反动派"似乎已无价值,但施展博士的《迈斯特政治哲学研究》抓住迈斯特对权力的深刻理解,将迈斯特引入当代中国权力重建的对话中来。迈斯特站在神秘主义的立场上理解权力,并全力批判以绝对主义王权和启蒙哲学为代表的现代性。他用以拒绝和摧毁现代性的方案固然不合时宜,但他对现代性的诊断、站在一阶权力立场上阐发问题的思维方法,有助于我们克服启蒙运动以来形成的现代权力之魅,打开重建当代中国权力的可能性空间。  相似文献   

医学职业潜规则的“去魅”   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
颠覆医学职业潜规则是一个值得深入讨论的重大课题。颠覆医学职业潜规则需要系统治理,而其前提条件便是对医学职业潜规则进行伦理学批判,尤其是对与其流行密切相关且收益不浅的群体在认识上进行"去魅",使人们真正认识到它的实质与危害即不合理性,如此才有可能谈颠覆问题。  相似文献   

钟磊 《现代哲学》2003,1(1):129-134
在前现代社会里,由于人们对生活采取一种一体化的、富有意义的态度,一元论的世界观产生了。在那个时代,人们不能清楚地区分不同的行动和不同的领域。随着世界的“解魅”,这种整体性的“世界图景”开始消解,行动的模式和标准出现分化,与行动相关的制度和系统也相应地分立,这便是现代社会的本质。并且,由于客观的价值秩序消亡了,我们的时代目睹了价值多元论的趋势,而这与自由主义的价值中立的原则紧密相关。  相似文献   

隐喻和关怀二者之间本身没有必然的联系,疾病犹如一根命运之线穿插其中将二者联结起来,隐喻与关怀包含个人、社会和国家政治领域三个维度的逻辑关系。爱国卫生运动从诞生之日起就以实现人类健康为宗旨,从战时状态的疾病隐喻,到和平时期的疾病隐喻,最后回归新时代"健康中国"战略下疾病隐喻的衍生与医学人文关怀,爱国卫生运动应时而变,在个体、社会与国家三个层面上都呈现着医学人文关怀,与医学作为人学的终极目标是一致的,即通过服务与关怀,实现"健康中国"的目的。  相似文献   

This paper describes an experiment which shows that roughly half of nondemented patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) have impaired comprehension of subject-to-subject and object-to-subject raising constructions (e.g., Susan seems to Bill to be tall and Susan is hard for Bill to catch), but have normal comprehension of the counterpart constructions (e.g., It seems to Bill that Susan is tall and It's hard for Bill to catch Susan). Several possible explanations for this pattern of performance are considered, including a parsing disorder, a syntactic-semantic linking disorder, a reduction of working memory capacity, slowed speed of syntactic processing, and difficulty with the experimental task. Although some of these explanations are arguably more plausible than others, the exact nature of the comprehension impairment remains unclear.  相似文献   

The Prince of Tidesis the characterological study of and interaction between two families, that of Savannah, the patient and Dr. Susan Lowenstein, the psychiatrist. In order to treat Savannah, recovering from a suicide attempt, fraternal twin Tom (Savannah's memory) comes to New York to assist in his sister's treatment. Tom becomes the patient relating the family dynamics in six cinematic flashbacks. These show the parental disharmony, Tom's strong Oedipal attachment, maternal betrayal and Tom's wish for revenge, his incomplete mourning for his older brother Luke, and its effects on his life. The relationship between Susan, her husband and son, Bernard, and how each interacts with Tom is also described. Susan's erotic countertransference is analyzed, and the role of the woman therapist in the cinema discussed.  相似文献   

This article reviews Susan E. Myers-Shirk’s book from the lens of contextual caregiving in order to illustrate the text’s contribution in its attention to gendered moralism and the shift toward a liberal moral sensibility in the history of pastoral counseling; it also challenges the one-sided portrayal of the history of pastoral counseling in relation to issues of culture and power.  相似文献   

At the third biennial meeting of the Cognitive Development Society, held in San Diego, California, in October 2005, the Society was pleased to announce the winner of the first Best Authored Book Award. The volume selected for the award was Susan Gelman's The Essential Child: Origins of Essentialism in Everyday Thought (2003, Oxford University Press). The Best Authored Book Award was initiated by the third President of the Society, Susan Goldin-Meadow (2003-2005). The Essential Child is the first recipient of the award. It was selected from among 10 nominations of volumes published in 2002 or 2003; the other nominees are listed below. The volumes were considered by committee members Patricia Bauer (Chair), Judy DeLoache, Jean Mandler, Nora Newcombe, and Steve Reznick. Congratulations Susan Gelman, on receipt of the first Cognitive Development Society Best Authored Book Award.  相似文献   

Evil in Modern Thought, Susan Neiman's account of the intellectual trajectory of modernity, employs the trope “homeless” to articulate deep difficulties that affirmations of divine transcendence and of human capacities to acknowledge transcendence face in a contemporary context thoroughly marked by fragmentation, fragility, and contingency. The “hospitality” of the Incarnation, which makes a fractured world a place for divine welcoming of the human in all its contingency and brokenness, is proposed as locus for theological engagement with Neiman's appropriation of a Kantian sense of hope as the readiness to resist evil in a world seemingly bereft of welcome.  相似文献   

Here, Hirschmann responds to Marilyn Friedman and Susan]. Brison's comments on The Subject of Liberty: Toward a Feminist Theory of Freedom. She clarifies some aspects of her social construction argument, articulates the role of discourse and its relation to material reality, and explicates the potentially paradoxical case of support for women's choices when those choices produce harm.  相似文献   

Sontag ( 1990 ) proposed that taking a photograph imparts social significance to the moment being captured. Two experiments were conducted to examine how the experience of being photographed affects the social relations of those who are photographed. In Experiment 1 (N=92), unacquainted members of dyads who were photographed together and then saw the resulting image displayed greater social self‐categorization and greater affinity for each other than did dyads who were not photographed (p<0.05). In Experiment 2 (N=282), pairs of photographed strangers also displayed greater social self‐categorization and mutual affinity than pairs of nonphotographed strangers (p<0.05). This effect occurred whether pair members were explicitly framed together in photographs or not. This result was unaffected by whether the photographed strangers were shown or were not shown their photograph. Merely opening and closing the shutter of a camera was sufficient for the development of a photo‐bonding effect. Results are discussed in terms of how the experience of being photographed can affect interpersonal perception and relationship formation. The significance of being photographed (Milgram, 1977 ; Sontag, 1990 ) apparently is so strong that it promotes social self‐categorization (Turner, Hogg, Oakes, Reicher, & Wetherell, 1987 ) both when people are photographed simultaneously and sequentially. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Susan Ross 《Liturgy》2013,28(1):40-46

Susan Ross interviewed Mary Deeley, PhD, a pastoral associate at the Sheil Catholic Center at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois. Susan and Mary began their conversation by talking about the General Instruction of the Roman Missal (abbreviated here as GIRM), which was issued in 2003, and about other ways that bodies are a central part of the liturgical experience. The GIRM speaks of the dignity of the liturgy, the significance of movements, postures, singing, and silence and the roles that these play in liturgical practice.  相似文献   

A commentary in response to B. Libet: 'The timing of brain events: Reply to the "Special Section" in this journal of September 2004, edited by Susan Pockett' ().  相似文献   

Suppose that Susan did not go to the movies. The reconciling project attempts to show that this plus Determinism does not imply that Susan could not have gone to the movies. The estranging project attempts to show the opposite. A counter-entailment argument is of the form A is consistent with C, and C entails not-B, therefore A does not entail B. An instance of the counter-entailment arguments undermines a central argument for the reconciling project. Another instance undermines a central argument for the estranging project. This is one symmetry. In each case, the natural response to the counter-entailment argument begs the question. This is another symmetry.  相似文献   

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