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运用文献考据和思想考古的方法对《缁衣》的作者及其传承演变情况进行分析,可以看出《缁衣》原本为子思或思孟学派的著述。通过比较《缁衣》传世本与郭店本和上博本的异同,可以认为《缁衣》原本在西汉专制政治社会环境中被经师作了重大改动,其中包涵的原始儒家德性政治思想被混淆和遮蔽,而纲纪观念相应得以凸显。《缁衣》郭店本和上博本的面世,拂开了汉儒笼盖其上达2000年之久的假面,使原始儒家德性政治思想得以重光。  相似文献   

晁福林 《哲学研究》2012,(10):50-57
<正>上博简《缁衣》篇有一段孔子讲君民关系的言辞,内容与郭店简一致,与《今本.缁衣》篇则有同有异。它牵涉到对于孔子政治哲学的理解,很有深入探讨的必要。对比《缁衣》篇简本与今本的差异,可以看到简本强调君民一体与和谐,今本则多讲君民的差异,强调民对于君的服从。孔子所提出的"君民同构"理念是其政治哲学的重要命题。本文在前人研究基础上,从竹简文字的探讨入手进行分析,提出一些拙见。不当之处,敬请专家指正。  相似文献   

竹简本与传世本《文子》都有慎积道德思想的论述。竹简本侧重阐述慎积道德的重要性,传世本侧重阐述从慎积阴阳、慎微、慎无为、慎言、慎独等各个方面的戒慎做起以达到慎积道德的目的。本文研究了《文子》戒慎观点的各个方面及其内在联系,从慎积道德角度出发探讨了竹简本与传世本思想上的承继与发展。  相似文献   

《群书治要》是中国传统政治思想的精粹集成,其中贯穿着中国传统的"治道"思想,体现了儒家圣贤政治的逻辑规律.本文在研究中国传统"治道"双重含义的基础上,将儒家政治的特征概括为圣贤政治,并提出儒家圣贤政治的逻辑体系是以道为体,以仁政为相,以"修身为本","教学为先","爱民而安""好士而荣"为径,以"明明德、亲民、止于至善...  相似文献   

由上博简《诗说》的体例论其定名与作者   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
上博简《诗说》中出现的六次“孔子日”以及以“曷”字形式出现的孔子言论,实际上都是《诗说》作者引述孔子的言论来支持自己的《诗》学观点。由这一体例可以肯定,《诗说》的作者不是孔子;而应该是孔子的门徒或再传弟子。据有关材料判断,这个门徒最有可能是子夏。因此,《上海博物馆藏战国楚竹书》中所定名的《孔子诗论》,若更名为《诗说》更符合竹简内容,也切合周秦古书的定名规律。  相似文献   

王青 《管子学刊》2009,(2):96-99
上博简《曹沫之陈》简文“一人又(有)多,四人皆赏”,是简帛材料上关于“伍”之间相保的明确记载,也是“战功曰多”的又一条注解。先秦时期以“多”作为战功的代称,当与自古以来战争的杀伐性质有关。而以“多”释战功,可能源自远古狩猎后的论功行赏之俗。“战功曰多”之事,秦汉以降逐渐退出人们的视野,这从一个角度让人们看到了上古时代人们的战争观念的变化。  相似文献   

上博简《孔子诗论》评析《诗.兔爰》篇"不奉时"之语,晁福林先生认为应理解为是对于此诗不遵奉"天命(时命)"的批评。而《兔爰》篇以默求容的处世态度与孔子强调"邦无道免于刑戮"的全身远害的时命观相合,所以简文"不奉时"仍应释为"不逢时",表明孔子对诗人处世态度的赞同。  相似文献   

本文考察了孔子“论政”和孟子“仁政”、荀子“礼治”以及儒家经典《大学》、《礼运》、《祭义》篇与《孝经》等所体现的政治与伦理相贯通的伦理政治思想,并从理论上分析了政治与伦理的区别和联系,以及评述了西方一些著名哲学家、伦理学家对政治与伦理相互关联的认识和论述。认为对先秦儒家政治伦理相贯通的伦理政治思想应给予历史主义的科学评价,肯定其所包含的民本、民主、贵民等积极因素,借鉴其德治与法治统一、个性完善与社会完善统一、物质追求与精神追求统一、理性主义与人文精神统一的安邦治国的慧识,为建设中国特色的政治文明和精神文明服务。  相似文献   

孔德立 《管子学刊》2012,(2):126-128
先秦诸子时代,群星璀璨,哲人辈出,儒、墨、道、法、名、阴阳等各家学派在中国"精神觉醒时期"①上演了一幕幕精彩的思想论辩.当秦国军队挥师东向,思想的繁盛景象转而被军事征服所取代.秦朝开创了中国大一统国家的新格局,秦始皇帝嬴政沉浸在前所未有的胜利喜悦中,仍奉法家思想为圭臬.但强大的秦朝却仅仅存在了15年就被各地风起云涌的起义推翻了.汉代君臣在反思秦亡教训时,意识到只有改弦更张,以儒家精神立国,以仁义治天下,方可稳定新政权.汉武帝时期,"罢黜百家、独尊儒术",从此儒家政治思想成为中国传统政治的指导思想,儒家学说逐渐积淀为中国传统文化的重要组成部分.  相似文献   

郭丽 《管子学刊》2008,(4):50-53
鲍叔牙是齐桓公时的政治家。他早年与管伸共同经商、参战.关系密切;后精心辅助小白,帮助小白登上齐国王位,是为齐桓公。鲍叔牙向齐桓公推荐了管仲,支持管仲对齐国的治理。鲍叔牙是齐国的卿大夫,曾负责为桓公推荐人才。他忠言极谏,和管仲一起辅佐桓公,“九合诸侯,一匡天下”.齐国一时成为最强盛的国家。上博简《鲍叔牙和隰朋之谏》中,鲍叔牙谏议桓公远离佞臣,在政治上实施新举措,取得明显政治效果。但最终因为嫉恶如仇,政治上缺乏灵活性而没有位极人臣。  相似文献   

Confucians emphasizes and values morality, hence observers tended to regard moralities as politics so that the independent politics in the Confucian tradition has become implicit. Through a perusal of the Analects of Confucius, we can find that ethics and politics were separated from and independent of each other to Confucius, the primitive Confucian: he did not substitute ethics for politics. __________ Translated from Nanjing Shifan Daxue Wenxueyuan Xuebao 南京师范大学文学院学报 (Journal of School of Chinese at Nanjing Normal University) by Huang Deyuan  相似文献   

It is often discussed that moral judgments are either consistent with the principle of utilitarianism or with the principle of deontology. Utilitarianism is a moral principle stating that the right act is the one that produces the best overall outcome. Deontology represents an ethical position indicating that the morality of an action depends on the intrinsic nature of the action regardless of the consequences. Criticism on the structure of moral dilemmas includes the problem that these dilemmas confound norms and consequences. Recently, a multinomial model (the CNI model) was developed to disentangle and measure sensitivity to consequences (C), sensitivity to moral norms (N), and general preference for inaction versus action (I), respectively. In Experiment 1, we examined the influence of time pressure on moral judgments using the CNI model. We found that time pressure influenced moral dilemma judgments by decreasing participants' sensitivity for consequences. There were no significant effects of time pressure on participants' sensitivity to norms and general preference for inaction. Furthermore, in Experiment 2, we examined the link of reaction times to moral judgments more closely by fitting a hierarchical Bayesian version of the CNI model. Longer reaction times lead to an increase in parameter N, and there was no influence of reaction times on parameter C or I.  相似文献   

The debate on the yan-yi relation was carried out by Chinese philosophers collectively, and the principles and methods in the debate still belong to a living tradition of Chinese philosophy. From Yijing (Book of Changes), Lunyu (Analects), Laozi and Zhuangzi to Wang Bi, “yi” which cannot be expressed fully by yan (language), is not only “idea” or “meaning” in the human mind, but is also some kind of ontological existence, which is beyond yan and emblematic symbols, and unspeakable. Thus, the debate on the yan-yi relation refers firstly to metaphysics, secondly to moral philosophy, and then to epistemology and philosophy of language. Guided by this view, this paper recalls the source of the debate on the yan-yi relation to Yijing and Lunyu, distinguishes four meanings of “yi” in Chinese philosophy, and reconstructs three arguments. These arguments are the “yan cannot express yi fully” argument, “forget yan once you get yi” argument, and “yan can express yi fully” argument. Finally, this paper exposes and comments on those principles, methods and the general tendency shown in the debate from the following five aspects: starting point, value-preference, methodology, texts (papers and books), and influences. __________ Translated from Jianghai Xuekan 江海学刊 (Jianghai Academic Studies), 2005 (3)  相似文献   

直下心源、直契本心是由孔子确立的儒家道德情感论的核心特质,孔子后学由此出发,基于天人合一的视域建构了诚学,将诚提升为了贯通天人、真实无妄的道德情感。儒家从质直、至诚之本心情感出发,涵养与推扩道德情感的内在理路可以概括为以下三个维度:第一,以反观内省的道德理性时时提撕和体认本心情感;第二,以本心情感为体,以礼乐文化为用,以文质彬彬为旨归;第三,以"亲亲而仁民,仁民而爱物"为路径,以四端之心为内在心理情感根据,在由近及远、由厚及薄、由亲及疏的无限推扩中实现对道德情感的涵养、提升与超越。  相似文献   

This paper provides historical background on youth violence for the understudied indigenous Micronesian culture of Pohnpei. Aggression has long been of high cultural value for men in Pohnpei. Masculinity was assessed on a man's power and authority (manaman), as generally indicated by his possession of a ranked title within the chiefly hierarchy. For the very highest ones, a man's title was awarded on the basis of matrilineal genealogical connections; for all other titles, more weight was placed on individual achievements (with the help of relatives, undertaken for the chiefs) in the most competitive realms of society—bravery in warfare and prestations (i.e., the offering of valuable gifts that are due to people of high status) at feasts. Masculinity was also assessed in terms of a man's heterosexual prowess. A man's successes in these realms were based on his possession of special knowledge, skills, and other characteristics—but typically, these were carefully secluded from public notice and dramatically revealed only on special occasions. One Pohnpeian proverb states, “The quiet of the fierce barracuda.” Like a barracuda, a man lies quietly in the water, waiting for his prey to appear; when it does, he rises swiftly and surely to the attack.Many changes to Pohnpeian culture have resulted from nearly two centuries of various foreign activities on the island. This paper explores the changes in indigenous masculinity and aggression during early foreign contact by whalers, traders, beachcombers, and missionaries who used Pohnpei as a major port of call; over four successive colonial regimes in Micronesia that had headquarters in Pohnpei; during Japanese militarization of the island in World War II; and in the American rule that quickly followed. The indigenous Pohnpeian cultural notions of masculinity and aggression, with modifications over these centuries of contact, are ones that Pohnpeians carry with them in diaspora, primarily to the United States, especially in the more developed Pacific Islands located nearby, such as Guam and Hawai'i.  相似文献   

The current study tested the theoretically relevant, yet previously unexamined, role of rumination on the relationship between politics perceptions and a variety of threat responses. Drawing from Response Styles Theory, it was argued that rumination amplifies the effects of politics by enhancing the influence of negative information on cognition, interfering with problem-solving, and undermining sources of social support. The work stress literature, along with extant politics research, served to identify four variables – job satisfaction, tension, depressed work mood, and employee effort/performance – that served as study outcomes. Across three unique samples, hypothesized relationships were strongly supported, indicating that politics perceptions negatively affected work outcomes of high ruminators, but demonstrate little influence on those who engage in less rumination. Moreover, the nonlinear influences of the focal constructs were considered and the results confirmed atypical relational forms. Contributions, implications for theory and practice, strengths and limitations, and future research directions are described.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to present the method of Socratic proofs for seven modal propositional logics: K5, S4.2, S4.3, S4M, S4F, S4R and G. This work is an extension of [10] where the method was presented for the most common modal propositional logics: K, D, T, KB, K4, S4 and S5. Presented by Jacek Malinowski  相似文献   

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