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With changes in the world of work and with increased use of employment services, employment counseling is taking on added significance. The transformation of work realities and attitudes toward work are causing problems that the employment counselor must confront. At the same time the once simple world of work has become increasingly complex. This complexity places additional responsibility on the counselor's shoulders as greater demands are made for his services. Consequently, the employment counselor faces many challenges in offering a unique service.  相似文献   

Using an interview/questionnaire procedure, 19 clients reported 200 helpful, significant events that occurred in ongoing counseling. Each event consisted of one issue presented by the client, the counselor's response to that issue, and the immediate impact the client received from the counselor's response. With the use of qualitative analysis, 9 prominent patterns describing sequences of client change emerged from the data. These patterns were grouped into 3 superclusters of events: Dissonant, Question—Answer, and Congruent. These superclusters and the 9 prominent patterns were used to develop a model for counseling change. Implications for counseling theory and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

The authors investigated the relationships between the counselor's gender self‐confidence, the counselor's use of social influence within the counseling session, and the counselor's sex in relation to the counseling relationship. These attributes were studied with regard to how deeply a therapeutic working alliance developed between the counselor and the client. Results support the importance of counselor characteristics on the counselor–client alliance. Implications for teaching, research, and practice are presented.  相似文献   

There is currently considerable impetus for applying behavioral intervention strategies to a variety of counseling settings. This discussion seeks to extend the application of these procedures to the employment security counseling situation. Unemployment is seen as unadaptive behavior, and its antecedent conditions are examined. Behavioral counseling tactics of goal-setting, contingency management, counter-conditioning procedures, and social systems intervention are considered in relation to the employment counselor's repertoire of potential helping responses. A hypothetical case is discussed to illustrate the application of these procedures. This case includes potential applications in systematic desensitization, assertion training, modeling and behavioral rehearsal, manipulation of reinforcement contingencies, and intervention in the employment system.  相似文献   

The purpose of the factor analysis was to reorganize and simplify the sometimes bewildering array of occupational requirements and occupational characteristics that employment counselors and their clients must cope with in their planning. A knowledge of the factor structure of worker trait requirements may enhance the counselor's comprehension of the world of work.  相似文献   

After a review of the existing literature on employment interviews, the findings are organized into a four-phase model for implementing training programs that prepare clients to interview more effectively. The four phases include developing realistic expectations, developing successful interviewing skills, using effective training procedures, and preparing clients to cope with rejection shock. The importance of active preparation for job interviews and the counselor's potential role in this process are emphasized.  相似文献   

Counselors are biased against girls and women. Several recent studies examining counselor's sex biases are reviewed. Research indicates that attitudes of counselor trainees, school counselors at all levels, counselor educators and supervisors, and clinicians are sexist. The Attitude Toward Women Scale was administered to 80 employment counselors. Male counselor attitudes were more sexist than female counselor attitudes. Suggestions for dealing with counselor bias are reviewed. Counselors must first battle their own biases. They should also be sensitive to the developmental stages of a person's life, as well as to job requirements and employer attitudes. Occupational literature should be nonsexist and nontraditional.  相似文献   

This article is one counselor's personal exploration of the nature of spirituality and its relevance to counseling practice. The personal and immediate experience of the spirit is emphasized as the foundation of any counselor's effective engagement of this issue with clients. Those clients whose encounter with the spirit is sudden and nonconsensual have a particular need for counselors who are knowledgeable of the processes of spiritual emergence and emergency.  相似文献   

The school counselors struggle for role identity still continues. The counselor's commitment to counseling pupils is being questioned by those with a sociological view of the counselor's role. Several writers suggest that the counselor's role be changed so that the counselor will function as a “cultural architect” or “social engineer.” The main thesis of this article is that the facilitation of human potentiality calls for a complementary approach to the resolution of school and pupil problems and not the diminution and prostitution of one role for another. It is proposed that a new position be created in our schools—that of a school sociologist.  相似文献   

The authors define broaching as the counselor's ability to consider how sociopolitical factors such as race influence the client's counseling concerns. The counselor must learn to recognize the cultural meaning clients attach to phenomena and to subsequently translate that cultural knowledge into meaningful practice that facilitates client empowerment, strengthens the therapeutic alliance, and enhances counseling outcomes. A continuum of broaching behavior is described, and parallels are drawn between the progression of broaching behavior and the counselor's level of racial identity functioning.  相似文献   

Cultural barriers in the counseling relationship are the counselor's and client's reciprocal racial attitudes, counselor's ignorance of client's background, language barrier of poor people in general, client's lack of familiarity with counseling, the Negro's reservation about self-disclosure, and the sex and race taboo. The article suggests in-service and preservice training designed to help counselors examine their attitudes toward the culturally different and expose them directly to the culture of their clients.  相似文献   

This article examines how caregiving, an aspect of attachment theory, can be applied in counseling. Discussion begins with an overview of attachment theory, then focuses on the counselor's position as caregiver, adult relationship issues, and termination of counseling.  相似文献   

The Wisconsin State Employment Security Division has an employment counselor classification scheme which responds to the cry for accountability. This article discusses (a) technical requirements and performance standards for three levels of employment counselors; (b) specific job duties and levels of skill for Manpower counselors 1, 2, and 3; (c) caseload size, counseling outcomes, counseling and assessment skills, community resources, job development activities, and additional performance requirements expected of the master level counselor; (d) the system of reclassifying a Manpower counselor 2 to the Manpower counselor 3 level; and (e) the use of an on-site review by a state counseling supervisor as the method of evaluating a counselor's Performance. Values of the counselor classification scheme are indicated.  相似文献   

The authors tested the hypothesis that regardless of whether a counselor self-discloses, a client's perceptions will be more favorable when the counselor's behavior is congruent with the client's precounseling expectations than when the client's expectations and the counselor's behavior are incongruent. Before listening to an excerpted interview, participants (a) were led to expect that counselors self-disclose, (b) were led to expect that counselors do not self-disclose, or (c) were given no expectation regarding counselor self-disclosure. Participants then listened to stimulus audiotapes in which the counselor did or did not reveal personal information. Dependent variables were participants' perceptions of the counselor on three social influence dimensions and two therapeutic relationship dimensions. Results indicated that the disclosing counselor was viewed more favorably than was the nondisclosing counselor, participants' expectations notwithstanding.  相似文献   

The authors tested two theoretical explanations for the attraction-enhancing effects of counselor self-disclosure: the similarity hypothesis and the social exchange hypothesis. A counseling analogue was constructed to discriminate between these two explanations by varying the valence (positive or negative) of the counselor's disclosure and its relevance (relevant or irrelevant) to the client's presenting problem. Dependent variables were perceptions of the counselor's attractiveness, empathy, and level of regard for the client. Results were mixed, supporting the social exchange explanation for empathy and the similarity explanation for level of regard.  相似文献   

Seven self-defeating attitudinal factors contributing to client inaction and procrastination are discussed from the Morita therapist's perspective. Morita therapy is briefly described, and ways of facilitating desirable action and reducing self-preoccupations are suggested. The suggested approach challenges the client's assumption that resisting and removing the unwanted feelings and imperfect psychological conditions is a prerequisite for implementing necessary action. The counselor's reinforcement of clients' mood-governed action style is also discussed as a factor contributing to the client's inaction.  相似文献   

The authors sought to determine whether relationships existed between religiosity, gender, and preferences for a counselor's use of religious interventions in counseling. First, it was hypothesized that students with high religiosity would express stronger preferences for a counselor's use of religious interventions than would students with low religiosity. Second, it was hypothesized that women would express stronger preferences for religious interventions in counseling than would men. Results supported both hypotheses, and the findings may have important implications for counselors working with clients who indicate adherence to religious views or faith.  相似文献   

This article examines some of the typical functions of the guidance program and describes the usefulness of multimedia as extensions of the counselor's abilities and work. Media may also be important where the counselor's own potential is limited. The author describes briefly his own research and use of affect simulation and videotape recall to accelerate the usual counseling processes and to better assure that traditional goals in counseling will be achieved. He also examines the potential of multimedia for allowing a client to view objectively his own “inner” reactions as well as his “outer” behaviors to himself and his environment.  相似文献   

The advantages of a shift in focus in research—a shift more in keeping with the counselor's genuine interest in the individual client—are explored.  相似文献   

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