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There has been a shift of healing authority in our culture from priestly practitioners to scientific and medical practitioners. As part of this change the care and healing of stressed or broken families is now seen as the responsibility of the family therapist. A consequence of this has been some role confusion on the part of the clergy and therapists. A comparison of the symbolic complex of belief and value systems used in MacGregor's team-family method of family therapy and Joseph Haroutunian's theology of the church shows four striking similarities. The implications of these similarities for the continued confusion or clarity of the roles of priest and therapist are noted.Rev. Fitchett is Chaplain-Supervisor and Assistant Professor, Department of Religion and Health, Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center, 1753 West Congress Parkway, Chicago, Illinois 60612.  相似文献   

In this study, the relationship between agency, communion, and the active, passive, and revenge forms of entitlement is examined. Results indicate that active entitlement was positively related to agency, negatively to communion (Study 1), and unrelated to unmitigated agency and communion (Study 2). Passive entitlement was positively related to communion (in regular and unmitigated forms) and negatively related to agency (in both forms). Revenge entitlement was positively related to agency (unmitigated and regular), and negatively related to both regular and unmitigated communal orientations. Detected relationships were independent from self‐esteem (Study 1). The findings are discussed in relation to distinctions between narcissistic and healthy entitlement, and within the context of the three‐dimensional model of entitlement.  相似文献   

Previous research has demonstrated the importance of distinguishing between positive (communion) and negative (unmitigated communion) characteristics when investigating the relation between traditional feminine gender roles and psychological adjustment. However, previous work has relied on cross-sectional analysis of self-reported unmitigated communion and self-reported emotional distress. The present series of studies was designed to address this limitation by using multiple methodologies to examine the relation between unmitigated communion (UC) and psychological adjustment. Study 1 examined the relation between self- and peer reports in a sample of 102 college students. Study 2 examined the relation between communion, UC, and adjustment in a community sample of 94 adults using a 10-year longitudinal design. Study 3 used a daily diary methodology to examine the relation between these constructs, social functioning, and depressed mood in a sample of 78 college women. Results from the three studies converged to demonstrate that unmitigated communion is an important factor that impacts negatively on the psychological adjustment of men and women.  相似文献   

In this research, we argue and demonstrate that the association between enacted (un)supportive behaviour and depressive symptoms is a function of the providers' levels of unmitigated communion (UC). UC is characterized by overinvolvement in others' problems, self‐neglect and externalized self‐evaluation. These characteristics appear to predispose individuals high in UC to experience depressive symptoms. As anticipated, we show that enacted supportive behaviour was negatively associated with depressive symptoms (Study 1 and 2), and enacted unsupportive behaviour was positively associated with depressive symptoms (Study 2), but only among individuals low in UC. Our findings are consistent with the idea that for high UC individuals, enacting supportive behaviour, or not enacting unsupportive behaviour, is insufficient to reduce their high levels of depressive symptoms. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined common measures of agency (AG), communion (CM), and unmitigated agency (UA) and unmitigated communion (UC) using the interpersonal circumplex and Five-factor models (FFM) as conceptual frameworks. AG aligned with interpersonal dominance in circumplex space and related positively to conscientiousness and inversely to neuroticism. CM corresponded with interpersonal affiliation and related positively to conscientiousness. UA was consistent with hostile-dominance and related to lower conscientiousness and higher neuroticism. UC related to friendly submission but was not strongly represented in the circumplex and did not relate to the FFM. Each construct showed distinct social-emotional correlates. These findings support the convergent and divergent properties of the constructs but suggest that additional attention to the conceptual definition and measurement of UC is warranted.  相似文献   

We administered the revised Assessment of Qualitative and Structural Dimensions of Object Representations (Blatt, Chevron, Quinlan, Schaffer, & Wein, 1992) to 279 male and female undergraduate students and carried out independent principal components analyses of maternal and paternal ratings. Three stable factors, Agency, Communion, and Structure, were found in both sets of ratings. This factor structure differed from that reported by Quinlan, Blatt, Chevron, and Wein (1992). Results found here are consistent with contemporary interpersonal personality theory.  相似文献   

Theory and research (Helgeson, 1994) suggest that women are particularly responsive to communion stressors (i.e., social relationship concerns) as opposed to agency (i.e., achievement and dominance concerns) and that women low in the trait of agency are vulnerable to stress. To test these hypotheses, 60 undergraduate women interacted with a pre-recorded partner; one-third provided support to an interaction partner (i.e., communion stressor), debated current events (i.e., agency stressor), or described a typical day (i.e., control task). Compared to controls, the debate task evoked greater systolic blood pressure and heart rate reactivity and related autonomic changes. Compared to controls, providing support evoked larger increases in cardiac sympathetic activation and reduced vascular resistance. Low levels of trait agency were associated with greater CVR overall. Hence, agency and communion stressors had distinct psychophysiologic effects. Although both tasks heightened reactivity, the agency task evoked cognitive and physiological responses consistent with threat, whereas the communion task evoked a pattern consistent with challenge.  相似文献   

The present research took an ecological approach to explore a relational issue in social perception ? are the perceived personality characteristics of dyad members and their perceived behavioural exchanges related to perceptions of that dyad’s perceived level of friendship? To this end, observers reported on a dyad they knew well using an indigenous measure of personality perception and the Dyadic Behavioural Exchange Scale, combined with an adapted version of Hays’ Friendship Observation Checklist. Perceived similarity of personality on the dimensions of application, emotional stability (negative) and helpfulness (negative) along with the perceived level of dyadic behaviour exchange were found to be additive predictors of perceived communion or friendship strength. This interplay of personal and interpersonal processes has demonstrated the application of methodological relationalism in the social domain, and broadened the ambit of social cognition to include knowledge of relationship units of which the observer is not a member, but which plays a part in his or her social world.  相似文献   

The present study is an introduction to the construct of religious judgmentalism, defined as a willingness to make religious or moral judgments of others based on a limited period of observation; the study offers a prediction about which individuals will engage in such judgmental behavior. It was predicted that agency motives would significantly predict religious judgmentalism in a religious population but that communion motives and intrinsic religiosity would moderate this effect. Overall, the findings supported these predictions. Agency motives were positively correlated with religious judgmentalism. Intrinsic religiosity predicted a general unwillingness to make religious evaluations of others. Both intrinsic religiosity and communion motives did moderate the effects of high agency motives. Specifically, increases in communion motive and intrinsic religiosity, at high levels of agency motives, significantly predicted lower scores for religious judgmentalism. These findings were conceptualized as preliminary evidence for the position that interpersonal motives, rather than religiousness or religious motivation, predict social intolerance and criticism in religious individuals.  相似文献   

Søren Kierkegaard’s claim that having faith requires being contemporary with Christ is one of the most important, yet difficult to interpret claims across his entire authorship. How can one be contemporary with a figure who existed more than two millennia ago? A prominent answer to this question is that contemporaneity with Christ is achieved through a kind of imaginative co-presence made possible by reading Scripture. However, I argue, this ignores what Kierkegaard thinks about Christ as a living agent, and not a merely historical agent. By drawing on Kierkegaard’s discussion of Christ’s true presence in the sacrament of Communion, I argue that contemporaneity with Christ should be understood in the same way as any other intersubjective relation. That is, I argue, that just as relating to any living person as contemporary requires a kind of two-way attention-sharing, relating to Christ as contemporary, on Kierkegaard’s account, requires a kind of two-way attention-sharing with Christ.  相似文献   

Listed are 117 propositions, generated as beginning notes for development of theoretical understanding of agency and communion in human mentation.  相似文献   

This essay considers two concepts of repetition in thinking about canon, the history of ideas, and the work of an opponent, both real and fantastical. I take up these motifs in a variety of figures and cases, but principally in Søren Kierkegaard’s reading of the biblical Abraham in Fear and Trembling, a text rich in interpretive challenges. How might readers in the humanities contend with interpretive rivals while investing in the power of diverse readings? The argument turns on the relationship between the struggle for self-consciousness, understood through Hegel and Freud as an appointment with otherness, and the work of interpretation, understood as the endeavor to understand others, including other texts, other minds, and one’s own mind. What is the aim of interpretation? How does interpretation fail? To which history of ideas is a reader responsible?  相似文献   

本文讨论了图书馆学情报学在道书分类中的应用.对编制道书分类法的相关文献作了一个综述.结合上述两方面内容,提出了一个新的道书分类法的基本框架,作为道书分类的先行研究.  相似文献   

根据比勘佛藏所收《玄应音义》各本的异同,大致可分为丽藏和碛砂藏两个系列,碛砂藏本系所据本的注文较详,可能已对原本作有一些增补,丽藏本系所据本的注文较简略,可能已对原本作有一些删节。开宝藏可能依据的是从中原流传到益州的写本藏经,契丹藏在刋刻过程中可能参照了开宝藏天禧修订本,同时又依据当时北方流传的写本藏经而有增补,二者的异同渊源于各自所据写本大藏经的不同。  相似文献   

We investigated the mediating effect of authenticity on the ability of power and communion to predict feelings of satisfaction in work, romantic and friendship roles in a Chinese sample. That authenticity mediates the effect of power on satisfaction in specific roles has been previously demonstrated in studies with Western participants, and this study sought to replicate these findings in an East Asian context. Furthermore, given the importance of communion in maintaining Chinese satisfaction, our second aim was to extend previous studies by testing whether authenticity mediates the effects of communion on Chinese satisfaction. One hundred and fifty Chinese participants completed the surveys addressing work, romantic relationships and friendships. The results reveal that both power and communion are significant predictors of Chinese satisfaction but their impact differed according to relationship type. Power and communion significantly predicted satisfaction in an interactive manner in business roles, but did so in an additive manner in close roles. More importantly, authenticity mediated the effects of both power and communion on Chinese satisfaction. These results show that authenticity is one of the common essences in the prediction of power and communion to Chinese satisfaction.  相似文献   

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