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This article describes the results of a remedial program provided to a subject who had incurred aphasia and alexia as a result of a series of strokes. The subject was pretested individually on a battery of tests and provided a specific type of remediation by a trained tutor. Posttests were administered to determine the effects of the instructional methods. Substantial gains were noted in language and auditory comprehension with a lesser gain in word recognition. Scores on other tests remained unchanged and the subject continued to make errors indicative of alexia. The results suggest that further research of the remedial methods over a longer period of time is needed.  相似文献   

非语义性命名障碍:一个认知神经心理学的个案研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
周晓林  柏晓利 《心理科学》1999,22(4):289-292,309
本研究从认知神经心理学的角度,根据有关语言产生和词汇认知的理论,对一例脑损伤病人的命名障碍进行了较为细致的个案分析,研究表明:(1)命名障碍可分为语义性和非语义性两类;(2)病人LY的命名无能主要不是因为其语义系统受到损害,而是因为其语音提取受到损害,以致于恰当的语义激活不能激活恰当的语音表征;(3)LY在汉字阅读中的表现也表明了字形信息在词义激活中的重要性。  相似文献   

曾呈瑞 《心理学报》1963,8(1):77-82
問題 本研究是在某紡織厂和工人一起劳动,对某细紗先进生产者操作的特点进行观察和分析,并与一般细紗工人的操作特点相比較,揭露有利于提高劳动生产率的心理因素。 細紗工人总的操作任务是站立巡迴,在巡迴中发現生产过程中的問題,以便及时解决。其具体任务是:(一)細紗接头:将由于机械、半制品以及其它原因所造成的断头加以接合,使生产不致中断;(二)换粗紗:将用完的或由于其它原因所造成的粗紗中断情况加  相似文献   

一种快速记忆法个案报告   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
王洪礼 《心理学报》1990,23(1):99-105
作者以自己为被试,运用自己创造的一系列数序形象挂钩法识记105位化学元素名称和300位圆周率数字,结果表明:运用此法记忆顺序性极强、数量很大、难于记住的材料快速高效,能倒顺背诵和随点随背,能冲破前摄和倒摄干扰,使识记很快通过短时记忆而迅速地顺利进入长时记忆,在识记后的开初(26小时)遗忘不多也不快,在隔一天以后进行检查(复习)并强化未记牢的材料,可使保持率在数百日后不下降,因而作者认为,艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线应界定为机械识记的遗忘曲线较为妥当。作者在文中第一次较详细地公开了在一天内就能倒顺背诵105位化学元素名称和300位圆周率数字的数序形象挂钩法及其关键与技巧。  相似文献   

This article has 2 goals. First, we discuss publication bias and explain why it presents a potential problem for industrial and organizational psychology. After reviewing the traditional failsafe N, or file drawer analysis, we introduce a more sophisticated method of publication bias analysis (trim and fill), which has been developed in the medical literature but is largely unfamiliar to industrial and organizational psychology researchers. Second, we demonstrate trim and fill by applying it to validity information reported in the technical manuals of 4 test vendors. In doing so, we assess the likelihood that criterion-related validity information provided by test publishers may overestimate test validity. In our analysis of 18 validity distributions, we found evidence of either no or minimal bias for 2 of the vendors' distributions and evidence of moderate-to-severe bias in at least 1 distribution from each of the other 2 vendors. In both cases in which publication bias was found, we noted instances in which the publishers tended to report only statistically significant correlations and that this practice was detected using publication bias methodology.  相似文献   

通过验证近义词法在学生记忆英语单词中的有效性,探讨接受设计学法的可行性。4组学生分别采用一种方式完成记忆120个英语单词的作业任务。结果表明:近义词法是中国学生记忆英语单词有效的方法;对于大学生记忆英语单词来说,接受根据近义词法设计学习的效果要好。  相似文献   


In recent years, educators and researchers have become increasingly interested in naturalistic or responsive research. This approach to inquiry seems to be uniquely suited to research in the complex educational setting found in classrooms. This paper discusses one aspect of the application of a responsive paradigm to research in reading in the content area ‐‐ the evolution of the research design. In this study of four secondary school social studies classes major modifications in design were made at several points. These modifications are described and the reasons for the changes are discussed. In summary, allowing the design to emerge as the study progressed resulted in the collection of data that provided a complete view of reading in these classes. In addition, on a personal level, the researchers found that engaging in this type of inquiry influenced their views about how to collect data and what data to collect while, at the same time, enlarging their perspective of reading occurring in content area classrooms.  相似文献   

通过19次个体箱庭和2次家庭箱庭治疗,对一名12岁复杂哀伤的丧亲女孩W进行了个案研究。发现:(1)箱庭治疗能提高丧亲青少年的个体和家庭功能,促进青少年个体和家庭哀伤任务的完成;(2)W的个体箱庭经历了在混乱重复中寻找秩序、重建自我、转化与整合、自我治愈力展现四个阶段;(3)W的哀伤经验经历了在治疗者促进下分享—象征性表达—主动地象征性表达—直接而主动地表达哀伤经验最终获得哀伤任务完成的变化过程。  相似文献   

繁殖群中婴幼川金丝猴社会关系发展的个案研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
使用瞬时取样法,对繁殖笼内出生的两只婴幼川金丝猴进行连续22个月的行为记录。结果表明,川金丝猴婴猴断乳大约在19—20月龄;断乳表现为母婴之间矛盾冲突的过程;群内其他雌性对初生婴儿表现出明显的抢婴、护婴和育婴行为;父亲对婴幼猴表现出接纳和容忍的态度;婴儿在断乳前是群内全体成员保护和爱护的对象,以后开始进入社会关系网,受到成年个体的责备,但很轻微;雌性幼猴在32月龄时尚未被记录到对群内成员表现威胁、蜷缩和匍伏等行为模式。  相似文献   

In this paper material is presented from a patient with a diagnosis of a recurrent affective disorder and exhibiting resistance to engaging in the work of therapy alongside the emergence of active suicidal intent. Supervision can help in containing intensely disturbing feelings in the therapist and aid in identifying the underlying psychosis. Through exploration of the counter‐transference feelings, the therapist can become attuned to a playing down of the psychosis by the patient and alert other involved professionals. Technically, the challenge remains one of how to make an impact in the sessions through converting a psychotic monologue into a dialogue.  相似文献   

John H. Evans 《Zygon》2020,55(3):615-637
For most theologians, theology should ultimately be used by the laity and/or the public. However, the religion and science debate has not focused on the divide between theologians and the laity. In this case study I examine the debate among theologians about human enhancement. I focus on the extent to which the structure of the debate in a “mediating organization” between the theologians and the public coincides with the structure of the debate among the theologians. I conduct a survey of participants in the organization, and find that the basic divides among the theologians are largely replicated. These results, when combined with studies of the theologians themselves and the laity, provide a more holistic understanding of the future debate about human enhancement.  相似文献   

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